Featured Articles
In This Issue:
+ Annual Meeting Updates & Messages from the Bishop
+ 2015 Margaret "Peggy" Kai Memorial Lecture
+ Fall Open House Dates at The St. Andrew's Schools
+ In Celebration of National Hospice & Palliative Care Month
+ Camp Mokule'ia Director on ThinkTech Hawaii
+ Holy Nativity Fall Festival
+ Epiphany Bazaar Coming Up
+ Oregon Diocese Calls for Prayers
+ Bishop Sauls Announces Two Senior Appointments for Presiding Bishop-Elect's Staff
+ Educational Webinar Examines Global Refugee Crisis
+ Updated Safe Church Training Dates
+ Annual Meeting of Convention
+ Hō'ike Ulu Legacy Society Gatherings
+ Pacific Islander Ministry Announcements
+ Nellie Hartman "Here I am Send Me" Grant Applications Now Being Accepted
Contact Information
+ + + + + + +

Featured Photo:
Featured in this issue's header are the folks at Holy Apostles in Hilo, at their Blessing of the Animals service. Fr. Moki Hino blessed not just dogs, but horses and goats. He is pictured at center with the 1001 Golden Crane picture they worked on and will be presented to the newly elected Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, at his Installation coming up on November 1.(Photo contributed by Holy Apostles Church)

Upcoming Meetings

Mark Your


Saturday, November 21, 2015
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, 
Von Holt Room
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Standing Committee
Commission on Ministry Diocesan Council

47th Annual Meeting of the Convention of The Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi

October 23 & 24
ʻIolani School, Honolulu
Annual Meeting meeting forms and online registration now posted. Visit the webpage HERE.
Diocesan events header
Hō'ike Ulu Legacy Society Gatherings:
O'ahu: Friday, October 23
Big Island: Thursday, November 12 (Tentative)

Pacific Islander Ministry:
New Immigrant/Migrant Workshop
Saturday, October 17, 10:00 AM, St. Elizabeth's, Honolulu

PIM Gathering: Ohana is Important
November 26-28, Bellows Beach, Waimanalo

2015 Safe Church Trainings
Please check under the island listings for a class taking place in your area. 
Parish Happenings


Sunday Adult Christian Formation Hour 
Sundays, 9:20 AM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

Choral Evensong at The Cathedral
Ongoing every Sunday, 5:30 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

Na Himeni Sing Nights
Ongoing every third Sunday, 6:00 PM
St. Stephen's, Wahiawa
For more info: (808) 330-3769

Harmony Health & Wellness
Ongoing every Monday, 3:30 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Davies Hall, Honolulu

Aina Haina Farmer's Market
Ongoing every Tuesday, 5:00 - 7:30 PM
Holy Nativity, Aina Haina

Mo'ili'ili Service Center
Free medical & legal services, clothing, food, bus passes
Ongoing every last Thursday, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
St. Mary's, Honolulu
(808) 949-4655

Makiki Farmers Market
Ongoing every Thursday, 4:30 - 7:30 PM
St. Clement's, Honolulu

Centering Prayer
Ongoing every Thursday, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
For more info: E-mail

Jazz Vespers at St. Peter's
Ongoing every Thursday, 
6:00 PM (Soup & Salad served after the service)
St. Peter's, Honolulu

Pacific Peace Forums (with Potluck)
Ongoing every first Friday, 6:00 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Von Holt Room, Honolulu
Contact: Dr. Haʻaheo Guanson, (808) 330-3771

Tai Chi at Epiphany
Ongoing every Saturday, 9:00 AM
Epiphany, Honolulu

Holy Hikers!
Ongoing every first Saturday, 1:30 PM, meet at Holy Nativity parking lot
Holy Nativity, Honolulu

Meal Prep for IHS
Ongoing every second Saturday, Noon
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

2015 Margaret "Peggy" Kai Memorial Lecture with Fr. Michael Lapsley
Sunday, October 18, 6:30 PM
(Evensong at 5:30 PM)
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

The St. Andrew's Schools Open House
Sunday, October 25, 1:00 PM
The St. Andrew's Schools, Honolulu
(808) 536-6102

A Rose for Remembrance
Friday, November 6, 7:00 PM
Newman Center, UH Manoa

Holy Nativity Fall Festival & Christmas Market
Saturday, November 14, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Holy Nativity, Honolulu

Epiphany Bazaar
Saturday, November 21, 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Epiphany, Honolulu
Office: (808) 734-5706

