GTG Downtime-Extra!


WDT Amsterdam-Bruges-Brussels

Triathlon 2011


A Special Daily Supplement from

The Grey Town Gazette

Seven Days : Seven Beers : Seven Reasons to Live

Sat-Sun 27-28th Aug 2011


T minus 2..1..Go!

It's the Final Countdown 



Party Time

Party Time


The time for talking is over: it's time to get on the plane/train/bike/horse/scooter/elephant/bus/star ship/roller skates or anything else to hand and, hurricanes permitting, head for where the action is!


In this final double-bill bulletin we've decided to dispense with unnecessary words and just show as many compelling and enticing pictures as possible!



Beer WeekendBeer Weekend2
Nice LorryBeer Weekend3


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Beverages of the Day

Bumper Double Bill!

Balkan 176 Vodka


Tequila/Spicy Tomato





 Shots in the night

Hot Ice

Hot Ice



Beam me up Scotty!


Vital Statistics



In This Issue
Beverages of the Day
Vital Statistics
Brew Basics
Compelling Montage
Brew Basics 



What's so special? 


Balkan 176 is a vodka refined to the point that it's 88% ABV. That's a lot. At least it would be a lot if you drank it neat from a glass. But that's a bit like saying 36,000 feet is high if you jump out of an aircraft without a parachute


In practice it's served with a mixer, or if you're a purist, simply in an ice shot-glass. Then the challenge is to drink it before it ends up as a puddle on the bar counter...or worse all over your shirt. Either way, it's probably only 40 or 50% ABV by the time it reaches your stomach. Practically a Yakult then!


What about the Tequila?

Well, that's reserved for true Drink Pilots. People who want to experiment with time travel and Teleportation (Quantum Qorner GTG Nov 2010) without going to the expense of building a two billion Dollar cyclotron


But it doesn't always work. The equations relating to AIT (Alcohol Induced Teleportation) are notoriously difficult to master (Quantum Qorner, GTG Dec 2010), especially if you've spent a day sampling Westmalle Tripels and eating too many fries


But don't worry, it's not all about physics - both beverages serve their primary function: ensuring you have a great night's sleep 



Compelling Montage 


Things to look forward to...


Door to NetherlandProcess ControlOne more for the roadYour Starter for TenDevotional ListSmall but perfectly formedDry Dry DryMagic CaveInstant DeathTime to RebootIbis BarSaintlyTwo in OneSometimes compromise works!Heavy LandingYum Yum!


Fed-up with Rubbish News?
Been on a Desert Island?
Got a Bad Memory?
Or Simply Been out on the Razzle? 
If you need to check what has really been happening in the world, or would just like to check out the threads on some of Grey Town's top news stories, this is where to look! 

Things we like


Let's get on with it!

The Gloaming 

Like us, but talented!
Not sure they still exist...

The Beau Thai &

The Triangle Tavern
Both worth the trip to the edge of
the World

Lowlander Grand Cafe 

Beer, beer, beer!


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Its not as bad as you think!
Small print:
Copyright 2011 The Ministry of Light.
All Rights Reserved etc.


The Grey Town Gazette is published by The Ministry of Light, a division of Borg International Ltd, London.


The Grey Town Gazette is published in good faith. The accuracy of the stories is questionable by design and is certainly not guaranteed. If you think any are true we respectfully suggest you consider therapy. Any reference to persons living or dead is unintentional and purely coincidental.


Product and venue reviews are purely subjective and reflect the views of the reviewer(s). Product and supplier details are based on published sources and not guaranteed to be correct. 


The Ministry of Light - Croydon's Leading Think Tank

The Grey Town Gazette - spreading the truth through enlightened disinformation