2012 November Newsletter header
In This Issue
Membership Drive
Community Gathering and Fall Feast
Who's Who at the Helm
Our First "Official" Business Member

Quick Links


Join Ojai Valley Green Coalition Now


Ojai Valley Green Coalition Website


October OVGC E-News


November Food News




Saturday, November 17

Ventura River Clean-up


Friday, November 30

Community Potluck & Program


Sunday, December 2

Solarize Ojai House Party


Saturday, December 8

Creek Habitat Restoration


Saturday, December 15

Tree Planting



First Ever
Annual Report

2011 Annual Report Cover Page


2011 in Review


December 2nd


Solarize Ojai Solar House Party


Program Ends
December 7th!


December 8th


Come plant trees
and seedlings


Help restore natural creek habitat!


Click below to follow the Coalition on Facebook and Twitter!


Board of Directors

Caryn Bosson
Noel Douglas
Dale Hanson
Marleen Luckman
Vina Lustado
Kerry Miller
Marcia Murphy
Tyler Suchman
Sabrina Venskus
David White

Donate Now

Ojai Valley Green Coalition
327 East Ojai Avenue   
Ojai, CA   93023     
(805) 669-8445

This e-newsletter is produced by the Communications & Publicity Committee
Advancing a green, sustainable, and resilient Ojai Valley

$20,000 in 90 Days:
Are You With Us?


2012 Fundraising Thermometer 1
Your $10,000 is our $20,000
Every morning when I wake up I have a choice to make. Am I going to let yesterday's climate change headlines take me down or am I going to keep, as Joanna Macy calls it, my "active hope" and do my best to support and work with my community to be part of the solution? Not all, but most days I go for rolling up my sleeves and working with the resources the Coalition has, including other great folks who wake up with the same intention.


The Coalition wants to ensure that the Ojai Valley has sufficient water, food, renewable energy, and community interconnectivity to not only survive, but flourish. We want to reach new neighbors, increase local resources, reclaim more skills, and build a new economy. Lofty aspirations, but what is the alternative? It's why we are asking you to please help use raise $10,000, so we can all take a leap forward in 2013.


Deb at E-Event
Deborah works E-waste collection event
And with your contribution toward that $10,000, a generous member has stepped up to match every dollar up to $10,000 between November 1 and January 31, 2013. We are so honored to have one family give us such a vote of confidence, but they can't and shouldn't do this alone. Won't you join them and give as generously as you can within your capacity?


I love what the Ojai Valley Green Coalition stands for, I love the Ojai Valley, I love what the human spirit is capable of for the good of all . . .


Join, renew, give an extra gift online or download this form and mail in. Together we stand or divided we fall. Yes, it's that serious. Thank you.


In hope and determination,




Deborah Pendrey
Executive Director
Ojai Valley Green Coalition

Community Gathering and Fall Feast


Exploring a Food Cooperative
for the Ojai Valley


The Coalition invites you to its fall community gathering on Friday, November 30. Mingle with neighbors, share a potluck supper and join in the evening's program focused on "Exploring a Food Cooperative for the Ojai Valley."


Fall Gathering BuffetThe potluck and program gathering will take place at the Chaparral Auditorium, 414 E. Ojai Avenue. The evening will begin with a meet and greet from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m., food sharing from 7:00 to 7:45 p.m., followed by the program. There will also be information tables to learn about many of the Coalition's activities. Come share and celebrate our fall's bounty with your favorite salad, entr�e, or dessert featuring seasonal, local and organic ingredients. To reduce our landfill waste, please bring your own table service (plate, silverware, mug, and cloth napkin). For more information email noel@ojaivalleygreencoalition.com or call (805) 669-8445.


Food co-ops are community-owned, community-operated purveyors of local and natural products. In Ojai, a food co-op will add something that has been missing: a local cooperative food option based on the cooperative principles of voluntary and open membership, democratic member control, and concern for community. Engaged community members have come together to begin the process of making the Ojai Food Co-op a reality and we are providing an opportunity for them to share with you their efforts and intention.


The evening will begin with a presentation by Isla Vista Food Co-op's general manager Melissa Cohen, detailing its role within that community and the many benefits to local members, local farmers, and local artisanal food producers. Following the Isla Vista Food Co-op presentation, the Ojai Food Co-op's core organizing group will present its efforts thus far, answer questions, and discuss next steps.


Who's Who at the Helm


The Coalition sadly had to say good bye to its president and director, Kathy Nolan in September. Kathy will stay connected as an Advisory Board member. Her work as an Ojai city planning commissioner, running her own business, and president of the Coalition was proving too much. Thank you for your past and continued service to our community, Kathy.


But when one door closes another opens and we are excited to have board member, Marleen Luckman step into the president's position from treasurer. Her passion and pragmatism will serve us well.


Marci Murphy
Marci Murphy

With that move the Coalition needed a new treasurer and we are proud to introduce our newest board member and new treasurer, Marcia Murphy. 'Marci' was born in San Diego, and although spending a few years of her childhood in Richmond, Virginia and Billings, Montana, she has spent most of her life in California. An Ojai resident since 1992, Marci has two grown daughters, one of which, Kate Komaiko, is currently a chef at Oak Grove School. Her other daughter is studying pre-med in San Francisco.


Marci brings an extensive background in business, spending her pre-Ojai life as a corporate controller in Los Angeles with a staff of 20. Marci says that changed when she decided she needed more flexibility to stay home to raise her daughters.


"I truly was a 'suit' before my kids," says Marci, "but bringing someone else into the world that I loved so dearly meant I had to educate myself for her optimum health."


To read more click here.


Business Not as Usual
at The Ojai Retreat


The Coalition is pleased to announce our first "official" business member: the Ojai Retreat, located at 160 Besant Road in Ojai. In the coming months we will be showcasing new business members. If you have a business, we encourage you to check out our business membership benefits and our 1% for the Planet affiliation.


Ulrich Brugger
Ulrich Brugger

"Our missions align and we know the owner, Ulrich Brugger, has worked diligently to integrate sustainability practices into the business, buildings and grounds," says OVGC Director Deborah Pendrey. "Ulrich had been after me to set up a formal membership program for businesses. Once we got that up on the website, we actually offered Ulrich a trade opportunity that works well for both of us."


To read more click here.


Download a Printable Version of This Form
2012 Membership Form