Saturday, October 12
8:00 am - Standing Committee
St. Clement's, Honolulu
Saturday, October 19
8:00 am - Standing Committee
The Cathedral of St. Andrew,
* There will be no Diocesan Council and Commission on Ministry meeting in October.
Convention XLV
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The 45th Annual Meeting of the Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
October 25 & 26, 2013
4th Annual Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society 2013 Gatherings
(Please see each island's dates under Parish Happenings.)
Monthly Diocesan Youth Gathering - O'ahu
First Sunday of each month
Sunday, October 6, 4:00 pm
Kapolei Community Park
For more info...

Diocesan Education Day 2013
Friday, October 25, 8:30 am
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
For more info...
Godly Play Core Training
November 15 - 17
Church of the Epiphany, Honolulu
For more info...
Save the date!
Cursillo in Hawai'i - Ultreya "Class Reunion"
Sunday, November 17, 2:00 pm
St. Timothy's, Honolulu
For more info...
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FREE Friday Noontime Concerts at The Cathedral
Ongoing Every Friday, 12:15 pm
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
Latin Study Group
Ongoing Saturdays, 3:45 pm
St. Mark's, Honolulu
He Lei, He Aloha
Various dates throughout October
Organ Recital - Friday Noontime Concert at The Cathedral
Friday, October 4, 12:15 pm
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
Love Wins!
Tuesday, October 8, 11:00 am
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Tenney Theater, Honolulu
Emmanuel's Speaker Series:
The Sacred Art of Dying
Thursday, October 10, 7:00 pm
Emmanuel, Kailua
Annual Chili Cook-off & Trunk or Treat
Saturday, October 19, 5:00 pm
St. Nicholas, Kapolei
Great Books - And the Mountains Echoed
Wednesday, October 23, 6:30 pm
St. Mark's, Honolulu
Priory Open House
Sunday, October 27, 1:00 pm
St. Andrew's Priory, Honolulu
Epiphany Keiki Concert
Sunday, October 27, 2:30 pm
Epiphany, Honolulu
For more info...
Daughters of the King Event
Friday, November 1, 6:00 pm
St. Timothy's, Aiea
Chocolate Extravaganza
Saturday, November 9, 6:30 pm
Emmanuel, Kailua
Priory Open House
Sunday, November 17, 1:00 pm
Wednesday, November 20, 8:15 am
St. Andrew's Priory, Honolulu
Great Books - A Time to Keep Silence
Wednesday, November 20, 6:30 pm
St. Mark's, Honolulu
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Lifetree Cafe at St. Michael's
Ongoing Saturdays, 4:00 pm
St. Michael's, Lihue
Saturday Evening Jazz Vespers Communion Service
Ongoing Saturdays, 5:15 pm
St. Michael's, Lihue
Celebration of Holy Sovereigns & Blessing of Peace Garden
Sunday, October 13, 9:30 am
All Saints, Kapa'a
St. Michael's 50th Anniversary Celebration
Sunday, November 3
St. Michael's, Lihue
More info to come...
King Kamehameha IV & Queen Emma Weekend Concert & Craft Fair
November 15 - 17
St. Michael's, Lihue
More info to come...
All Saints' Holiday Craft Fair
Saturday, December 7, 9:00 am
All Saints', Kapa'a
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Centering Prayer Group
Mondays, 6:15 - 8:00 pm
Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei
A Cup of Cold Water Training
Sunday, October 13, 9:00 am
Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei
Ministry Blessing: A Cup of Cold Water
Saturday, November 2, 3:00 pm
Holy Innocents, Lahaina
Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society Gathering for Maui
Saturday, November 9
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Brown Bag Bible Study
Ongoing Tuesdays at 12:00 pm
St. James, Kamuela
The Labyrinth Book Group
Ongoing Fridays at 9:30 am
Christ Church, Kealakekua
St. James' Centennial Celebration Potluck
Sunday, November 10
St. James', Kamuela
St. James' Christmas Bazaar
Saturday, November 23
St. James', Kamuela
Big Island Regional Confirmation Service
Saturday, December 7, 10:00 am
St. Columba's, Paauilo
Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society Gathering for Big Island
December - TBA
Office of the Bishop |
For more information, or if you would like to post a position, go to the diocesan webpage HERE.
