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The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond... 

October 2015
In This Issue
Message from the Bishop: Pondering the "Why" of the Episcopal Church in Hawai'i
Saipan Update
Annual Clergy Retreat
Keeping Up With Waiolaihuiʻia
ECW Annual Meeting
Honoring Prince Albert
ECWO: The Episcopal Church of West O'ahu
Contact Information
Bishop's Calendar


Through October 4
EAM Consultation, Seoul, Korea
October 13
Chapel: St. Andrew's Schools
October 17
Governance Meetings
October 18
Services at St. Timothy's & St. Nicholas, West O'ahu
October 23 - 24
Education Day & 47th Annual Meeting, 'Iolani School Honolulu
October 30 - (November 2)
Installation of 27th Presiding Bishop, National Cathedral, Washington, DC


November 5
Half-Day Staff Retreat
November 7 - 15
Week on Big Island for Visitations & Meetings
November 7
Non-Sunday visit to Holy Apostles, Hilo
November 8
Sunday Visitation: St. James', Kamuela
November 11 (est)
Non-Sunday visits to St. Columba's, St. Augustine's
November 14
Celebration of New Ministry, St. Augustine's, Kapa'au
November 15
Sunday Visitation: Christ Church, Kealakekua
November 18 (est)
Non-Sunday Visit: St. Luke's, Honolulu
November 21
Governance Meetings
November 22
Feast of the Holy Sovereigns, The Cathedral, Honolulu
November 24
Chapel: St. Andrew's Schools
November 24 - 29

Stay Informed!
Message from the Bishop
Pondering the "Why" of the Episcopal 
Church in Hawai'i

Bishop Fitzpatrick
Aloha o ke Akua:
I have just returned from a Project Resource conference in Denver.  Project Resource is designed to turn a diocesan Bishop into a team leader of resource developers - teachers - who each have the training and digital resources to lead any church in any situation concerning resource development of money, vision or people - three great resources of a church's mission. I was blessed to have Keane Akao, David Gierlach, Kerith Harding, Wilma Namumnart and Peter Pereira with me.
In preparation for the gathering, we were asked to watch a TED Talk by Simon Sinek entiled, "How Great Leaders Inspire Action" (HERE). Sinek has a simple model for inspirational leadership all starting with the simple question of "why?"
In preparation for the annual meeting of our Diocesan Convention on October 23-24, several long plane rides have allowed me to pray and ponder about the "why" of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi. It seems to me that too often we get caught in the "how" or the "what." 
We sometimes get caught up in the "what" of church.  It is that Christian thing on Sunday mornings.  It is the stuff of buildings and worship.  It might be about doing good things like caring for the houseless.  It might be about being the "Episcopal" Church in town, the church the Holy Sovereigns invited into the Kingdom, the church with the best organ and music in town, or the "nice and welcoming" church. 
The "how" of our churches are the actions, programs, activities and style that define a congregation.  It might be overly long exchanges of the peace or singing the "Queen's Prayer" after the absolution.  It might be serving a lunch after worship each Sunday for the houseless.  Being the Episcopal Church in town, it might just be the church that always prays from the Book of Common Prayer. 
That is still not the "why" of being the Church.  An individual might have a "why" that drives the whole congregation.  If someone's mother was a founding member of the congregation or a person's father was once the priest, the driving "why" might be to preserve the past.  Likewise the "why" of someone might be to preserve a building so their granddaughter will have a place to be married. 
We confuse the "what" and "how" of being church with "why" we exist as the church of Jesus Christ.
In his book Streams of Living Water: Celebrating the Great Traditions of Christ (HarperOne, 2001), Richard J. Foster suggests there are six streams in Christianity that lead us to God in Jesus Christ:
  • The Contemplative Tradition: Discovering the Prayer-Filled Life.
  • The Holiness Tradition: Discovering the Virtuous Life.
  • The Charismatic Tradition: Discovering the Spirit-Empowered Life.
  • The Social Justice Tradition: Discovering the Compassionate Life.
  • The Evangelical Tradition: Discovering the Word-Centered Life.
  • The Incarnational Tradition: Discovering the Sacramental Life.
In the end, our "why" is God in Jesus Christ.  We can see in Foster's list the need to balance various aspects of worship, piety, service and study.  These streams all lead us back to God in Jesus Christ. 
We each have our own "why" of faith and of going to church.  After my baptism in college, my "why" of church was caught up in the "what" and "how" of being an intellectually superior, liturgical Episcopalian.  Soon after Bea and I married, we loaded a van and drove to New York City for me to attend seminary.  My own "why" of faith changed after teaching in Nigeria and becoming very ill.  Thanks to wise spiritual directors and days of reflection, I realized that I wanted everyone to know that they are the beloved of God.  The anxiety and transience of the world ultimately doesn't matter. 
It was given language for me when I hear Elizabeth Moltmann-Wendel speak at Trinity Church, Wall Street, with her husband Jurgen Moltmann.  Though speaking specifically to women as a feminist liberation theologian, her words cut into my core.  She called us to understand that each of us is "good," "whole" and "beautiful" by the very will of God.  She said, "God needs us as ones who have accepted themselves as good and whole and thus enabled to renew through themselves the disturbed and destroyed creation.  God needs us as ones who are beautiful and who can break through the vicious cycle of self-hate and contempt of others." 
In Foster's terms, I lean hard on the "Holiness Stream" of Christian life and faith.  It  "...focuses upon the inward re-formation of the heart and the development of 'holy habits.'  We can rely upon these deeply ingrained habits of virtue to make our lives function appropriately and to bring forth substantial character formation."  For me, the "why" of Church is to live in a faithful community that can nurture "holy habits" in everyday life, and that can allow all of God's children the experience of feeling and knowing that they are truly "Good, Whole and Beautiful".  The "what" and "how" of creating such a community are different, but the "why" is clear for me - love.
As a people of God in Jesus Christ, "why" does the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi exist? "Why" is your congregation?  At this upcoming Annual Meeting and over the need few months, we will focus on the "Why" of the Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi. 
Aloha ma o Iesu Kristo, ko mākou Haku,
The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick
+ Keali'ikoaokeakua
Saipan Update

