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Oct 2013                                                          

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books "Lifestyle news updates" highlights research, resources and announcements from around the World which improves our understanding of how lifestyle can influence the risk of cancer, well-being after treatments and reduce the risk of relapse.  


Previous issues: JulyJune| AprilMarchFebJanDecNovOctSept| AugJuly| JuneMay| April| March| Feb| Jan 

Follow us on Twitter A hour a day helps keep the cancer away

exercise Research published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention showed that older women who walked for at least an hour every day had a reduced risk of developing breast cancer by 14%. This trial adds to the growing weight of evidence for the anti-cancer benefits of exercise - Exercise and cancer 

Follow us on Twitter Want better outcomes after cancer - get hitched! 

Aweddinglthough many married couples think life just seems longer, a new study shows it actually is. The survey led by the head of psychiatry at Monash University (Australia) published in the JCO showed that married cancer patients live longer than single patients with a magnitude above the benefits of adjuvant chemotherapy. This data highlights the important role of social support in the survivorship management.

   Follow us on Twitter Nuts - good for your breasts!  

Research published in Breast Cancer Research Treatment showed that of 9,000 young girls, those who consumed higher amounts of nuts and peanut butter had a lower risk of breast disease later in life. Although this applied non-cancerous diseases, there is a previously reported link between these and breast cancer. Nuts contain higher amount of lignans and plant sterols which have healthy polyphenol and phytoestrogenic effects - more about polyphenols  

Follow us on Twitter Avoid pancreatic cancer - eat less!

fat man A study published in Cancer Prevention Research randomised two groups of mice - the first group had a normal diet whilst the other a diet with high fat and calories which caused them to gain weight. By 14 months the high fat and high calorie-diet group developed abnormally high numbers of lesions known to be precursors to pancreatic cancer. The cancer promoting mechanism of overeating is thought to be via increased IGF levels and insulin resistance.- more on diet and cancer 

Follow us on Twitter Chemo brain - now it's hormone brain!
sore lips

A number of women on tamoxifen report mental fogginess despite never having chemo. A study reported in Neuroscience has revealed the  biological basis for "hormone brain". Mice brain cells which produce the protective myelin sheaths (oligodendrocyte-type 2 astrocyte progenitor cells) were seen to be damaged by tamoxifen. Fortunately, Dr. Noble's found that a new agent selumetinib protects normal cells but not cancer cells - further research will show whether his can be used in humans - In the mean time tips to improve brain power 

Follow us on Twitter More benefits for Pomi-T discovered

pomi-t-greenA further analysis of the double blind RCT Pomi-T study presented at ASCO this year has shown that men on the polyphenol rich whole food supplement trial were 30% more likely to stay on Active surveillance or Watchful Watching compared to placebo
 this extra evidence will be presented at the European Meeting on Urological cancers in Marseille. Read more about the Pomi-t study | See channel 5 news coverage 


Follow us on Twitter Moderate Drinking may have little effect on breast cancer survival.

alcopopsA study published in JCO suggests that moderate drinking has little effect on survival after a breast cancer diagnosis, and may reduce deaths from cardiovascular disease. Investigators studied 22,890 women with breast cancer, recording information on alcohol intake before diagnosis. Other studies have shown the opposite and is linked to an increased risk of developing breast cancer -  so still drink with caution - more about alcohol and cancer

Follow us on Twitter Grape seed extract shows anti-cancer effect in laboratory experiments

Repomi-t-mouthsearch recently published in Carcinogenesis reported that grape extract killed head and neck squamous cell cancer cells in cell cultures and in laboratory mice and did not harm "healthy cells in the process. The study was supported by grants from the National Center for Complementary Medicine and NCI - more about polyphenol rich foods

Follow us on Twitter Blood pressure pill linked to increased breast cancer risk

book lifestyleAnalysis of a population survey of 1027 women aged 55 to 74 years; found that the use of calcium-channel blockers (for blood pressure) for 10 or more years was associated with higher risks of ductal breast cancer published by JAMA Internal Medicine.
Online micro-nutritional testing - optimise your nutritional status
nutritional testsMost top athletes measure their body's essential micro-nutrients to ensure they have the correct nutritional balance for optimal performance. These tests are now available for everyone especially those concerned about or who have survived cancer. A online micro-nutrient service has been developed by cancernet which measures over 50 of the bodies essential micro-nutrients and anti-cancer enzymes (read evidence base).  The results of the detailed blood test are issued with a comprehensive bespoke advice programme which empowers the recipient to a diet and lifestyle which corrects deficiencies and lowers excesses to restore optimal nutritional status - read more about micro-nutrient testing
Lifestyle and Cancer - the facts

Lifestyle after Cancer The 2011 edition of Lifestyle and Cancer dispells the myths by providing clear evidence based advice, to help readers cope with side effects, speed up recovey and reduce the risk of relapse after cancer  Order online


A new scheme is also now available to advocacy groups - The publishers are able to supply at cost price to groups who can sell on to members at a discount Contact us about joinng this scheme 


Read foreword by Paula Radcliffe Free Chapter - Avoiding carcinogens