Proper 22:
Almighty and everlasting God, you are always more ready to hear than we to pray, and to give more than we either desire or deserve: Pour upon us the abundance of your mercy, forgiving us those things of which our conscience is afraid, and giving us those good things for which we are not worthy to ask, except through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ our Savior; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
- Book of Common Prayer p. 234
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"Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord, your labor is not in vain."
1 Corinthians 15:58
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Beasley's Blog
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What's the Difference between the E-News and E-Chronicle?
The E-News comes out twice a month, usually the closest business day to the 1st and 16th. It contains announcements for upcoming events and other important information that needs to get out.
The E-Chronicle, on the other hand, has less urgency. It comes out every other month, and reports on events that have already taken place. It may also feature special interest stories and reflections from folks around the Diocese.
We're here to help you spread the word about any events you have coming up (E-News), and also sharing the results with others in the Diocese (E-Chronicle). Send over your fliers, notices, photos and stories... you never know whose life you could impact or inspire!
For more information on submitting information for an upcoming event click HERE. To share photos and information on an event that has taken place, click HERE. |
Where you'll find announcements and links to upcoming
events & activities from around the Diocese and beyond!
October 1, 2013
Clergy Transitions By Cn. Liz Beasley
New Positions
Congratulations to the following priests who have new positions within the Diocese of Hawai'i:
The Rev. Dcn. Matthew Lukens is currently a transitional deacon and is the Curate at the Parish of St. Clement in Honolulu. Originally from Alabama, he graduated from the University of Virginia in 2009, with a major in Religious Studies, and from Yale Divinity School in 2013, with a Master of Divinity and a Certificate in Anglican Studies. He was ordained a transitional deacon this past June in the Diocese of Virginia. Lukens started at St. Clement's on August 27.
The Rev. Richard "Rich" Ressler has been appointed as the Interim Rector at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Wailuku, Maui, beginning October 15, 2013. Most recently, Ressler has been the Rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Rapid City, South Dakota, and has also served in Oklahoma. He will be moving to Hawai'i with his wife Gayle.
The Rev. James "Jim" Loughren has been appointed as Vicar of Grace Episcopal Church on Molokai. Loughren comes to Hawai'i from the Diocese of Albany, where he has served as the Rector of St. Sacrement Church, in Bolton Landing, NY, since 2004. Formerly a Roman Catholic priest, he has also been the Dean of the Southern Adirondack Deanery for the Diocese and Supply Priest to Christ Church, Pottersville. He will move to Molokai during Thanksgiving week, so that he can begin as Vicar on December 1, 2013.
We bid a fond aloha and well wishes to departing priests:
The Rev. Marvin Foltz, formerly Rector at Church of the Good Shepherd in Wailuku, Maui, has moved to the Diocese of Missouri, after receiving a call as Rector of St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Creve Coeur, Missouri, outside of St. Louis. When Foltz left on August 1, he was the longest-serving Rector in one church still actively serving (not retired) in the Diocese, having been at Good Shepherd for the past 15 years. During the time, he also served in a number of roles in the Diocese, most recently as the Chair of the Commission for the Mission Beyond the Church, and teacher in Waiolaihui'ia, the priest formation group.
The Revs. Michael and Becky Tinnon resigned as Vicars of St. George Episcopal Church, Pearl Harbor, and St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, Aiea, in order to return to the Mainland. They also served as the Interim Pastors of Joy of Christ Lutheran Church in Pearl City. The Tinnons will be moving to the Diocese of Los Angeles, where Mike will be teaching ROTC at a local high school, and Becky plans to pursue more schooling in counseling. They arrived in the Diocese of Hawai'i in October 2011, from the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast.
Confirmation Standards Established 
The Bishop's Office has recently established minimum requirements and guidelines for young persons being confirmed. This document can be found on the diocesan website under Resources > Forms & Documents > Sacramental HERE. The requirements apply to youth age 14 through the end of high school, and includes recommended curriculum. __________________________________ |
REMINDER: Register now for Education Day!
In conjunction with the 45th Annual Meeting of the Convention, the Diocese of Hawai'i will be holding an Education Day on Friday, October 25, 2013. Education Day is open to everyone in the Diocese and is not limited to Convention Delegates. The day begins at 8:30 am with social time of coffee, pastries, and registration. At 10:00 am, Education Day kicks off with a Keynote Address by the Rev. Bill Miller from St. Michael and All Angels on Kaua'i, followed by "Ask the Bishop" open mic time, and a full slate of workshops in the afternoon.
