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The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond... 

August 2012
In This Issue
Bishop's Message: Report on the General Convention
General Convention: Worshipping with our Episcopal 'Ohana
How to Leave a Bequest to your Church
Wealth of Tapa
Contact Information
Bishop's Calendar

***** AUGUST ***** 

August 5
Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
August 12
St. Matthew's, Waimanalo

August 4
Clergy Day, Honolulu
August 4,
Archbishop Tutu's Visit, Honolulu
August 12 - 14
Clergy Retreat, Camp Mokule'ia, Honolulu
August 18
Governance Meetings
August 21 - 28
Semiannual visit to ECIM, Guam & Saipan
August 31
Chapel: 'Iolani

***** SEPTEMBER *****

September 2
Holy Innocents, Lahaina
September 9
Trinity-By-The-Sea, Kihei

September 1 - 10
Work from Maui
September 11
Chapel: Priory
September 15
Governance Meetings
September 16 - 19
Bishop's Colleague Group, Seattle, WA
September 22
Boogie with the Bishop, Kaua'i Sesquicentennial
September 23
Kaua'i Legacy Society Luncheon
September 28 - October 5
House of Bishops of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Stay Informed!

Connect directly to the Diocesan website:

Beasley's Blog

Canon Liz Beasley shares her thoughts and wisdom.  Click  on the Beasley's Blog link above to read her latest entry.

Bishop's Message

Report on the General Convention
Bishop Fitzpatrick



Bea and I returned late in the afternoon, on Friday, July 13, from the 77th General Convention of The Episcopal Church, which met July 5 to 12 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis. I had hoped to post during the gathering, but a shortened schedule and my commitments made this difficult. In addition, I have not yet learned to tweet or quickly blog. I need to practice. I do want to share my reflections as soon as possible. I offer these preliminary thoughts on the General Convention for our Diocese.


1. The 77th General Convention and the Presiding Bishop

This was my fourth General Convention [two as a clergy deputy (and co-chair of our diocesan deputation) and two as a bishop]. The General Convention of The Episcopal Church is composed of the House of Bishops (it includes all active and retired bishops of The Episcopal Church) and the House of Deputies (four clergy deputies and four lay deputies elected by the conventions of each of the 100 dioceses in The Episcopal Church).

This was the most confident and engaging General Convention I have ever attended. As I will note in comments on specific actions, this General Convention produced significant results that were honest and balanced, and sought as best as possible to honor different opinions. In the House of Bishops, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori set the tenor and direction. Her careful and non-anxious leadership encouraged open and honest discussion.


2. Anglican Covenant and Continuing Indaba Conversations

The work of the General Convention is largely done in cognate committees made up of members of both the House of Deputies (HoD) and the House of Bishops (HoB) with official recommendations being made to the HoD by the Committee's Deputy members and the Bishops making the recommendation to the HoB. Having served on the Ministry Committee and the Canons Committee in past General Conventions, the Presiding Bishop appointed me to the World Mission Committee this year. I must admit that after spending some years working on the ministry canons and then the clergy disciplinary canons at General Conventions and in ongoing task forces and committees, the World Mission Committee was informative, restful and even fun.


This year the work of the World Mission Committee focused on the Anglican Covenant and our relations with the Churches of the Anglican Communion. The Convention also affirmed its commitment to building relationships across the Anglican Communion, especially through the Continuing Indaba program.


The Committee crafted a resolution that stated that The Episcopal Church "declines to take a position on the Anglican Covenant." After considering eight resolutions, the Committee recommended the adoption of two resolutions on Anglican Communion relationships and the Anglican Covenant, a document that outlined a possible new formal relationship between the Provinces (national churches) of the Anglican Communion, and that intends to provide a way to hold Anglicans together across cultural and theological differences. Resolution D008 (see attached) affirms The Episcopal Church's Commitment to the Anglican Communion. Resolution B005 (see attached) states "...that following extensive study and prayerful consideration of the Anglican Covenant there remain a wide variety of opinions and ecclesiological positions in The Episcopal Church; and ...that as a pastoral response to The Episcopal Church, the General Convention decline to take a position on the Anglican Covenant at this convention...."


