Official Publication of the Minnesota Gopher State Horseshoe Pitchers' Association
MGSHPA President
Cathy Ziemann
Happy "almost" Spring!
I don't know about anyone else, but there were sure days in January that felt like late March to me! And you know what that means, time to think about your Club's Winter/Spring Meetings and the upcoming 2015 out-door Horseshoe Season!
A reminder to Tournament Directors, pick your dates and get information to Dustin Dahl so sanction #'s can be assigned and your tournament information posted on the MGSHPA Website.
A reminder for any member entering tournaments, the schedules are posted on the Website. If you need a schedule mailed to you, you must request one.
By now I am sure that everyone has heard that the next World Tournament will be held in Topeka, Kansas July 13-25, 2015. To qualify for this tournament you need to have a minimum of four sanctioned events prior to May 15, 2015. The World Tourney entry forms should be available on the NHPA website by mid-February. There are still a few mid-winter, early spring tournaments scheduled, so if you need an event, submit your entry early. Be sure to contact Bonnie Holland for your 2015 Membership card if you are planning on pitching in any of these tournaments.
Hope to see you soon on the courts!
Player of the Year Awards
Top 25 High Points
by Tera Schusted
NAME | DISTRICT | DIVISION | TOTAL POINTS | Sig Armitage | SW | 30 | 61 | Joshua Olson | NW | M | 28 | Mike DeMars | WM | M | 28 | Bob Knudtson | EM | 30 | 25 | William Creighton | NE | M | 21 | Cheri Newcombe | EM | W | 21 | Sara Otto | WM | W | 20 | Catherine Zieman | EM | W | 20 | William Nelson | NE | 30 | 19 | Patti Oakes | WM | W | 19 | Jim Woods | EM | M | 19 | Janet Larson | NW | W | 18 | Rick Wright | EM | M | 18 | Dick Hall | WM | 30 | 17 | Henry Greenwaldt | NW | 30 | 17 | Tim Lais | NW | M | 17 | David McGovern | NE | 30 | 17 | Charles Roeser | WM | 30 | 16 | Jerry Werk | NW | M | 16 | Jerry Zastrow | NW | M | 16 | DeAnna Foss | NE | W | 14 | Mary Matuke | EM | W | 14 | Al Woida | NW | M | 14 | Jerry Hokkala | SW | M | 13 | Ginger O'Brien | NE | W | 13 |
Junior Player of the Year Awards
Top 10 High Points Juniors
NAME | DISTRICT | DIVISION | TOTAL POINTS | Mariah Torgerson | NE | G | 10 | Kyle Holland | WM | B | 9 | Colton Williams | NE | 9 | 8 | Kendra Swenson | NW | G | 6 | Dylan Peterson |
| 9 | 6 | Harry Jr Kruse | NE | B | 1 | Carson Peterson | NE | 9 | 1 | Devin Stone | NE | B | 1 | Tyler Stone |
| 9 | 1 | Brandon Tumberg | WM | B | 0 |
(Click the link above to see all upcoming tournaments.)
Click here for a printable list of upcoming tournaments.
Tournament Results
Click on any of the tournament names below to see how players placed.
(Listed by date played.)
Don't miss out on World Tournament fun
by Robin Constance
Hello fellow horseshoe pitchers.
Since this issue of the Ringer Digest comes out after New Years Day, it may be a little late for New Year`s Day resolutions but we can still be thinking about which tournaments we are planning to enter.
With the 2015 World Tournament only 500 miles away from the twin cities in Topeka Kansas, this would be a good year to test your abilities against people who are very close to you in ringer percentage. Topeka is the capital of Kansas and has plenty of hotels in all price ranges and several camping sites either on the convention center grounds or within ten miles. To participate in the World Tournament you need four sanctioned tournaments before the middle of May in 2015. For those of us who still need a tournament or two to qualify, there may still be some tournaments left in Upsala this off season, but those fill up fast so don`t forget to sign up.
In my experiences from the world tournaments I have learned that about one third of the people who attend go to every World tournament, another one third go if the event is within 600-700 miles and the last one third are all within 400 miles or so. Since Topeka is centrally located in the country and many of the surrounding states have large horseshoe pitching chapters, this World tournament could be pretty large with lots of characters from all parts of the country.