For more information and to view the schedule and complete listing of workshops, visit the event webpage HERE. Cost for the day is $25.00 and includes lunch when registering and paying by the deadline date of October 16.
Save the date!
The Cursillo Movement
Diocesan-wide Ultreya - Sunday, November 17
The Diocese of Hawai'i will be holding a Diocesan-wide Ultreya on Sunday, November 17, at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Aiea, from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick will give the keynote address. Fr. John Connell and his wife Carol, will be leading this Ultreya, with the hopes to revitalize the Cursillo Movement in the Diocese.
Just what is the Cursillo Movement?
In a letter to all clergy this past August, Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick states, "In recent years, one of the more successful and widespread efforts in the National Church to motivate, train, and support the lay leadership of the church has been the Cursillo Movement."
He included a description of the Cursillo Movement ("Short Course in Christian Living") with the purpose "to strengthen the adult leadership already in the church and other environments - and not compete with them."
He goes on to describe what it entails. "There is a specific structured, well-thought-out methodology upon which the Movement is established and which has been proven effective."
Stay tuned for more information and details coming out very soon on the event webpage HERE!
Friday Noontime Concert at The Cathedral
Honolulu Debut of Brian McCarthy, Cathedral Organ Scholar
The Cathedral of St. Andrew's free Friday Noontime Concerts will feature Brian McCarthy, Organ Scholar of the Cathedral of St. Andrew, on October 4, beginning at 12:15 pm. In his Honolulu debut, Brain will play music ranging from Buxtehude to Messiaen.
Brian McCarthy received his Master of Music degree in Piano Performance with honors from the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston in 2011. He serves in the United States Army and is currently assigned to the 25th Infantry Division Band at Schofield Barracks. Long active in sacred music, Brian has spent most of his life singing in and playing for choirs and has accompanied church services throughout the United States and in Ireland. As a soloist, he has appeared in concerts, competitions and festivals on the mainland as well as in Ireland and Germany.
Noontime Concerts at The Cathedral are offered free to the public every Friday of the year at 12:15 pm, and features guest artists and the Cathedral's own musicians in performances of chamber and choral music, and recitals on the acclaimed Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ, Hawai'i's largest. Parking is free during the concert with a calabash offering. For more information, call 524-2822, ext. 217.
He Lei, He Aloha - Legacies of Queen Lili'uokalani
He Lei, He Aloha, this is a Lei of Love, celebrates the enduring legacies of Queen Lili'uokalani - her music, love of homeland and complete dedication to the people of Hawai'i. The Queen expressed her aloha through her actions and the examples she set.
Meleanna Aluli Meyer, artist, art-educator, filmmaker, and descendant of Emma Nawahi, confidante of Queen Lili'uokalani, will narrate this participatory program. This free 45-minute program includes community readings from the Queen's autobiography Hawai'i's Story by Hawai'i's Queen, a 7-minute vignette inspired by the Queen, and a sing-along of some of the Queen's music.
The presentations, which began in September on O'ahu, will be heading to the Neighbor Islands in the near future. The remaining 2013 Public Library Schedule on O'ahu is as follows:
- Saturday, October 5, 1:30 pm, Liliha Public Library
- Sunday, October 6, 2:00 pm, Kaneohe Public Library
- Tuesday, October 8, 6:00 pm, Kahuku Public Library
- Saturday, October 12, 10:30 am, Kapolei Public Library
- Wednesday, October 16, 6:30 pm, Waianae Public Library
To view the complete informational flier, click HERE.
Reminder: Monthly Diocesan Youth Event
Sunday, October 6 - Kapolei Community Park
All youth are invited to attend a monthly diocesan youth event on O'ahu, with other youth from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). This month's event entitled "Picnic & Praise" will be held at the Kapolei Community Park on Sunday, October 6, from 4:00 - 8:00 pm. For more information, e-mail Sarah Klitzke, Diocesan Youth Director, or call 536-7776, ext. 309.