The following is a letter from Archdeacon Irene Egmalis Maliaman from the Episcopal Church in Micronesia, to Bishop Fitzpatrick, providing updates in Saipan after Typhoon Soudelor devastated the island in August.

Dear Bishop,
I was in Saipan last weekend. Recovery has been steady but slow. Although the water situation has improved most residences and business still have no power. The hotels and restaurants are mostly full as people who can afford to stay in hotels have been staying in hotels and eating in restaurants. 

Most folks who lost properties or incurred damage in their properties have applied for assistance from FEMA. And although many (US citizens) have already received assistance from FEMA, there is still confusion whether foreign contract workers can avail of FEMA assistance. Except for the few, most contract workers who applied for assistance have been denied help.

Meanwhile the two families from St. Paul's who lost their homes found new homes. The church paid for their security deposit and first month's rent. Bob also found a new home and Mercy made an arrangement with her friend to stay with him. We also helped another family who lost their home to transfer to another place. The church assisted with the materials to fix the place.

The donations received are as follows:

St. John's Church Guam: $754
Hawaii Congregations and individuals: $8,980
Alaska: $650
Total cash donations: $10,384.00

We also received in-kind donations such as water gallons, butane gas, mosquito coils, bug sprays, flash lights, school supplies, clothes, battery operated fans, groceries, toiletries and hot meals.

With the cash donations the church gave housing assistance and food assistance to those who suffered severe loss and damage of properties and those whose work hours have been shortened ($1,350). We gave about 300 bags of groceries and non-perishable goods, inverters, flashlights, solar lights, candles, cell cards, solar phone chargers ($3,812) to members of the church and their friends and also to the United Methodist Church congregation.

Total expenditures: $5,162

The church has also been serving meals to those who come to church on Sundays. With the remaining donations the church will continue to extend help as needed.

For additional insight into the situation of contract workers after Typhoon Soudelor, please read the following open letter to President Obama HERE

Thank you for the support and advocacy and prayers. On behalf of St. Paul's congregation, I extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation to those who opened their hearts and sent help.



Archdeacon Irene Egmalis Maliaman
Episcopal Church in Micronesia

Additional donations can be sent to:  
Episcopal Church in Micronesia, Attn.: Saipan Relief, P.O. Box 7350, Tamuning, Guam 96931

Annual Clergy Retreat

This year's annual clergy retreat took place at Camp Mokule'ia on August 23-25, 2015, and featured guest speaker Susan Pitchford, author and sociologist at the University of Washington in Seattle. She is also a professed member of the Third Order, Society of St. Francis, and her talk focused around her most recently published book, The Sacred Gaze.  Other books she has authored include Following Francis: The Franciscan Way for Everyone; God in the Dark: Suffering and Desire in the Spiritual Life; Contemplation and the Healing of the Self; and Identity Tourism: Imaging and Imagining the Nation.

Reflections by The Rev. Raymond Woo
There were two things I really appreciated about the retreat. The first is the wonderful fellowship with my fellow clergy in the Diocese, many of whom I seldom see during the year.  The other is the outstanding speaker, Professor Susan Pitchford. She gave three very meaningful presentations on the difference between authentic and false self, obstacles to the authentic self in the life and ministry of clergy, and ways to cultivate healthy, authentic self for one's spiritual journey, inter-personal relationships, and for ministry.  She recommends the spiritual practice of contemplating on Christ our Lord, gazing at Him who is Unconditional Love.  But more importantly, to visualize Christ gazing back at us with His infinite Love which Professor Pitchford calls the "Sacred Gaze".  This is also the title of one of her books. She also talked about the Franciscan virtue of spiritual poverty, the gradual emptying or purification of the false self by divine grace is the beginning and requisite for interior healing which is so necessary for both lay and clergy to do meaningful and life giving ministry. 

