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Issue 74 - November 2012 - Pilgrim's Surprise

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A Sacred Journey
"Three great questions present themselves to those who travel and live upon this planet: "Where did I come from?" "Where am I going?" and "Why am I here?" To seek a sacred answer to these questions is to be a planetary pilgrim. Such a person believes that all life came from the Divine Mystery and is forever on a spiraling journey back to that Sacred Source of creation."
A Planetary Pilgrim, 15

Past Issues


2-Creating Sacred Space

3-Leaving Footprints


5-Ordered Life

63-Driven into Wilderness


65-Fiesta Arts Fair

66-Elephants and Hippos

67-Like the Wind

68-Finding Your Song



71-Ministry of Grief


73-Joy in All

Link to all past issues


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Photo Story
Pilgrims Way
Street tiles - the Pilgrims Way

         A pilgrimage is like no other journey. It extends beyond the borders of our normal experience, locale, or expectations. One on a spiritual pilgrimage never fully arrives at the preconceived destination.

       Our recent pilgrimage to northern France is just now beginning to unfold two months after returning, now presenting me with meaningful soul-gripping inspirations, now revealing graces the soul needed to receive, now revealing exotic beauty and splendor --- all, now, as I ponder my pilgrimage photos.

       Each photo worth a thousand words has created its own story, a story lain latent since the September travel. A thousand-words narrative inspires and titillates my imagination. Pictures of windows prompt me to wonder about the ancient history just beyond the rippled glass. War-scarred Gothic-shaped doors open to a story I will never know but can venture to imagine. My photos have become the unexpected gift of our recent pilgrimage.

       Every so often, my photos take me on the pilgrimage again, this time in solitude, with time to appreciate the exotic beauty of nature, street scenes, cathedrals, and  worship experiences. I hear the magnificent Gregorian Chant when I see the vine-covered door opening to the Benedictine monastery chapel at Solesmes. I smell warm candle wax when I see the side chapel at Liseaux. I taste the distinctive plum clafoutis when I see Le Bistrot de Flandre at Trosly.

     Each of us are on a spiritual pilgrimage of some kind, to some destination, on the pilgrims way. If we ponder the photos of our journey, what do they reveal to us about our soul?  

                                                            --by Jan



Smiling Angel - by Bill


Pilgrimage is going to see what you expect - and still being surprised.

A pilgrim always has a goal, some destination in mind. One makes a pilgrimage to Lourdes or Campostella, to Wittenberg or to Mecca. Whatever the destination, however, each journey brings its own epiphanies, surprises along the way.

One surprise for me, in our trip to northern France this fall, was theSmiling Angel  statue of the smiling angel on the west façade of the cathedral in Reims. I was certainly aware of it. For weeks before we left home, we had a guidebook to the cathedral lying around the house. On the cover is a picture of the smiling angel.

I paid it little heed. I was far more interested in the grand, gothic soaring spaces. If any single element of Reims Cathedral attracted me, it was the stained-glass windows by Marc Chagall. Once in Reims, however, I was drawn to the smiling angel. I went back several times, to stand beneath its feet, and to take photos in different light.

Now, just a glance of one of these photos brings a smile to my lips also. I'm not sure I understand why. I know it brings back memories of other smiles, such as the monk at Weston Priory who served each person communion with a huge smile of delight. Maybe it's a surprise simply to find such joy in church! Amid all the statues of somber saints and stately kings that decorate the cathedral's west façade, the smiling angel exudes good cheer.

When it comes time for some angel to escort me through the pearly gates, I pray the smiling angel of Reims is there to greet me. Of course, I expect even that final journey to be a pilgrimage - going to see what I expect, and still being surprised.


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Sincerely,  Bill Howden & Jan Davis
Soul Windows Ministries