E-news header green
Featured Articles
In This Issue:
A message from the Bishop
Continuing Education report in survey form
Choral Evensong at the Cathedral
ECW Fundraiser reminder
Presbyters' Day reminder
The Britt Lectures: Taking God's Next Faithful Step
Rev. Ben Nelson heads to Texas
Convention Manual: February Chapter available
Your Photos Wanted!
God Camp 2012 - Save the date!
New Community Clergy and Lay Conference
Contact Information

Upcoming Meetings 

Mark Your Calendars!


January Governance Meetings

Saturday, February 18

Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

8:00 am - Standing Committee

11:00 am - Diocesan Council

1:00 pm - Commission on Ministry


Diocesan events header
O'AHU - Presbyters' Day
Wednesday, February 15, 9:00 am
Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
MAUI - Safeguarding God's Children
Saturday, February 25, 1:00 pm
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Wailuku
O'AHU - Godly Play Core Training
Friday - Sunday, March 2 - 4
Church of the Epiphany, Honolulu
O'AHU - Were you there?
 A Journey through Good Friday to Easter morning
Friday - Sunday, April 6 - 8
Camp Mokule'ia
O'AHU - God Camp 2012
July 5 - 19
Camp Mokule'ia
More info to come
Parish Happenings


Crab Claw Narcissus Carving

Saturdays through February 4, 5:00 pm

St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Honolulu

For more info...


Choral Evensong

Sunday, February 5, 5:30 pm

Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

For more info...


Deepening the Soul's Journey

6 Mondays through April 2, 5:30 pm

St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church, Honolulu

For more info...


Pastoral Care Training

Tuesday, February 7, 8:45 am

Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu

For more info...


2012 Britt Lectures

Fri.-Mon., February 17-20

First United Methodist Church, Honolulu

For more info...


Save the Dates!

Diana Butler Bass at St. Clement's, Honolulu - March 24 - 25

For more info...





6th Annual All Angels Jazz Festival

February 3 - 5

St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, Lihu'e

For more info...


Congregational Development Conference

February 7 - 9

St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, Lihu'e

For more info...





(See Diocesan Events above for Safguarding God's Children)











Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

Set us free, O God, from the bondage of our sins and give us, we beseech thee, the liberty of that abundant life which thou has manifested to us in thy Son our Savior Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen.

Book of Common Prayer, p. 163


Bishop's Prayer

A Simple Prayer of Commitment:

Come Holy Spirit; fill me so that I can: Dedicate my heart to Christ Jesus, open my mind to seek truth and justice, lift up my hands to welcome the outcast and care for the borken, behold with my eyes the wonders of creation, hear with my ears the story of God in the world, and sing with my lips a song of God's love - with laughter and without worry.  And always in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

 - As shared in the Annual Meeting of the Convention 2011


Ministry Links

Stay Informed!


Upcoming Events

Church Directory

Office of the Bishop

Previous E-News Editions

E-Chronicle Editions 


Keeping up with Canon Liz:

Beasley's Blog


Where you'll find announcements and links to upcoming
events & activities from around the Diocese and beyond!
 February 1, 2012 


A message from the Bishop regarding END OF THE YEAR REPORTS and the DIOCESAN CALENDAR.

Bishop FitzpatrickAloha ke Akua:


Please see the note below regarding the Church Officials lists and Certificates of Election (they are to be filed online this year).  All congregations (Parishes, Aided Parishes and Missions) must have had their annual meetings before the end of January.  Please be sure to submit your forms as soon as possible.  Please remember that Missions and Aided Parishes are nominating by election, members of the Bishop's Committee and Aided Parish Vestries.  I need the names asap to appoint them.  I do expect all members of the Bishop's Committees and Aided Parish Vestries to have made a pledge for the 2012 budget of the congregation (the Senior/Bishop's Warden need to assure me of such).    

