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The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond... 



Checking into DJ'11

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" has been five days since convention and I still have the "high" from it.  I am praying daily that this feeling of joy and excitement will continue."

Chris Wataya, All Saints', Kapa'a 


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"What a joy it was to be a part of a Diocese that can laugh and enjoy the company of one another."  The Rev. Paul K. Klitzke, Rector, St. Nicholas


Reception & Opening Eucharist with Ordinations of Deacons

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Meeting of the Convention

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dave millard
"I thought the whole weekend, including DJ'11 and the Convention, went extremely well."  David Millard, St. Timothy's, Aiea



Bishop's Address to the Convention

The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick opened the 43rd Annual Meeting of Convention with the following address on Saturday, October 29, 2011.  His speech was preceded by a video clip from Brother Sun, Sister Moon:

bishop address conv 2011
In the past, I have shared clips of very different movies with the Convention.  I've asked you to go on a Mission from God with the Blues Brothers and to join the Fellowship of Christ with the Lord of the Rings. 
conv video
This clip was different.  This is a much simpler story.  It is where I think we are called today as a Diocese.  In the scene from Zeffirelli's Brother Sun, Sister Moon, St. Francis of Assisi is hard at work rebuilding the Church of San Damiano when his friend Bernardo seeks him out. Francis is following the call of Christ to:  "Go rebuild my Church, which you see in ruins."  He's taken the call literally, but already he realizes that there is something more. He sees that to be a follower of Christ- all of us, each of us, to the followers of Christ - even we ourselves now, is to be called "the living stones."
Bernardo is an old friend who was away at the crusades.  He tells Francis: "I want to help you." 
"Words. Words, Bernardo, there was a time I believed in words," responds Francis.
Bishop 2011 addressAs your Bishop, I have now gathered with you in Convention five times.  We have grown together.  I appreciate your patience and your prayers. 
I have been given a wonderful gift in the lay people and clergy of this Diocese.  God is good to me.  In Irina, Lani, Liz, June and Peter - and now part-time, Carol - I have a wonderful staff.  Many of you give of your time and talent to the departments, committees and commissions of the Diocese.  I do appreciate it.  God is very good to me.  Bea is by my side and my sons are well.  Thank you, God. 
These have been difficult months for many in our State and throughout the world.  The economy continues to move on sluggishly.  The United States continues in a far off war.  Perhaps, we are living into a new normal.  We just don't know for sure what tomorrow will bring.  Like Francis, we live in the reality of a new world, a new time.
The Diocese remains well enough for now, but change is on the horizon.  Many worry we are growing too old.  Money is tight.  Some are convinced that the Church is irrelevant.  Like Francis, we have to look to Jesus Christ for our reality.

Who are we? Who are the followers of Jesus?  I have learned from the Scripture and from you - here in Hawai'i.

1) We are Joyful - Piha hau'oli
i) As the beloved of God
ii) In the gift and wonder of Creation
iii) In the community of our brothers and sisters (Matthew 22:  The Great Commandment)

2) We must be Hospitable/Inviting/Welcoming - Mai! He mai!
i) Share the love of God through action: share food, Sacrament, life, time
ii) "No Outcasts" in this Church! We let anybody in - more we seek everybody.
iii) To find Christ in the other (Matthew 25: The Sheep and the Goats)

3) We can put our relationships right - to "ho'oponopono" (adjust ourselves to God, by God's grace) with....
i) God
ii) Creation
iii)  Each other and Others:  Willingness to change to meet the needs of those around us and to share the Gospel (Matthew 28: The Great Commission)

Joyful, Welcoming, Right Ordered.
The Standing Committee and the Strategic Planning Task Force each separately came to the conclusion that we - the Diocese - have become sluggish.  They each see the need for more focus on our local faith communities and fewer diocesan departments, committees and commissions.  Just less. 
"Words. Words, Bernardo, there was a time I believed in words."

Will a smaller Diocesan Council bring joy, welcome and righteousness?  It can't hurt. 

I need your help.  We're all tired of meetings and church activities that don't change lives.  We can no longer assume that a group or even a congregation will survive just because we've always had it.  Buildings are expensive and somehow, just going to a worship service on Sunday morning is not enough. Where is the joy?  Where is Christ? Right here, in us, we are the "living stones."

At least as far as church committees, we have learned some things.  The Internet Evangelism Task Group has shown us that we can get something done with focused limited projects or small committees with limited assignments.   The Planned Giving team kept focus on keeping the word about remembering the church in ones will.  Single focused work and not endless committee meetings.  That's better.

