

Should design engineers inspect the construction work of their own projects? This question has been a subject of discussion and opinion over the years.


In most jurisdictions, building officials have significant authority when reviewing engineering work and inspecting the construction work to determine compliance with code requirements. They have the authority to approve or reject a building permit application based on the review of plans, drawings and reports. Their authority also extends to inspection of the actual construction work of a project. The jurisdiction inspectors are allowed to issue a notice of violation or a non-compliance report during construction and require either the engineer of record or another independent engineer to review and resolve the violation.


Some design engineers also perform construction inspection services for their own projects. In most cases, there is no problem with that practice. However, there are situations where resolving an issue should be done by an independent engineer. In my opinion, under circumstances where safety is a concern, objectivity and impartiality is the primary deciding factor. Engineers are ethically required to disclose 
conflicts of interest that may influence their judgment. What are your opinions, thoughts and experiences?

Best regards,


Mohammed Thomad, PE, SE
Focus On: Fabric Structures 
Fabric Structures consist of pre-stressed membranes of special fabric shaped to resist loads. The fabric and structure are arranged in such a way to work in pure tension, the most efficient structural action.
Architects are challenged when advocating for the use of fabric structures. From the start, they must overcome the lack of understanding and stigma of being temporary. We embrace every opportunity to contribute in the design of unique structures such as these.

The connections and hardware in fabric structures are typically exposed, as is the rest of the structure, and are thus aesthetically important. The connections and joints must also be designed to be flexible to handle displacements and rotations. These tensile structures must resist the forces of gravity, wind and snow that are typically transmitted by cables, masts and connections. The threat of corrosion from the elements requires the hardware and cables to be stainless or galvanized steel. 

Fabric structures may be thought of as temporary structures only. However, many examples of permanent fabric structures that are economical and aesthetically pleasing have been built over the past 50 years. A great local example is the Henderson Pavilion, a graceful structure used for community events and performances. 
Henderson Pavilion
The Henderson Pavilion
To learn more, visit the Fabric Structures Association (FSA) website.
Featured Project: F� Restaurant at The Hard Rock Hotel and Casino

In the September 2012 issue of Structural Moments, we featured several individual projects that had been completed as part of a larger renovation to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. At the time, one of the renovations, the F� restaurant, had not yet been completed. We are happy to report the venue is now open and serving hungry customers! The contemporary Asian restaurant serves Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Thai cuisines.

THOMAD Engineering was responsible for the structural design of the interesting architectural elements seen in the photo below, including the arched entry structure and the patio style arbor. A new built up floor was also designed to expand the dining area.

The next time you visit The Hard Rock, pay F� a visit and let us know what you think!


APRIL  2013

In This Issue:
Focus On: Fabric Structures
Featured Project: Fú Restaurant at The Hard Rock Hotel and Casino

Who We Are:


THOMAD Engineering is a client focused structural engineering design and consulting firm established in 2003 and based in Las Vegas, Nevada. We are committed to providing creative solutions and excellent services to loyal clients on a wide range of projects.

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 To learn more, spend a 'moment' at our website, connect with us on LinkedIn, like our page on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.


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March 2013


February 2013


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'Structural Moments' is a monthly e-newsletter published by the staff of THOMAD Engineering. It is intended to inform our valued clients, associates, and colleagues in the A/E/C industry and stimulate thoughtful dialogue with them.
THOMAD Engineering has been a proud member and supporter of the AIA Las Vegas chapter since 2003.
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Upcoming Projects


Projects currently under construction which will be featured in future issues:

  • Custom Residence designed by noted architect Richard Meier, Las Vegas, NV
  • Roseman University Research Lab, Henderson, NV

THOMAD Engineering LLC|  Tel. 702.388.7755  |  Fax 702.388.7766 |

4535 W. Russell Road, Suite 12; Las Vegas, NV 89118