Over the next couple of months, I want everyone to know about following: 

February 4 to 12:  Bishop works from Kaua'i.
February 15 (Wednesday): The Rev. Dr. Richard Burridge will be the presenter for a Presbyters' Day in the Von Holt Room at the Cathedral of St. Andrew. The day will last from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, with a Eucharist at midday.
February 23 to 29: Bishop to Guam
March 13 to 21: Bishop to the House of Bishops meeting (Camp Allen)
March 29:  Chrism Mass at the Cathedral

In the future, be sure to note:
June 23: Community of Deacons
July 3 to 13:  General Convention, Indianapolis
August 15:  College of Priests
August 20 to 28: Bishop to Guam
September 30 to October 2:  Annual Clergy Retreat
November 9 to 11:  Sesquicentennial Annual Meeting (including the Presiding Bishop) with the closing Eucharist on Sunday, November 11, at the Cathedral with the entire diocesan ohana (including clergy and delegates) and service e-shared with the diocese. 
November 26 to 30:  Bishop to CREDO




The following was sent to all Clergy-in-Charge, Church Administrators and Senior Wardens/Bishop's Wardens in an e-mail from Irina Martikainen, the Bishop's Secretary, on January 9, 2012:


On behalf of the Bishop, I write to inform you that you will soon receive a separate e-mail with the forms noted below.  Please return the completed forms before Monday, February 20, 2012. Your cooperation in submitting these forms in a timely manner would be greatly appreciated.

  • Parish - Church Officials List
  • Mission and Aided Parish - Church Officials List
  • Certificate of Election

This year, we are using Adobe Fillable Forms, which you can fill out on your computer and send back to us over the internet.  Please fill out the form and when it is completed, send back to us by using the "SUBMIT" button.


There are a few things to note about the fillable form.

  • The items on page 1 of the Church Officials form are mandatory and must be completed.
  • The items on pages 2-3 are the vestry members.
  • Pages 4-5 are for common committee chairs.
  • Page 6 is for any optional additional committee chairs your church may have.
  • Do not put anything but the required information in any box (e.g. adding a position title to a name box.)
  • If you are having trouble filling out the form, please call Carol Arney at the Office of the Bishop, extension 310 and she will walk you through the process.

We would appreciate it if you would use the on-line method to submit these reports, as it will save many hours of work copying them into our database. However, if you are unable to use the on-line method, please type and submit the information via US mail. 


Continuing Education report in survey form

by Canon Liz Beasley

Clergy and lay professionals in churches are asked to complete a report on their continuing education for 2011.  The report is available on the diocesan website (Year-End-Report) or it can be completed via a survey (Continuing Ed Survey).  The survey is the preferred method.  Please submit your report by March 15.


Continuing education is required of all clergy by the Canons of the Episcopal Church.  The Diocese of Hawai'i also requires continuing education for lay professionals in paid positions in chruches (such as music directors and Christian education directors).  It is not required of church secretaries and administrators.



Choral Evensong at Cathedral by Karen Sender

The Cathedral of Saint Andrew will be be holding a Choral Evensong on Sunday, February 5, beginning at 5:30 p.m.  Evensong will be sung by the Cathedral Choir under the directon of the Cathedral's Director of Music, John Robert Renke.  Evensong has been sung in Cathedral Churches for centuries and, through prayer and song, offers to God our thanks for the day that is past and seeks the light of God's presence through the coming night.  Please join us for this moving service.  Admission and parking are free.  The Cathedral is located at 229 Queen Emma Square in Honolulu. (Photo by D. Jones)



ECW logo

ECW Fundraiser reminder - Pick-up is February 11

This is a reminder that the Episcopal Church Women of Hawai'i's Portuguese Bean Soup fundraiser pick-up is on Saturday,  February 11, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon, at St. Luke's Episcopal Church located at 45 N. Judd St. in Honolulu.  If you have any questions, you may email Laurie Lee, or call her at 808-779-7968.


Presbyters' Day Reminder - Coming up February 15

Richard BurridgeJust a reminder that this year's Presbyters' Day is coming up on February 15, at the Cathedral of St. Andrew.  The Rev. Dr. Richard Burridge, renowned New Testament scholar and head of King's College London, will be the presenter.  The registration fee, which includes lunch, is $15 per person.  Airfare for those on Neighbor Islands will be provided.  For more information and to register, click HERE


The Britt Lectures: Taking God's Next Faithful Step

Lovett_weemsThe Rev. Dr. Lovett Weems, Jr., distinguished professor of church leadership and Director of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC, will be conducting evening lectures and a workshop from February 17 - 20, 2012, at the First United Methodist Church in Honolulu.  Dr. Lovett is one of the most sought out consultants on church leadership and growth, and is the author of several books including Take the Next Step: Leading Lasting Change in the Church, which is used by churches seeking revitalization.  For more information click HERE. 