I think we could get by with six Commissions to help me - as Bishop - and you Council keep track of the activities of the Diocese and, I pray, to provoke folk into some action:

1. Commission on Vibrant Christian Communities with focus on congregational life and evangelism (examples: Evangelism, Music/Worship, Ministry funding, Stewardship, Planned Giving, new congregations, revitalization).

2. Commission on Ministry with focus on leader formation (examples: Ordained leader formation, Lay Leader Training, licensed ministries, clergy retreats, continuing education, discernment, spiritual gifts, support of local formation/education, EFM).

3. Commission on Shared Ministry with focus on ministries/activities/programs best done by a diocesan group and/or facilitated by a team of congregations for individual and congregational growth (examples: Summer Camp, Youth Events, Communications, regional ministries, ministries with the ELCA, yoked congregations, Native Hawaiian Committee, Pacific Islander Committee).

4. Commission on Mission beyond the Church with focus on ministries of justice, peace and reconciliation; being responsive to human needs beyond our walls  (examples: ERD, feeding ministries, interfaith/ecumenical, relationship with the Anglican Communion partners and the Philippine Independent Church).
5. Commission on Governance and Canonical Requirements with focus on activities of the organization of the Diocese and the requirements of The Episcopal Church (examples: Convention Plans, Diocesan Council training, vestry/warden workshops, Safe Guarding God's Children, Misconduct Awareness Training, Anti-Racism Training, support of The Episcopal Church).

6. Commission on Finance and Administration with focus on the corporate and financial needs of the Diocese (examples: investments, property, compensation review, budget formation on the income side with Council dealing with allocations and budget tracking). 

Now, for this to be of any help, every active Priest and Deacon, and many who have "retired," must serve in a ministry or on a Commission of the Diocese.  I need the skills and talents of everyone to help. We need all the baptized to help. We need you.  One of my heroes, Archbishop William Temple once noted, "The task of the church is defined for it.  It is the herald and foretaste of the Kingdom of God.  For that it exists, and for service to that end it must be organized and equipped."  And, I would add:  Organized and equipped as simply and as adaptively as possible. 

O.K., a smaller Council and fewer commissions - and you're all going to help and help me get others to help. 

"Words. Words, Bernardo, there was a time I believed in words."

The focus is to get resources and training to congregations, our Faith Communities, and the individuals that need them.  We must reward Faith Communities that are working together, engaging the neighborhood and the world, growing and active.  If a group or activity doesn't grow the local Faith Community, form leaders (lay and ordained), encourage shared ministry, move us beyond ourselves in service to others, keep the Diocese going and the members safe, or to just plain pay the bills, we need to stop it.  The same is true for local congregations.  If the task groups and committees are not helping to train leaders and grow communities of faith, they are no longer needed. 

As for me, I promise to be very honest with you.  I will spend extended time on neighbor islands and with churches on Oahu.  I will hold you accountable - you need hold me accountable.  Mutual accountability is what is needed.  If a local congregation is declining, I will ask the members to change and then I will ask if that church really needs to exist at all.  If a congregation exists to keep the current members comfortable, it's not worth the time or resources of the Diocese.  It's not about the size of the congregation, but the engagement with the community and sharing God's love.  Small congregations can be vibrant and engaging in mission.  It is not the sixe of the Faith Community.  Are we being the Body of Christ in our won neighborhood, on our island? I also promise to walk with you - and carry you when I can - and to pray for you every day.  We are in ministry together.  We are not Congregationalists, we are Episcopalians, Anglicans - We are one Diocese, one Ohana. 

Archbishop William Temple also said, "The church is the only society on earth that exists for the benefit of non-members."  By that, he reminds us to keep our focus - our worship, our preaching, our teaching, our outreach, our mission - on all those in our neighborhoods without a Faith Community, on those who do not know they are the beloved children of God:  All those who are hungry for food, for laughter, for Christ.  You and I are the servants of those folk and we can help them to become the servants of others as followers of Jesus - as Episcopalians too.  We must form new Faith Communities and, if need be, let some pass away.  You don't need permission for this or the Bishop's blessing - go, get started.  If a house church is needed in a neighborhood, start one.  If there's a neighborhood on Maui or the Big Island that needs us - the Episcopal Church - get going. 

