Raw Survival 2012
Emergency Preparedness for the Raw Foodist
The year 2012 will be monumental for modern day humanity. The Mayan calendar signifies that December 21, 2012 will bring a 26,000 year cycle to an end. Some traditions refer to this end as the Cosmic Year as the Earth has transited through each of the 12 Zodiacs for roughly 2152 years each. Cycles begin and end on multiple levels. Some of the smallest cycles of time is seconds, minutes, hours, and days. Longer cycles are weeks, months, and years. Each unit of time gives us structure for living and eating optimally. For example, we know there are times during the 24 hour day cycle we can eat for optimal assimilation and times during a 24 hour cycle where it is optimal for fasting. Due to the length, coming of an end to a 26,000 year cycle by this time next year will effect change on a universal level where it will have an impact on the humanity at large. Because of the infrequency of this current cycle, some have pointed that an apocalypse is certain. That apocalypse can come from an asteroid, a comet, a natural disaster, or it could be one that effects are modern way of life in the way of an economic disaster.
Regardless of what happens and when, we should make as many steps as possible to be prepared. Gerald Celente, who makes a living forecasting trends in his quarterly journal www.trendsjournal.com, says "Prepare for the worst. If nothing happens you lose nothing, if the worst happens and you are not prepared you lose everything." As health seekers what are some of the best ways we can prepare for the worst? In preparing for the worst we have to identify what could be the worst that can happen; earthquake, tsunami, nuclear bomb, comet explosion, biological attack, etc. These are the kind of catastrophes that can wipe out entire cities and would leave little hope for surviving if you are at the wrong place at the wrong time. The best offense to take is to relocate out of densely populated areas, i.e. cities into sparsely populated areas that has natural resources freely available for self-sufficiency, such as running water from a natural spring.
Despite where we are located there a number of steps to take since we have all become dependent in one way or another. First and foremost, global uncertainty in the financial markets, preparing for the worst financially will mean owning tangible assets. Gold is a universal currency that is real, unlike paper fiat federal reserve notes. Silver is another precious metal that is worth owning. Owning gold and silver will allow for protection against a financial collapse or depression. Robert Kiyosaki, famed author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad predicted early in the last decade that owning gold will be in the investment of the future decade (2000 - 2010). He was right, gold outperformed any other financial instrument of the last decade (i.e. stocks, real estate). He is now calling for Silver to be the investment of this decade. If you have savings in the form of cash, a retirement account in the form of cash, then you stand to lose everything overnight as people did with the Great Depressions of yesteryear. Cash, or Federal Reserve Notes, is the greatest ponzi scheme created and if you have anything significant in terms of cash, while it is still worth something, it will be wise to exchange your paper monopoly money for real money, which is gold, silver, platinum, or palladium.
Owning precious metals will allow us to exchange those investments into vehicles that provide basic needs, such as land, real estate, and goods for living. We can also begin to stock pile various groups of foods that can carry us through a drought. In addition to water, we should now begin to stockpile mainly nuts, seeds, and dry seaweeds. Nuts and seeds are potent nutritious foods high in potassium, protein, and healthy fats. Seaweeds are a great balancer of nuts, being highly alkaline, providing useful mineral salts such as sodium and iodine. Dried fruits and trail mixes are not ideal but ok if there are limited options. Most important of course is water. In preparing for the worst, if living in the city is the only option then stockpiling at least a weeks worth of water along with nuts, seeds, seaweeds, and dried fruits will allow the basic survival needs to be met in a time of crises.
Living the raw food lifestyle, where one is practicing regular fasting and exercise, will prepare us for any challenges of endurance and having to do without. Living in the land of convenience puts most people at the mercy of their carnal desires. To be put in a situation of lack, most people will lose it and act like animals if they can't have their fast food fix. Living and sustaining oneself on raw food puts you in tune with foods that are created naturally in one's environment like wild edible foods you will find in the grass and forests, and also any fruit trees. A raw food lifestyle with regular fasting allows one to be in better control of their animal self and have a much higher vitality and endurance when it is needed when one is not necessarily able to rely on modern conveniences of fast food restaurants and super markets.
I would be remised if I do not mention brother Aton Edwards, founder and director of the International Preparedness Network and author of Preparedness Now. Mr. Edwards has been promoting emergency preparedness for more than 20 years. The website is www.readyforanything.org and you will be able to use that a resource for getting the survival tools that can make all the difference in any disaster situation.
As a final note, the worst of times can potentially be the best of times. I personally look at this upcoming year 2012 with great expectations! I am not looking forward to any tragic disasters, however, as in our personal lives, struggle, sacrifice, and difficult times produce growth. For humanity 2012 can be just that time for us to make good on potentially the greatest opportunity in our collective lifetime. In this article I have briefly touched on areas of interest that deserve greater introspection and due diligence. Planning and preparation is key and together with unity anything is possible.
"When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need" - Ayurvedic Proverb
Please email comments & questions to khepra@mojojuiceclub.com.
Mojo Juice Detox Program 2011-2012
Go Into 2012 in the Best Way Possible!
Fasting along the time of the Winter Solstice is the greatest gift you can give your body moving forward into 2012. Naturally beginning in December, your appetite should wean as you prepare your body for an extended rest that will prove as useful as anything else you could do in preparation for the New Year 2012. Solstice literally means that the Sun is still, and in likeness, all activities and digestion should be "still" or limited to be in universal alignment with the cosmos. This much needed rest, reflection, and rejuvenation could mean the difference between life and death for this life shifting year ahead.
This program is designed to help you attain a higher level of health. The first day we feast on delectable live cuisine for our orientation. From the next day the routine is fresh live juices for the entire week. There is no better way to heal your body. We are all our own doctors and have to take responsibility through proper diet, exercise with periodic fasting, and this program accomplishes all of those objectives. We complete the program on the following Sunday the way we started, with a live food feast!
Most participants feel (depends on your level of toxicity); ˇ Increased Physical Energy ˇ Deeper Quality Sleep ˇ Greater Mental Clarity ˇ Joint Pain Eliminated ˇ Lighter, Physically & Spiritually ˇ Heightened Spiritual Awareness
Whether you are new to live foods and fasting or a veteran looking to maintain your health, this program can benefit anyone. We will do all the work preparing all the food and juices for the week. Don't do this alone if you don't have to! It's much more fun (and easier) when working in a group and our experienced staff will be on-call 24/7 to do whatever it will take to see that you will succeed. Call us TODAY, 202-489-8476 for more information.
The program was very easy. I never wanted to eat. I feel so light, I am going to do at least 90% live food. Also, I saw an improvement in my body from the first yoga class to the last. This detox will be the beginning of my new body and life. -J. Ware
Mojo Juice Detox Schedule 2011**
Please RSVP by Friday Dec 9th
ˇ December 18th - December 25th
ˇ December 25th - January 1st, 2012
**Dates & Locations are subject to change
Not in DC Metro Area? Want to Fast on your own? Organize a group using the Mojo Juice Detox Guide with Juice & Food Recipes and Updated Weekly Regimen delivered via email in PDF format. Cost $15

