Mariners Christian School   

Middle School E-News
March 24, 2014


"Building a firm foundation through Christ-centered education."



  • ONLINE BIDDING OPENS THIS WEEK.  Look for instructions being sent via email tomorrow.

"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.  Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."  
1 John 3:16, 18 NIV
In This Issue
Thank You
All-School E-News
Sports Awards
Form Due 3/25
TOT 3/25
Spirit Day
6th Luau
Fins to Borrow
Spring Tryouts
Golf Tryouts
Class of 2010
Bye Bye Birdie
Alumni Reunion
8th Last Hurrah
Last Week
High School
Looking Ahead 

25: TOT & Spirit Day
25: Sports Awards Boys
26: Sports Awards Girls
28: ACSI Science Fair
28: Half Day
28: Auction, Island Hotel

1:  7th Spanish FT
4:  ACSI Math Olympics
4:  Biola Orchestra Festival
4:  6th Grade Luau
7-11: Terra Nova Testing
11: ACSI Band Festival
14-18: No School
25: Pastors' Prayer Breakfast & Chapel 
25: MS Talent Show 

1:  Nat'l Day of Prayer
5:  Cinco de Mayo Assembly
8:  Open House
9:  Grandparents Day
14: Teacher Appreciation 
15-17: Bye Bye Birdie
16: Alumni Reunion
22: Instrumental Concert
23: No School (MCS Hosts ACSI Speech Meet)
26: No School
30: 8th Romeo & Juliet Assembly

6:  8th Last Hurrah Knott's
9-10: MS Early Dismissal
9:  MS Finals/early dismissal
10: MS Finals/early dismissal
11: 8:15 8th Gr Awards
11: 10AM 8th Gr Blessing
11: 1:45 8th Gr Rehearsal, St. Andrews
11-13: MS Half Days
12: 8th Gr No School
12: 8:15AM 6th Grade CQA
12: 9:15AM 7th Grade CQA
12: 3PM 8th Gr Photo, St. Andrews Church
12: 4PM 8th Gr Graduation
13: Last Day - Half Day
Quick Links

registration: mariners 

Uniform Guidelines

Anonymous Suggestion (click below)
VOXopolis logo

~ Evening of Honor 2014 ~

Many thanks to our wonderful volunteers for giving their time and talent to help make this event a special memory for all.


All-School E-News - March 24, 2014  - click
  1. March 28th Half Day Schedule
  2. Faith Through Art Contest
  3. Reminders from the Health Office
Lion Mascot

Winter Sports Awards
Parents are invited to celebrate the amazing season we have just completed.

Boys' Basketball Awards Night
Tuesday, March 25, 6:30-7:30PM, Auditorium 
Sunday's Best Dress for Athletes (no jeans, t-shirts, or shorts)
Light refreshments will be served
Please RSVP to Coach Thompson at

8th Grade Girls' Teal Volleyball Awards Luncheon
Wednesday, March 26, 11:45-12:20, Multipurpose Room
Pizza & drinks will be served
Please RSVP to Paulette Seaman at

6th & 7th Grade Girls' Volleyball Awards Night
Wednesday, March 26, 6:30PM, Auditorium
Sunday's Best Dress (no jeans, shorts, or t-shirts)
Light refreshments will be served
Please RSVP to Paulette Seaman at

Mariner's Got Talent 
Entry Form Due Date Extended Until Tuesday (3/25)
Middle School Talent Show
Friday, April 25, 6:30PM
God gave you talent.  Bring it!

Click for flyer and entry form or pick one up from  the Middle School office or Mrs. Mathisrud's office.  The completed form is due by March 25th.
Take Out Tuesday - Tomorrow (3/25)
(for those who ordered in advance) 
 If you ordered TOT, please make sure and cancel Choicelunch at  If you missed the deadline for TOT, please make sure and send a lunch or order Choicelunch.

Middle School Spirit Day - BLUE Dress
Tomorrow - Tuesday, March 25th

Donate $1 and wear blue to raise awareness and show support for Walk 4 Water.  All proceeds will support Walk 4 Water:

6th Grade Luau at MCS 
Friday, April 4, 3:00-5:00PM 
Signed Dress Code & Behavior Guidelines due to Home Room THIS FRIDAY (3/28) 
Please RSVP at your earliest convenience if you have not already done so. Please review, sign, and return the enclosed dress code and behavior guidelines no later than next Friday (3/28).  Thank you.