Reflections by The Rev. Alison Dingley
As a newly retired priest retuning home to Hawai'i, I was grateful to be able to attend the Clergy Retreat. It was a great opportunity to renew old friendships and to make new ones. I was especially gratified to see how well the Camp is functioning and the programing they are offering. I also appreciated the focus of the retreat on Franciscan spirituality. I have become a devotee of Richard Rohr and the conversations at the retreat were a great compliment to my recent learnings and practice. Otherwise, I simply enjoyed being able to relax in that setting, explore the grounds, and sleep to the sound of the ocean.

Pictured at top, Bishop Fitzpatrick takes a quiet moment enjoying the serenity and beauty of Camp Mokule'ia; above right, the same spot framing the breathtaking sunset. (Photos by Alison Dingley)
Formation for the Priesthood
Keeping Up with Waiolaihui'ia: Spouses Weekend

Pictured above is the Waiolaihuiʻia community after celebrating the Eucharist with Fr. Ray Woo who presided at the special Spouses' weekend service in August. Spouses were invited to come on Sunday to meet with Bishop Richard Chang and his wife Dee (center) who conducted sessions to discuss some of the challenges and situations that both the Waiolaihui'ia participants and their spouses need to be aware of as they continue to move into the life of ordained ministry.  (Photo courtesy of Hau'oli Tomoso)

Waiolaihui'ia is the Diocese's three-year priest formation program that holds ten residential weekends during the year. For more information, download a description of the program HERE, or visit the Diocesan website HERE.  

Episcopal Church Women
ECW Annual Meeting
Do What You Have to Do: Women and the Bible
By Louise Aloy, President, Episcopal Church Women

The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) of the Diocese of Hawai'i held their annual meeting on Saturday, September 12, 2015, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew's Von Holt Room. The morning began at 8:30 AM with registration followed by morning prayers led by the Rev. Diane Martinson of St. Peter's Episcopal Church. There were 40 members in attendance. The business meeting included annual reports from the President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer, along with written reports from committee chairs of the Christian Social Relations (CSR), United Thank Offering and Church Periodical Club. Written reports were also submitted from the two delegates to Triennial 2015, Sandy Leialoha and Anne Frazee.

Annette Jim, CSR Chair for the Annual ECW Specials introduced Dr. Samuel Hawk of The Lavender Clinic (pictured above right), a non-profit clinic that provides medical and educational services to members of the LGBT community. Dr. Hawk made a short presentation before the women had a chance to fill out their pledge forms. The Bishop's Pastoral Care Fund is a standing ECW Special each year and members continue to give generously to this fund for the Bishop to assist clergy and other individuals in emergency situations.

Pictured at near right, Gina Perkins was honored as the Distinguished Woman from the Diocese of Hawai'i and was presented with a Distinguished Woman certificate from National ECW President, The Rev. Dcn. Nancy Crawford (Diocese of Oregon) along with a custom made Distinguished Woman pewter pin. A Triennial 2015 canvas bag filled with ECW logo items was also presented to Gina as a token of gratitude for the many years of service she has given to the Diocese of Hawai'i ECW. Congratulations Gina!

Our keynote speaker, the Rev. Diane Martinson spoke about "Women of the Bible" (above right) and her sharing was very well received. Women at each table had a chance to share their thoughts with each other on a few questions provided for them. 

Lunch was catered by I Love Country Café and was enjoyed by all. Thank you to all for the wonderful support of keeping the ministries of Episcopal Church Women active and thriving. 

For more information on ECW, visit the Diocesan webpage HERE.  (Photos by Jan Motoshige)
'Iolani Guild
Honoring Prince Albert 

On Sunday, August 23, 2015, the Inaugural Prince Albert Feast Day was celebrated at The Cathedral of St. Andrew. The event was organized and sponsored by the 'Iolani Guild in coordination with Cathedral church members. The service, which was dedicated to all children of Hawai'i, drew a wide audience of Hawaiian Civic organizations, the Fire Department, and children and families from all of the different Cathedral Sunday services. Fittingly, the children played a vital role in the service, singing and playing ukulele, under the tutelage of Kupuna Vicki Hollinger and Leilani Kaho'ano.  
The following is a thank you letter from 'Iolani Guild President Leimalama Lee Loy, that appeared in The Cathedral's online newsletter:

I would like to take this opportunity to say Mahalo A Nui Loa to all our hard-working members of 'Iolani Guild, our Cathedral 'Ohana, and our guests from far and near, who graced our special 8:00 AM service in honor of our latest Ali'i, Prince Albert Kamehameha. In addition, I want to recognize Honolulu Fire Chief Neves and the cadre of firemen who paid tribute to Prince Albert, with a pass-in-review ceremony, as the little Prince had been given the honorary title "Fireman" by the Kuakini Unit, Station 4, a long time ago. My sincerest Mahalo also to the Honorable Governor and Mrs. Ige and Senator Susie Chun-Oakland for being present with us, despite their very busy schedules.
I also want to thank Kahu Bill Souza, of the Royal Order of Kamehameha I, who was instrumental in guiding the various  Hawaiian societies and guests into the Cathedral for the entrance and exit processions, with the usual honors provided the Ali'i.