For the Diocese of Hawaiʻi, we can continue our conversations and partnerships with Anglican Churches in Asia [especially the Philippine Episcopal Church, the Korean Anglican Church, and Philippine Independent Church (full Communion partner) and in Polynesia (with Maori and other Polynesian Anglicans)]. Our Diocese also has historic ties with the Episcopal Diocese of Taiwan. I have been invited to be an observing guest Bishop at the House of Bishops meeting of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa/New Zealand/Polynesia during the first week of October. I have been invited to visit the Anglican Church in Hong Kong and to meet with leaders of the Protestant Church in the People's Republic of China (the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches in China). I think we have much to learn from the Church in Asia and the Pacific.


3. Budget


Based on the Anglican Communion's "Five Marks of Mission, the budget for the Episcopal Church in the 2013-2015 triennium was adopted by the 77th General Convention on July 11.


The 2013-2015 budget is balanced at $111,516,032, compared to $111,808,350 for the current triennium. The spending portion of the budget for the next triennium is allocated according to the Anglican Communion�€™s Five Marks of Mission, with the additional categories of administration and governance. The five marks are:


o To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
o To teach, baptize and nurture new believers
o To respond to human need by loving service
o To seek to transform unjust structures of society
o To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth


The budget assumes $73.5 million in commitments from the Church's dioceses, nearly $4 million less than that in the current triennium. That total is based on the 19% of annual operating income "asked" (not required) of each diocese to contribute annually to The Episcopal Church-wide budget. There was a "mind of the House of Bishops" resolution calling for a 15% asking and the commitment of all dioceses to that level of giving. 


The General Convention also established a Development Office for The Episcopal Church to solicit major gifts and other resources.


For the Diocese of Hawaiʻi, I suggest the Five Marks of Mission is a healthy basis for our diocesan budget. It has also been suggested to me that the Diocese consider expanding the work of the Planned Giving Committee to seek gifts for diocesan ministries and grants.


To read the Bishop's article in its entirety on the Diocesan website, click HERE



General Convention:

Worshipping with our Episcopal 'Ohana

By The Rev. Giovan King, St. Christopher's Episcopal Church, Kailua


RevGiovanOur Hawai'i team recently returned from General Convention.  My husband Tom and I went as volunteers (me in worship, him in the Houses of Bishops and of Deputies).  I also had media credentials and so I was taking a few notes for a potential article which, thanks to an extension from Sybil, you are reading now.  I also got some fairly decent pictures on my  iPhone that [are shown here] and can also be viewed at the St. Christopher's website.

I am struck by how different my notes about Convention read from the articles about it that I have since read.  I suspect it is the former Congregationalist in me.


GC 2012 portrait
The Revs. Marvin Foltz, David Jackson and
Bill Miller with Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick at General Convention.

I attended most National Association of Congregational Christian Churches Annual Meetings from 1984 until 2005, as a Congregational minister.  And then, I was most fortunate and blessed to have the first General Convention held following my transition to the Episcopal priesthood in what was then my own backyard: Anaheim in 2009.  I was in search of a new call at that time, and little did I dream that I would be attending General Convention 2012 as a volunteer from the Diocese of Hawai'i! 


For me, national church meetings are family reunions, where rich, deep, and transforming worship happens.  In Congregational Christian Church Annual Meetings, neither the national office nor the Annual Meeting itself makes any statement or pronouncement ... about anything.  On the one hand it is nice: Congregational delegates rarely if ever return to their fold to face questions like: "What on earth were you all thinking when you voted on that issue?" and "How did you vote on that?"  There's very little to explain upon return from a National Association of Congregational Christian Churches annual meeting, except about how wonderful the worship was, the fabulous food served, and how so-and-so from the Michigan Association is doing, or to hear how such-and-such is going in the Massachusetts Association.


