ChronicleHeader purple

The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond... 

 December 2011
In This Issue
Bishop's Message
E-chronicle Special Edition Link for coverage on DJ'11 & Convention XLIII
Four Ordinations Highlight Opening Eucharist
A Kahili to Cherish
Tis the season to be jolly...

Bishop's Calendar


***** DECEMBER *****



December 4

Christ Church, Kealakekua (Big Island)

December 11

St. James, Kamuela (Big Island)



December 3

Celebration of New Ministry for The Rev. Robert "Moki" Hino, Holy Apostles (Big Island)

December 4

Celebration of New Ministry for The Rev. Richard Tardiff, Christ Church (Big Island)

December 13

Preach at Priory Christmas Eucharist

December 17

Standing Committee & Diocesan Council Meetings

December 18

Ordination & Celebration of New Ministry for The Rev. Roberta "Robin" Taylor of Christ Memorial (Kaua'i)

December 24

Preach at Cathedral Christmas Eve Services

December 25

Celebrant at Cathedral Christmas Day Services

December 31

Preach at Cathedral New Year's Eve Service


***** JANUARY *****



January 8

St. Mary's, Honolulu (O'ahu)

January 15

St. Timothy's, Aiea (O'ahu)



January 7

Community of Deacons, Honolulu (O'ahu)

January 10 - 13

Province VIII House of Bishops, Cathedral Center, CA

January 21

Standing Committee & Diocesan Council Meetings

January 22 - February 4



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Beasley's Blog

Canon Liz Beasley shares her thoughts and wisdom.  Click  on the Beasley's Blog link above to read her latest entry.
Share your stories...
We want to feature stories and photos about parish activities and events in your neighborhood.  Send your submissions to:

Bishop's Message

Bishop Fitzpatrick


In case you missed it, we have included links to Bishop Fitzpatrick's recently featured Reading List for 2012, and his Opening Address at the 43rd Annual Meeting of 
the Convention.





Bishop's Reading List for 2012

As he has done in the past, the Bishop suggests specific books to individuals and congregations for their reading and study in 2012. In each category, the Bishop has made two suggestions. The first suggestion (a) is easily adaptable for individual or group study with little formal background needed.  The suggestion that then follows (b) is for added or more in-depth study and reflection. 

Read more... 


reading list 2012 




Bishop's Opening Address at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Convention October 29, 2011

In the past, I have shared clips of very different movies with the Convention.  I've asked you to go on a Mission from God with the Blues Brothers and to join the Fellowship of Christ with the Lord of the Rings. 


conv videoThis clip was different.  This is a much simpler story.  It is where I think we are called today as a Diocese.  In the scene from Zeffirelli's Brother Sun, Sister Moon, St. Francis of Assisi is hard at work rebuilding the Church of San Damiano when his friend Bernardo seeks him out. 


Francis is following the call of Christ to:  "Go rebuild my Church, which you see in ruins."  He's taken the call literally, but already he realizes that there is something more. He sees that to be a follower of Christ- all of us, each of us, to the followers of Christ - even we ourselves now, is to be called "the living stones."


Bernardo is an old friend who was away at the crusades.  He tells Francis: "I want to help you."


"Words. Words, Bernardo, there was a time I believed in words."


Bishop 2011 addressAs your Bishop, I have now gathered with you in Convention five times.  We have grown together.  I appreciate your patience and your prayers. 


I have been given a wonderful gift in the lay people and clergy of this Diocese.  God is good to me.  In Irina, Lani, Liz, June and Peter - and now part-time, Carol - I have a wonderful staff.  Many of you give of your time and talent to the departments, committees and commissions of the Diocese.  I do appreciate it.  God is very good to me.  Bea is by my side and my sons are well.  Thank you, God. 


These have been difficult months for many in our State and throughout the world.  The economy continues to move on sluggishly.  The United States continues in a far off war.  Perhaps, we are living into a new normal.  We just don't know for sure what tomorrow will bring.  Like Francis, we live in the reality of a new world, a new time. 


The Diocese remains well enough for now, but change is on the horizon.  Many worry we are growing too old.  Money is tight.  Some are convinced that the Church is irrelevant.


