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Jungle News: Because of you...
December 29, 2013

Dear Friend of Jungle Friends,    

Wow! What a year it has been! Because of your continued support and enthusiasm 2013 has been a phenomenal year. Because of you, look at what we have accomplished!
Don King and Sloth crop
Because of you, a major university has asked us to accept a colony of 144 cotton-top tamarins being released from research. Watch Jungle News for info as we prepare for their arrival.
Because of you, we have given homes to Sloth and Don King, and 12 other monkeys released from research. Even more are on our waiting list, including seven from University of Georgia.
Jerseys beard
Ellie Mae happy
Because of you, Jersey has completed his journey from rescue to rehab. Now he will live a long, happy life with monkey friends!
Because of you, ex-pets like sweet Ellie Mae can live real monkey lives. In 2013 we provided homes to nine ex-pets.
Wendell eating walnut

Because of you, Wendell, who lost his sight due to diabetes, now has new handicap ramps in his habitat and even a new friend, Kooda.
Because of you, we were able to help Gussie leave this life in a calm, pain-free way. Now her daughter Joni thrives with new "mom" Chi Chi.

In 2014, as more and more universities are getting out of the "monkey business," we need your help more than ever! Here are some of the ways you can help:
  • $32 buys 15 pounds of peanuts, the monkeys' favorite treat
  • $78 purchases fresh produce for a day
  • $127 buys insulin and supplies for 2 weeks for a diabetic monkey
  • $744 pays the utility bill for one week in the winter
  • $5,000 builds a squirrel monkey or marmoset/tamarin habitat
  • $7,000 builds a capuchin or spider monkey habitat
Please make a donation today. It's tax-deductible!


P.S. If you aren't on our postal mailing list, you can read our year-end newletter here. If you want to be on our mailing list, please email us!