Calif Edition Banner March 2010
Vol 2, Issue 45

Find Solutions & Strategies                        November 7, 2011

1652 Seal25 Noteworthy Panel Decisions You Should Know About
Read our top picks for 2011 
In This Issue
* BLOG ROUND UP: Fraud, CCC's, CWCI webinar
* NEWS HEADLINES: 37% rate increase

A Note From the Editor

Robin Kobayashi 2010

Dear WC Professionals:
Congratulations to top bloggers Robert Rassp, Julius Young, and Thomas DeBenedetto, and Mark Walls' Work Comp Analysis Group on LinkedIn, our first recipient of the LexisNexis Special Achievement Award!     



Robin E. Kobayashi, J.D.
LexisNexis Legal & Professional Operations


1575 2011 cover 

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Calif. WCMSA Requirements

By Robert G. Rassp, Esq.

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This offer ends 11/14/2011.

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25 noteworthy panel decisions

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The following list contains our picks for the top "noteworthy" panel decisions issued by the WCAB thus far in 2011. subscribers can link to the panel decisions below. Reminder: Practitioners should check the subsequent history of a panel decision before citing to it.


1. Gladden v. State of Calif., Dep't of Corrections & Rehabilitation, 2011 Cal. Wrk. Comp. P.D. LEXIS 365 (death benefits; dependency; domestic partners)

2. Vadnais v. Kraft Foods Nabisco, PSI, 2011 Cal. Wrk. Comp. P.D. LEXIS 254 (sanctions)

3. Green v. State Roofing Systems, Inc., 2011 Cal. Wrk. Comp. P.D. LEXIS 216 (CIGA; covered claims; assignment of liens)

> Read the entire list complete with headnotes.

> Support us by purchasing the Calif. WCAB Noteworthy Panel Decisions Reporter.

top 25 workers' comp blogs for 2011

Top 25 Blog Cut OutThe LexisNexis Workers' Compensation Law Community has selected its 2011 honorees for the Top 25 Blogs for Workers' Compensation and Workplace Issues. Congratulations to all the honorees!


These top blogsites contain some of the best writing out there on workers' compensation and workplace issues. They contain a wealth of information for the workers' compensation community with timely news items, practical information, expert analysis, practice tips, frequent postings, and helpful links to other sites.


Three California bloggers have been selected for the 2011 award: Robert G. Rassp, Esq., Julius Young, Esq., and Thomas M. DeBenedetto, Esq.


> View the complete list of honorees.

special achievement award

Special Achievement Award 2011The LexisNexis Workers' Compensation Law Community is pleased to announce the recipient of its first Special Achievement Award. This year we would like to honor a social media phenomenon on LinkedIn - the Work Comp Analysis Group.


In the fall of 2008, Mark Walls, an Assistant Vice President - Claims at Safety National, started a discussion group on LinkedIn, with "the hopes of creating a tool to dialogue with other industry professionals about workers' compensation issues". Three years later, the Work Comp Analysis Group, with 11,000+ members strong, continues to provide an active and engaged discussion group on issues that concern the workers' compensation world.


We want to recognize Mark Walls for his foresight in recognizing social media as a legitimate and vibrant platform to bring together industry professionals to discuss current topical ideas, concerns and solutions for the workers' compensation industry. > Read more.

blogs at the lexisnexis workers' comp law community 


Fraud Sign

Workers' Comp Fraud Blotter -  Payroll Company Business Executive and Workers' Comp Attorney Facing Theft Charges, by LexisNexis Workers' Compensation Law Community Staff. Read it.




Cal Comp CasesCal. Comp. Cases November Advanced Postings (11/4/2011) - Airline Pilot's Claim for Injuries Barred by Going and Coming Rule. Here's the second batch of advanced postings for the November 2011 issue. subscribers can link to the complete headnotes and summaries. Read it.



CWCICWCI Offers On-Demand Webinars on Workers' Comp Medical Billing and E-Billing Standards. Read it.

Workers' Comp Executive:

FLASH: WCAB Modifies AME/QME Timeline. 
© Copyright 2011 Providence Publications, LLP. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.


Other News:

CA: San Francisco MTA to pay $2.5M for Workers Comp Fraud Investigations.

CA: CompWest Insurance Company Appoints Bogardus as President.

CA: Ninth Circuit to Rehear Pharmacy Benefit Manager Case.

CA: Columnist Says $20M Gift to California Courts a "Big Mistake".

CA: Insurance Commissioner Approves Workers Comp Insurance Claims Cost Benchmark.

CA: WCIRB: Insurance Commissioner Issues Decision on 1/1/12 Pure Premium Rate Filing.

CA: ACIC Applauds Insurance Commissioner's Approval of Workers Comp Premium Rate.

CA: DWC Surveys Copy Services Users.

US: Third Circuit Rules on Impact of PPACA on Black Lung Benefits Act.

US Bipartisan Senate Bill Unveiled for Postal Service, Would Reform Federal Workers Comp.

Federal Insurance Office Appoints 15 to Serve on Advisory Committee.

NAIC Elects 2012 Officers.

IAIABC Opposes Inclusion of Workers Comp in HIPAA Privacy, Data Security Requirements.

IAIABC Suggests CMS Update NGHP User Guide to Improve Reporting Experience.

IAIABC, ACOEM Give Insight Into Addressing Opioid Abuse in Workers Comp.

AIG Posts 3Q Net Loss of $4.1 Billion.

AMERISAFE Posts 3Q Earnings Results.

Employers Holdings, Inc. Reports 3Q Earnings.

The Hartford Reports 3Q Earnings.

OSHA Issues Interim Final Rule to Amend Whistleblower Protections.

enewsletter archives

Take a deep dive into our past eNewsletters for 2011 and prior...warning - some links to articles may not any linking problems to

October 31, 2011: Equal Protection Clause and Payment of TPD Benefits to Illegal Worker.
September 26, 2011: The Neutral Risk Doctrine.
September 6, 2011: QME Panel Requests.
August 29, 2011: A Primer on Depositions.
August 15, 2011: Supreme Court COLA Decision.

July 11, 2011: QME Regulations: Face to Face Meetings.

July 5, 2011: PQME Supplemental Reports.

June 20, 2011: Sanctions: Three-Cent Dispute.

June 13, 2011: A Balanced Approach to Litigation.

June 6, 2011: Post-Valdez Defense Protocols.

May 31, 2011: Stress-Related Compensable Consequence Injuries.

May 23, 2011: Developing the Record.

May 16, 2011: Overpayments.

May 9, 2011: Third Party Cases.

May 2, 2011: Temporary Total Disability.

April 25, 2011: Non-MPN Physician Reports.

April 18, 2011: 2011 Alphabet Soup.

April 11, 2011: Rule 38 and Medical Examiner Reports.

April 4, 2011: Penalties Post SB-899.

March 21, 2011: Workers' Comp and Earthquakes.

March 14, 2011: LC 5710 Attorney's Fees.

March 7, 2011: Mediation.

February 28, 2011: Arbitrations.

February 14, 2011: In Memoriam: Carrie Nevans.
February 7, 2011: Good Faith Personnel Actions.
January 31, 2011: Service in EAMS.

January 24, 2011 (addendum): Sanctions; EAMS rules.

January 24, 2011: Public Self-Insured Employers.

January 17, 2011: CHSWC Report on Liens.

January 10, 2011: Temporary Workers.

January 3, 2011: Permanent Total Disability & Total Loss of Future Earning Capacity.



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