4th Quarter 2014

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MatchDouble Your Donation on #GivingTuesday

United Way of Laramie County announced a $102,500 matching funds challenge in November. In its fifth year, local companies have stepped forward to encourage the community to make a donation and have that donation doubled through a corporate donation. These organizations believe that as a united community we can make long-term changes that produce healthy, educated and financially stable individuals and families in Laramie County.


Cheyenne Regional Medical Center led the way by committing to the challenge early in the campaign. The other business leaders in this year's community challenge are: A. G. Andrikopoulos Resources, Inc.; Cheyenne Frontier Days; Cheyenne Light, Fuel & Power; Drs. Robert Prentice and Sandra Surbrugg; Edwards General Contractors; Granite Peak Development LLC; Halladay Motors; HollyFrontier; J.F.P. Properties LTD; Spradley Barr Motors; Suncor Energy; Town and Country Supermarket Liquors; and US Bank.


Give between now and December 31, 2014 to have your donation doubled! To give on-line:


YES! I Want My Donation Matched


InspireWho Has Inspired You?
by Connie Sloan Cathcart

Here at United Way, ever year, wonderful people step into leadership roles. I have been so fortunate to have my inspiration and energy renewed over and over again because of their leadership. Who has inspired you and what was it about them that was so inspiring?


Maya Angelou said: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."


Yes, how they made me feel, how they made us feel, is what I remember most. The best leaders made us feel as if we were a part of something great happening in our community.


Every leader at United Way came to us as a volunteer. Their decision to be with us because they believed in this work is their first point of inspiration. The best of them spoke the truth of how it was at the moment and then took us along toward what was possible; a step in the right direction, toward our potential as an organization creating real community impact.


Our organization continues to ask the question, why are we here? What is our role in this community? The willingness to stretch, to change from the traditional roles, and to forge a path that works for Laramie County has come from our committed leadership.


Our Board takes a look every year at where we are and what we are hoping to achieve. Their willingness for introspection is another point of inspiration to me. We go forward inspiring each other to reach higher and do better because we believe in a community where all individuals and families have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Having a mission that is worthy of their leadership brings the most wonderful people to us year after year. 

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
~ Maya Angelou

giftGive the Gift That Keeps on Giving

This holiday season consider a gift to honor someone who has inspired you. Your gift in honor of or in memory of will assist us in creating lasting change in Laramie County.

When making your gift indicate:
  • "In honor of" or "In memory of"
  • Who the gift celebrates
  • The name and address of the person you would like us to send a holiday card to recognizing your gift.

Faith Nursing logo

FCNFaith Community Nursing

Caring for the Body, Mind and Spirit

Faith Community Nurses (FCNs) are registered nurses whohave received specialty training to provide health outreach, education, intervention and prevention to community members in a place they may not normally think of for health - at their place of worship. In 2007 the first Faith Community Nurses were trained in Wyoming, and with the assistance of a Community Benefit Grant from Cheyenne Regional Medical Center for the past several years more than 70 FCNs have been trained statewide with 29 of those in Laramie County. These nurses serve various denominations and community organizations to care for the body, mind and spirit.


This year FCNs received United Way of Laramie County funding to provide nutrition and physical activity workshops, "Eat Healthy - Be Active". There are six workshop topics including eating on a budget, losing weight and keeping it off, recipe modification, and teaching exercise movements that can be done at home. Full Story

Current Program Partners


topIn this issue:



Who Has Inspired You?


Honor Someone with a Holiday Gift


Program Partners:




Community Calendar




You can LIVE UNITED by helping us spread the word. Imagine how many people we could reach if everyone forwards this to five people.


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Explore our Volunteer Opportunities page on our website! 

What Does United Way Do
What Does United Way Do

Why Invest in United Way of Laramie County
Why Invest in United Way of Laramie County

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United Way of Laramie County 1401 Airport Parkway, Suite 220, Cheyenne, WY 82001

�United Way of America. All Rights Reserved