The St. Andrew's Schools Open House
Sunday, November 22, 1:00 PM
The St. Andrew's Schools, Honolulu
(808) 536-6102

Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training
Saturday, January 30, 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
Registration coming soon



Christ Memorial Food Pantry
Ongoing Saturdays, 3:30 PM
Christ Memorial, Kilauea

Saturday Market and Swap Meet
Ongoing every second Saturday of the month, 9:00 AM
All Saints', Kapa'a

Saturday Evening Jazz Vespers Communion Service
Ongoing Saturdays, 5:15 PM
St. Michael's, Lihue

ReSource for Christian Spirituality Centering Prayer Group
Ongoing Tuesdays, 8:00 AM
St. Michael's, Lihue
Ongoing Wednesdays, 9:30 AM
St. John's, Eleele

Laundry Love Kauai
Ongoing first & third Wednesdays, 5:30 PM
Kapaa Laundromat, Kapa'a

ReSource for Christian Spirituality: Women's Retreat
October 16 - 18
Makanalani, Kilauea

FREE Movies on the Lawn
October 17, 24, & 30
All Saints' Lawn, Kapa'a

King Kamehameha IV & Queen Emma Weekend Celebration
November 13 - 15
St. Michael's, Lihue
Call: (808) 245-3796

KIA Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon
Thursday, November 26, 11:00 AM (Interfaith Service 10:00 AM)
All Saints', Kapa'a

All Saints' Holiday Craft Fair
Saturday, December 5, 9:00 AM 
All Saints', Kapa'a



Centering Prayer Group
Mondays, 6:15 - 8:00 PM
Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei

Centering Prayer Group
Thursdays, 4:00 PM
Holy Innocents, Lahaina
For more info: E-mail

Safeguarding God's Children Training
Saturday, April 9, 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM
St. John's, Kula 
Registration coming soon



Teen Tech at St. James'
First & third Sundays, 10:30 AM
St. James' (Spencer Building), Kamuela

Free Community Meal
Ongoing every 4th Saturday, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
St. Augustine's, Kapaau

St. Jude's Women's Bible Study
Ongoing Tuesdays, 10:00 AM

Brown Bag Bible Study
Ongoing Tuesdays, 12:00 PM
St. James', Kamuela

Ka'u Food Pantry 
Ongoing last Tuesdays, 12:00 PM
Ocean View Community Center
Call Karen:  (510) 778-5500

St. Jude's Men's Bible Study
Ongoing Fridays, 9:00 AM
McKinney Place

The Labyrinth Book Group
Ongoing Fridays, 9:30 AM
Christ Church, Kealakekua

St. James' All Parish Retreat
October 30 - November 1
KMC, Volcano Nat'l Park

St. James' Christmas Bazaar
Saturday, November 14, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
St. James', Kamuela

Installation of the Rev. Diana Akiyama
Saturday, November 14, 3:00 PM
St. Augustine's, Kapa'au





Director of Music

Part-time, St. Peter's, Honolulu

Click HERE for details.


If you would liked to post a position at your church, e-mail Communications with the information. Positions are also posted on the Diocesan website HERE



Proper 24
Almighty and everlasting God, in Christ you have revealed
your glory among the nations: Preserve the works of your
mercy, that your Church throughout the world may
persevere with steadfast faith in the confession of your
Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Book of Common Prayer
p 235
Ministry Links

Stay Informed!


Upcoming Events

Office of the Bishop

Previous E-News Editions

 E-Chronicle Editions 



Would you like to put an announcement in the E-News for a special community event or activity that your church is involved with?  Please e-mail the information to the Editor, along with pictures, fliers and contact information.


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events & activities from around the Diocese and beyond!
October 13, 2015


Bishop Fitzpatrick wrote the following article regarding Convention XLVII for the 'Iolani School Bulletin.  With the Annual Meeting of Convention taking place next week, he now shares it with you.

On October 23 and 24, 2015, members of the Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi will gather at 'Iolani School for the annual meeting of the Diocesan Convention. The Convention is meeting at 'lolani for two reasons.

First, the school was founded by the first bishop in Hawaiʻi (the Rt. Rev. Thomas Staley)  at the request of King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma. In fact, the school was first called the Bishop's School and then called St. Alban's College. The relationship between  the Episcopal Church and 'Iolani School is very tight. For many years, the school was on  the campus of the Cathedral of St. Andrew. Two bishops of the diocese graduated from 'Iolani (the Rt. Rev. Edwin Lani Hanchet '37 and the Rt. Rev. Richard S.O. Chang '59). My own sons graduated from 'Iolani (Edward 'OS and James '07). We are one 'ohana.