Call 202-489-8476 for more information. |
100 Day Raw Food Challenge 2012
January 1, 2012 - April 9, 2012 
Are you looking become healthier for 2012 and beyond? Have been looking to do all raw only to see-saw back and forth with so-so results? Are dealing with a debilating illness and willing to use the raw food diet as a means to healing yourself? Do you see yourself as healthy but want to go to the next level of health and vitality going all raw? If you can answer yes to any of these questions and are looking for transformation in this year of transformation then this program is for you. To participate, the cost is free and I will look to provide as many resources to support your success, including a free weekly video blog that will answer any questions. The videos will posted on my youtube channel where you subscribe at www.youtube.com/khepra and my facebook page www.facebook.com/chefkhepra. .
The winter/spring time is ideal to plant the new seeds for healing, growth, and transformation and with the year 2012 upon us what better time to make this necessary step for your priceless mind, body, and spirit. There will be classes offered beginning in January that will go periodically to April 9th, which will mark the 100th day of the year 2012. The first event will be a free lecture entitled "Becoming & Staying Raw for 2012". For those who are interested in attending and are not local to Washington, DC this lecture will be broadcasted free over the internet. Details to follow as to how to register.
Lecture "Becoming & Staying Raw for 2012"
Cost: FREE
When: Sunday, January 8th, 2012
Location: 402 H St NE, Washington, DC 20002
Time: 3pm - 4pm
Raw food, Juice, and Dessert will be for sale |
Raw Culinary Class Series 

