

My family and I recently traveled to a very beautiful part of the world, the Pacific Northwest! We visited Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia, Canada and Seattle, Washington. On the way back home to Las Vegas, we spent a few days in San Francisco, California. The natural beauty of these places is breathtaking. Each of the cities we visited have some of the most amazing attractions to offer and yet each has its own character.


In Seattle, we particularly enjoyed visiting the Pike Place Market, The Space Needle, and the surrounding area of museums. We also took a harbor ferry tour. The drive from Seattle to Vancouver through lush forests was strikingly different and a welcome relief from driving in the Mojave Desert of Nevada, Arizona and California that we have grown accustomed to for many years. We thoroughly enjoyed the natural beauty of Stanley Park in Vancouver, the Butchart Gardens near Victoria and the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.


Being a structural engineer, I could not help paying special attention to the spectacular structures we encountered during the trip. The area has some of the most recognizable and iconic observation towers, skyscrapers, bridges and other historic and significant structures in the world. Below, I would like to share with you one very unique structure from each of the places my family and I visited. 
Best regards,


Mohammed Thomad, PE, SE
Focus On: Interesting Structures   
Impressive structures such as long-spanning bridges, striking observation towers, and super tall sky scrapers can be found in major cities around the world!. Below are three interesting structures our Principal, Mohammed Thomad, visited on his recent family vacation to the Pacific Northwest and San Francisco!  

Capilano Suspension Bridge,  Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada  
Built in 1889, this interesting structure soars 230 feet above the Capilano River in British Columbia, Canada, and spans an impressive 450 feet! (taller than some of the resorts on the Las Vegas Strip). A must see if you are in the Vancouver area, this bridge is just one of many attractions in the Capilano Suspension Bridge Park. Other attractions include The Cliffwalk, and the Treetops Adventure.  
Transamerica Pyramid, San Francisco, California
Designed by architect William Pereira, The Transamerica Pyramid was completed in 1972 and at the time was one of the 5 tallest structures in the world. Today it remains San Francisco's most iconic structure and features a "virtual observation deck" in the lobby which has live feeds from cameras at the top of the tower that point North, East, South, and West.
Space Needle, Seattle, Washington
Built for the 1962 World's Fair, the Space Needle is an icon of Seattle, and was once the tallest structure West of the Mississippi River. It was conceived by Edward Carlson, chairman of the 1962 World's Fair, having been inspired by an observation tower he visited in Germany. Architecturally, the tower is a compromise of two visions: Carlson envisioned a large balloon tethered to the ground, and architect John Graham, Jr. who envisioned a flying saucer. The tower was declared a historic landmark in April of 1999.

JUNE  2013

In This Issue:
Focus On: Interesting Structures

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THOMAD Engineering is a client focused structural engineering design and consulting firm established in 2003 and based in Las Vegas, Nevada. We are committed to providing creative solutions and excellent services to loyal clients on a wide range of projects.

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Projects currently under construction to be featured in future issues of Structural Moments:

  • Renovations to the New York New York Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, NV
  • Custom Residence designed by noted architect Richard Meier, Las Vegas, NV 

THOMAD Engineering LLC|  Tel. 702.388.7755  |  Fax 702.388.7766 |

4535 W. Russell Road, Suite 12; Las Vegas, NV 89118