Second, we will also celebrate the 60th anniversary of the consecration of St. Alban's Chapel as an Episcopal Church. The name of the chapel harkens back to one of the early names of the school itself. We will gather to celebrate the anniversary and honor our ongoing connection.

For some years before being elected bishop, I was Bishop Chang's assistant and the priest at St. Luke's Church on Judd Street. Father Thomas Yoshida '54 would help me out when I had to be away on diocesan business. The site of St. Luke's was originally the site of Father Kenneth Bray's house. Many of my parishioners had known Father Bray as a coach at 'Iolani (football, baseball and basketball) or as the chaplain at St. Andrew 's Priory School for Girls. He arrived at the diocese in 1932 and served until his death in 1953. He was not only a coach and chaplain but also the parish priest in charge of the Hawaiian Congregation at the Cathedral and St. Mark's Church, Kapahulu (often all at the same time).

Through the years, I heard many stories about Father Bray. One day, a parishioner shared a tattered piece of paper with me. It was the chaplain's charge to the Priory graduating Class of 1940. Rose Choi (Priory '40) had kept it all these years and told me that the principles have helped guide her life.

Father Bray writes, "It (the school) has educated you well only if it has made you an active force for Fellowship, Righteousness, and Love.... While others must lie helpless in war, you who are in peace must take up the burden of the Gospel of lncarnate Love in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost."

I pray that Father Bray's call to us to be "an active force for Fellowship, Righteousness, and Love" lives on at 'Iolani School with St. Alban's Chapel as the center of the community. As we celebrate the anniversary of the consecration of the chapel, I also hope we will pause to give thanks for the connection between the Episcopal Church and 'Iolani School as expressed through school worship; religious studies and formation; service and service-learning; equity and justice; and school life and culture. We are "One Team."

As the embodiment of the faith received from the Episcopal Church, 'Iolani School is called to be a community that honors, celebrates and worships God as the center of life with the chapel as the heart of the campus. 'Iolani School is called to be a community that models God's love, grace and inclusivity. The school was established to serve God in Christ in all persons, regardless of origin, background, ability, or religion. Its vocation is to form citizens of the world who "strive for justice and peace among all people and respect the dignity of every human being" (from the "Baptismal Covenant." Book of Common Prayer).

'Iolani School has a very special place in the life of the Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi. I am honored to be a part of the 'Iolani 'ohana.

Ordinations During Convention Eucharist Announced
Bishop Fitzpatrick
Message from the Bishop:

I am pleased to announce that I have received the needed consents from Standing Committee and I, God and the people willing, plan on ordaining Phyllis Mahilani Yin Tai Beimes, Malcolm Keleawe Hee, Paul Nahoa Lucas and John Anson Hauʻoli Tomoso to the transitional diaconate at the Convention Eucharist on Friday, October 23, (4:00 PM), in St. Alban's Chapel, ʻIolani School, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi.

Your prayers and presence are welcome even if you do not plan on attending the Education Day (on Friday) or the Business Meeting of Convention (on Saturday).

Because this is taking place at the School with a catered reception to follow as part of the Annual Meeting of Convention, registration is required for all those attending the Ordination and Pupu Hour reception. Please take note of the following:
  • If you are already registered to attend the Eucharist and Pupu Hour, you do not need to do anything.
  • If you are already registered for both Eucharist and Pupu Hour and need additional wristbands for extra guests you are bringing to the Pupu Hour, please e-mail your request to Irina.
  • If you are not yet registered to attend the Eucharist and celebratory Pupu Hour, please register HERE(Note: if you won't be attending the Education Day or Annual Meeting, please select "no" on those drop-down lists).
The deadline for registrations or additions to the Opening Eucharist and Ordination service and Pupu Hour reception is Friday, October 16, 2015.

