Dear IndieCommerce Member,
Welcome to our new monthly newsletter, IndieCommunication! In order to keep our membership better informed, we will be curating a collection of everything you need to know in a given month. In addition to our breaking news, we will provide how-tos on past or new features, the inside scoop on exciting promotions, as well as happenings around eCommerce in general. From time to time, we will also ask for feedback, and hope that you will take a few extra moments to participate in our short survey. Of course, always feel free to send us comments or questions via email at Thanks for reading, and enjoy!IndieCommerce Staff
Register For IndieCommerce Institute
We are excited to report that we will present this year's IndieCommerce Institute in two locations this year. The first installment will be in New Orleans on September 19th and we will visit the west coast in San Francisco on October 2nd.
Our education program for this year's IndieCommerce Institute is split into two tracks, the Main Session and the Advanced Seminar. Both tracks will be offering an opening plenary, which will include a discussion of eCommerce trends and best practices; presentations from Kobo and Ingram; and a panel on internally supporting your IndieCommerce site.Our Main Session will consist of four mini courses, which will each last approximately an hour:
- New Feature Overview
- eCommerce 201- Order Processing
- eCommerce 202- Custom Products
- How to Improve Your Site- Design Tips
The Advanced Seminar is intended to facilitate a group discussion among advanced users about their work supporting their respective sites. The round table discussion will consist of a peer review of each website. Please CLICK HERE to read full details and complete registration. The nonrefundable registration fee is $120 for the Main Session and $150 for the Advanced Seminar.
We Need Your Help
Please submit your feedback!
We are working on a number of projects related to IndieCommerce development as well as finishing up the IndieCommerce Institute curriculum.
Please take a few minutes to answer a handful of questions related to your online practices. Click here to continue.
Thank you for participating!
How to make changes "Behind the Scenes"
As web design standards change, it's important to make sure that your site is up to date with the latest trends. That said, a site that's under construction may not have the most appealing look and feel to your customer base. Below, please find tips and tricks for updating your site without displaying a work in progress: 1. If you are changing themes: You don't have to change the live site! Here's how to set your user theme. - Go to Site Building> Themes, Check 'enabled' on the new theme you would like to use.
- Go to My Account page, click the Edit tab, and select the theme you would like to view when logged into the site.
- You will now see your site in a different layout, and blocks may need to be rearranged.
- Very Important! If you are moving blocks, make sure that you are on the correct theme (look at tabs on the top).
2. If you are not changing themes, and want to create new blocks without making them visible to the public: Use the Role Specific Visibility Options on the block configuration page. - Simply check the Store Admin/Store Editor boxes, and save.
- When you'd like the changes to go live, uncheck the boxes.
3. If you'd like to create a new page, but don't want anyone to see it just yet: Scroll down to the last field, Publishing Options, and uncheck the published box. You will be able to see the page as an admin, but customers will not. 4. If you'd like to restructure your menu: Reorganizing and condensing pages can be a bit trickier to do without making changes live. For further reading, please review the following Help Center articles: Selecting a Theme, Understanding Blocks, Publishing Options and Working With Menus.
Questions? Comments? Doing something cool?
All feedback is welcome! We'd love to know if you have any tips to share with your fellow booksellers.
Wishlist Update Wishlist now has additional product details like the ISBN, author, and price.
Default Product Description If the user has selected to display a teaser of publisher copy in a book list, we've added a 'more' link to the full product page.
Q. A customer placed an order last month, and now it will not complete. How do I close the order? A. If an order has been left open for more than 3 weeks, the original authorization has likely expired. Reauthorizing a card is as easy as clicking a button. For full details on reauthorizing credit cards, please click here.
Check out Algonquin's FREE e-sampler: The Explanation of Everything
10 Useful Findings About How People View Websites If we find interesting articles about eCommerce around the web, we'll post them here. Our first installment comes from ConversionXL* with ten tips to draw attention to specific elements of your site. The information is based on a number user studies that are referenced throughout the article. Click here to read more. *Please note ABA does not endorse any advertisements on this website.