May 2016

What's Next? Life Coaching with Penny Rackley

Coming up at Inspire Yoga 
Highland Village
May LifeInspired: 
Moving Forward

We all have regrets and disappointments, but it's hard to 
find a better life when we're 
focused on the past. 

 If you're ready to seek and live out some new opportunities, then join me Thursday, May 19th at 12:15 and 5:30pm at Inspire Yoga 
in Highland Village, TX for this
free group coaching session. 
We'll choose our next steps with intelligence and confidence.

And don't worry, no sharing required
It's free and everyone's invited. 

Join us!

Inspire Yoga Studio - Highland Village
1401 Shoal Creek | Suite 268
Highland Village, Texas 75077

Uh oh, did you know that summer's practically here? My college boy is already home, raiding the fridge! 

Before June is all the way upon us, let's set out three good things -- what the heck, let's say three GREAT things -- that you want for your life in the next few months. For your family, your health, finances, personal energy, love life, wherever you need relief or hope. 

One of mine is more time with best friends. What are yours? Let me know if you need some one-on-one help with this. I'm here!

- Penny
Moving Forward
Habits. Cycles. We do the same things over and over, day after day, year after year, for better or (oftentimes) for worse.  

About eight years ago, my well-meaning mother-in-law sent me one of those inflammatory, scare-tactic emails about the dangers of aspartame for people with autoimmune diseases (I have MS). I appreciated her efforts (sigh), but was in no way interested in quitting my daily Diet Coke habit, and ignored the warning as hogwash.

But my nosy then-twelve-year-old caught sight of the message, and that was that. "Of course, you won't be having Diet Coke anymore. It's bad for you." He punctuated the edict with a loving look.

Ugh. I decided to humor him and still indulge on the sly -- until he caught on and used one of my own strategies against me. "Try going without for just one week and see if your symptoms are better. If not, you can go back to drinking it, but what if this really helps?! You can't NOT try!" 

Begrudgingly, I agreed (really and truly this time) to quit Diet Coke for one week. Agonizing! But -- argh, those meddling kids! -- the change significantly helped my symptoms. I haven't cracked one open since. 

This is a goofy example, I'll admit, but it kind of matters. 

Maybe you have a long history of yo-yo dieting, of choosing the wrong romantic partners, of amassing unmanageable debt, of being the first one drunk at every party. Maybe your family has a cycle of hotheadedness, verbal abuse, violence. It's so easy to fall into comfortable, familiar patterns, even when we know they're bad for us. 

What cycle should you at least TRY to break -- even just for one week? Or maybe more importantly, what healthy new habit do you want to START?
  • Spending time with more positive people?
  • Becoming a frequent exceriser?
  • Creating a peaceful environment at home?
  • Reading for pleasure?
  • Paying in cash?
At my next free coaching session (see sidebar), you'll have an opportunity to think through the cycles you want to leave behind, and the space to privately plan for some fresher, wisdom-inspired life patterns. It's a quiet time for introspection, note-taking and new beginnings. 

I hope to see you there. We always have fun.

Coaching with Penny


If you want to make a life change, are recovering from a loss or just need help defining your goals and reaching them, then you might be a good candidate for coaching.


My first session is always free, so we can get to know one another. Call 214-793-1503 or email me at for an appointment.