Almighty God, the giver of all good gifts, in your divine providence you have appointed various orders in your Church: Give your grace, we humbly pray, to all who are called to any office and ministry for your people; and so fill them with the truth of your doctrine and clothe them with holiness of life, that they may faithfully serve before you, to the glory of your great Name and for the benefit of your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick
Bishop Diocesan 
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

(Pictured above at the Waiolaihui'ia October 11 Eucharist service during their monthly weekend session, are the candidates, Malcolm Keleawe Hee, John Hau'oli Tomoso, Phyllis Mahi Beimes and Paul Nahoa Lucas, with the Rev. Austin Murray, the Dean of Waiolaihui'ia and the Rev. Linda Decker, the Chair of the Commission on Ministry. These are the very first candidates coming out the of the Diocese's 3-year priest formation program. Photo courtesy of John Tomoso.)
This Sunday,October 18:
Guest Speaker Fr. Michael Lapsley at the
2015 Margaret "Peggy" Kai Memorial Lecture
The Cathedral of St. Andrew is pleased to announce that the 2015 Margaret "Peggy" Kai Memorial Lecture will be presented by Fr. Michael Lapsley, author of Redeeming the Past: My Journey From Freedom Fighter to Healer

This event will take place on Sunday, October 18, 2015, beginning with Evensong at The Cathedral of St. Andrew at 5:30 PM, followed by the lecture at 6:30 PM, and reception from 7:30 - 8:30 PM. 

Fr. Lapsley, who was born in New Zealand, joined the Society of the Sacred Mission and was sent to South Africa in 1973.  There he became active in the anti-apartheid movement, ultimately joining the African National Congress. Exiled to Lesotho and then Zimbabwe, where he narrowly survived an assassination attempt, he returned to South Africa to found the Institute for Healing of Memories.

For more information, e-mail The Cathedral or call (808) 524-2822.  


Fall Open House Dates at The St. Andrew's Schools
Take a new look at The St. Andrew's Schools! Join us for an Open House at The Priory and The Prep in these informative two-hour events being held on October 25 & November 22, from 1:00 - 3:00 PM. Registration is requested. Visit the Admissions pages HERE or call (808) 536-6102.
In Celebration of National Hospice & Palliative Care Month - Friday November 6

St. Francis Hospice Bereavement Services invites you to A Rose of Remembrance, a touching interdenominational memorial service that honors the memories of St. Francis Hospice patients and others in our community. This event will take place on Friday, November 6, at the Newman Center, University of Hawaii-Manoa, 1941 East-West Rd., at 7:00 PM. Presenting ministers include the Rev. Kaleo Patterson. For more information, download the flyer HERE.
Camp Mokule'ia Director on ThinkTech Hawaii
David Baumgart Turner, Executive Director for Camp Mokule'ia, was recently interviewed on the weekly show "Sustainable Hawaii" which is one of the offerings of ThinkTech Hawaii.

 Interviewing him was his wife, Kirsten Baumgart Turner, who is the host of the show, and she asked him to talk about the many sustainable practices that are a part of the life of Camp Mokule'ia.  You may view the interview on YouTube HERE.
Holy Nativity Fall Festival & Christmas Market

Epiphany's Bazaar Coming Up Next Month

Epiphany Episcopal Church will be holding a bazaar on Saturday, November 21, from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Get ready for great food and baked goods, jams & jellies, plants, clothing, dishes and much more! Epiphany is located at 10th and Harding Avenues in Kaimuki. For more information, contact the church office at (808) 734-5706.

What's Happening in The Episcopal Church? 

Announcements from around The Episcopal Church & beyond 

Oregon Diocese Calls for Prayers, Transformation Following Shootings
[Diocese of Oregon] Bishop Michael Hanley of the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon has extended prayers for the victims, their families, and all the students and faculty of Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, after a gunman opened fire at the school Oct. 1, reportedly killing nine people and injuring seven.

"Gun violence has intruded into too many places where people have always felt safe. As people of God we struggle with how to respond," said Hanley in a statement posted on the diocesan website. "We call for more vigilance, fewer guns, tighter controls, and all the other responses our hearts and our faith call us to. But, in the end, we find ourselves again faced with the blood of innocents. We know this will never end until our faith in the risen Christ has overthrown the voices of violence and fear that seemingly compel us to stock our lives with firearms."

Hanley called for the response to be one that's grounded in "the transformative power of love" and asked for a commitment "to ending all of these expressions of hatred and self-loathing. To the people of Roseburg, Umpqua Community College, and the community as a whole: Know that we are with you in your sorrow, loss and fear and offer healing prayers for your tomorrow."
Bishop Sauls Announces Two Senior Appointments to Presiding Bishop-Elect's Staff
In consultation with Presiding Bishop-Elect Michael B. Curry, Bishop Stacy F. Sauls, Episcopal Church Chief Operating Officer, has announced two senior staff appointments at the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society that will become effective November 1, when Bishop Curry begins his term as Presiding Bishop and Primate.

