MGSHPA 2015 Fall Membership Meeting Minutes
Submitted by Bonnie Holland and Cathy Ziemann
The 2015 MGSHPA Fall Membership Meeting was held Sunday September 6, 2015 during the State Singles Tournament at the Genola Arena. At 2:15 pm, President Cathy Ziemann welcomed approximately 50 members.
A motion was made by Rick Wright, seconded by Robin Constance to accept the 2015 MGSHPA Spring meeting minutes as published in the 2015 June-July edition of the Ringer Digest. The motion carried.
Financial Report - Bonnie Holland prepared a report that was available to all present. Current balance is $7,681. There are still a few minor tournament expenses to pay and 50/50 raffle ticket sales will be added to balance. Current membership is 650 Adults, 62 juniors and 3 Lifetime Members. A motion was made by Gene Gross, seconded by Rob Hagman to accept report, the motion carried.
Constitution & Bylaws - Gordy Schmidt reported that the NHPA voted on many rule changes at the annual delegate convention held in July at the World Tournament. Some highlights include: Short Distance Pitching Platforms. This rule change requires a minimum of three courts to be short distance platforms (30') and will take effect in 2019. Handicapped Classes & Alternate Pitch - original proposed rule change was amended to read; "at the Tournament Director's discretion, an alternate pitch format may be used". This proposal passed.
A few proposed rule changes that failed: changing the Elder Men eligibility age from 70 to 65; changing the maximum age for cadets from 12 to 10; eliminating the Senior Men's Division.
Officer Reports - Regional Vice-Presidents reported on successful seasons for clubs around the state. In the Southeast the Savage Club reestablished themselves as a sanctioned league. The big news in the Northwest region is the new courts in Alexandria. The Northeast region had three clubs hosting this year's State Tourney and Shawn Warnemunde thanked them publicly for their work. West Metro Clubs are doing well and one highlight was Bloomington hosting the 2015 State Doubles Tourney. In the Southeast, Sig Armitage informed the Board earlier in the summer that he was stepping down from his position. In the interim, Southwest VP Denny Keogh will represent both the regions.
Junior Director - Josh Olson and his family hosted the Junior Party on the arena grounds. The juniors played Bean Bags & Washers and enjoyed a Subway picnic.
Regional Director - Dustin Dahl reported that Minnesota was well represented at the recent 2015 World Tourney in Topeka, KS. A total of 75 MGSHAP members pitched and 27 finished fifth place or above. Minnesota had six Class Champions: Phil Rodenberg, Tim Bayerl, Gary Boots, Sara Otto, Cheri Newcombe and Helen Hawkinson. The 2016 World Tourney will be held in Montgomery, AL, and in 2017 returns to St George, Utah. Minnesota was given an award for the most adult members. Dahl also thanked all VPs for a their work in getting all courts sanctioned.
Media Director - Gene Gross, reported that the Horseshoe event for the National Senior Games was held at the Bloomington Courts and had a nice article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Both Sig Armitage and Harold Schrader were recognized.
State Statistician - Tera Schusted reminded all League Secretaries to send league statistics to Jerry Smith.
Nominations Director - Joe Mueller would like to see more nominations for the Hall of Fame, Edi Holland Sportsman and Rookie of the Year.
E-Digest (Ringer Digest) Editor - Kayla Yaeger is working on getting the digest to inboxes easier. She is asking for any member to submit photos and stories. Yaeger will also be presenting a change in website platforms for the MGSHPA to the Board at the annual winter meeting. More information will be forthcoming.
State Tournaments -
2015 State Singles Tournament - Sylvia Burggraff will submit final report to the Board during the fall/winter Board Meeting.
2015 State Doubles Tournament - Robin Constance will submit a final report to the Board during the fall/winter Board Meeting.
2016 State Singles Tournament will again be held at the Genola Arena. The 2016 State Doubles Tournament will again be held in Bloomington. For the 2017 State Tournaments host club bids must be submitted to the President by July 1, 2016.
2016 State Singles Tournament will again be held at the Genola Arena. The 2016 State Doubles Tournament will again be held in Bloomington. For the 2017 State Tournaments host club bids must be submitted to the President by July 1, 2016.
Old Business - Hall of Fame Trailer is in need of a face-lift. Joe Mueller has volunteered to paint the outside of the trailer.
2015 Officer Elections -
By acclimation the following officers were installed:
West Metro Vice President - Robin Constance
Secretary/Treasurer/Membership Director - Bonnie Holland
Offices due for election in 2016 -
North West Vice President - currently held by Jerry Werk
South West Vice President - currently vacant
Open Forum - Bonnie Holland conducted a casual poll of members playing at the 2015 State Tourney regarding the number of shoes to pitch at the tournament. Of the 110 members polled: 47 said they preferred 50 shoes, 47 preferred 40 and 12 said either. The Board will discuss this further at the winter meeting and based on discussion a proposed rule change may appear in an upcoming Digest for the membership to review and vote on.
A motion was made by Rick Wright and seconded by Jerry Hokkala to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted - Bonnie Holland & Cathy Ziemann