Effective February 1, 2014 the original Kobo Aura moved to a new permanent price point of $139.99.
In order to be eligible for the price protection rebate ($9.50 per unit), you must report your in-stock quantities by April 1, 2014.
Kobo Aura- Now $139.99
Please keep track of supporting documentation for units sold in your store. A printout from your POS is best, but if that is not available create a spreadsheet of items sold after February 1, 2014. Upload supporting documentation directly through the reporting tool.
Please include the following in your spreadsheet:
- The name of the item (Kobo Aura).
- The quantities of each.
- The name of your store.
- Date sold.
- Name of the promotion (Kobo Aura Price Protection).
- Contact email for your store
*** Please note this price adjustment is only for the original Kobo Aura, not the Kobo Aura HD model. ***
You may have heard: Kobo announced a new partnership with Sony on Feb 6, 2014. As part of the agreement, the Kobo catalog will be the new source of eReading content on the Sony Reader and Sony Xperia tablets in the US and Canada.
To read the full press release, please click here.
A customer-facing FAQ on the transition can be found here: http://www.kobo.com/sony.
We're hoping to have additional details on how this partnership directly affects bookseller affiliated accounts soon. Stay tuned for more information in upcoming newsletters.
We are pleased to report that beginning April 1, 2014, participating Kobo stores will receive a percentage of sales generated by magazine purchases.
Affiliated eMagazine sales will result in a 30% share of net profits from individual and bulk eMagazines sales.
DIY and additional details will be available in March.
To see Kobo's magazine offerings please click on the image below.