Attention 6th Grade Parents
We Are Looking for Swim Fins for the Luau
We are in need of swim fins to borrow for the Luau!  If you are willing to loan yours, please have your student drop them off in Mrs. Mathisrud's office at your earliest convenience.  Make sure they are CLEARLY LABELED.  Thank you!
Lion Mascot
Spring Sports Tryouts
Athletes must attend ALL tryout days. 

Girls (6th-8th) Softball 3-5PM:  M (3/24), Tu (3/25), W (3/26) 
Boys (6th-8th) Volleyball 3-4:30PM:  M (3/24), Tu (3/25), W (3/26)
Girls (7th-8th) Flag Football 3-4:30PM:  M (4/21), W (4/23)

Please do not hesitate to call or email Coach Thompson at with any questions you may have.

Girls & Boys (7th/8th) 
Golf Team Tryouts - Reminder

Monday (3/17) AND Monday (3/24) at 3:15:
NB Golf Course Driving Range (bring clubs)

& Friday (3/21) OR Thursday (3/27) 3:15:
NB Golf Course - One Round of Golf (bring clubs)

Team selection will take place after all tryouts are complete.  Please email Mr. Jones at with any questions you may have. 
If your child makes the team, the cost is $150. Student athletes participating on the golf team may not play another spring sport.
Attention Parents of MCS Alumni Class of 2010
Is your current high school senior interested in college scholarship funds?  Encourage him or her to apply for the MCS Alumni Heritage College Scholarship!  The deadline is Friday, March 28.  Fore more information click here.

Middle School Theatre Presents
Bye Bye Birdie - May 15 - 17 
Click and forward flyer to a friend.

MCS Alumni Reunion Invitation
May 16, 2014, 5:00PM
Click Invitation to View and Forward

Please contact Alumni Director Julie Hellriegel at to help with planning or for more information.

Community Event - Walk 4 Water OC
Saturday, April 5th
MCS families are invited to join "Team MCS" to raise funds to dig 5 wells in Uganda.  To register or offer support, log on to and choose "Team MCS"!  Kids in strollers welcome!  For more information, please contact Jamie Mathisrud at

8th Grade "The Last Hurrah"
Friday, June 6th
The graduating class of 2014 is invited to join in for "The Last Hurrah!" at Knott's Berry Farm on Friday, June 6.  The cost for admission and bus transportation is $37.  The bus will depart after chapel from MCS.  Students must *register and pay by May 31. Click to register.

*Registration is complete once the required waiver has been signed and returned to your student's home room.  Waivers will be distributed by home room teacher.

Middle School - Schedule
Last Week of School (June 9-13, 2014)
Please mark your calendars for these important end-of-year dates. 

Monday & Tuesday, June 9-10
Middle School Finals (early dismissal time TBD)

Wednesday, June 11
Half Day for Middle School
8:15AM:     8th Grade Academic Awards at MCS
10:00AM:   8th Grade Blessing at MCS (click for Blessing Overview)
                    8th Grade dismissed with parents following the Blessing
1:45PM:     8th Grade Graduation Rehearsal at St. Andrews Church 

Thursday, June 12
Half Day for 6th & 7th Grade (No School for 8th Grade)

8:15AM:     6th Grade Character Quality Awards, Auditorium
9:15AM:     7th Grade Character Quality Awards, Student's Homeroom
3:00PM:     Class of 2014 Photo at St. Andrews Church
4:00PM:     8th Grade Graduation Ceremony at St. Andrews Church

Friday, June 13
Half Day of School for All Students
(Class of 2014 - No School)

~Godspeed to the Class of 2014~

High School Updates

TIME CHANGE:  March 27 at (NOW 6-7PM):  Newport Harbor Information Night For Parents of Incoming Freshmen regarding curriculum changes in the NHHS Gym.  Parents and students are welcome to attend.

Celebrating 25 years of Christian education.


Mariners Christian School | 300 Fischer Avenue | Costa Mesa, California 92626 | (714) 437-1700