General Convention, on the other hand, is hard work.  And, you can tell that important work gets done there.  Important ministry is done as well.  We make a (good) difference in the world.  Hats off to our Bishop and deputies, who read mountains of material, go to countless hearings and meetings, and have to be present on the floor of their respective Houses at any  given time for a crucial (or non-crucial) vote.  But, know also that they participate in some of the most beautiful, deep, inclusive, transformative worship around.  We Episcopalians pull out all the stops when it comes to our worship at Convention.  We heard and sang music from all over the world.  We heard some powerful messages from true prophets.  We prayed powerful prayers.  And, every day, we received nourishment from sharing in the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.  I am convinced that one of the coolest things one can do at Convention is to accept the invitation to help distribute the elements at Holy Eucharist.  Anyone present may serve in this way.  I was usually quite busy in my volunteer role at worship services (one of my best friends, from Southwestern Virginia, whispered to me at one point, in his perfect Southern gentleman-speak: "Giovan, if this priest gig doesn't work out, I'll bet you can get yourself a job as an usher on Broadway.").  But, Tom and I both accepted the invitation to help distribute the elements on the last day, at the closing service, and, as always, it was a "chicken skin" moment. 

How many times have you shared Communion with thousands of members of your Episcopal ohana?  Now, that is transformative.

And all of us fortunate to attend General Conventions are able to build deeper relationships with those we already know, and get to know people we might never know but for Convention.  I loved the raucous parties held by my former Diocese of Los Angeles.  I had great laughs with several of my Virginia Seminary classmates.  (Tom won the Western weaved bowl that was the centerpiece on our table at the Virginia Seminary dinner.)  I loved getting to know some in our Hawai'i contingent better.  I reconnected with people I first met in Anaheim in 2009.  And, I was able to kiss and hug and laugh with close friends from around our national Church (including friends from the Diocese of Haiti - did you know that the Diocese of Haiti is the largest Diocese in our Episcopal Church?). 

The House of Bishops and House of Deputies each have chaplains who lead them in prayer at the beginning and end of each session, as well as before they vote on what they sense may be a difficult issue.  There is pastoral care and a respect for the dignity of every human being everywhere you look at Convention.  Okay, I'd be lying if I didn't admit that some conversations can get heated.  But I believe people almost universally spoke a language of love, and spoke their truth with the knowledge that it was not necessarily another person's truth.

One of the chaplains for the House of Deputies was Dr. Jenny Te Paa, Principal of Te Rau Kahikatea, College of St. John the Evangelist, Auckland, Zealand.  She will be with us for our Sesquicentennial Celebration in the Fall.  I remember walking through the House of Deputies near the close of one of their morning sessions, and she was praying at the microphone, and after her prayer some beautiful Hawaiian (or at least Polynesian) music began to play.   I was homesick!  The first but not the last time that I will be homesick for Hawai'i, I'm sure.

And, that moment reminded me that probably the biggest transformation for me, personally, at this General Convention came as I said over and over again: "I'm Giovan King and I am from the Diocese of Hawai'i;" or "I live in Hawai'i;" or even a time or two: "I paddle in a six-person outrigger in the ocean by my house, year in and year out."  You say it and live it long enough and it is true.


So, if you want to know more about some of the critical issues decided at General Convention, this was not your article and I am not your enlightener.  If you want a cheerleader who will tell you over and over again how wonderful it is and what a privilege it is to be at General Convention, I can be that person.  The Holy Spirit moves in wonderfully mysterious ways.  And, she really breathes her magic breath of life, every three years, whenever a few thousand Episcopalians are gathered together in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.   Amene.

GC Strip
Shots from General Convention L-R: The Rt. Rev. Bob Fitzpatrick, Rev. David Jackson, and Rev. Bill Miller at work; Rev. Heather Mueller at dinner; the Hawai`i delegation at dinner; The Very Rev. Walter Brownridge. All photos in this article by Rev. Giovan King.


How to leave a Bequest to your Church

By Jane Tonokawa, Chair, Planned Giving Commission


Some of you may be interested in leaving a bequest to your Church, the church that has meant so much to you over the years. How can you do this with very little trouble? You may be thinking that it will take much energy and time to effect a change to your will, but in reality, it will take hardly any time at all.


Here's the language you need, and it can be handwritten, signed, and witnessed:


Codicil to Last Will and Testament. You can simply draft a short codicil, or amendment, to the existing document, using this or similar language:

"I hereby amend my Last Will and Testament, executed on the ____ day of ________ in the year 20xx. I direct that all provisions of that Will remain in effect but in addition direct that Aloha Episcopal Church, a non-profit institution in Hawaii, shall receive the sum of ________ dollars to be used to further the mission of Aloha Episcopal Church as the vestry may direct."

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed, published and declared this instrument, to be a codicil to my Last Will and Testament, at _______, Hawaii, on this _____ day of _________, 20xx.


