Wendell's Eyes

Wendell is an elderly capuchin who arrived at Jungle Friends on October 16, 2009 by way of another sanctuary. Wendell was in such poor health, he could not travel to Jungle Friends until his diabetes was under control and his hand was healed. We are not sure what caused the trauma to his hand; most of his fingers on his left hand were broken with skin missing leaving his hand raw. We believe he self-mutilated due to neuropathy, which can be caused by diabetes.

Wendell also became blind, which was related to the diabetes.

Wendell is one of the sweetest monkeys you will ever know. Obviously, he has had his share of bad luck, and still, Wendell greets everyone with a smile and offers his hand to everyone he meets. At night he cuddles up with his blankets in his indoor enclosure with his best monkey friend, Kooda.
Wendell needs you now! 
Most of you know that Wendell has been blind for a couple years now. We suspect he had glaucoma, or a painful eye disease caused by increased eye pressure. This can occur secondarily to retinopathy, a complication of diabetes, which Wendell has lived with for a long time. 
Despite daily medication and monitoring of his condition, his eyes became badly inflamed over the last couple of weeks, and it was recently discovered that his right eye was developing a melting corneal ulcer. This particular type of ulcer weakens the cornea severely and can very quickly allow infection to develop and, if left untreated, can cause the eye to rupture. 

Eye rupture is exactly as it sounds, the eye breaks down, deflating and releasing the fluids that live inside. It is a very painful result that can not be repaired. Given the extent of Wendell's eye condition along with several other factors, it was decided among Kari and the Jungle Friend's caregivers and staff who love him so, so much, to remove Wendell's eyes.

During the surgery, Wendell's right eye easily ruptured once pressure was applied, due to the weak spot created by the ulcer. This likely would have happened on its own in a matter of days had we not removed the eye. 
His left eye was also in trouble- once it was removed, we opened the eye to explore the condition inside, and discovered that the lens was hardened and luxated, or slipped out of its proper position, which can also be a painful condition. 

Both eyes were infected due to the extreme pressure caused by the glaucoma, the eyes were unable to drain excess fluid, creating a buildup, and because the lenses were hardened, the eyes were not able to breathe well. This created an environment
 perfect for bacteria, causing a buildup of pus. By removing the eyes under anesthesia we were able to properly clean the sockets and prevent contamination from the infection trapped inside, something that could have been very dangerous in the event of a rupture.

We reunited Wendell with his loving companion, Kooda, and she has been grooming him non-stop since his return. We believe that Kooda's tender loving care will e the best medicine for sweet Wendell.

We were able to eliminate a source of pain and infection easily with one capture, one sedation, and one surgery. We believe that once Wendell heals, he will be even happier, if that's possible.
Wendell's surgery was over $700. Please make a donation to the Monkey Medical Fund. Donations to this fund are used for emergencies, like Wendell, and on-going medical care, medical supplies and equipment for our on-site clinic.

We appreciate your love and support for sweet Wendell- he feels your love, keep sending it his way and help him heal quickly!  


P.S. Don't forget to mark you calendars! RSVP for Monkey Day on October 24th from 2-5 pm. Be there or be square!
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