February 2016

Our factory is busy with some diverse projects. Here are illustrations of some of the furniture we are working on for clients around the country.
Going modern with blue glass, white surfaces

Gensler created a modern look of blue glass and white solid surfacing for a company's New York offices.The result was some of the most unique furniture WallGoldfinger has ever built.

Summit daisy chaining:
table-to-table power connectivity

Our Summit tables have long been popular. We're making a bunch in the factory right now. But there is something new with the Summit: daisy chaining. 

45, and looking good

WallGoldfinger reached a milestone this year of 45 years in business. We have come a long ways during that time from a small shop to our current state-of-the-art facility serving some of the nation's, and world's, largest corporations and organizations. 
Early AV decisions matter

Design engineer Chris Howe explains why AV decisions can dictate your furniture's design. 

White granite in the Green Mountains

We shared awhile back the plethora of natural materials, like granite and marble, available in our state. Here is our old quarry map, in case you didn't see it. Our closest quarry just a few miles away in neighboring Bethel, Vermont, expanded this summer. While we don't typically use this type of granite in our furniture, if you're into architecture, we thought you might find this article interesting. And if you're ever having fun exploring Vermont's amazing quarries, we encourage you to stop by and explore WallGoldfinger as well.

 Read the article
About us

WallGoldfinger produces the world's finest corporate office furniture. From custom boardroom and conference tables, lecterns and credenzas to meticulously-crafted product lines, WallGoldfinger's furniture is designed with state-of-the-art, integrated technology solutions, responsibly sourced and made in America for discriminating designers, furniture dealers and corporate clients.

802.483.4200 | info@wallgoldfinger.com | www.wallgoldfinger.com