Likewise in our home congregations, we know that if the music and worship experience of a congregation is second rate - or worse - there is little joy and no one wants to invite a friend to share in such second rate thing.  If there is no children's ministry - guess what? No, children.  If the location of the building is bad and the parking horrible, it's hard to get people in the door.  If we don't pray, it will be hard to know if the Holy Spirit is around.  We have to change to meet the needs of the world around us - learning new languages and forms - to share the love of God.  We must be like Christ.  If a new song is needed, sing it.  If help is needed, ask and I will do my best to help - and if I can't we'll try to find the resources to get help.

No resolutions will make a difference - no more words.  No vision statements, no lists of goals.  The reorganization of Council is not enough.

You and I - with the Holy Spirit - will make the difference.  Are you willing to play the fool for Christ with me?  To dance? To rebuild Christ's Church? 

I am excited by the renewed energy and by the focus.  I appreciate the beginning presented to us by the Standing Committee and the Strategic Planning Task Force, but it is just a beginning. I need your help.  The change and revitalization they call for will have to happen in every congregation, every faith community of this Diocese - no, it has to happen in you personally -- right here....right now....  
Why do this?  Frankly, I don't really much care if the Episcopal Church - the institution -- closes in a few years.  God and the love of Christ, the living reality of ke Akua around, with and in us, is all that is really important.  I am excited by God - ke Akua - I am loved, the world is a gift.  You and I, we Episcopalians in Hawai'i, have something to share.  If the Church is a museum to some past glory, it needs to close.  But you and I have as "living stones" something far more: we have joy from God, we have something to share, we are right with God.  We are loved!  The world needs to know about Jesus Christ.  People need our 'Ohana. 
People need our Joy, our Welcome and to be Right with God.

In 2012, I want us to give thanks for our founding as a Church in Hawai'i, but more, I want us to engage the world - to give thanks for what we are doing - to be challenged to do more. 

What do I want of you?  Of you personally?  Right here and right now....

A simple prayer of commitment:
Come Holy Spirit; fill me so that I can:
Dedicate my heart to Christ Jesus,
Open my mind to seek truth and justice,
Lift up my hands to welcome the outcast and care for the broken,
Behold with my eyes the wonders of creation,
Hear with my ears the story of God in the world,
And sing with my lips a song of God's love -
With laughter and without worry.
And always in the Name of Jesus.  Amen.
Bishop Cross Wood

Now that's not too much to ask? Is it? 


Born of Water, Born of Spirit: Supporting the Ministry of the

Baptized in Small Congregations 

DJ11 stage 

On Friday, October 28, 2011, the third annual Disciple's Journey 2011 (DJ'11), took place at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew on O'ahu. Nearly 140 members in the Diocese of Hawai'i took part in this year's event which took the theme, Born of Water, Born of Spirit, from the book by the same name.  


Co-organizer, Keane Akao, welcomed everyone to the day-long event which started at 8:30 a.m.  He then turned the microphone over to Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick, who gave a stirring talk about our changing world, adapting, and a vision brought about by the Strategic Planning Task Force, to "grow more vital and vibrant communities."      


It's about all of us...Who God says we are

Born of water bookFredrica Harris Thompsett, co-author of the book Born of Water, Born of Spirit, and Professor Emerita of Historical Theology at the Episcopal Divinty School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was the keynote speaker, who delighted the audience with her humor and candor. She shared how, at 8 years of age, she was "baptized in the back of the church in a bird bath," and kept everyone laughing with quips that Episcopalians could really appreciate... "I am an Episcopalian, but I can quote Scripture." 


Surrounded by beautiful posters of water (oceans, rivers, streams and lakes), Thompsett focused on the meaning of baptism in our lives.  A slide show of baptisms taking place around the world brought about a more serious tone.  A particular slide that showed a soldier in Afghanistan being baptized in a makeshift pool in the middle of the desert, moved many, as his comrades surrounded him in support.


It was fascinating to learn that the cross featured on the cover of her book and the DJ'11 material, is actually a baptismal font that is 50 feet deep.  The stone wall surrounding it was built by Muslims to protect it.  The stairs leading down to the center of the font from two sides, is part of the symbolic act of baptism, where a person enters from one side, passes through the waters in the center, and emerges out the other side leading into the church, reborn.


Participants broke out into five groups, and met with discussion facilitators with  key questions, How does God care about us? and, Who does God say we are?  Facilitators included Ruth Ann-Collins, Adult Formation and Lifelong Learning Officer from the Episcopal Church Center in New York; Vickey Garvey, Associate for Lifelong Christan Formation from the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago; Emily Given, Director of Children and Family Ministry, St. Michael and All Angels in Dallas, Texas; Bradly Hauff, Rector of St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Palm Coast, Florida; and Katherine Tate, Associate for Family Ministries at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Lewes, Delaware.