Like Francis, we have to look to Jesus Christ for our reality.

Who are we? Who are the followers of Jesus?  I have learned from the Scripture and from you - here in Hawai'i.





A special edition of the E-Chronicle featuring the highlights and activities of Disciple's Journey 2011, Reception & Opening Eucharist, and Convention XLIII, is now available.  Click on the Special Edition link above to view this issue, or visit the Diocesan website under What's Happening > E-Chronicle Archive.   


2011 ordinands
Contributing photographers: Dave Jones, Sybil Nishioka, Portia Okamoto
On Friday, October 28, 2011, four ordinations took place during the Opening Eucharist of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Convention.  Pictured above are the newly ordained, Corey Todd Thornton with Fr. Paul Klitzke, Malcolm Naea Chun, Fr. Bill Miller with Amy Beth Crowe, and Peter Wu. For the complete story and coverage of this event, be sure to click on the Special Edition Chronicle for Disciple's Journey & Convention XLIII above. 


 By Leimalama Lee Loy, Hawaiian Committee, Cathedral of St. Andrew
KahiliHave you truly given much notice to the two Kahili (Feather Standard) which grace the front of our Cathedral near the pulpit, with its bright red and yellow feathers?  In fact, have you noticed a different luster to its appearance - a glowing, beautiful sheen to its looks?  If you haven't, take a closer view this time. [In early October], the feathers were gingerly dusted one by one by the tender, loving hands of our "Feather" expert, Aunty Paulette Kahalepuna, and her assistant. For your information, once or twice a year, our Kahili are given a "good cleaning" to maintain its sheen and vibrant colors.


The Kahili was an object that gave prestige to our Hawaiian Ali'i (royalty). It was an object that directed the Ali'i where they were to travel to; where the Ali'i sat and the Kahili remained there. Feathers were greatly held in high esteem; they were the greatest treasure above all other Hawaiian treasures. For that reason, our two feather Kahili majestically serve as our symbol of honor to our Ali'i!


In honor of our Sesquicentennial celebration in 2012, our Cathedral will embark on a project of making
Kahili maker paulette
Aunty Paulette in her workshop.
Aunty Paulette two new Kahili to replace the current two Kahili. At its recent Hawaiian Committee meeting, Aunty Paulette shared some exciting details on how the two Kahili standards will be made. As the pictures reflect, many "hands" will be needed to complete the project, requiring two "full" Saturdays, probably sometime during the Spring 2012, with a manpower of at least 25 people to individually carve the Kahili Standards into a beautiful piece of art, with each person feeling the power of Mana, coming from such a journey. The Committee already has reserved a huge room at the Priory to accommodate all the needed resources. It will be a work in progress, a learning experience for all, but an exhilarating one, under the skillful direction of Aunty Paulette. Think of making new friends; of enjoying the company of old friends; sharing stories of our Sesquicentennial experiences! When all is said and done, everyone of us will look proudly at this piece of art before us from our pew, whispering, "I placed that little feather in that niche!" Won't that be fun? We will share more details as additional information is received.


In the meantime, have no fear - our current two Kahili Standards will find another place of honor within our Cathedral complex. Should you have any questions on the cleaning of our Kahili or on this latest project, you may direct them to Paulie Jennings, President of the Hawaiian Committee, at phone  486-3185 or e-mail her.  Mahalo A Nui Loa!
The Art of Making A Kahili
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Individual feather pieces: how it will be made and artfully placed into a framework.
2. The major framework (tree) to hold the feathered pieces together
3. How the pieces will be linked together to the major framework
kahili making
 Photos provided by the Hawaiian Committee and Sybil Nishioka

 Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la ...

By The Rev. Paul Klitzke

Klitzke santa
Photograph courtesy of St. Nicholas

At a recent meeting with Bishop Bob, he somewhat rhetorically asked if those gathered knew what he received the most complaints about as Bishop. "The music" was the answer. Bishop Bob had no doubt this dominated the complaints, perhaps the struggles, with the congregations within Hawai'i. Both clergy and laity desire reform in this part of our church. Traditional singing of hymns, particularly with an organ has less appeal than ever before. Finding a musician capable of playing an organ well and maintaining an organ (especially in a tropical climate) poses further challenges. 

