Mark Your Calendars!
Episcopal Church Women Annual Meeting
Saturday, September 22, 8:30 am
Parke Chapel & Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
For more info...
Regional Budget Meeting (Kaua'i)
Sunday, September 23, 4:00 pm
St. Michael's, Lihue
Regional Budget Meeting (O'ahu)
Sunday, October 7, 3:00 pm
St. Clement's, Honolulu
Regional Budget Meeting (Big Island)
Sunday, October 14, 3:30 pm
Holy Apostles, Hilo
October Governance Meetings
Saturday, October 20:
Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu (Tentative:)
8:00 am - Standing Committee
11:00 am - Diocesan Council
1:00 pm - Commission on Ministry
Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society Annual Gatherings
Kaua'i: Sunday, September 23
Big Island: Thursday, October 11
O'ahu: Saturday, October 27
For more info...
Sexual Misconduct Prevention Trainings
Click on the island links below to register for that training:
Kaua'i: October 20
Maui: November 17
Big Island: December 1
Safeguarding God's Children Training - Kaua'i
Saturday, September 29, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
St. Michael's, Lihue
For more info...
Eucharistic Minister and Eucharistic Visitor Training
Saturday, October 20
St. Luke's, Honolulu
For more info...
A Journey of Faith,
A Promise of Hope
(Individual Island celebrations are listed under Parish Happenings below)
November 9 - 11
Cathedral of St. Andrew
GIVE THANKS: A Jr. & Sr. High Retreat
November 23 - 25
Camp Mokule'ia
O'AHU | |
Choral Evensong
Sunday, September 23, 5:30 pm
Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
For more info...
Talk Story: Connecting Stories from the Bible, 'Ohana and Personal Dreams
Six Mondays beginning September 24 - October 29
St. Elizabeth's, Honolulu
For more info...
Blessing of the Animals
Saturday, October 6, 11:00 am
Kaneohe Calvary
For more info...
Blessing of the Animals
Sunday, October 7, 7:00 am
St. Nicholas, Kapolei
For more info...
A Taste of St. John's
Saturday, October 13, 5:30 pm
St. John's By-the-Sea, Kaneohe
For more info...
(See Diocesan event listing above for Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training on O'ahu.)
| KAUA'I | |
Boogie with the Bishop
Saturday, September 22, 7:00 pm, All Saints' Gym, Kapa'a
(Sesquicentennial Event for the Island of Kaua'i)
Movie Night on the Lawn
Saturday, October 6, 6:30 pm
All Saints' Church, Kapa'a
Queen Emma & King Kamehameha IV Weekend
Saturday, November 16-18,
St. Michael's, Lihue
More info to come
All Saints' Holiday Craft Fair
Saturday, December 1, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, All Saints' Gym, Kapa'a
(Please see Diocesan event listing above for Safeguarding God's Children Training and Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training on Kaua'i.)
| MAUI | |
Mondays, 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm,
Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei
30th Annual Kula Festival
Saturday, September 22, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
St. John's, Kula
PRAY the Bible
Saturday, September 29, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei
(See Diocesan event listing above for Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training on Maui.)
Vespers at Hānaiakamālama
Friday, October 12, 5:30 pm
Holy Apostles, Hilo
(Sesquicentennial event for the Big Island)
St. James' Christmas Bazaar
Saturday, November 3
St. James', Kamuela
More info to come
(See Diocesan event listing above for Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training on the Big Island.)
| Lay Position Postings | |
The following lay positions are currently posted on the Diocesan Website HERE.
YOUTH MINISTER, Part-time (St. Michael's, Kaua'i) |
Proper 20 Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. - Book of Common Prayer p. 234 + |
Bishop's Prayer A Simple Prayer of Commitment: Come Holy Spirit; fill me so that I can: Dedicate my heart to Christ Jesus, open my mind to seek truth and justice, lift up my hands to welcome the outcast and care for the broken, behold with my eyes the wonders of creation, hear with my ears the story of God in the world, and sing with my lips a song of God's love - with laughter and without worry. And always in the Name of Jesus. Amen. - As shared in the Annual Meeting of the Convention 2011 |
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events & activities from around the Diocese and beyond!
September 17, 2012

Premiere Showing of Grace & Beauty video documentary on Kaua'i, September 22
With Maui's grand celebration of the Episcopal Church's Sesquicentennial now part of history, the island of Kaua'i is up next. On Saturday, September 22, 2012, All Saints' Episcopal Church in Kapa'a will be host to the island's Sesquicentennial event with a "Boogie with the Bishop" dance in the gym.
Along with a live band and catered food, the premiere showing of the video documentary entitled Grace & Beauty: 150 Years of the Episcopal Church in Hawai'i will take place. Produced by EMMY award winning filmmaker Stephanie Castillo, who is a member of St. Michael and All Angels' in Lihue, this 40-minute documentary tells the story of Hawai'i's Episcopal Church and celebrates the vision of King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma, to establish a church for the people that honored Jesus Christ and a spiritual community that respected their Hawaiian culture.