                                                                     JOHN Q. TESTATOR (your name) 


Signed, published and declared by JOHN Q. TESTATOR as and for a codicil to his Last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, all being present at the same time, who, at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto signed our names as witnesses on the day and year last above written.


_________________________  _________________________
Witness                                              Honolulu, Hawaii
_________________________  _________________________

Witness                                              Honolulu, Hawaii

This is just an example. Common options are: 

* Considering a percentage of the remainder and residue of your estate (in lieu of a dollar amount)
* Restricting the purpose of the monies (endowment, scholarships, no restriction, etc.)

* Leaving real property or stocks


You may want to consult your attorney to review this language or to discuss other types of planned gifts. If you have any questions, please contact Peter Pereira, the Diocesan Treasurer at


Wealth of Tapa
by Ann Hansen

St E tapa treesEven though Tongans are dispersed around the world, they still value traditional Tongan tapa, particularly at rites of passage times.  Since the passing of Father Saimone Lino in early January, two handsome Tongan tapas have been given to the Diocese. 

Tapas are a sign of traditional wealth that are accumulated but also repurposed and re-gifted for another event.  For a funeral, there is insufficient time to make a new tapa, so an accumulated one can be re-given to the family of the deceased or someone who was important to the family.  The Lino family presented Bishop Fitzpatrick with a large Tongan tapa in honor of his services to the family and the Tongan community.  There are twelve Tongan members of Saint Elizabeth's church including a vibrant Tongan Choir.

Bishop Bob and Bea Fitzpatrick are trying to figure out the best location to display this splendid work of art, which is 18 by 30 feet.  When Bea Fitzpatrick asked me to photograph the tapa, it was folded in half.  Even doubled over, it covered a large portion of the floor of the Von Holt Room.  A classmate of mine, Maile Drake, of Tongan ancestry, specializes in researching and writing about Tongan tapa.  She granted Bea and me a Saturday morning to explain the significance of the designs.  There are vertical rows with squares depicting the crest of the royal Tongan family with symbols of the crown, cross, spears and flags.  On each crest is the phrase: "Koeotua Motongakoha Tofia" which means "God and Tonga is my heritage." 


The vertical rows on each side on the tapa feature scenic designs with rows of pine trees, star, moon and sun.    Maile explained that pine trees are of course trees introduced from Europe, but that design alludes to the rows of pine trees leading up to the royal palace.  With all of these symbols of the royal Tongan family, this tapa is appropriate for any occasion and worthy to give to someone in high position, such as our Bishop.


StE tapa
Tapa given to St. Elizabeth's from the Lino family.

Another aspect of this tapa that makes it so traditional is that it is constructed with wauke or paper mulberry bark.  It takes a tremendous amount of time to harvest, prepare and pound into sheets.  In today's world where many Tongans are spread across the Pacific and the mainland and working full-time jobs, they do not have the necessary time to start from scratch.  Contemporary Tongan tapa is often based upon what Maile refers to as "Viline".  In Hawai'i non-fusible (non-adhesive) polyester interfacing is used to simulate tapa as it is in Tonga.  Fabric stores in Hawai'i carry Pellon, a brand name that Hawaiian hula hālau use as a substitute tapa for costumes because it has the "poof" (body) and takes dyes well.  Modern day Tongans often start with Pellon or "Viline" for the background fabric using dye to paint either traditional designs or contemporary pictures. 


These tapas, both the one given to Bishop Fitzpatrick and the one given to Saint Elizabeth's church, are truly traditional in use of paper mulberry background material and design patterns.  Mrs. Fane Lino cut a 12' by 12' section from a larger tapa, which was stapled onto a wooden dowel to support its weight while hanging.  Members of the Pacific Islander Ministry Committee assisted Charles Steffey, carpenter, in hanging the tapa high on the back wall of Saint Elizabeth's nave.  This deep-toned tapa is truly a dramatic addition to Saint Elizabeth's Church.  Both tapa, the one hanging in Saint Elizabeth's and the one still in need of the right display location are gifts of great value from the Lino family to the Diocese.  They both represent the best of traditional Tongan art in the use of material and design. 



