Find Solutions & Strategies October 31, 2011 |
 The Equal Protection Clause and
the Payment of Temporary Partial Disability to the Illegal Worker
A Note From the Editor |
Happy Halloween! |
Robin E. Kobayashi, J.D.
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Calif. WCMSA Requirements
By Robert G. Rassp, Esq. |
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This offer ends 11/14/2011 or when the 2010 stock is depleted. |
equal protection analysis |
In Cubedo v. Leemar Enterprises, Inc. (ADJ7014822), 2011 Cal. Wrk. Comp. P.D. LEXIS 356 (WCAB panel decision), Defendant sought reconsideration of the WCJ's award of temporary total disability benefits to Applicant who suffered an admitted industrial spine injury while employed by Defendant as a cashier. In challenging the temporary disability award, Defendant alleged that Applicant was medically eligible to work in a modified capacity during the period for which she was awarded temporary total disability benefits, but could not accept modified work solely because of her undocumented work status. Defendant contended, in relevant portion, that by awarding temporary total disability benefits to Applicant, an illegal resident, the WCJ violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. > Read more. |
ogilvie is here to stay - can you rebut a dfec in every case? |
The California Supreme Court denied the City and County of San Francisco's Petition for Review on October 26, 2011, and the Court of Appeal published decision in Ogilvie v. WCAB is binding on all WCJs and the WCAB.
HOW DOES THIS DECISION AFFECT YOU? There's more to Ogilvie than you think. A complete discussion of the ramifications of Ogilvie and how and why the facts may prove good for Ogilvie are set forth in an Emerging Issues Analysis article by Robert G. Rassp on sale NOW at the LexisNexis Bookstore. Lexis.com users can access the article for an additional fee by clicking here.
legislative report card |
Business Groups Evaluate California Governor's 2011 Legislative Performance, Foresee Difficult Times Ahead for State's Workers' Comp System. Representatives of two pro-business Sacramento lobbyists expressed great satisfaction with Governor Brown's 2011 performance in signing and vetoing workers' compensation bills, but they foresaw difficult times for the state's workers' compensation system in 2012. > Read more |
free enewsletter |
If you haven't subscibed yet to our free weekly eNewsletter, send your full name and email address, along with your request for the Calif. edition, to: robin.e.kobayashi@lexisnexis.com |
sneak preview: recent panel decision |
Reminder: Practitioner should check the subsequent history of a panel decision before citing to it.
Medical Treatment; Utilization Review. WCAB rescinded WCJ's finding that applicant/driver/garbage collector who incurred admitted industrial right knee injury and alleged left knee injury during period 2/3/2010 to 2/3/2011, was entitled to right knee arthroscopy chondroplasty as proposed by treating physician, and remanded matter to trial level to allow applicant opportunity to pursue Labor Code � 4062 process to challenge defendant's UR denial of surgical procedure, when WCAB held that, although an injured worker who does not object to a UR decision denying authorization for requested medical treatment may choose not to invoke Labor Code �� 4062.1 or 4062.2 dispute resolution provisions and may accept UR decision, Labor Code � 4610(g)(3)(A) requires that an injured worker's objection to a UR denial of authorization of requested medical treatment be resolved under Labor Code � 4062, which in turn requires that medical evaluation be conducted as described in Labor Code �� 4062.1 or 4062.2, depending upon whether or not worker is represented, and that applicant in this case, who was represented, did not follow Labor Code � 4062 process as required and instead improperly proceeded directly to an expedited hearing to challenge defendant's UR denial. See Willis panel decision.
NOTE: This free eNewsletter reports only a handful of panel decisions each month. If you want notification of all 50 to 65 noteworthy panel decisions added each month to the Lexis database, please consider purchasing our new panel decisions reporter. Panel decisions are citeable, but not binding precedent. |
blogs at the lexisnexis workers' comp law community |

Workers' Comp Fraud Blotter - Bingo Chairperson Failed To Report Her Employment While Collecting Disability Benefits, by LexisNexis Workers' Compensation Law Community Staff. Read it.
Cal. Comp. Cases November Advanced Postings (10/27/2011) - Insurer's Ambiguous Acts Estopped It From Denying Insurance Coverage. Here's the first batch of advanced postings for the November 2011 issue. Lexis.com subscribers can link to the complete headnotes and summaries. Read it.
Cal. Comp. Cases October Issue Now Online at Lexis.com. The CCC cites are now available for these cases. Lexis.com subscribers can link to the complete headnotes and summaries. Read it. |
enewsletter archives |
July 11, 2011: QME Regulations: Face to Face Meetings.
July 5, 2011: PQME Supplemental Reports.
June 20, 2011: Sanctions: Three-Cent Dispute.
June 13, 2011: A Balanced Approach to Litigation.
June 6, 2011: Post-Valdez Defense Protocols.
May 31, 2011: Stress-Related Compensable Consequence Injuries.
May 23, 2011: Developing the Record.
May 16, 2011: Overpayments.
May 9, 2011: Third Party Cases.
May 2, 2011: Temporary Total Disability.
April 25, 2011: Non-MPN Physician Reports.
April 18, 2011: 2011 Alphabet Soup.
April 11, 2011: Rule 38 and Medical Examiner Reports.
April 4, 2011: Penalties Post SB-899.
March 21, 2011: Workers' Comp and Earthquakes.
March 7, 2011: Mediation.
February 28, 2011: Arbitrations.
January 24, 2011 (addendum): Sanctions; EAMS rules.
January 24, 2011: Public Self-Insured Employers.
January 17, 2011: CHSWC Report on Liens.
January 10, 2011: Temporary Workers.
January 3, 2011: Permanent Total Disability & Total Loss of Future Earning Capacity.
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