Rev. Ben Nelson heads to Texas  By Canon Liz Beasley

Nelson_benIn early January, the Rev. Ben Nelson announced his resignation as Rector of All Saints' Episcopal Church, Kapa'a, Kaua'i, in order to accept a call as Rector at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, in San Marcos, Texas, in the Diocese of West Texas.  Nelson arrived at All Saints' in June 2008.  He has served on the Youth and Young Adult Commisison and is a current member of Diocesan Council.  His last Sunday at All Saints' will be March 11.  

Convention Manual: February Chapter Available

arney_carolIn the last issue of the E-News, Rev. Carol Arney talked about helping congregations prepare for the Annual Meeting of Convention which can be a monumental task, especially for those congregations going through transitions.  Rev. Arney is working on a manual that will help clergy and administrators organize and complete certain tasks each month so that they will be properly prepared when the Annual Meeting arrives.  She released the January Chapter last month, and just finished the February chapter, which can be viewed and downloaded on the current diocesan website under Who We Are > General & Diocesan Convention > Convention Resources.  If you have any questions or would like to share your tips on preparing for convention, e-mail Carol HERE.  

Your Photos Wanted!

misc photo stripTwo important diocesan projects are seeking your photos!  The new Diocesan website and the Sesquicentennial celebration are both in need of photos from our congregations around the Diocese.  Please spread the word to members in your congregation who may have  photos depicting worship, special gatherings, outreach work, celebrations and most importantly, your church!  The website is also seeking photos of churches in a scenic setting, and parishioners "in action". Photos should be at least 1MB or higher.  For submissions or questions, please e-mail communications.   

Camp Mokuleia

God Camp 2012 - Save the dates! 

Mark your calendars and save the dates for the next God Camp coming up July 8 - 15.  Leaders in Training (LIT) will begin on July 5 and run through the end of God Camp.  Applications will be available March 1, 2012.  For more information or any questions you may have, email Katie Frinfrock HERE.   

What's Happening in The Episcopal Church? 

Announcements from around The Episcopal Church...


New Community Clergy and Lay Conference

[January 30, 2012] The Episcopal Church-sponsored New Community Clergy and lay Conference will provide opportunities for clergy and lay people to explore mission in ethnic ministries.


Centering on the theme "Reclaiming our Mission; Reinterpreting our Context; Renewing our Communities," clergy are invited February 29 - March 3, and lay people on March 1 - 4; the conference will be held at the Town & Country Resort & Hotel in San Diego, CA.
"We will address and discuss many important issues," Vergara said.  "How is mission shaped in non-Anglo/European communities? How are ministries done in the context of marginality? How will ethnic churches find renewal in solidarity? How will they learn from each other and what role can they play in the mainstream church?" 
Registration and additional information is available HERE. 


In case you missed it, click on these links for the latest issue of the E-Chronicle and Special Edition on DJ'11 & Convention:


                December 2011         Special Edition Convention

ChronicleHeader purple      Chronicle convention11 header



Did you miss an edition of the E-News?  Listed below are the titles of some recently published announcements to be aware of. To see the complete article, click on the linked issues below, or visit Previous E-News Editions on the diocesan website, and click on the desired issue.




Message from the Bishop Responding to current economic and world problems 


Of money and re-membering


Order your ERD Lenten Meditation Booklets before February 10


Sesquicentennial: A Journey of Faith, A Promise of Hope


Convention Manual Project


Marking the second anniversary of the Haiti earthquake - A message from the Presiding Bishop




St. Michael's on Kaua'i is host to two major events in February


Free Pastoral Care Training for Clergy, O'ahu


Presbyter's Day, February 2012


Godly Play Core Training on O'ahu


Got Photos?  New Diocesan website wants to feature your photos!


2012 Budget Revised for New Diocesan Structure


Vestry Handbook Third Revised Edition


New Website for The Episcopal Church


Webinar links through The Episcopal Church




2012 Diocesan Prayer Calendar is up


TULIP Coverage no longer available


Redesigned ENS website - Free advertising available


New Faith in Action ads focus on year-round stewardship


Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music offers updated and new resources online




Bishop's Reading List for 2012




Bishop's Guidelines Regarding the Peforming and Blessing of Civil Unions Effective January 1, 2012


Contact Information
Office of the Bishop
229 Queen Emma Square
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776, ext. 326; Neighbor Islands: 1-800-522-8418