DJ11 workshop
Group Facilitator, Vicki Garvey, with her group sharing
the work and wishes in their congregations.

Claiming our gifts 

After lunch, Thompsett spoke about "giving life throughout our life" and about changing lives. More group discussion took place about the Strategic Planning Task Force Report that Bishop Fitzpatrick had talked about in his opening speech, as well as Our Baptismal response to the future of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.  DJ'11 ended with a closing keynote address from Thompsett about Courage amid challenging realities.

janet wilson


"DJ'11 was a wonderful opportunity to learn from the author of Born of Water, Born of Spirit, which explores the possibilities for congregations when they support the ministry of all the baptized.  There are many smaller congregations that are thriving by taking a different approach to ministry and empowering their members to use their talents and gifts to help others."  Janet Wilson, All Saints' Episcopal Church



Disciple's Journey 2011 concluded at 5:00 p.m., and many of the participants were staying for the reception and Opening Eucharist for the 43rd Annual Meeting of Convention, that was scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m.  


Four Ordinations of Deacons would be taking place during the Opening Eucharist, and many family members, friends, and supporters of the candidates arrived dressed in red, the color for Ordinations that represent the Holy Spirit.  Meanwhile, guests were enjoying the delicious fare that featured different food stations, including a mini sushi bar where folks could order a variety of hand-rolled delicacies.

reception strip
Delicious pupus were served up at the reception; dressed in red, members of Epiphany showed up in full force for their candidate; sushi was a popular food station; Jar Pasalo chatted with Bishop and Mrs. Chang.  


The Opening Eucharist began with a traditional Pu, or blowing of the conch shell by Nicholas Walters.  This marked the start of the procession and Oli that was led by Malcolm Naea Chun, who was also a candidate for ordination. The other three ordinands were Amy Beth Crowe, Corey Todd Thornton and Peter Wu. 

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Celebrant and Preacher, The Rt. Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick, was joined by Master of Ceremonies, The Rev. Canon Liz Beasley.  The Rev. Bill Miller, Rector of St. Michael's and sponsoring congregation for Amy Beth Crowe, was the Litanist.  The first reading was read in Mandarin by Marisa Wu, daughter of ordinand Peter Wu.  Reading the Psalm in Hawaiian was Paulette Moore, a member of the Cathedral and the sponsoring congregation for Malcolm Naea Chun.  The second reading was done in English by Dot Shigemura, member of St. Nicholas and the sposoring congregation for Corey Todd Thornton. The Gospel was read in three lanuages:  English by The Venerable Patricia Reynolds, Hawaiian by Paul Nahoa Lucas, a friend of Malcolm Naea Chun, and Cantonese by Mimi Wu, the wife of Peter Wu. 


altar conv 2011
Pictured above, the newly ordained Deacons join Bishop Fitzpatrick at the altar.


Immediately following the service, family and friends showered the new Deacons with congratulations and beautiful leis.  Pictured below, Dcn. Corey Todd Thornton getting a big congratulatory hug, Dcn. Malcolm Naea Chun with Dcn. Peter Wu piled high with leis, and Dcn. Amy Beth Crowe receiving a warm hug and lei.

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conv 2011 wide angle

The 43rd Annual Meeting of Convention of the Diocese of Hawai'i commenced at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 29, 2011, with an opening prayer by Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick.  The Convention was called to order, followed by the Bishop's Address (appearing at the beginning of this issue). 


In his opening address, the Bishop spoke about the all too familiar hardships and conflicts taking place in the world, of the challenges in our Diocese, and of the struggles of The Episcopal Church.   But he also shared his deep gratitude to God for the many blessings in his life and in the Diocese.  He expressed his excitement about the renewed energy and important changes that we, as Christians in the Diocese of Hawai'i, must make to survive in such tenuous times.  He called upon each of us to do Jesus' work beginning with the simplest of deeds, and to really live into our Baptismal Covenant.  It was a speech of hope, of change, and of commitment.  That commitment was shared through A Simple Prayer of Commitment that was printed on cards for each delegate.  The prayer, in its simplicity, asks God to help us live as the Christians we are and are meant to be. 