(Photos by Jan Motoshige and Ann Hansen)

St. Elizabeth's Featured in Honolulu Civil Beat
In a feature story by Denby Fawcett of Honolulu Civil Beat, the work of Episcopal priests in the Diocese were highlighted in an article entitled "Can Churches Help Hawaii's Homeless?" In it she mentions that at the Diocese's Annual Meeting of Convention (this month), a group of priests will be "urging delegates to adopt a resolution to encourage each Episcopal parish in the state to house at least one homeless family in its church yard."  

"Many families need just $200 to $300 a month more to be able to afford to rent a place," says Fr. David Gierlach, the Rector of St. Elizabeth's Church in Kalihi. "We will not be asking a church to assist 50 or 100 or 1,000 people, just one family. I hope every church will take the next step," continued Gierlach. "This is what we are called to do as Christians."

Fr. Brian Grieves, a retired Episcopal priest in charge of the social justice ministry for the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii, is working with Gierlach and others on the resolution. To read the article in its entirety, click HERE

Pictured above is the shipping container apartment being dropped off at St. Elizabeth's earlier in the year, and at right, Fr. David Gierlach. The temporary dwelling recently housed a family of five for 75 days who have since moved out after finding jobs and a new apartment. It is currently being used by a homeless couple.

The following article and photos are from The Cathedral's online newsletter:

Cathedral's School Drive Brings in Record Donations
By Susan Hansen, The Cathedral of St. Andrew Outreach Committee

Of all the years I have worked on drives to bring in school supplies, this has been the most successful. In previous years, we were pleased when we had one car trunk full of supplies to deliver to Kalihi Waena with a check of $600 or $700 for the school to purchase whatever supplies the students needed to be academically successful. This year, there was a bumper crop of both supplies and monetary donations. 

On Monday, July 27, representatives of the Outreach Committee drove two cars loaded with supplies plus the first of a set of checks totaling over $2,000. The administration and Parent Coordinator of Kalihi Waena were amazed and gratified to know they could provide for all the students -- making them all fully equipped to take on their academic assignments.

All donations contributed to the success of this school supplies drive, but there was one particularly touching effort. Deanna Sorensen approached me right before the 10:30 am service on July 26th when the blessing was going to be held saying:  

"I read what you wrote requesting school supplies for students on free and reduced lunch. I was one of those students on free and reduced lunch, and I received school supplies so I wanted to give back. I took the list and bought a set of supplies for one student, it costs more than $50 for one child. Then I talked to the people in my company at Schofield Barracks telling them about this drive. That was only Thursday. In the two days, they went out and bought a whole batch of school supplies. The (double) cab of this truck is loaded with supplies from my army company at Schofield Barracks." 

We unloaded a set of backpacks heavy with supplies plus extra supplies. All donations contribute to helping prepare students to achieve in school. Additionally, what Deanna's contribution pointed out, was that children who know others in the community are helping them be successful, maybe they will remember. Years later after they have become educated, productive members of society, they know what an impact it made for them and will pay it forward to help the following generation.

Pictured above, the supplies are blessed during Sunday service, and at right, the Cathedral Outreach Committee makes the delivery to Kalihi Waena.

Star Advertiser Features St. Mary's Monthly Service Center
St. Mary's was featured in an article by Pat Gee of the Star Advertiser, about the monthly service center that is hosted there. For the past several months, St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Honolulu has partnered with the Institute for Human Services and other organizations to provide free comprehensive services to the homeless. (See the August issue of the E-Chronicle.) 

The service center is open on the last Thursday of the month from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Not only can people get a hot meal served up by volunteers from St. Mary's, Good Samaritan and St. Luke's, but they have access to clean clothing, free legal aid, medical screenings, and employment services

In the August 15 article, it mentions that the Rev. Greg Johnson of St. Mary's, "will walk up and down South King Street, inviting homeless people to follow him to St. Mary's Episcopal Church to enjoy a hot meal, maybe pick up some gently used clothes, and touch base with various organizations that offer assistance."

The article also spoke about the challenges with the County's "sweeps" that conflicted with the dates of the service center, but has been addressed and should no longer be a problem. To read the article in its entirety, click HERE, and for more information, contact the church office at (808) 949-4655. St. Mary's is located at 2062 S. King St. in Honolulu.