CHEF KHEPRA presents
3pm - 4pm "Becoming & Staying Raw in 2012" **Free Lecture**
3pm - 5pm "Raw Kitchen Fundamentals" $30
3pm - 5pm "Salads, Dressings, Side Dishes" $45 
3pm - 5pm "Juices, Milks, Soups" $45 
3pm - 5pm "Entreés, Wraps" $45 
3pm - 5pm "Sprouted Foods (Breads, Dips, Sides)" $45
402 H ST NE
Khepra's Raw Bar Schedule for December
Fridays 2pm - 8pm
Saturdays 2pm - 8pm
Sundays 2pm - 6pm
(202) 489-8476
These events are designed to support you and community in becoming healthier for 2012. |
Screening of "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" at Khepra's Raw Food Juice Bar
Have you ever considered embarking upon a juice fast? NO? Well, one viewing of the phenomenal documentary "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" may just change your mind!
Joe Cross woke up one morning and was shocked that somehow, overnight, he'd gone from a buff guy to a puff guy. He had myriad health problems, and was taking pills to combat them every single day. Then he decided enough was enough, it was time to change! He went to the US, but refused to eat their food-he'd only drink green juice for 60 days. He was determined to start a healthy lifestyle...but first he had to get through the first 60 days.
Come to Khepra's Juice Bar on Sunday, December 11th for a 2PM matinee screening! Find out what happened to Joe, and the people whom he inspired to take up the 60-day juice fast challenge to change their health and change their lives.
There'll be food, juice, movies, and lots of discussion, so make sure to bring a friend. They'll be inspired, too!
Sunday, December 11th, 2PM
Khepra's Raw Food Juice Bar
402 H St NE
Washington, DC 20002
RSVP at http://www.meetup.com/DC-RAW/events/42095312/ |
Khepra's Raw Food Juice Bar &
Paradise Health Book Vol. 1
Grand Opening & Book Party Coming Soon!

Raw Food Preparation DVD New Volume 4 Now Available! Recipes featured on Volume 1 were Avocado Plantain Pie, Marinated Greens, Wild Rice, Wild Berry Creme Pie, Nut Milk and much more. Over 3 hours of insight and instruction. Recipe handout presented at class will be emailed with order. Volume 2 features raw buckwheat flax bread, nut burgers, sea veggies, cheesecake, and much more. Over 3 hours of insight and instruction. Recipe handout presented at class will be emailed with order.
Volume 3 features raw buckwheat flax bread, nut burgers, potato salad, curry plantain, fresh greens, cheesecake, and much more. Over 3 hours of insight and instruction. Recipe handout presented at class will be emailed with order.
Volume 4 features lasagna, wild rice, sea veggies, fresh greens, green coconut water juice, and much more. Over 3 hours of insight and instruction. Recipe handout presented at class will be emailed with order.
Volume 1 Raw DVD $15

Volume 2 Raw DVD $15
Volume 3 Raw DVD $15

*NEW* Volume 4 Raw DVD $20
All 4 Volumes DVD set $50  |
About Mojo Juice Club
Our mission is to give you an opportunity to experience the best life possible through scientific fasting, diet, yoga, and lifestyle. Your feedback is critical to us for meeting our goal of PARADISE HEALTH for the individual, family, community and greater society. Hope to hear from you soon.
Washington, District of Columbia 20002 Khepra's Raw Food Juice Bar