Earl September

Another busy week here at Jungle Friends. We have been building habitats for monkeys retiring from entertainment and laboratory research. Also this week Kari got a call about a white face capuchin who needs a home. Please consider making a donation to help us help these monkeys in need. 

We are so happy to share with you that Wendell is recovering very nicely! Every day I am so inspired by his bravery and his strength to deal with whatever comes his way. Thank you to all our supporters for making the mission of Jungle Friends possible!  
Monkeys in the Media! 
If you did not already know, Jungle Friends was started in Las Vegas Nevada. In 1998 Kari moved the sanctuary to Gainesville Florida so the monkeys would have a better climate. Over the years Jungle Friends has expanded from the original 1 acre of land in Las Vegas to now over 40 acres in Gainesville. The monkey residents started with  Samantha and Charlotte and now 300 monkeys call Jungle Friends home! Read about the history of Jungle Friends. 

Jungle Friends is now the largest New World monkey sanctuary in the United States and is often in the media. 

The most recent news story is an article that was published in the Las Vegas Review Journal.

 Also recently, Jungle Friends was mentioned in an article about the top 10 animal sanctuary around the world worth supporting. Jungle Friends is one of two United States sanctuaries mentioned. 

It is always a reward when the sanctuary is mentioned in articles like these, it shows that our hard work to help these animals does not go unnoticed. 

Jungle Friends has been mentioned in the media numerous times. Many of our monkey rescues made the news and their stories have been featured in documentaries from National Geographic's Wild Chronicles (featuring Tessa) to Primetime, The Outsiders (featuring Andy). Check those story's out on our Monkeys in the Media page.
Coming Soon...
Several of the Jungle Friends monkeys, and their stories, will be featured in the documentary
Sanctuary Teaser Trailer
Sanctuary, which will be coming out next year. Victoria Summer will narrate. The film is being produced by Shannon Keith who founded and runs Uncaged Films/ARME (Animal Rescue, Media & Education). ARME rescues homeless animals and focuses on stopping the problem at its roots through educational initiatives, including making documentaries about animals.

For those of you who loved and remember Jimmy Sr., you will be happy to learn that Jimmy's story will be featured in the film. Watch the video, Goodbye Jimmy Sr. 

Monkey Day! 
Puchi wants to meet you at Monkey Day!
Our 3rd annual Monkey Day is coming up! Don't forget to mark your calendars for October 24th from 2-5 pm. Invitations will be mailed out soon. Get a head start by emailing your RSVP and printing, completing and bringing with you the registration formsThe gates will open at 1:30 and close at 2:30 so please don't miss the opportunity to get into the sanctuary. 

If you have any items you would like to donate to Jungle Friends for the raffle, you can mail them to us or we can set up a time for you to drop them off at the sanctuary.

Sponsor any Jungle Friends monkey and your name will be entered in the drawing for a chance to win a Monkey Cruise to the Bahamas!

Jungle Friends is a true sanctuary which means we are not open to the public. This event is one of ONLY two days each year that we allow our supporters and their friends and family to visit and meet the monkeys -- don't miss it! 

Interested in volunteering?
Volunteer group summer 2012 We need volunteers every day of the week, from sunup to sundown! Check out the volunteer page to learn more about the requirements and the different tasks that volunteers do! After completing the volunteer application please email [email protected] to set up a day and time you wish to come out! We have a lot going on right now and we would love your help caring for the 300 monkeys here at Jungle Friends! 

Monkey Hugs, 

Brianna Fried 
Executive Assistant 
Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary

Sponsor Judy for a chance to win a cruise!
P.S. All of the squirrel monkeys in Emerald City have settled into their new home at Jungle Friends! Last week the researcher that previously worked with them in the lab came to visit and she had tears of joy because of how well they are all doing. She mentioned that the monkeys were getting nice tans and were even gaining muscle!
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