The church music dilemma was further highlighted when someone from the church shared a few articles with me online: "New Harmonies" from The Christian Century, and the response on the Episcopal Cafe website. As I shared these links on Facebook, a friend asked if I might draft a response. They were curious to hear something from the perspective of a Priest they knew to be in a church that enjoyed their music too. 


The problem we face with church music is perpetuated by the fact that there is no singular solution to the dilemma. The musical interests of those who gather within the Episcopal Church are as diverse as the people themselves. Part of the answer can be found in examining the purpose of the music within the church. I believe the overall purpose of music within the church is to unite the people gathered in an expression of joy for God. I spoke to this goal during our instructed Eucharist, that the music unites us as we sing together. Further, each song may prepare us for whatever part of the liturgy is coming next. As you enter Advent and throughout Christmas, we will be particularly aware of how the season and liturgy are formed by the songs we sing. This will hold true not only in church, but wherever we go in these seasons.

I would like to believe that our church is the exception to the rule within the Diocese, that no one from St. Nicholas complains about the music. That may in fact be true, although there may be complaints from others about our musical style - maybe we are the teenagers blasting music in the park?  Either way, I am grateful to be in a church with a relatively clear identity about our music, that identity being founded in joy and unity.

Let me be clear that I do not believe we have found the silver bullet solution to the musical crisis the Christian Church faces today. Suggesting that everyone adopt the same musical style may be as tortuous as forcing parents to trade iPods with their teenagers, or, worse yet, set the volume level. However, I hope that each gathering of people might find music that unites them, unites them in their joy for God no less.


"Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; meditate on and talk of all His wondrous works and devoutly praise them!"  1Chronicles 16:9 (Amplified Bible)



Homelessness in Downtown Historic Honolulu

by Elizabeth Conklin, Cathedral of St. Andrew

SA Homeless forum panel
 Photos provided by members of St. Andrew's Cathderal.

On Wednesday evening, September 14, the Outreach Committee [of St. Andrew's Cathedral] sponsored a community forum on "Homelessness in Downtown Historic Honolulu" in Davies Hall.  The program featured a panel (pictured above) consisting of Connie Mitchell, Executive Director of the Institute of Human Services (IHS); Marc Alexander, Hawaii Governor's Coordinator on Homelessness; The Rev. Andrew Dahlburg, Rector, St. Aidan's Mission Church and Director of the Celtic Catholic Feeding Program; Darlene Hein, Director of Community Services, Waikiki Health Center.  The moderator was Bill Musick. 


We had an audience of about 50 people, including not only members of St. Andrew's Cathedral but also several state government officials and representatives from St. Andrew's Priory School and  St. Paul's, plus representatives from other agencies who work with homeless people, including Scott Morishige from Helping Hands Hawaii. In addition, a number of homeless people attended, including several families,  and some spoke eloquently about their concerns. We learned quite a lot about the programs and policies of the agencies represented, as well as gaining a greater depth of understanding about the problem in general. 


SA homeless foum 2011
Susan Hays, John Condrey and Bill Musick go over some last minute planning.

In the end, however, this excellent forum was only the beginning of a conversation we needed to have within the Cathedral.  As John Condrey put it in his welcoming remarks, "As a church, we stand in a certain tension ... how do we fulfill the charge to "feed the hungry and clothe the naked", AND to be responsible partners in our community that strives to do the same?  This particular church was founded by King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma, as part of their quest to tend to the people of Hawaii - all the people of Hawaii.  We recognize our commitment to those of us who are underserved and in need of care; we recognize our commitment to our neighbors, especially the Priory School, the State House, the residential condominiums, and Downtown Business.  We are careful to ask the question - "are we feeding others, or are we really feeding ourselves ..." The Outreach Committee looks forward to hosting additional events that will help to extend this conversation.


