I'm Thankful - My Film Debuts in Ojai!!
GROUND OPERATIONS: Battlefields to Farmfields
Saturday, November 10, 4:30 - Ojai Playhouse
This film has been three years in the making and my partner, Ray Singer, and I are so pleased to share it with you, our friends and supporters, first! Appropriately, it will premiere on Veterans Day weekend.
GROUND OPERATIONS follows a group of combat veterans returning from the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan , who face a daunting transition back to civilian life, but find their redemption through new careers in organic farming & ranching. This film will blow the lid off stereo-types you might hold about vets, and you'll be rooting for them all the way to the farmers market. In a world full of problems, this is a story about solutions.
We still need to pay off final licensing, legal & insurance expenses before we can take it to a distributor. The ticket price is only $10, but we will have a range of cool gifts for folks who can make (tax-deductible) donations to help us launch this puppy!
OVGC Fall Community Gathering & Potluck
Friday, November 30 - Chaparral Aud. - 6:30-9:00
(Free event if you bring an organic vegetarian dish to share)The evening's program focused on "How The Ojai Food Co-op Will Benefit Our Community." Engaged community members have come together to begin the process of making the Ojai Food Co-op a reality. This evening will begin with a presentation by the Isla Vista Food Co-op's general manager Melissa Cohen, detailing the role of Isla Vista Food Co-op (a 42 year old natural food store) within its community and the many benefits to local members, local farmers, and local artisanal food producers. Following the presentation about Isla Vista Food Co-op, the Ojai Food Co-op's core organizing group will present about its efforts thus far, answer questions, and discuss next steps.
Last week to get GMOs labeled in California!! On Friday, we went up on the air with our beautiful new TV ad. We have withstood 25 days of negative attacks and now we are taking our most powerful message to the people. But, winning the election will take so much more than an ad. Watch the ad on YouTube: http://youtu.be/jI31JogDLjM We are in a dead heat with Monsanto & Dow. It will take all of us sharing our commitment to our values in every possible way from now until the election. MORE PHONE BANKERS ARE NEEDED: Luckily for us, we have access to a predictive dialing system that makes calling voters super easy and low stress. You can sign up & get the training at http://www.carighttoknow.org/phone_bank OR work with our team. We have script, training, and all you need to do is click "next call" to get patched through to voters. Response is great; many people who aren't sure really want to hear that it's OK to vote YES. I can't tell you how many people just need a nudge. WE'RE CANVASING MAIN STREET WITH GREAT RESULTS. Yesterday and today we gave out most of our incoming shipment of new flyers (attached each side in color or B&W pdf's 2 per page). They show who's paying for the Noon37 ads and tells the truth. People are grabbing them, satisfied, wanting to read facts. Print a few,. Have them with you at all times for when you run into people who are confused by the stupid lying TV ads. Don't wait for others to do the work - we need all hands on deck! If you have any questions or just need hand-holding, don't hesitate to reach Bill Haff here in Ojai: bill.haff@gmail.com. You can do it from home or join the troops down at Jan & Ron's house in Ventura jdietrick9@gmail.com The rest of America, and the world, is watching. Become a local hero.
Thanks for your continuing interest in making the Ojai Valley a more delicious place to live. Our food system is a vital part of our resilience and strength.
Growing food, growing community!
Dulanie Ellis, Food Council
Ojai Valley Green Coalition
Upcoming Events Nov. 3 "Wild about Ojai" Herb walk with Lanny Kaufer at the Ojai Meadows Preserve. 9:30-11:30am
Nov. 6 (Free)
Vote YES on 37 - if you still have questions or the ads on TV by Monsanto have caused doubt... call me: 640-11334
Ground Operations: Battlefields to Farmfields Come see who our next generation of organic farmers & grassfed livestock producers are.
Ojai Playhouse
Nov. 30 Free w/organic dish OVGC Community Gathering "The Ojai Food Co-Op" see article Chaparral Auditorium 6:30-9:00
Easy Thanksgiving
Veggie Loaf
4 c. veggie burger crumbles (2 packs Yves 'Ground Round') 1 c. raw rolled or quick oats 1-1/3 c. potato, grated 2 med. onions,minced 1/4 c. soy sauce 1/4 c. ketsup 1/4 c. nutrtional yeast 14 c. grnd. flaxseed 1 tsp salt 1 tsp garlic 1 tsp dried thyme 1 tsp savory 1/2 tsp dry basil 1/2 tsp oregano 1/2 tsp sage
Preheat oven to 400F. Mix all ingredients in large bowl with hands. Press into 9x5" loaf pan. Cover with thin layer of favorite sauce. Bake 1 hour, covered with foil for first 30 minutes. Let stand 15 min. Bon appetit! |