The two staff positions - Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Ministry Within The Episcopal Church, and Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Ministry Beyond The Episcopal Church - will serve as part of a larger senior-leadership team at the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society.  Bishop Sauls, in his role as Chief Operating Officer, will function as chief of staff to Bishop Curry and will oversee the leadership team.

The Rev. Canon Michael Buerkel Hunn, presently Canon to the Ordinary for Program and Pastoral Ministry in the Diocese of North Carolina, will serve as Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Ministry Within The Episcopal Church.

Canon Hunn will be responsible for supporting the ministry of the Presiding Bishop among Episcopalians.  This includes supporting the Presiding Bishop's role as president of the House of Bishops, chief pastor to the Church's 108 dioceses and the areas of special jurisdiction for the Presiding Bishop, and chief theological educator and evangelist.

The Rev. Canon Charles K. Robertson, Ph.D., currently Canon to Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, will serve as Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Ministry Beyond The Episcopal Church. 
Canon Robertson will be responsible for supporting the ministry of the Presiding Bishop among those who are not members of The Episcopal Church.   This includes supporting the Presiding Bishop's role as Primate of The Episcopal Church (one of 38 member Provinces of the Anglican Communion) and in the Presiding Bishop's capacity as chief ecumenical and interfaith officer for the Church.

To read the article in its entirety, click HERE.
Educational Webinar Examines Global Refugee Crisis
The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society will present a 90-minute webinar on October 15, focusing on the global refugee crisis, U.S. resettlement and how Episcopalians can be involved in this ministry of welcome.

Presented by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society's Episcopal Migration Ministries and Episcopal Public Policy Network, the live webinar will begin at 8 PM ET.

For more than 75 years, The Episcopal Church has welcomed refugees to the United States, helping them find safety, security and new lives as American citizens. Now, with at least 60 million people displaced from their homes and lives, the global community is facing the largest refugee crisis since the end of World War II.

"We are all witnesses to this massive human suffering," noted Samuel McDonald, Deputy Chief Operating Officer and Director of Mission. "As Episcopalians in the United States, we are called ever more deeply into responding to this tragedy by engaging the life-saving ministry of refugee resettlement."

Pre-registration is required. For more information on this webinar and for the link to register, click HERE
Safe church logo 
UPDATED: Safe Church Training Dates
The Church's Safe Church Policies require church leadership and those working with children to attend special training classes. The following classes have been set up with more to come. Please read the Safe Church Policies to note the differences between Safeguarding God's Children and Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training, and to see if you are required to attend a class. 
  • Saturday, January 30, 2016 - Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training (The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu, O'ahu) - Registration coming soon
  • Saturday April 9, 2016 - Safeguarding God's Children Training (St. John's, Kula, Maui) - Registration coming soon

The Draft Budget and Narrative, nominations and reports may be viewed on the convention webpage HERE. All nominations and reports will be posted as they become available.

Nominations will be accepted online until Friday, October 16 
We will continue to receive nominations online until Friday, October 16, 2015, but will only publish the nominations that have been received as of the September 9 deadline date. All nominations will be posted online to be viewed on the convention webpage HERE.

Annual Meeting:  If you have not yet registered please do so HERE. Late registration fees are now in effect. 

Reminder: This year there is only individual registration and no group/congregational registration.

Education Day Speakers:  Friday, October 23, 2015 will be Education Day with the Rev. Cn. Stephanie Spellers as the keynote speaker in the morning. The afternoon session will be devoted to a workshop on a model for dealing with conflict and encouraging reconciliation in a congregation, facilitated by the Rev. Malcolm Naea Chun. Additional details are available on the convention webpage HERE. Register on the Individual Registration Form HERE

Opening Eucharist and Pupu Hour: The Opening Eucharist will take place on Friday, October 23, 2015, at 4:00 PM, in conjunction with the 60th Anniversary of St. Alban's Chapel.  A Pupu Hour will follow. 

Online Convention Quick Links:
If you haven't already done so, please visit the Annual Meeting webpage where you will find links to all of the meeting forms, information on convention activities as well as the tentative schedule for the weekend. If you have any questions, please e-mail Charmaine Bernard, Office Manager.
Travel Arrangements
Churches should have already received the Shared Travel Assessment billing.  For travel arrangements for approved travelers on Neighbor Islands, e-mail Sharon Billingsley. (Please see the Shared Travel Memo for procedures HERE.)

