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Please remember us this Holiday Season!
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Don't forget the monkeys when you are making your
Year-End Donations.
Murphy Brown writing
Murphy Brown is writing a letter to Santa. What's in her letter? Find out!
The Nutcracker is Sweet
Mario eating walnuts
Mario loves to suck his thumb, but when he has nuts to crack, he stops thumbsucking!
Decorate with Monkey Art by Joni for the Holidays!
Joni - Christmas Cheer
This special edition art print by sweet little Joni will make a great holiday gift! Your support will surely perk her up after losing her mom, Gussie, earlier this month.
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December 12, 2013

Dear Friend of Jungle Friends,  

I am thrilled to report that there are FOUR universities getting out of the "Monkey Business"! And yes, the monkeys will be released to Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary - that means the sanctuary  will literally double in size within the next 2 years and we need your help!

This is very exciting news and to make this happen, we will need more land, more carestaff and yup, you guessed it, more money! Please help this effort by contributing to our Laboratory Research Retirement Fund in honor of a loved one this Holiday.

If you would like to know more about this important shift, please call me 386-462-7779 and I will fill you in. I will be sending out more information about the release of the laboratory monkeys very soon, so if you are not on our mailing list, be sure to email me with your postal address.

Lots of monkey love from Kari

P.S. Don't forget to order your 2014 Monkey Calendar, enjoy a monkey a month AND they make great gifts!

Calendar front

Meet the new kids in Munchkinland!
Just two years old, Clementine and Jethro are ex-pets who have lived together their whole lives. They came to Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary last week, and already love their new home!
Clementine and Jethro
They're not fat, they're fluffy!
Clementine is a cotton-top tamarin, and Jethro is a black tufted-ear marmoset. It's unusual to have two species living together, but as long as they are okay with it, so are we!

Won't you be the first to
Sponsor Clementine or Jethro?!
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