So be sure to plan your horseshoe pitching year and don`t miss out on all the fun and fellowship. It`s like my 89 year old Dad who still pitches says," I always have fun pitching, it`s just a little more fun if you win a few games".
Hoping everyone had a
Happy Valentine's

Forest Lake club league results
by Rick Wright, Forest Lake League Director
2014 was a very good year for our Forest Lake Club. We ended up with 61 members, largely due to our Jr League increasing from 7 Juniors in 2013 to 20 Juniors.
Juniors and Cadets
We had a great time in our Jr League every Tuesday night. We played (4) 20 shoe games in a count all format. The kids have more fun when they are all scoring points. The winner of the Jr League was Kordell McJames. The winner of our Cadet League was Linnea Lynch. By the way, Linnea also got most improved player. All in all I was very proud the way the kids are improving. On our last night we had a tournament where if you lost one game, you were out. It came down to Linnea Lynch and Jake Mueller with Jake winning in a very close game. Our local Verizon store donated a new backpack full of school supplies for each junior member. Thank you Verizon.
Singles and Doubles
On Monday night singles, Craig Rolf took 1st place honors and on Thursday night doubles it went to Dave Haugen and Robert Houfer. I want to thank Helen Hawkinson for being our Thursday night league director in 2014.
We are looking forward to 2015 season and we are expecting to grow once again.
Montgomery club league results
by Denny Keogh, Southeast VP
The Montgomery Horseshoe Club had another great season of pitching. We had twelve two person teams playing three 50 shoe cancellation games with 1.5 % handicap.
League Champs: Dick David & Doug David
Class A Champions: Jim Cox & Chuck Haan
Class B Champions: James Cox & Pam Hill
Class C Champions: Curtis Proehl & Don Ehrhardt
Most Improved: Jesse Harbe
Rookie of the Year: Bob Ambrose
High Percentage Game: Cyndi Stepka 54%
High Percentage Average: Jim Cox 36.33%
MN Horseshoe Clubs Set Spring Meetings
Listed below alphabetically by club name
Bertha (meeting set for Tues. April 21)
by Josh Olson
WHO: New and old members are welcome!
WHERE: Lions Building.
WHEN: Meeting to be held on, Tuesday April 21st, at 7pm. Dates for singles league are still undecided but planned for either Tuesday or Wednesday evenings.
Brooklyn Park (meeting set for Tues. April 14)
by Jerry Larson
WHO: Men, women, juniors and seniors, beginner or veteran players. Your level of skill is not important because we use handicapped scoring. We invite all interested persons to come and learn about our leagues. This is a group of people having fun and enjoying summer.
WHERE: Meeting scheduled in the Steve Lampi room at Brooklyn Park City Hall (85th and Noble Ave. N.). We pitch at Central Park Horseshoe Courts, 85th and Regent Ave.
WHEN: Meeting on April 14th at 6pm. Leagues starting the first week in May and continuing through August.
West St. Paul (meeting set for Wed. April 8)
by Laurie Kelley
WHO: All interested in playing in the West St. Paul Leauge. Please join us at the meeting to plan for a fun filled season.
WHERE: Wentworth library located at 199 Wentworth Ave West St. Paul
WHEN: Our spring meeting will be held on April 8th at 7pm
Forest Lake (meeting set for Sat. April 25)
by Rick Wright, Forest Lake League Director
WHO: Anyone! We really do have a good group of people and I invite anyone to come join in the fun. If you are looking for some outdoor exercise or some friendly competition in one of the oldest, most fun sporting event, this is the place. To all our members, bring a friend to share in the fun.
WHEN: We will be having our Spring Meeting April 25th at 10am.
About Us
MGSHPA's Ringer Digest is the official newsletter of the Minnesota Gopher State Horseshoe Pitchers' Association. It is free to members of the MGSHPA and other interested partieis. Changes of email address can be sent directly to
All submissions subject to editing, available space, and must be received by the 10th of the month preceding the date of issue.