We are especially grateful to Ann Hansen and Bill Musick for organizing the panel and presentations, to John Condrey for greeting everyone on behalf of St. Andrew's Cathedral, to Melvia Kawashima and Karen Sender for helping to publicize it, to KITV for TV coverage, and to Melvia and the other members of the Outreach Committee who brought wonderful desserts and helped with setup and takedown.  


Celebration of New Ministry ~ The Rev. Giovan King

Giovan Installation

On Sunday, October 16, The Rev. Giovan King was installed at St. Christopher's Episcopal Church in Kailua.  Pictured above, parishioners are presenting their newly installed Rector with the bread and wine; "be among us to break the Bread and bless the Cup."   (Photo provided by Rev. Michael Barham)



O'ahu Regional Confirmation Ceremony

reg confr altar


On Tuesday, November 1, 2011, an All Saints' Day Regional Confirmation Service and Reception was held at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Aiea.  The celebration involved churches from Central and West O'ahu, with two people confirmed and three received into the Episcopal Church.  Brianna Idica of St. Stephen's and Kaleo Patterson of St. Phillip's were confirmed, and Clyde Campbell of St. Timothy's and Tracey Idica and Darrel Idica of St. Stephen's, were received. Clergy from the different churches assisting Bishop Fitzpatrick included Pastor Karen Perkins, Fr. Gregory Johnson, chalice bearers Revs. Michael and Becky Tinnon, and Deacon Nancy Conley.  Congratulations!


Confirmand strip
Bishop Fitzpatrick does the laying on of hands to the newly confirmed and received during the Regional Confirmation Ceremony at St. Timothy's.  Photos courtesy of Rae Costa.


The following article appeared in the November 2011 issue of the Vine & Branches Newsletter of St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church


SE Micronesian speaker
Jocelyn Howard speaks about Micronesia.

St. Elizabeth's hosts Micronesian Community Action Program Presentation

On Saturday, October 1, over fifty of St. Elizabeth's members were in attendance at a presentation by the Micronesian Community Action Program.  Jocelyn Howard and Lillian Segal shared stories of the effects of nuclear bomb testing on the people of Micronesia, including the destruction of centuries-old cultures and the many challenges facing the people from this part of the world.


But they also shared wonderful stories of how the people of these tiny islands that make up Micronesia organize themselves, and how languages and customs differ from island to island.  The children are ingenious in crafting toys from spare objects lying around, and the glory of God's beautiful creations can be found in stunning lagoons, tropical rain forests and the smiles of a welcoming people.



The following contains excerpts from an article that appeared in the December 2011 issue of Hoku Makoi: The Epiphany Star Newsletter of The Church of the Epiphany.


Bedspreads for Mokule'ia

by Nanlyn Sue

Epiph Bedspreads 

The Sweat Shop is alive and well at Epiphany! Flourishing under precise guidelines from Wilma Namumnart and the quiet gentle guidance of Karen Leatherman, the Sewing Circle Sisters began the process of manufacturing bedspreads for the Lodge at Mokule'ia over the Veterans Day weekend.


Bolts and bolts of bright Hawaiian print fabric were unrolled and accurately measured and cut by Helen Nakasone, Barbara Poe, Ruth Hayashi and Kay Fong.  Then it was over to the pinning tables where Diane Tokumaru, Susan Shea, Barbara Poe, Roselle Wong, Edean Iwanaga and Peggy Chun perfectly pinned the fabric lengths together.  From the pinning table to the serging table, the lengths were professionally serged by Edith Hanohano, Maedene Lum and Wilma.  The seams were then ironed by Nan Sue, and then sent to Mary Shishido, Janice Low and Karen for overstitching. Five-year old Riley Kozuma assisted Barbara to draw the curving corners on each piece, before going back to the sergers to finish off the edges.  The final steps included more ironing and a finished hem.   


We have no doubt that real sweat shops don't have Hawaiian music blasting from the boom box, or fabulous sandwiches, micro-green salad and tortellini meatball soup for lunch with popcorn, pastries and panacotta for dessert.  Neither do they benefit from the hilarious banter and chatter that continued all day! But we are not pau!  The Sweat Shop will re-open after the holiday recess to put the finishing touches on the bedspreads before they are presented to Camp Mokule'ia.