Epiphany Weekend at Camp Mokule'ia

Members of all ages from Epiphany Episcopal Church enjoyed a fun weekend at Camp Mokule'ia in August. Pictured above, campers enjoyed the pristine beach, played silly games, devoured watermelon and of course celebrated the Eucharist at beachside with Malcolm Hee and the Rev. Irene Tanabe. Those staying in the lodges reported being treated to an awesome lightning show during the night!  (Photos by Portia Okamoto)

ECWO: The Episcopal Church of West O'ahu

Celebrating Queen Lili'uokalani's Birthday
Queen Lili'uokalani's birthday was celebrated in grand fashion in West O'ahu during the month of September. A delegation led by the Rev. Kaleo Patterson, visited several sites to present portraits of the Queen and to honor and share her legacy. 

On September 2, 2015, the delegation went to Soldiers Chapel at Schofield Barracks (originally named Queen Lili'uokalani Chapel) gifted by the Queen to the soldiers in 1913. 'Iolani Guild President, Leimalama Lee Loy presented a portrait of the Queen in a service hosted by the Army Chaplains to commemorate the Queen's birthday. 

In an article that appeared in the Hawai'i Army Weekly, Rev. Patterson shared that he viewed the chapel service as a step toward achieving greater understanding between the Army and the Native Hawaiian community. He said it was fitting that the Queen, who despite being dethroned, left behind a legacy of justice and nonviolence, would give a place of worship and prayer to Soldiers at an Army base in Hawai'i. 

"We need symbols (like this) that encourage us to live together in harmony," he added. To read the article in its entirety, click HERE.

Pictured at top left is the delegation that also included the Very Rev. Dean Walter Brownridge of The Cathedral of St. Andrew, the Rev. Dcn. Steve Costa, coordinator Dr. Haaheo Guanson, and from St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Wahiawa: Kurt Eschbach, Sylvia Eschbach, the Rev. John Connell and Carol Connell, Molly Mayer, and Bob Todd (Organist). Joann Fukumoto, representing Rev. Dr. SeHee Han, District Supt. of the United Methodist Church, was also part of the delegation. At right, Chris Dawson and Garrison Commander Richard Fromm pose with the portrait of the Queen.

The delegation also visited Hale Kula and Solomon Elementary Schools where presentations of the Queen's portrait were also made. Pictured above left at Hale Kula Elementary at Schofield, is Lee Loy with Joann Fukumoto and Dr. Haaheo Guanson with a few of the children. At right, Lee Loy addresses the children at Solomon Elementary in Wahiawa at their presentation.

Above left, Oahu Berea Evangelical Church's Chuukese Choir sang praises at a Queen Lili'uokalani Commemoration at St. Stephens, and at right, members of St. John the Baptist in Waianae gather for the Queen's Birthday commemoration.  (Photos courtesy of Kaleo Patterson)  

Goings on in ECWO

Pictured above from left, Maile Baird sings joyfully at the Queen Lili'uokalani Commemoration at St. Stephen's in Wahiawa; on August 12, 2015, Sam Samuelu, the Rev. Kaleo Patterson, Governor Ige, and the Rev. Dcn. Steve Costa are shown blessing the aina of the Self-Help Housing Phase 5 in Maile, located next to St. John the Baptist in Waianae; Eva Kum, the oldest member of St. John the Baptist, receives a visit from Eucharistic Visitor Dr. Haaheo Guanson; Sam Samuelu at a Na Himeni Sing Night at St. Stephen's.  (Photos courtesy of Kaleo Patterson)

The following excerpts and photos are from an article in the ECWO October Newsletter:

Daughters of the King Journey to Find St. Marianne Cope
By Luella Windisch, St.Nicholas Episcopal Church

The St. Nicholas Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) went on a journey to find the places where St. Marianne Cope walked on O'ahu. St. Marianne is honored with St. Damien de Veuster in the calendar of the Episcopal Church on April 15. On November 8, 1883 Sister Marianne and six other nuns arrived in Honolulu after answering the call of a priest in Hawai'i on behalf of King Kalākaua and Queen Kapi'olani to care for patients with Hansen's Disease (leprosy). Fifty other religious orders had turned them down.

Led by Luella Windisch, the group first went to Kewalo Basin Park where there is a bronze statue of Sister Marianne near the place that Marianne first landed on the shores of O'ahu. This was the scene of the first reflection of Cope's amazing story.  

The next stop was the site where the Kaka'ako Branch Hospital was located, now the entire 680 Ala Moana block. This hospital shaped Marianne's mission in Hawai'i. When Cope and the nuns arrived, the hospital was built to house one hundred patients, but had over two hundred. The conditions were deplorable! The nuns cleaned the hospital, washed the wounds and brought a sense of order. Marianne went to Maui a year later and founded the Malulani Hospital for the ordinary sick. She was called back to O'ahu because of the mistreatment of the patients at the Kaka'ako Branch Hospital by the government-appointed administrator. Her demand that he be dismissed or the sisters would return to New York resulted in her remaining in Hawai'i and given full charge of the hospital. She later moved to Kalaupapa, Molokai, to care for the dying Fr. Damien and the leper colony there.