Hō'ike Ulu Legacy Society Gatherings
Taro Legacy Society
Have you made provisions  for a planned gift or bequest benefiting your local congregation or the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i?  If so, you are invited to become a member of the Hō'ike Ulu Legacy Society.  

Membership represents the desire of concerned Christians to continue their stewardship after death through making a planned gift. These gifts represent our grateful response to God's goodness and mercy to the world, as well as our desire to participate in the future of Episcopal ministries in Hawai'i.

Every year, members on each island gather together for lunch or dinner.  Maui and Kaua'i members have already met this year, and O'ahu members are invited to attend the Pupu Hour at the Annual Meeting. The folks on the Big Island of Hawai'i will be meeting at Merrimen's on November 12.

If you would like more information on the Hō'ike Ulu Legacy Society and island gatherings, download the informational brochure HERE, or e-mail Peter Pereira, Diocesan Treasurer.
Pacific Islander Ministry Announcements
The Episcopal Pacific Islander Ministry, led by Missioner Fane Lino, announces the upcoming events listed below, focused on Pacific Islanders. For more information or if you have questions, contact Fane Lino at (808) 548-1719, or e-mail her.

Pacific Islanders New Immigrant/Migrant 
Information Workshop
Saturday, October 17, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church, 720 N. King St., Honolulu
This free community outreach event is sponsored by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), Aloha Dream, the Episcopal Pacific Islander Ministry, The Tonga Consular Office and FACE - DACA Immigration Issues Outreach. The workshop is to help educate Pacific Islanders on the correct procedures to live and work in the United States. With so many undocumented Pacific Islanders living here illegally, it is difficult for them to get a job or go to school, leaving them without medical coverage, social security and other benefits to help them.

November 26 - 28, 2015 (Thanksgiving weekend)
Bellows Beach (pending permit), Waimanalo

This event was requested by families who wanted to spend Thanksgiving together. The theme for this special gathering is Ohana is Important. The elderly want to emphasize a connection between grandparents and grandchildren, parents and children, and sisters and brothers. There will be lots of "talk story" with elders sharing fond memories of their time as youth, the struggles that our youth face from their own perspective, and parent's struggles with their children, that will open discussion among everyone on a group level. On Saturday there will be the OHANA GAME DAY - Competition between parents, young adults, youth and Sunday School children.
Nellie Hartman "Here I Am Send Me" Grant Applications Now Being Accepted
The Fall 2015 application period for the Nellie Hartman "Here I Am Send Me" grant program is September 15 - October 31, 2015.

Nellie Hartman was a longtime member of Holy Nativity Episcopal Church. Upon her death she left endowed funds to be used for the preparation of young men and women for a life of Christian service and/or mission work. Accordingly, Holy Nativity Church is offering individual grants and stipends of up to $5,000 for work-study, educational, and enrichment opportunities to eligible individuals. Applications must be received by the Church by October 31, 2015 to be considered.

This fund is available to individuals seeking to prepare themselves for a life of Christian service or mission. Ms. Hartman's expressed objective for all of the recipients of the monies from the fund was that they develop a personal Christian rule of life, support Judeo-Christian values, come to know Jesus Christ and the "fun" of life, experiencing the joy which comes from serving both God and humanity as summed up in the two great commandments. 

For complete information about the "Here I Am Send Me" grant program and to download an application, visit the Holy Nativity website HERE.


Chronicle header green  

In case you missed it, click on the link to read

the latest issue of the E-Chronicle:   


Did you miss an edition of the E-News? Listed below are the titles of some recently published announcements. To see the complete article, click on the linked issues below or visit the Diocesan website's 

Annual Meeting Updates

Pacific Islander Ministry Announcements

Presiding Bishop on Refugees

Ticket Information on Installation of New Presiding Bishop

Clergy Transitions (Sowers, Oh, Joo)

Clergy Passing (Sasaki, Reynolds)

Godly Play Core Training - O'ahu

Women's Retreat on Kaua'i (October 16-18)

Donations Needed for Bell Repair

Young Adult Pilgrimage to Ferguson

Serving in the Philippines

Annual Meeting Important Deadline & Education Day

Offerings at St. Michael's in September

Summary of Actions of the 78th General Convention



Contact Information
Sybil Nishioka, Editor

Office of the Bishop
229 Queen Emma Square
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776