Love Wins! Recognizing Religious Homophobia
as a Form of Child Abuse
Community Discussion - October 8, Tenney Theater
The Domestic Violence Action Center, Anti-violence organization GIRL FEST, and the Justice and Outreach Ministries at The Cathedral of St. Andrew, invite you to an important Community Meeting to address the effects of religious homophobia on the rates of teen suicide, youth homelessness, vulnerability to sexual exploitation, and rejection from families. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 8, from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, at The Cathedral's Tenney Theater in Honolulu.
The general public may not see the connection between homophobia from the pulpit, which we call "spiritual wounding," to the myriad abuses affected on LGBT Youth and the entire community. It's time to address this in the spirit of reconciliation and healing.
Speakers include The Very Rev. Walter Brownridge, Dean of The Cathedral of St. Andrew; Antonia Alvarez, Director of Youth Suicide and Bullying Prevention, Mental Health America of Hawai'i; Ciera Ku'uleimomi Cummings, Kamehameha Schools Economics Teacher, and with facilitator, Kathryn Xian, Girl Fest Hawaii and Pacific Alliance to Stop Slavery.
Emmanuel's Speaker Series:
The Sacred Art of Dying: An Advance Directives Party
Free "Good to Go" Toolkit for attendees 
None of us knows when a future event will strike that might leave us unable to speak for ourselves. What health care decisions will need to be made then? Will I be able to make them? Does my family or loved ones know what I want? Should I appoint a representative outside my family to speak for me? Under what circumstances might that be what I want? What are the different scenarios that could occur? How does my family feel about those scenarios?
Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Kailua will be hosting their second in a series of six Community Speaker Series, "The Sacred Art of Dying", on Thursday, October 10, from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. This event is presented by Compassion & Choices Hawaii, a local non-profit, dedicated to improving end of life care. Attendees will be given a Good to Go Toolkit which will help identify your priorities and ensure your wishes are honored.
For more information, contact Emmanuel Episcopal Church at 262-4548, or visit the diocesan event listing HERE.
A Cup of Cold Water Care Van's First Run
October 13, Trinity By-the-Sea
After 9 months of fund raising, recruiting, developing, organizing, stocking and training, A Cup of Cold Water's (ACCW) Community Care Van will launch its first run on Sunday, October 13, after the 9:00 am service and blessing at Trinity By-the-Sea in Kihei.
In a Press Release dated September 30, ACCW states that the "shared-dream was an 'old fashioned' human needs outreach to service the poor and needy in our community by delivering water, basic food, hygiene, clothing and comfort, through a roving community Care Van."
All four of the Episcopal Churches on Maui have taken on the project with great zeal, and look forward to a long and successful run to support the homeless and needy in their island community. For more information, visit the ACCW page on the diocesan website HERE. It also contains a listing of supplies that they need and volunteers and donations are always welcome.
Priory Open House Date Changes
There have been changes to the St. Andrew's Priory School Open House dates in October and November. The NEW dates and times are as follows:
- Sunday, October 27, 1:00 - 2:30 pm
- Sunday, November 17, 1:00 - 2:30 pm
- Wednesday, November 20, 8:15 - 9:30 am
If you have any questions, please contact the St. Andrew's Priory office at 536-6102, or visit their website.
Epiphany Episcopal Church will be holding a Keiki Concert, "All Things Bright and Beautiful", on Sunday, October 27, 2013, beginning at 2:00 pm. The concert will be filled with song and dance. Epiphany is located at 10th & Harding Avenues in Kaimuki. To view a flier on the songs and performances, click HERE. For more information, contact the church office at 734-5706.
Emmanuel's Annual Chocolate Extravaganza
Emmanuel Church in Kailua will be hosting its 11th Annual Chocolate Extravaganza --- an all you can eat chocolate buffet and silent auction --- whose proceeds will be shared with Family Promise of Hawai`i, the event beneficiary for seven years. Last year, attendance approximated 350, over $14,000 was raised, and we had fun doing it!
"We will have nearly 100 silent auction items, a flowing chocolate fountain, and buffet tables covered with even more chocolate, all donated by businesses and individuals who support Family Promise and Emmanuel Church," says Mary Saunders, Executive Director of Family Promise of Hawai'i. "We are so grateful for the support of the community and encourage everyone to come celebrate and enjoy some chocolate!"
