Ringer Digest
April - May 2015
Official Publication of the Minnesota Gopher State Horseshoe Pitchers' Association
Featured profile: Kilkenny Horseshoe Club
(In an effort to help pitchers learn more about our MN Horseshoe Clubs the Ringer Digest will work to feature one club each edition)

article submitted by Denny Keogh, Southeast V.P.



The Kilkenny Horseshoe Club from the southeast district is located in the rolling hills area of Le Sueur County. The club was founded in 1983 by Leon Pittman and Jake David. Leon held the position of director and Jake was the statistician from 1983 until 2013.


The club held a Walking Doubles tournament in the 1980s and 1990s. Leon ran a junior league during that time period. In 2003 Leon received a director of the year plaque from the NHPA.


Last year Leon and Jake passed down their positions with Becky Melchert taking over as the club director and Bob Waugh as statistician.


The club plays Tuesday nights on five blue clay courts with ten two-person teams. They use the "count all" handicap system. 

MGSHPA President
Cathy Ziemann


Spring has arrived! It is getting time to get outdoors and throw some shoes. I am sure clubs are having their spring meetings, scheduling spring cleanings and establishing league schedules. Just a reminder, many hands make light work. Get involved and remember to have fun!


I am sure that Dustin Dahl has been busy issuing sanction #'s for our summer tournaments. If you haven't scheduled your tournament, get in contact with him soon!  The summer weekends fill up fast and you'll want to get your tournament information posted on the MGSHPA Website. A reminder for any member entering tournaments, the schedules are posted on the Website. If you need a schedule mailed to you, you must request one. 


The annual Spring Membership meeting will be held between shifts at the Jim Holland Memorial Open June 13 at the Fridley Horseshoe courts.  

There are 2 offices within the MGSHPA that are up for election, re-election in 2015. They are the West Metro Vice-President (currently held by Robin Constance) and the Secretary-Treasurer-Membership Director (currently held by Bonnie Holland). Candidates for MGSHPA offices must announce their candidacy in writing and received by the President and the Ringer Digest Editor no later than June 1st.


By now I am sure that everyone has heard that the next World Tournament will be held in Topeka, Kansas July 13-25, 2015. To qualify for this tournament you need to have a minimum of four sanctioned events prior to May 15, 2015. The World Tourney entry forms are available on the NHPA website. I will be looking for members to be delegates at this year's tournament. Please let me know if you are interested. 


Hope to see you soon on the courts!



Spring tidings from the Alex Club
by Janet Larson


  Construction photo of the new Alex courts in Curtis Felt Memorial Park


It's finally spring and we've been lucky enough to have a few days warm enough to get out on our courts and practice a little. Al and I were both pretty rusty as we spent the winter tossing bean bags instead of horseshoes. The Alexandria League spring meeting was held on April 22nd and we are very excited to start this season on our new courts in Curtis Felt Memorial Park.


We placed the clay in the pits last fall but didn't get the chance to actually use them. It will be so nice to be away from all the downtown traffic. We hope many of you will come and check out our new set up Memorial Weekend when our club hosts the Alexandria Open. If we get enough participants we will run a two day tournament. Last year we ran Classes A and B as non-handicapped, 40 point games. We will sure consider doing that again this year if there is enough interest. Curtis Felt Memorial Park is located on the north side of Alexandria. The park address is 2460 Parkside Rd NE.


We hope you have sent in your entry forms for the World Tournament in Topeka Kansas, we have. We would love to see a huge turnout from MN there.  We plan to take our camper and we have reservations at Shawnee Campground. We have gotten to know many of the Kansas pitchers from a number of years of participating in the Cross Roads Classic Tournament in Belleville, KS.  They are a fun group of people and I am sure they will provide us with a great World Tournament experience.


We look forward to seeing everyone on the courts again soon.

(Click the link above to see all upcoming tournaments.)

A printable list of upcoming tournaments will be coming soon.

Tournament Results
Click on any of the tournament names below to see how players placed. 
(Listed by date played.)