The Ordination of Malcolm Naea Chun

Chun Ord strip 

On Sunday, June 10, 2012, Rev. Malcolm Naea Chun was ordained as an Episcopal priest in the Cathedral of St. Andrew.  The Right Reverend Mark McDonald, the National Indigenous Bishop of the Anglican Church of Canada, was the guest preacher.  Rev. Chun is currently serving as a Priest Associate at Holy Nativity.  Photos courtesy of Fr. David Blanchett.



The Ordination of Corey Thornton

By Bob Windisch, St. Nicholas Episcopal Church

Thornton ordination  

On June 22, 2012, over seventy of Rev. Corey Thornton's friends and family traveled to St. George's Episcopal Church to witness his ordination as an Episcopal priest.  The ordination was celebrated by Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick. The Bishop of the Armed Services, The Right Reverend James Magness, delivered the sermon.


Excitement permeated the church the entire night.  St. Nicholas' worship band "In the Nick of Time" performed the music and they were inspired!  Jeremy Armstrong was the lector; Sarah Thornton, Bob and Kala Holden, Bob and Luella Windisch, Dot Shigemura and Father Paul, presented Corey for his ordination.


Following the ceremony everyone piled into St. George's multi-purpose room to enjoy an excellent buffet dinner and to congratulate Corey and his family.


Pictured above, Bishop Bob performing the laying on of hands; Kala Holden presents a stole; Bishop of the Armed Forces, James Magness, the Rev. Corey Thornton, and Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick; Corey with his wife Sarah and their three daughters.  Photos by David Jones and Bob Windisch.



 The following was taken from the St. Nicholas August 2012 Newsletter.


St. Nick's Day at Camp Mokule'ia

StNick camp day 2012  

Members of St. Nicholas Episcopal Church in Kapolei spent July 7 at their 2012 edition of St. Nick's Day at Camp Mokule'ia.  Along with kayaking, swimming and spear fishing, they enjoyed a busy day with karaoke, hala weaving lessons by Kala Holden, wallet making by Diedre, and a ton of great food.  Cathe Portillo and Mario did another wonderful job chairing and coordinating the camp day.


The Ke Akua Youth Group of All Saints' Summer Mission 
By Sybil Nishioka, All Saints' Episcopal Church
KeAkua mission strip 
Nine high school youth from the Ke Akua Youth Group of All Saints' Episcopal Church, embarked on a mission to Los Angeles Skid Row this past summer.  The mission, originally planned as a pilgrimage to Italy and then the Holy Land, began nearly three years ago.  At that time, the youth were exploring the roots of their faith, and began fundraising and studying about their destination in earnest.  When the earthquake and tsunami devastated towns in Japan in 2011, their focus quickly turned to mission, with hopes to be able to help others in need. 


Shortly after, seven of the nine youth attended the Episcopal Youth Event in Minnesota that summer, and the words of one of the keynote speakers impacted their views on mission. As a result, they hooked up with a youth-oriented organization called Center for Student Missions (CSM).  CSM coordinates mission work around the United States through partnerships with established community organizations and shelters that rely heavily on volunteers. The youth chose one of the most challenging sites, Los Angeles Skid Row, a ten-square block in downtown Los Angeles that is "home" to 15-20,000 people, and contains one of the largest populations of homeless persons in the United States.


As their youth leader, I was deeply moved by their choice and reasons for picking this site.  Many years ago, I lived in Los Angeles and worked in downtown right near Skid Row, so I was very familiar with the despair in this area of LA.  I knew it might be a shock to their system.  For six months prior to their departure, they went through a training manual, preparing, discussing, planning and praying.  They would be working in a variety of shelters, soup kitchens, and interacting with children in a housing project located in the heart of the heavily gang-ridden area of East LA. 


What transpired was truly God's grace in the lives of these young people, who served with such deep compassion, empathy, and generosity of heart and spirit. And although the impact they had on those they served was immediate, the impact on the youth and adult chaperones (myself included), was eternal. Not only did we see the homeless in a different light, but several of the youth are committed to continue working with the homeless, and one whose career goal is to work in this field.
In a presentation to church members who avidly supported the youth throughout this journey, many members were brought to tears by listening to the work they performed and the transformation they saw in the youth. The missioners were Alanna Bauman, Jannin Hashizume, Joni Hashizume, Michelle LaMadrid, Casey Nakamura, Shane Nishioka-Healy, Ty Shiramizu, Mick Voigt, Cassidy Yatsko, and three adults including chaperones Faith and Curtis Shiramizu.  A link to a video about their mission will be made available on the diocesan website soon. Stay tuned!