Pondering St. Marianne's life and our reflections on her contributions, the chapter headed home to Ewa, sharing reflections on the significance of her unconditional love and contribution to the Hawaiian Islands. Marianne Cope lived out the DOK motto, "For His sake... I am one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do. Lord, what will you have me do?"


The following are excerpts from a Press Release that appeared in the Garden Island Newspaper:

Christ Memorial Celebrates 1-Year Anniversary of Food Pantry

Christ Memorial Episcopal Church (CMEC) in Kilauea, commemorated the first anniversary of its food pantry with a special celebration for its food pantry 'ohana on August 22, 2015. Since its inception in 2014, the CMEC Food Pantry has been steadily growing from serving 24 families in the first week of operation, to serving 60 - 80 families per week today. Over the last 12 months, it has served more than 3,000 households, estimated at 9,486 people.

The CMEC food pantry was launched to help people who have a difficult time feeding themselves and their families. The pantry would not be possible without community volunteers and financial support. During the first year, more than 1,000 volunteer hours were tabulated, moving 20,000 pounds of purchased food, and more than 8,000 pounds of donated produce.

"It is an honor to work with a team that is so dedicated to the community. Food on Kauai is very expensive. The pantry welcomes everyone, and we feel like we have become another Ohana" said Cathy Butler, food pantry coordinator.

To help launch the pantry, Christ Memorial established a partnership with the Hanalei Bay Rotary during the first two years of set-up and operation. The Rotary provides funding and volunteers, as well as business advice, to ensure the pantry is sustainable over time.

"It is so heartening to see the gratitude of the people who come every week. We know they depend on our help to put food on the table," said Mike Dexter-Smith, president of the Hanalei Bay Rotary. "Our club is honored to partner with Christ Memorial Episcopal Church to meet the needs of our community."

Christ Memorial's pantry is dedicated to serving the healthiest food possible, and is set up to allow people to "shop" and choose what they need. The pantry offers fresh fruits and vegetables, which are often donated by local growers.

"It is a privilege to serve our community with a food pantry," said the Rev. Robin Taylor, Vicar at Christ Memorial. "As Christians, we believe God calls us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, to strive for justice and peace among all people, and to respect the dignity of every single human being. So in our mission to care for our neighbors, we start with meeting basic needs."

For more information about the food pantry, visit the Christ Memorial website HERE.

The following excerpt and photo are from the St.Michael & All Angel's monthly newsletter:

Loaves & Fishes: Community Service at Its Best
By Pat Hillegonds, Director of Outreach Ministries
The Loaves and Fishes ministry has been around since at least the 1980s, so while it seems rather silly, some 30 years later, to ask what it is, many people are in fact confused as to its purpose. Loaves and Fishes is the outreach feeding ministry of St. Michael's Church. In a nutshell, we give away food. But there's a whole lot going on every Wednesday morning besides cans of tuna fish and cartons of yogurt and orange juice. Every week, anywhere from seventy to over a hundred people gather at St. Michael's. What many of you don't know is that this is a real community of people who gather every Wednesday morning - people who know each other and care for each other. It's "those people", and the connections between people, that are the very heart and core of the Loaves and Fishes Ministry.

Sharing the Laundry Love with ECWO

Members of All Saints' Episcopal Church in Kapa'a, were sharing the "Laundry Love" with representatives from the Episcopal Church of West O'ahu (ECWO) at its August 19 session. Pictured above, Keane Akao, Director of Operations and Congregational Development for ECWO, poses with All Saints' member Kim Shields in washing section #1. In the center photo, Shana Ikeda, Bishop's Warden for St. Nicholas Episcopal Church in Kapolei, takes a quick break from loading machines. Keane and Shana came to Kaua'i to check out the new laundry ministry that began in June, and to see if a similar program could be implemented in West O'ahu. Laundry Love originally began with an Episcopal Church in California over 12 years ago and has spread nationwide with hundreds of groups now sharing laundry love! 

The following are excerpts that have been modified from an article by Cindy Schumacher on the 2nd annual Pa'ina of ACCW. To read the article in its entirety, click HERE.

A Cup of Cold Water: For the "Common Good"
By Cindy Schumacher

This past August, A Cup of Cold Water (ACCW) held its 2nd annual gathering at Trinity by-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Kihei, to give thanks for the success of its outreach ministry. In late 2012 the four Episcopal Churches on Maui, Good Shepherd, Holy Innocents, St. John's and Trinity-by-the-Sea, worked on a vision - a vision right from the Gospel of Jesus - to serve the growing homeless population on this island.