The 2013 Chocolate Extravaganza will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2013, starting at 6:30 pm. Tickets are available for $25.00 pre-sale or $30.00 at the door. Keiki ages 6 and under are admitted free of charge. Valet parking is available for $1.00. The limited seating VIP event in the Church's garden starts at 5:00 pm and tickets are $35.00 per person. The best of the best chocolate is served to our VIP guests. Raffles for an iPad and four tickets to The Lion King will be a highlight of the evening!
For tickets and information, call 262-4548 or visit the Emmanuel website HERE. To view a detailed announcement with a listing of their corporate and silent auction donors, click HERE. Emmanuel is also looking for chocolate bakers who want to enhance the chocolate buffet with one of their dessert specialties. Donation Forms are available on the website.
Donations and Volunteers Needed
for St. Elizabeth's Homework Program
One of the many outreach programs at St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church in Honolulu, is an after school Help With Homework program. Led by Fane Lino, she and her family have picked up where her late husband, the Rev. Saimone Lino, left off, running a number of outreach programs for our Pacific Islanders in need.
With over 45 children showing up every day after school from 2:30 - 7:00 pm, Fane needs lots of volunteers to help the children do their homework. Special tutoring takes place Monday through Thursday from 3:00 - 4:00 pm, and Rev. David Gierlach has put the word out that even an hour a day or a day a week would really make a difference in a child's life. They are also in need of dictionaries and calculators, and stress that they don't have to be new!
If you would like to volunteer, make a donation or would like more information, please contact St. Elizabeth's at 845-2112.
FREE Children's Altar Available
St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Honolulu is offering up a small hand-crafted altar that was originally built as a "children's altar". This lovely wood altar has been sitting in storage, and St. Peter's is looking for a good home for it. If you are interested, please contact the church office at 533-1943. Member Stephanie, pictured next to the altar is for perspective purposes only--- unfortunately, she does not come with it!
What's Happening in The Episcopal Church?
Announcements from around The Episcopal Church...
Presiding Bishop Calls for Prayers in Pakistan
[Office of Public Affairs, September 22, 2013] Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has issued the following concerning today's tragic bombing at All Saints Anglican Church, Peshawar, Pakistan, causing fatalities and injuries.
 This act of violence is a reminder of the preciousness and fragility of life, and of our interconnectedness. We are all wounded, we have all lost family, friends, and fellow citizens of the world. We will continue to pray for the bereaved, for the injured, for the perpetrators, for their communities, and for this broken world. May all the faithful departed rest in peace, and may God receive them with arms of mercy and compassion. The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church
Who's Got Talent for EYE?
Deadline to audition is October 9
 [EpiscoYouth, September 19, 2013] Today we are launching a virtual audition process for our Episcopal Youth Event 2014 house band and other musicians and vocalists.
The Liturgy and Music Committee of the EYE 2014 Mission Planning Team has articulated a desire for a house band to take the stage in leading worship and congregational singing.
The team is also looking for groups and individuals who plan to come to EYE and might offer their musical talents to the event by performing during one of the worship services for the prelude, offertory, or postlude, or perhaps a workshop about musical leadership, innovation, or style.
For more information and details to apply online, click HERE. To learn more about this triennial youth event, visit the EYE page HERE.
In case you missed it, click on the link to read
the latest issue of the E-Chronicle:
Did you miss an edition of the E-News? Listed below are the titles of some recently published announcements. To see the complete article, click on the linked issues below or visit
on the diocesan website, and click on the desired issue.
Bishop's Message on Marriage Equality
Convention XLV: Youth Presence
A Cup of Cold Water Ready to Launch
Godly Play Core Training November 15 - 17
Presiding Bishop on Syria
Diocesan Education Day 2013
The Rev. Paul S. Kennedy
The Rev. Nicole Simopoulos Joins 'Iolani School as Co-Chaplain
Emmanuel's Speaker Series October 10
Important Dates Coming Up at the Priory
Convention XLV - The 45th Annual Meeting of the Convention
Safe Church Trainings
The Rev. Darrow Aiona Scholarship
Diocesan Mutual Ministry Review Has Begun
Keeping Up in the Diocese: Website & Social Media
1% Support for Theological Education
The Rev. Susan Sowers Called to The Cathedral of St. Andrew
Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society 2013 Gatherings
New Book Released by the Rev. Dr. Malcolm Chun
Contact Information News Office of the Bishop 229 Queen Emma Square Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 536-7776, ext. 326; Neighbor Islands: 1-800-522-8418