The primary storyteller in the documentary is Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick, and also features Bishop Richard Chang, the Rev. Malcolm Naea Chun and the Rev. David Kennedy.
The film will then make its way to the Big Island of Hawai'i, where Church of the Holy Apostles in Hilo will be hosting that island's celebration on Friday, October 12. It will be an evening of Hawaiian theater and song honoring the founding of the Anglican Church in Hawai'i, followed with a reception and Hawaiian entertainment.
The Sesquicentennial celebration will culminate with a weekend of activity coinciding with the Annual Meeting of Convention in November. There will be historical presentations, music, and worship fit for a King & Queen, as we honor our beloved Hawaiian Sovereigns. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will be in attendance with the Opening Remarks as the 44th Annual Meeting of Convention convenes. She will also be the Celebrant and Preacher at the Festive Convention Eucharist at the Cathedral of St. Andrew on Sunday, November 11, 2012.
For the latest on the Sesquicentennial, visit the diocesan website HERE, or e-mail Carol Arney, Event Support Specialist and coordinator of the event.
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Give Thanks: A Junior & Senior High Retreat at Camp Mokule'ia
A Diocesan-sponsored youth event called Give Thanks, will be taking place at Camp Mokule'ia on O'ahu, from November 23 - 25, 2012. All youth in the 7th through 12th grades (and mature 6th graders) are invited to attend this Jr. & Sr. High Retreat. It is a unique opportunity to explore the true meaning behind giving thanks. Participants will immerse themselves in group discussion, Bible Studies, activities, games, praise and worship.
The cost is $85 for O'ahu participants and $60 (+airfare) for Outer Island participants. For more information and to download an application form, click HERE. Please also contact your church youth leader or priest. Deadline for applications and payment is Friday, November 2, 2012. For more information, e-mail Ervin Pasalo, or call him at (808) 281-8339.
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Episcopal Student Center is Up & Running!
The Episcopal Student Center located on Metcalf Street near to Yogurtland, is up and running! University students who need a place to study or hang out can do so from 11:00 am to
Malcolm Hee | 1:00 pm. There is also a Wednesday Bible Study beginning at 6:30 pm, where you can get a free dinner and learn about Christian author C.S. Lewis. The Bible Study group is led by the Rev. David Jackson of Epiphany Church and the Rev. Angela Freeman of the Lutheran Church of Honolulu. For more information, e-mail the new student intern, Malcolm Hee.
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The following article was written by the Rev. Paul Lillie who is the Rector of St. Mark's Honolulu, and serves on the Stewardship Committee of the Diocese.
On Stewardship
We are at that time of the year when our churches are doing stewardship campaigns. Here is a list of ten things to keep in mind as we do this important work.
10. Remember that stewardship is not a bad word. I aim to make stewardship synonymous with discipleship. Stewardship is not just about what we can afford to give to our churches; it is about how our whole life is an offering to God. Stewardship involves our total formation as followers of Jesus Christ.
9. The Stewardship campaign is not about balancing the budget. Parishes should do stewardship formation and their budget process apart from each other. Yes, the amount of pledge income will affect the budget, but in the end, we do not gather pledge income so that we might have balanced budgets. We do stewardship campaigns to help people learn the generosity and hospitality of Jesus Christ. If the budget gets balanced because of pledges, that is a nice peripheral bonus.
8. Let the results be the results. I know of a church that did an excellent stewardship campaign, and their pledge income for the next year actually declined! Turns out that two very large pledging units moved to a different town, and so the church lost that pledge income. The amount they lost could not equal the gains they made in new pledges and increased pledges. This is the reality of church life at times.
7. Remember to take a long-term approach. Stewardship growth is best measured over many years. Our society always wants quick fixes and constant big increases. Try to do the steady work of year-round stewardship, and chart your successes and challenges over a number of years. Remember that, "Rome was not built in a day."
6. Make stewardship a year-round theme in your church. Try doing events during the spring and summer that celebrate people's talents and their gifts of time. Make stewardship about every way we give to God - not just money.
5. Don't panic if you are just starting your pledge drive this month. We are all human, and we can only do so much. Try something simple this year, and use this experience as the launching of continued stewardship activities this fall and winter. By the time September 2013 arrives you will be in a better place.
4. Challenge your Vestry or Bishop's Committee to develop a stewardship vision statement. Engage your lay leadership to do some stewardship study. Show the parish in visible ways how the lay leaders practice generosity with their gifts.
3. Ask your clergy leadership to share their stewardship story throughout the year as part of their regular preaching. Rather than having one stewardship sermon in the fall, encourage preaching that advocates stewardship throughout the entire year. Many stewardship teachers advocate that the clergy should actually tell their parishes how much money they give to the parish. Clergy are often among the highest givers in their congregations. Their witness and support can deeply move people. How many people after all are expected to give back ten percent of their income to their employer? This is truly something for all of us to think about!