Fr. Ben Nelson, of All Saints' Episcopal Church on Kaua'i, gave the Response to the Bishop's Address, with a slide show presentation that elicited laughter and smiles.  Using humor and cartoons, he expanded on some of the serious issues that the Bishop had talked about.  He supported the Bishop's call for members to be open to change and to take on the responsibiities needed for creating a more vibrant church. (Pictured below, Bishop Fitzparick addresses the delegation; Fr. Ben delivers his response; and the crowd, including the Bishop, share laughs from Fr. Ben's slide show.)

Opening conv 2011 strip


Announcement of Appointments to Committees followed, with Martha Im as Chancellor and Parliamentarian, The Rev. Robert "Moki" Hino, Secretary to Convention, and The Rev. David Jackson as Chair of Dispatch of Business. Special guests, new clergy to the Diocese of Hawai'i and the staff from the Office of the Bishop were introduced, followed by the annual business of the Convention. (Pictured below, the meeting proceeds; dressed as a #2 pencil, one of the Convention organizer's, Sharon Billingsley, gave instructions on filling out ballots; delegates vote on a resolution.)

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The morning session wrapped up with a touching presentation to two of the Bishop's staff who retired this year.  Marie Elesarke, who had worked in the Bishop's Office for over 14 years, and more recently as his Secretary, and Nancy Minuth, who served as the Bookkeeper for the Diocese for more than 40 years, were presented with a gift and and thankful embrace.  (Pictured below, Marie Elesarke received a gift and hug; Nancy Minuth is seated between Canon Liz Beasley and Rev. Carol Arney before receiving her gift from the Bishop.)

Marie strip conv 2011 


During the break, delegates were treated to a bento lunch, and had the option to enjoy a concert in the Cathedral by the children of the Pacific Islander Ministry (PIM), or check out the displays in the Von Holt Room, where information was available about various groups and work being done in the Diocese, including the 'Iolani Guild, Altar Guild and Camp Mokule'ia.  (Pictured below, bentos and fruit were plentiful; Members of the 'Iolani Guild, Leimalama Lee Loy and Bea Fitzpatrick shared information about the organization; Diocesan Altar Guild members, Rosella Newell & Hazel Lee stand in front of their beautiful hand-made stoles; a colorful display of Camp Mokule'ia.)

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In the afternoon, the last of fifteen resolutions were addressed and the session wrapped up with Courtesy Resolutions and announcements including next year's Sesquicentennial Convention Meeting.  The meeting closed with the singing of Hawai'i Aloha.

afternoon conv strip 2011 


For a report on the Meeting of the Convention and the outcome of the fifteen resolutions submitted, you may go to the Diocesan website HERE, or click on the links below:






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As you may know, it takes a ton of preparation, organization, collaboration, paperwork, phone calls and endless emails to put on events of this nature, most of which remain unseen to participants.  Although there are many to thank for their role in this year's DJ'11 and Meeting of the Convention, along with dozens of volunteers, special thanks go to the organizers who orchestrate it all. 

Mahalo to Sharon Billingsley and Keane Akao for putting together this year's Disciple's Journey 2011.  Canon to the Ordinary, Liz Beasley, had her hands full organizing this year's Opening Eucharist and Ordination Ceremony (and keeping the Bishop on target during the meeting).  

Office Manager and Events Coordinator, Lani Ka'aihue, had the mammoth task of organizing the Meeting of the Convention, but not without an army of committed staff that included Irina Martikainen, the Bishop's Secretary (who kept the program flowing flawlessly on her laptop); Event Support, Rev. Carol Arney, Sharon Billingsley, June Choriki, Accountant/Financial Assistant, and Peter Pereira, Diocesan Treasurer, who made sure all the documents and appropriate financial information were available to delegates.  Thank you for all of your dedication and hard work.

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Above L-R:  Sharon Billingsley, Keane Akao, Canon Liz Beasley, Rev. Carol Arney, Irina Martikainen, Peter Pereira
priory girls conv 2011
Pictured at right, girls from the "Lion's Den", an after school program of St. Andrew's Priory Middle School, helped to stuff the convention packets.  Lani Ka'aihue is pictured near the top of the first photo, making sure things are assembled properly.   

Article and contributing photographer:  Sybil Nishioka.  Special thanks to David Jones for sharing all of his photos with the Bishop's Office.  A number of them appear in this article including the wide-angle/fish-eye shot in the Convention section.  Thank you also to Nancy Rowe, Sue Ann Wargo and Portia Okamoto for their submissions.


Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor


The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.  All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office.  The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers.  Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI  96813
(808) 536-7776; Neighbor Islands: (800) 522-8418


The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.


The deadline for the February 2012 issue is January 31, 2012