The Sports Path Newsletter
Number 3
 March 2013 



Welcome to our third FREE monthly newsletter



We now have over 600 subscribers from soccer coaches who want to find out how the web can support the development of soccer players and coaches 


There is an awful  lot of material for soccer coaches available on the web - the purpose of this newsletter is to signpost this material more clearly and simply for you,the coach. We have a lot for you this month: we hope you will forward this newsletter onto your friends and colleagues and encourage them to register here to receive future issues 


If you missed the January or February Issues and wish to view this click here for January and click here for February   

Click below  to see the Power Point Presentation from the Football Development Conference in Amsterdam, December 12 & 13 2012


Click below

 to see the Power Point Presentations from th

e Symposium of the AEFCA in Croatia, November 2012 


Special Offer


Until April 30th The LMA School of Football Management Online Course:
' Evaluating Performance' in conjunction with Prozone Sports is available at a 20% discount. This is a saving of 

£40 ( approximately $70) 

For further details click here

What some coaches who have completed this course recently have said about this course:

Mark Robins, Manager Huddersfield Town FC and former Manager of Coventry City FC

"The course has given me a real insight in to developing my strategies in relation to my overall ideal philosophy"


Scott Armstrong: Director of Coaching, Space Coast Utd. Soccer Club, Florida & High School Coach 

"In taking this course I was able to focus on analyzing game details/data of what was and was not working. It allowed me to accurately make the correct changes during games at practices and ultimately think a little differently. It truly gave me the ability to look at the game in a different way and helped me win a State Championship with Westshore High School, Brevard County, Florida"

Colin Jack, Academy Coach, Hibernian FC, Scotland 

"This course is a fantastic tool. The quality of videos from the outstanding managers, the information passed on and the thought provoking questions have all helped me enormously as a coach"

Web Skills
Number 2 : Capturing and Organising Content 


Last month we asked readers to tell us how they captured content and then organized it. The results were as follows:

1. Which Tools did you use to capture information and content?

  • Search 
  • RSS
  • Google Alerts
  • Newsletters 
  • Recommendations from online discussion forums
     2. Which were the most common websites used to find information ?
  •  You Tube
  • UEFA Training Ground
  • The
  • Coaching Manual
  • Inside Soccer
  • Academy Soccer Coach
  • S2S
  • Elite Soccer Magazine
  • Scottish FA
  • 424 Performance
  • Soccer
  • Success in Soccer
  • World Class Coaching  
    3. How do you organise material once captured ?
  • Save as a ' Favourite' 
  • Save on Hard Drive
  • Record URL
  • Transfer immediately to notes 
The disadvantage with the three organizational methods outlined above is that the material is stored under headings or ' bookmarks'. For an explanation of web bookmarking see here . Such systems allow an individual to organize their own material. Social Bookmarking is a centralized online service which enables users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents.Click here for more information on Social Bookmarking 
To assist readers and demonstrate another means of  social bookmarking,as an example, we have established a ' Circle ' on Google + dedicated to showcasing what we believe are the best free video clips on the web which demonstrate ' turning with the ball'. The group is here and you are invited to join it, post comments and add comments.The Circle is titled ' Sports Path: Turning with the ball'
To access the Circle you will need a Google account. If you do not have one type 
' Getting a Google Account ' into a Google search engine. Its free !

March  2013 Recommendations

Website/Blog  of the Month:

 The Coaching Family has a great deal of very worthwhile content and especially a FREE   ebook with  80 Assorted Practices.

The book was developed by  Academy Soccer Coach. Dontations for this book are for Cancer Research. We,at Sports Path, have made a donation and we encourage all readers to do so here 

Coaching Tool of the Month:

 We are very impressed by the range of material and coaching tools available via The Coaching Manual  and we would recommend readers to review this site and the tools available 



I hope you have found something useful in this month's newsletter.If so please pass on this email to your colleagues and ask them to sign up for future newsletters
We can promise you more material in April's  newsletter to help you use the web to support coach and player development
Yours Sincerely,
Robin Russell

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