Spearheaded by ACCW Founder and President Keku Akana, it began with a small group of Episcopalians and a few friends. With a blessing and joyful send-off from Trinity Church, the ACCW care-van took to the road on October 13, 2013. Therefore, it was with a great sense of privilege that Trinity welcomed almost 80 volunteers and many friends to the 2nd Annual Pa'ina Celebration.

"We gave thanks to the powerful ways in which God has sustained and grown this ministry for almost two years on the road," said the Rev. Austin Murray of Trinity-by-the-Sea. "On our journey the Gospels constantly remind us that Jesus spent most of his time with the poor and downcast. Inspired by his example, the vision took shape: support and minister to the homeless in a very basic way, a cup of cold water given in love."

ACCW is a shining example of how Christian efforts can bring religious convictions into the public arena and use them to serve the common good. The program, via the care-van, distributes food, clothing and essential hygiene to the poor and homeless throughout the island.

"As Christians, we are called to an active faith, not a passive one," added the Rev. Kerith Harding of St. John's, Kula. Our partnerships with the four Episcopal churches on Maui and with our other ecumenical, interfaith and community partners echo Paul's words to the Galatians, 'In Christ there is no longer Jew nor Greek, no longer slave nor free, no longer male nor female.' What really matters is justice, love and peace. What matters is the common good!"

Founder Keku Akana shared impressive statistics but was quick to add, "ACCW is first and foremost a spiritual mission. So although we need numbers and stats, our most important program measure is that we serve, love, listen, touch, smile, pray and offer hope to our fellow neighbors in need. ACCW is a mission that directs us away from our physical church to the streets," said Akana. "We find the incarnate Christ in the bodies of the neglected, addicted, lonely, mentally ill, depressed, voiceless and the poor."

"During this time ACCW has attracted support from willing volunteers from other Christian churches, from a variety of community organizations and from other faiths," noted Rev. Murray. "It was with particular joy at our 2nd Annual Pa'ina Celebration that we welcomed and prayed with our Buddhist brothers and sisters under the leadership of Rev. Richard Tennes from Kahului Hongwanji Mission."

Akana summarized. "We realize these simple acts of 'no strings attached aloha' are more necessary than ever. We cannot help everyone, but we can help someone," he said. "We are not here to solve poverty, we are here to comfort while we look for ways to minimize poverty."

Pictured above are Bishop Fitzpatrick with Maui clergy and volunteers of ACCW. For more information, to help, or to donate to ACCW, contact Keku Akana or Mary Lou Mellinger at Good Shepherd Church (808) 419-1637, or e-mail.  (Photos by Cindy Schumacher)

In other ACCW news, on August 16, 2015, Bank of Hawai'i presented a $5,000 check to ACCW for its "diligent and consistent outreach program to the homeless of Maui." Pictured second from right, is Debra Lynch, the first female driver for ACCW and a run coordinator, who accepted the check on behalf of ACCW. (Photo from the Trinity By-the-Sea online newsletter) 

Maui Legacy Society Gathering

The Diocese's Hō'ike Ulu Legacy Society held their annual Maui gathering on Friday, September 4, 2015, at Aria's Restaurant and Catering. All church members that have made provisions for a planned gift or bequest benefiting your local congregation or the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i are invited to join. Each year, members on each island gather together for food and fellowship. For more information on the Legacy Society, download the informational brochure HEREPictured above from left are Marilyn Cleghorn,  Arthur Kusumoto, Peter Pereira, the Rev. Linda Decker, the Rev. Jodene Hawkins, Susie Davis, Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick, John Decker, Kit Hawkins, and Teri Pike. Members that were unable to attend were David & Ruth Fullaway, Ellen Lundquist, Paul and Cindy Schumacher, the Rev. Heather Mueller, and Jean Fiddes.  (Photo courtesy of the Bishop's Office.)

Good Shepherd Annual Back to School Supplies Drive
By Louise Aloy, Co-Chair GSC Women in Ministry

This is the 5th year since the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Women in Ministry started the "Back to School" Supplies Drive. We first partnered with the Queen Emma Athletic Club at Good Shepherd Church. We enjoyed helping Maui keiki so much that we have continued with this ministry ever since. Over the last 4 years, we have given basic core school supplies to the Wailuku Homeless Shelter, the Boys and Girls Club of Kahekili Terrace and Pi'ihana, Headstart Program in Wailuku, Upcountry Maui through the help of St. Joseph's Church and Trinity By-the-Sea of Kihei. This year we were able to include na keiki from Lahaina and a few more in Central Maui.

To help raise funds, we host an annual rummage sale at the church with all proceeds going towards the purchase of back to school supplies. The women also adopt two to three 'ohana for the holidays. This year, we were very fortunate to receive lots of additional school supplies from a number of Car Truck Clubs (CTC) of Maui, with the help of Byron Aloy and Ezekiela Kalua. These CTCs of Maui are awesome to answer the call of the wider community and help na Keiki o Maui. These CTC's are: Altered Intentionz, Nocturnals, Team Scion Session, Maui Hydro Fusion, D-9 Hydraulics, Renditions, Tradition, No Regrets, Strictly S and Slammed Society. With their generosity, we were able to once again assist more than 150 school children from K to 12th grade throughout Maui.