The following two articles and photos are from the Good Shepherd Facebook site.  

Good Shepherd Vacation Bible School: Kanaka Wai Wai 
GS VBS strip 2012 
The 2012 edition of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church's Vacation Bible School, themed "Kanaka Wai Wai" in preparation of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii's upcoming Sesquicentennial (150th anniversary) celebration this fall--concluded with a day trip to Keanae for those in grade 6 and higher.
The youth visited the taro farm of the Aquino family and chanted the Oli taught by John Tomoso on the first day of VBS. The youth saw the harvesting of taro that was used to make poi and lau lau, food which the VBS'ers had during VBS, and of course, the VBS'ers had a little time to relax and swim at Ching's Pond. Marc Aquino had a great time explaining the history of Keanae and taro farming and invited the youth to do an overnighter/lock-in on the grounds of the Lanakilia Ihi Ihi O Iehova, now known as the Keanae Congregational Church.
As we parted, we sang Hawaii Aloha -- another song we learned during VBS. The day trip really completed the experience and the youth of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church now have a better understanding of our host culture.
Mahalo to our VBS instructors: John Tomoso, Coach Kauahaaha, Louise Aloy, our clergy Rev. Foltz and Rev. Decker, our music leader Ferdinand Cajigal, our host in Keanae, Marc Aquino, and the Chairperson of the Formation Committee, Bessy Idica. 
Feeding the Hungry on Maui
GS kitchen youth 
The Youth Council at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Wailuku recently took their turn feeding the hungry in their community through the church's Ka 'Ohana Kitchen, which celebrated their 10th anniversary earlier this year.  The Ka 'Ohana Kitchen serves a hot meal to folks in the community every Sunday, with an average of 60 meals been served.
St. Augustine's First Annual Vacation Bible Camp
By Malia Dela Cruz, St. Augustine Episcopal Church

StAugustine Bible camp 2012
Photo by Nick Ney
St. Augustine's Episcopal Church held their Vacation Bible Camp on June 4-8, 2012.  The theme was Bible Discovery Museum. St. Augustine was turned into a museum to create five different halls a day; The halls of forgiveness, faithfulness, kindness, dedication, and love. The day began with a tour guide explaining the replicas of artifacts used during Bible times.  Every day a different Bible character came to life and told their story.  Children also had crafts, songs, prayers, games, a visit from Jack Sprout, and a delightful visit by Joe & Kelly's Paso Fino's.




St. Augustine's 2012 Scholars Receive $1,000 Scholarships
By Malia Dela Cruz, St. Augustine Episcopal Church
Photo by Robert Morrison.
St. Augustine Episcopal Church in Kapaau awarded ten students attending college and vocational schools, $1,000 scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year.  The scholarships are one of many outreach programs of St. Augustine designed to assist students with their tuition and cost of living expenses while attending college.  The 2012-2013 scholarships represent a spiritual and financial support of the educational pursuits of the students by the church.


The total amount of the scholarship fund was $10,000 and represents one of the larger educational funds available to students in North Kohala. To qualify, each Episcopal student submitted an application detailing their reasons for applying, along with copies of transcripts or acceptance letters. The St. Augustine Scholarship Committee reviewed all of the applicants and allocated funds based on need, participation of the student at St. Augustine, and whether the student was attending a university in Hawai'i or on the mainland. The scholarship fund is renewed each year with the goal to distribute all of the monies each year; as a result the amount available for individual scholarship varies each year. The money for the fund is given anonymously by church members. While the church congregation is small, the members are totally committed to the educational and spiritual growth of its Episcopal students, said Rosemary Rasmussen, a member of the Scholarship Committee.


At the July 15 awards ceremony during the Sunday 9:00 am morning service, students shared their educational goals and progress with the congregation. As in previous years, the congregation follows the progress of the students through their college experience and learns about the financial challenges in today's educational environment. Each of the ten students works to pay for school, with several students working several jobs while also attending classes. After the awards ceremony, a buffet was provided by church members for the students and their families.