Fridley Club has new president and is looking to recruit new players
by Cathy Sanders

This is Cathy Sanders and I am the new president of our league with Joe Mueller as Vice President, Debbie Duchene as Secretary and Lori Meier as the new Treasurer.  


We held our spring meeting on April 14th with a spring cleaning day held on April 25th at 10:00. We are starting league play on May 7th at 6:30


In an effort to recruit new players we are putting posters in local business', utilizing the Fridley and Spring Lake Park city scrolling signs to announce our meetings and league dates as well as submitting dates and events to local newspapers. We currently have a Fridley Horseshoe Club web site  and we are going to set up a Facebook page. We will be having the Jim Holland Memorial Open June 13th, be sure to sign up early.  

Pitching through the winter in Isanti
by Shawn Warnemunde


I just wanted to report some results and highlights from our [Isanti] winter league which ended March 31st. There were five hardy souls that decided to dabble with it including myself, Joe Mueller, Jeremy Torgerson, Mariah Torgerson, and Colton Williams.


We only had space for two courts but hope to gain an extra court next year. We would like to thank Mike Warring for allowing us use of his bowling facility. By far the biggest highlight was Joe Mueller gaining his 70% patch! Joe also earned high game and had the high average of 48%. In addition he was most improved at +8% and was voted sportsperson as well! Just about the clean sweep. Jeremy Torgerson earned his 10% patch and improved +7.41% and was our rookie of the year. I would like to thank all that pitched and look forward to it again next year.

West St. Paul Open scheduled for May 30th (registration 
deadline May 20th)
by Patti Oakes

The West St. Paul Open will be held on May 30th, 2015 with a registration deadline set for May 20th. 

Although we hope for sun, our covered courts (located at Wentworth & Oakdale Avenues in West St. Paul) will help to keep us dry rain or shine!

The fee to participate is $25. Please contact tournament director Patti Oakes with questions. 


Phone:  651-489-5304 

Mail:  2138 William St.

          Roseville, MN   


Still looking for a place to pitch this season?

New courts in Alex are ready for the spring season - Photo submitted by Janet Larson

Spring meetings are wrapping up but it may not be too late to join a local league

In order to assist those who are still looking for a league to pitch in, a list has been assembled of the names and contact information for all MN clubs who submitted spring meeting notices to the Ringer Digest (hopefully none are left out who sent meeting information). Don't see any clubs listed in your area? Visit the MGSHPA website by clicking HERE for a list of additional MN Horseshoe Clubs.

Horseshoe Club Name
Notes about league play
Contact information
BerthaDates for singles league may be Tuesday or Wednesday evenings (contact for details).Josh Olson
Phone: 218-639-4641
Brooklyn ParkLeague starts first week of May and continues through August. Pitching held at Central Park Horseshoe Courts, 85th and Regent Ave.Marlene Knudtson
Phone: 763-571-0601
Jerry Larson
Phone: 763-768-0653
FridleyWe are starting league play on May 7th at 6:30
Cathy Sanders
Sylvia Burggraff
Phone: 320-468-6776

Ramsey CountySingles and teams of 4-6. Tuesday night starts May 5th (6:30pm) and Wednesday starts May 6th (7pm).Keith Stuttgen
Phone: 651-777-4468
Rockford RingersLeague play begins mid May. A new shelter with a kitchen will be built at the courts.Marv and Marlys Timm
Phone: 763-479-2951
West St. PaulDoubles leauge on Wednesday evenings. Contact for information on singles league(s).Laurie Kelley

About Us
MGSHPA's Ringer Digest is the official newsletter of the Minnesota Gopher State Horseshoe Pitchers' Association. It is free to members of the MGSHPA and other interested partieis. Changes of email address can be sent directly to

All submissions subject to editing, available space, and must be received by the 10th of the month preceding the date of issue.
Stay Connected

Minnesota Gopher State
Horseshoe Pitchers Association


State Officers
The MGSHPA is a charter member of the National Horseshoe Pitchers' Assocation (NHPA)