Annual Kapa'a Interfaith Thanksgiving Luncheon
serves record numbers
All Saints TG strip
Since 2003, churches in the Kapa'a community of Kaua'i have been 'serving it up' to folks on Thanksgiving Day.  Seven churches have come together, forming the Kapa'a Interfaith Association (KIA), where they meet regularly to plan, raise funds, and serve a free Thanksgiving meal each year in the All Saints' Episcopal Church Gym.  In past years, organizers planned for 500 meals, but it looks like this number will have to be changed, as over 600 meals were served and delivered this year! 
All Saints TG lunch priests 2011
Fr. Ben Nelson of All Saints', second from left, poses with priests from the other participating churches. 
The event is open to everyone and begins with an interfaith service at All Saints' Church.  Priests from the participating churches each share a unified message of thanksgiving and love.  Folks then head over to the gym where they are served heaping plates of roast turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, vegetables, rolls and of course, pumpkin pie!  No standing in buffet lines here... the youth from the different churches are assigned to serve everyone, while local-style music fills the air. 
Participating churches raise funds and donate items to cover the cost of the food which is graciously prepared and served up by famous local caterer, Mark Oyama and his staff at Contemporary Flavors.  That alone draws many, as Mark's reputation on the island is well known.  Decorations of plants and produce are donated, and everyone chips in to help set-up and break down.  A huge part of the event not readily seen are the packaged and delivered meals.  A separate buffet line is set-up in the church's parish hall, where hundreds of meals are plated and wrapped along with juice and specially made placemats created by our children.  The meals are then delivered to folks who have signed up for a home-delivered meal.  Over 200 meals were delivered by dozens of volunteers.
This year was also very special, thanks to the Episcopal Church Women in Hawai'i.  One of the All Saints' KIA representatives, Diane Sato (pictured far left in top banner), who is also an active ECW member on Kaua'i, made the trip over to O'ahu for the presentation, and was deeply touched by the generosity and kindness of the ECW women on O'ahu.  They provided over $1,000 towards this event through their ECW Specials, with some of their own personal money accompanying the grant.  This amount greatly reduced the financial challenges to put on an event of this nature.  A joint bake sale raised the remaining money needed to make this a truly wonderful and special event for all!  
The KIA churches are: All Saints' Epsicopal Church, United Church of Christ, St. Catherine's Catholic Church, Kapa'a Hongwanji, Kapa'a Jodo Mission, Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Wards l & ll.
Thanksgiving banner


The following photos appeared in Good Shepherd Episcopal Church's Facebook Page:


Blessing Advent Wreaths at Good Shepherd

GS Blessing Advent wreaths

Rev. Marvin Foltz blesses the children's Advent wreaths that were made through the hard work of adult and youth volunteers. Pictured above are: Angela, preparing the base for the wreath with candles; Gloria Cajical securing it to the plates with hot glue gun nearby; Angela, Kimberly and Princess putting the greens in; the final wreath ready for blessing!  



The following articles appeared in the December issue of St. John's Episcopal Church Newsletter. 


Sewing talent thrives at St. John's

st john sewersJudy Thomson and Julie Peterson sit at their whirring sewing machines, Christmas designed fabrics sliding under their fingers.  Marlene Singlehurst
 irons out brightly colored cloths, readying them for assembly into cleverly designed potholders.  Evelyn Kuykendall folds fabric while chatting with Marilyn Cleghorn, who drops by to talk about the boutique. 

Every Thursday these, and other dedicated women, gather to enjoy the art of sewing. They represent years of skills in myriad professional fields and share decades of talent in sewing, knitting, crocheting, design and are willing to introduce others to the joy of crafts. The past few months they have been busy sewing items for sale at the first Christmas Boutique, Saturday, December 10. Other months, they come up with clever designs for various projects, sharing time together and just enjoying the fellowship of those who love creativity. 