Students receiving awards this year included Melanie Matsuda (University of Hawaii at Manoa), Ikaika Andrews (Colorado State University at Pubelo, CO), Selena Osorio (Humboldt State University, CA), Cecily Fujii (Kapiolani Community College), Daniel Fujii (University of Hawai'i at Hilo), Miho Fuij (University of Hawai'i at Manoa), Mary Josephine Osorio (Hawai'i Community College in Hilo), Jerome Arellano (Maui Community College), Mana Purdy (Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ) and Jacqueline Wong (Portland Community College, OR). All of the 2012 recipients were awarded scholarships in 2011.
Pictured above are the scholarship recipients and their parents, front row: Melanie Matsuda, Wendy Andrews, Marina Arellano, Mana Purdy; Second row: Cecily Fujii, Mary Josephine Osorio, Rebecca Bartholomy, Daniel Fujii; Third row: Vance Fujii, Kathy Matsuda, Miho Fujii; Fourth row: Jayvimar Arellano, Kaky Purdy, Iris Fujii; Fifth row:  Geoy Purdy, Eric Fujii, Kyoko Fujii, and Zen Fujii. 
Presiding Bishop's message to the Church on
General Convention


"We emerge with abundant hope, better discipline for working together and with partners beyond this Church, for our fundamental reason for being - engagement with God's mission," Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori states in her message to the church about the 77th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, held in July in Indianapolis, IN.


Jefferst Schori at GC2012The General Convention which took place in Indianapolis in July, offered new and creative responses to the call of the gospel in our day.  We saw gracious and pastoral responses to polarizing issues, as well as a new honesty about the need for change.
General Convention addressed a number of significant issues that will impact the life and witness of this Church for years into the future - and they include many more things beyond what you've heard about in the news.  The way we worked together also represented a new reality, working to adapt more creatively to our diverse nature as a Church.
It is that way of creative engagement that ultimately will be most transformative for The Episcopal Church and the world beyond it.  On issue after issue, the resolutions addressed by General Convention emerged in creative responses that considered, but did not end in, the polarized positions expected as we went into Convention.  People listened to the movement of the spirit and discerned a way forward that was mutually upbuilding, rather than creating greater divisiveness or win-lose outcomes.
The hot-button issues of the last decade have not been eternally resolved, but we have as a body found creative and pastoral ways to live with the differences of opinion, rather than resorting to old patterns of conflict.  There is a certain expansive grace in how these decisions are being made and in the responses to them, a grace that is reminiscent of the Elizabeth settlement.  We've said as a Church that there is no bar to the participation of minorities of all sorts, and we are finding pastoral ways to ensure that potential offense at the behavior or position of another is minimized, with the hope that we may grow toward celebrating that diversity as a gift from God.  If we are all sinners, then each of us may be wrong about where we stand.  Human beings, made from humus, become Christlike when they know humility. 
To read Presiding Bishop Schori's message in its entirety, click HERE.


18 Young Adult Episcopalians serve as missionaries throughout the Anglican Communion

Eighteen young adults from 13 Episcopal Church dioceses will be serving as missionaries in the Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) for the 2012-2013 term in locales throughout the Anglican Communion, including eight new ministries.


This year's group of missionaries boasts the largest number of YASC volunteers ever. YASC is a ministry for Episcopal young adults, ages 21 - 30, who are interested in exploring their faith in new ways by living and serving in communities around the Anglican Communion.


The Rev. David Copley, Mission Personnel Officer, noted that while the day-to-day duties of each placement vary, the experiences of the YASCers are life-changing.  "YASC brings young adults into the life of the worldwide Anglican Communion and into the daily work of a local community," he explained.

"YASC offers young adults an opportunity to live out their Baptismal Covenant by seeking and serving Christ in people all around God's world," commented Elizabeth Boe, Global Networking Officer.


Each YASCer maintains a blog, detailing their service, reflections and adventures. Boe, a former YASC volunteer who served in Tanzania, reported that blogs provide an ideal means for connecting with others in the Episcopal Church and around the world.


To read more about each of the missionaries, click HERE.



Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor


The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.  All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office.  The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers.  Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI  96813
(808) 536-7776; Neighbor Islands: (800) 522-8418


The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.


The deadline for the October/November issue is September 26, 2012