the Interview Expert Newsletter

Welcome to your latest issue of the Interview Expert newsletter.

Every issue explores the key elements of a successful job interview and strategic job search techniques - so you can master your skills and land the job you really want!
In this issue, I identify the 4 pillars that will help you build a foundation for consistent job interview success:  Perspective, Presentation, Preparation, Practice.
The 4 Pillars of Job Interview Success
There are 4 pillars that will help you build a foundation for consistent job interview success:  Perspective, Presentation, Preparation, Practice. 
  1. Perspective: Turn Everything About You, Into Everything About Them
    It's crucial to shift from your "me me me" perspective of job search to the perspective of the hiring organization.  It's changing from process-speak - what I do, into results-speak - what a company gets from hiring you. By learning to talk the language of results, solutions and outcomes, you'll see the interviewer lean forward wanting to hear more. And, ensure your personal branding statement tells them exactly how you can help their company solve its problems with your expertise. 
    These articles can help shift to the hiring company's perspective:  
    Make Your Message Resonate: Keep Your Focus!  Expand Your Job Opportunities By Creating Flexible Messages Make Me Memorable 
  2. Presentation:  Facts Tell but Stories Sell
    You can make a powerful impression by telling interview stories - how you managed a challenging task or situation and achieved solid results.  It gives them solid proof you can do the job.  These articles will guide you in creating memorable job interview stories:
    Stories Interviewers Will Remember  Making Stories Stick   
  3. Preparation: Luck is where preparation and opportunity meet
    There are key ways to prepare for every interview.  Determine in advance your responses to the most-asked job interview questions.  Then, write them down to make them stick.  If you need a list of the most-asked questions, review the content description for my eBook.  And, don't forget to prepare for the questions you don't want asked.  Read this blog post:  The Question You Don't Want The Interviewer to Ask.
    Review their job description carefully.  Use this article to learn how to do it methodically: The Easy Step - Most Candidates Forget - When Preparing for Job Interviews.
    And, don't forget to prepare a list of questions for the interviewer.  Go beyond the information presented on their website.  Do some digging.  Show you're really interested in them too.  Use these articles as your guide:   What's The #1 Question You Should Ask At Every Job Interview?  Show Your Genuine Interest In The Hiring Organization      
  4. Practice:  Practice makes perfect 
    Give yourself sufficient time to practice. Watch yourself in action by videotaping yourself responding to questions.  Then, use this trick when you review the tape:  turn the picture off to focus on your words and turn the sound off to focus on your body language.  Ask family or friends to assist you with an interview rehearsal or hire a coach to give you professional feedback   
By consistently using all 4 pillars - Perspective, Presentation, Preparation, Practice - you build a solid foundation for mastering your job interview skills so you can land the job you really want!   

Questions?  Comments?  Topics for future newsletters?
Feel free to e-mail us anytime at the Interview Expert newsletter.
And don't forget to check the Expert blog for more free resources. 
Can't get past the first interview?
Are you always a close second in the final round?
It could be your interview skills.
We help you master the language of results, solutions and outcomes by providing you personalized, professional, one-on-one coaching so you can land the job you really want!
Heather McNab
the Interview Expert 
Training top professionals who give their best,
to get their best:  Promotions. Jobs. Careers. 
Learn to Sell Yourself as the Solution
So You Can Land The Job You Really Want!
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The Origins of Job Interviews
Laughter is really important to job search & interview success!
So if you need a good laugh, check out this one-minute, funny BBC video on job interviews. 
Watch how early humans did it! (I put it at the top so you don't miss it!) 
Quick Links 
I put the blog on a full Wordpress  site so you can now search postings by category and date.  Prior postings were transferred and appear in the listings for July 8 & 9. 
Here are my recent postings:  
What Top Professionals Need To Know - Your Guide to Answering Job Interview Questions
  What If You 
Aced Your Next Interview?
The Interview Expert has created this eBook to help you respond to typical job interview questions with confidence.
What you'll receive:
 12 most-asked interview questions
 Sample answers to help you land the job you really want
Coaching tips and guidelines to prepare you for the most difficult questions
To learn more and receive your download copy today, click eBook.
Newsletter Archive
See all our past issues in the Newsletter Archive
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Interview Skills Assessment
Are your interview skills holding you back from landing the job you really want?
Find out before your next interview.
You can get an objective evaluation of your current interview skills by requesting a professional assessment.   During a 30-minute phone interview, we'll ask you questions that help us assess your current skill level and your preparedness for upcoming interviews. Within 24-hours, you'll receive a detailed personal report that tells you exactly how you can polish your skills.
The Interview Skills Assessment is available for a discounted fee of $97 plus GST (regular value - $300).
Just call 416-239-4406 now to schedule your assessment.