2. Be mindful that Jesus always gives 100% times infinity. We are expected to give away at least ten percent. Thankfully we have a God of grace who understands that each of us must start somewhere.
1. Pray without ceasing. Always remember that God has everything under control, and that God is good. Our churches have everything that they need. We may not be able to see this at times, but the more we do stewardship formation, the more evident this truth will become.
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Ministry Info available on the Diocesan Website
Learn more about the 'Iolani Guild & Pacific Island Ministry
Since the release of the new Diocesan website a few months ago, lots of new information has made its way onto the site. Diocesan committees and ministry teams have been working hard to put together comprehensive information about their particular areas. Most recently, the 'Iolani Guild and Pacific Island Ministry Committee have posted some great information and resources for those interested in becoming more involved.
And as more congregations are linking in to the Diocesan site, event listings around the diocese has grown. You can now find out what sort of events and activities are happening at those congregations by clicking on the Event Listing link.
Remember, ALL churches in the Diocese can now create a website or link to the Diocesan website at no charge. Web hosting fees are covered by the Diocese, and easy-to-load templates are available to help you build your website. For more information, feel free to contact ECH Communications.
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Reminder: Book of Common Prayer in Hawaiian now available at a discounted price until November 1st
 In celebration of the Diocese of Hawai'i's Sesquicentennial celebration, a limited edition reprint of the Book of Common Prayer as translated by King Kamehameha IV is now available for purchase. Cloth-bound in red with gold foil stamping, this attractive volume contains over 400 pages of translated biblical scripture, liturgical prayers, and orders of service. All orders with payment received before November 1, 2012, receive a special discounted price of $25.00. After November 1, the price will be $30.00 For more information and to download an order form, click HERE. ___________________________________ |
What's Happening in The Episcopal Church?
Announcements from around The Episcopal Church...
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Blessed to Be A Blessing: Tools for Stewardship Campaigns
The Episcopal Church's Office of Stewardship's program called Blessed to be A Blessing, offers new tools to enhance stewardship campaigns, and features prominent writers from throughout the Episcopal Church. It is a six-week series inviting reflection and discussion on stewardship principles and practices based on the Gospel readings from Mark.
According to the Rev. Laurel Johnston, Program Officer for Stewardship, "Blessed to Be A Blessing is designed to complement and support a congregation's annual giving campaign, each of the six contributing writers explores stewardship, giving, gratitude and generosity in connection with the Gospel lection for each Sunday during the month of October through November."
Blessed to Be A Blessing materials can be downloaded for free HERE, and is also available in Spanish, Chinese and Korean. For more information, e-mail Rev. Johnston.
Domestic Poverty Videos Available
Presidential campaigns address domestic poverty
Circle of Protection, an ecumenical alliance of Christian leaders of which Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is an original member, has released videos from the presidential candidates that can be utilized by groups, congregations and dioceses to discuss the pervasive issue of poverty in the United States.
The Episcopal Church, as a member of National Council of Churches (NCC) and the Circle of Protection, encourages the use of the two videos - one from each of the presidential candidates - in congregational discussion groups and adult forums as an opportunity for congregations to talk about poverty and how it is woven into the discussions of the upcoming national election.
Both videos from President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are available HERE. |

In case you missed it, click on the link to read
the latest issue of the E-Chronicle.
Did you miss an edition of the E-News? Listed below are the titles of some recently published announcements. To see the complete article, click on the linked issues below, or visit Archived E-News Editions on the diocesan website, and click on the desired issue. |
Sesquicentennial Celebrations Begin
Safeguarding God's Children Training
Posting for Lay Positions now available on the Website
Book of Common Prayer in Hawaiian now available
Convention Update
The Parish Paper
Bible Study: In a Bowling Alley?
Pray the Bible offered at Trinity By-the-Sea, Maui
Ernesto "Jar" Pasalo to attend Virginia Theological Seminary
Episcopal Church Woman Annual Meeting September 22, 2012
St. John's 30th Annual Kula Festival September 22, 2012
General Convention 2012 Summary of Actions available
Congregational Assessment in the proposed 2013 diocesan budget Message from the Bishop
Sexual Misconduct Prevention Trainings coming up this fall
1% Support for Theological Education Message from the Bishop
Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society Luncheon dates set
Convention XLIV: 44th Annual Meeting of the Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
Sing in England for a week The Hawai'i Sacred Choir
General Convention Wrap-up: Re-envisioning church for the 21st century
How long will your endowment last?
Blessed to be a blessing: Tools for stewardship campaigns
Announcing the new Diocesan Website
Videos available of Presiding Bishop and Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Contact Information News Office of the Bishop 229 Queen Emma Square Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 536-7776, ext. 326; Neighbor Islands: 1-800-522-8418