If you would like more information about Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and our various ministries, please contact the church office at (808) 244-4656.  (Photos contributed by Louise Aloy)

Holy Apostles Shares the Word Through Pop-Up Eucharist

When members of Holy Apostles Episcopal Church approached their Rector to do an "underground" surprise pop-up Eucharist, there was no hesitation. The Rev. Moki Hino took on the unique request and together with members, hit the internet and social media to spread the word a couple days before the event. They decided to gather at Lincoln Park in Hilo, which has been the site of much controversy over the last few months. Protests have taken place there that specifically target young children who play in the park, and has resulted in a Take Back Lincoln Park movement. Pictured above, about 20 people gathered, many from outside the parish. Houseless park residents were invited to attend and some joined in. Refreshments and fellowship followed.  (Photos by Dixie Kaetsu)

St. Jude's Annual Beach Mass

Despite hurricane threats and dark skies, nothing was stopping the folks at St. Jude's from holding their annual beach mass at Whittington Beach Park on Sunday, August 23. About an hour before the service, there was a huge downpour, but it never rained during the service. Members feasted at an Aloha Potluck Social following the service.  (Photos from the St. Jude online newsletter.) 

From the Congregations of St. James' Weekly Newsletter:
Reaching Out from St. James
During the month of August, volunteers at the St. James' Thrift Store were busy logging in over 1,100 volunteer hours, and donating tons of items to different organizations near and far, including blankets and coats to Hansi Ministries for the Ukraine, and clothing to Grace Episcopal Church on Molokai. Closer to home, they gave items to the Lion's Club, Food Bank, schools, the library, North Hawaii Community Hospital, and ministries for the homeless. They were also able to give 90 dresses and 24 suits to Hawaii Preparatory Academy for their Winter Ball!  Nina Disbro, the Thrift Store Ministry Coordinator  shared a thank you letter from The Kohala Animal Relocation and Education Service (KARES) who were delighted with the 14 bags of linens and rugs they received to help in their neuter/spay clinics.  

Members also make special collections for the Food Pantry, with weekly deliveries to Annunciation. Pictured above are bags of food from a recent special food drive. Sister church St. Columba's also contributes to the weekly collection. (Photo by Jada Rufo)

Presiding Bishop, Other Faith Leaders Endorse 
Pope's Climate Change Imperative
By Pat McCaughan, Episcopal News Service
Schori In the wake of Pope Francis' historic visit to Washington, D.C., Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and other faith leaders on September 24, committed to five initiatives to address global climate change.

Coming Together in Faith, a two-day live-streamed inter-religious summit, brought together faith leaders to issue a call to environmental action.

"Faith can and does move mountains," Jefferts Schori said in an address to cathedral and online audiences, after inviting them just "to breathe" a breath of life, and to hope and to feel the creative potential inward while breathing out "your willingness to change the world in word and action."

She told the gathering that, "working together, faith can end mountaintop destruction and develop green jobs in place of squeezing the earths limited resources for fuel."

Pope Francis, during a White House South Lawn address to about 15,000 people, characterized urgent action on global warming as a moral imperative for all people "of goodwill in this great nation.

"Our common home has been part of this group of the excluded which cries out to heaven and which today powerfully strikes our homes, our cities and our societies," Pope Francis said,according to published reports. "To use a telling phrase of the Reverend Martin Luther King, we can say that we have defaulted on a promissory note and now is the time to honor it."  READ MORE

On the Front Line of the Refugee Crisis in Hungary, Elsewhere
Refugees gather outside Budapest's Keleti International Train Station. Photo: Diocese of Europe
[Anglican Communion News Service]  Saint Margaret's Anglican Episcopal Church in Budapest, Hungary, part of the Church of England's Diocese of Europe, is on the front-line of the Syrian refugee crisis, with tens of thousands of asylum seekers passing through the city each day en route to Germany via Austria. The German authorities have announced that anybody fleeing the conflict in Syria who reaches Berlin will be granted refugee status.

At the weekend, members of the parish gathered at the city's Keleti International Train Station to prepare and distribute aid packets to the refugees. "There were about 25 to 30 of us in all, everyone was enthusiastic and eager to help", the Rev. Frank Hegedus, the local chaplain and area dean, and a priest of the Diocese of Los Angeles, said in a report on the Diocese in Europe's website. "We felt that such simple things could make the biggest difference in the short term, although we also knew that much more would need to be done over the coming days and weeks."  READ MORE


Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor


The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.  All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office.  The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers.  Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
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The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.


The deadline for submissions in the next December issue is November 20, 2015.