The informal group coalesced around the joy of sewing. Over the years they helped raise money for St. John's budget through rummage and gift sales. "But instead of that we decided handmade items were what we liked to do best, and so began meeting regularly last year," said Thomson.  Last Christmas, they held a boutique just for churchgoers after Sunday services in mid-December. This year they decided to expand and open to the public. It has meant a lot of work and made not a few of them worry that they had enough to sell.

Though the women originally hoped to direct proceeds to remodeling the rectory kitchen, right now the church vestry asked that all monies raised by church groups needs to go into the church's general budget for ministry, said Thomson.  Among those who have made craft items for sale, sometimes working independently but often regularly with the group, are: Ruth Fullaway, Judy Thomson, Evelyn Kuykendall, Julie Peterson, Paula Hoit, Marlene Singlehurst, Marilyn Cleghorn, Doreen and Richard Dawe, Irene Chung, Ellen Lundquist, Ruth Fullaway, Sue Williams-Rowe, and Jean Fiddes. Others are always welcome. The group meets every Thursday at the church parish hall, beginning at 10 a.m. Those interested to learn to sew or join in craft making are encouraged to join this friendly, talented group.




Celebration of New Ministry ~ The Rev. Robert "Moki" Hino 

Moki Hino Install 2011

 The Holy Apostles 'Ohana, friends and family gathered to celebrate Rev. Moki's installment on Saturday, December 3, 2011.  Warm fellowship, music, dance and ono-licious food were enjoyed by all!

Photo from Church of Holy Apostles website. 




Anti-Racism Committee offers action in response to General Convention resolution A-143

[December 8, 2011] In response to the 2009 General Convention Resolution A-143, the Episcopal Church Executive Council's Anti-Racism Committee has called for facilitated conversations and video viewing by dioceses and congregations to combat the sin of racism.


Resolution A-143 called for dioceses "to continue over the next six years a process to gather information in its community on (1) the complicity of The Episcopal Church in the institution of slavery and in the subsequent history of segregation and discrimination, (2) examples of resistance to slavery and discrimination and (3) the economic benefits derived by the Episcopal Church from the transatlantic slave trade and the institution of slavery..."


To that end, the Anti-Racism Committee approved a resolution recommending the viewing of Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North, a PBS documentary in which producer/director Katrina Browne discovers that her New England ancestors, the DeWolf family, were the largest slave-trading family in U.S. history.


The Anti-Racism Committee also recommended the utilization of facilitated dialogues offered by Dain and Constance Perry, members of the DeWolf family who participated in the preparation of Traces of the Trade and who facilitate conversations on racism and racial reconciliation.


The Rev. John Kitagawa, Committee chairperson, said of the action, "The Anti-Racism Committee feels that using the Traces of the Trade video along with the Perry's considerable skills at facilitating conversation offers the Church a realistic and manageable way to begin the very difficult work of responding to Resolution A-144 and addressing the lasting effects of the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade."

For more information, email Kitagawa.



EE2011 header
Everyone Everywhere 2011 explores the meaning of mission

"Mission is not about something we do.  It is about who we are."

The four-day Episcopal Church conference, Everyone Everywhere 2011, concluded on October 16, with a multi-national, multi-language Eucharist that included lively music and prompted singing, clapping and some dancing.  Eucharistic preacher Bishop Stacy Sauls, challenged the conference attendees in his sermon: "Mission is not about something we do.  It is about who we are.  It is not about doing good.  It is about following Jesus."


The first Everyone Everywhere Conference took place in 2008 in Baltimore, MD, and focused on the global mission engagement of the Episcopal Church.  Participants urged planners to hold a second conference to reach more people and to build on the learning that took place.  This year's conference was a result of that effort, with the focus on relationship in the context of mission. 


Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori opened the conference on October 13, in Estes Park, CO.  The workshops and presentations offered dealt with Education and Formation, Justice Concerns, Mission Logistics and Funding, Mission Opportunities and Mobilizing People and Assets.  For more information and to view videos of the conference, go to the website HERE.   


Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor


The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.  All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office.  The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers.  Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI  96813
(808) 536-7776; Neighbor Islands: (800) 522-8418


The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.


The deadline for the February 2012 issue is January 31, 2012