Saturday, October 12
8:00 am - Standing Committee
St. Clement's, Honolulu
Saturday, October 19
8:00 am - Standing Committee
1:00 pm - Commission on Ministry
The Cathedral of St. Andrew,
* There is no Diocesan Council meeting in October.
Convention XLV
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The 45th Annual Meeting of the Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
October 25 & 26, 2013
4th Annual Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society 2013 Gatherings
(Please see each island's dates under Parish Happenings.)
Monthly Diocesan Youth Gathering - O'ahu
First Sunday of each month
Sunday, October 6, 4:00 pm
Kapolei Community Park
For more info...
Stewardship Retreat
September 27 - 29
Camp Mokule'ia, Waialua
For more info...

Diocesan Education Day 2013
Friday, October 25, 8:30 am
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
For more info...
Godly Play Core Training
November 15 - 17
Church of the Epiphany, Honolulu
For more info...
Save the date!
Cursillo in Hawai'i - "Class Reunion"
Sunday, November 17
St. Timothy's, Honolulu
More info to come...
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Latin Study Group
Ongoing Saturdays, 3:45 pm
St. Mark's, Honolulu
Priory Open House
Sunday, October 20, 1:00 pm
Thursday, October 24, 9:00 am
St. Andrew's Priory, Honolulu
Emmanuel's Speaker Series:
The Sacred Art of Dying
Thursday, October 10, 7:00 pm
Emmanuel, Kailua
Annual Chili Cook-off & Trunk or Treat
Saturday, October 19, 5:00 pm
St. Nicholas, Kapolei
Great Books - The Lemon Tree
Wednesday, September 18, 6:30 pm
St. Mark's, Honolulu
Great Books - And the Mountains Echoed
Wednesday, October 23, 6:30 pm
St. Mark's, Honolulu
Daughters of the King Event
Friday, November 1, 6:00 pm
St. Timothy's, Aiea
Chocolate Extravaganza
Saturday, November 6, 6:30 pm
Emmanuel, Kailua
Priory Open House
Sunday, November 17, 1:00 pm
Wednesday, November 20, 9:00 am
St. Andrew's Priory, Honolulu
Great Books - A Time to Keep Silence
Wednesday, November 20, 6:30 pm
St. Mark's, Honolulu
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Lifetree Cafe at St. Michael's
Ongoing Saturdays, 4:00 pm
St. Michael's, Lihue
Saturday Evening Jazz Vespers Communion Service
Ongoing Saturdays, 5:15 pm
St. Michael's, Lihue
Movies on the Lawn
September 20 & 27, sunset
All Saints' Church, Kapa'a
Celebration of Holy Sovereigns & Blessing of Peace Garden
Sunday, October 13, 9:30 am
All Saints, Kapa'a
St. Michael's 50th Anniversary Celebration
Sunday, November 3
St. Michael's, Lihue
More info to come...
King Kamehameha IV & Queen Emma Weekend Concert & Craft Fair
November 15 - 17
St. Michael's, Lihue
More info to come...
All Saints' Holiday Craft Fair
Saturday, December 7, 9:00 am
All Saints', Kapa'a
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Centering Prayer Group
Mondays, 6:15 - 8:00 pm
Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei
Taste of Upcountry!
Friday, September 27, 5:30 pm
St. John's, Kula
St. John's Kula Festival
Saturday, September 28, 9:00 am
St. John's, Kula
A Cup of Cold Water Training
Sunday, October 13, 9:00 am
Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei
Ministry Blessing: A Cup of Cold Water
Saturday, November 2, 3:00 pm
Holy Innocents, Lahaina
Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society Gathering for Maui
Saturday, November 9
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Brown Bag Bible Study
Ongoing Tuesdays at 12:00 pm
St. James, Kamuela
The Labyrinth Book Group
Ongoing Fridays at 9:30 am
Christ Church, Kealakekua
St. James' Centennial Celebration Potluck
Sunday, November 10
St. James', Kamuela
St. James' Christmas Bazaar
Saturday, November 23
St. James', Kamuela
Big Island Regional Confirmation Service
Saturday, December 7, 10:00 am
St. Columba's, Paauilo
Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society Gathering for Big Island
December - TBA
Office of the Bishop |
For more information, or if you would like to post a position, go to the diocesan webpage HERE.
Proper 20:
Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.
- Book of Common Prayer p. 234
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"Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord, your labor is not in vain."
1 Corinthians 15:58
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events & activities from around the Diocese and beyond!
September 16, 2013
Marriage Equality
 Bishop's Message - On September 2, 2013, Bishop Fitzpatrick sent the following letter about marriage equality to the Governor, the President of the State Senate, and the Speaker of the State House of Representatives. It was also sent as an email to all the Senators and Representatives.
Aloha Governor Abercrombie, Senator Kim and members of the Senate, and Speaker Souki and members of the House of Representatives: I write this morning having just walked the few yards between Washington Place and my office on the second floor of the Cathedral of St. Andrew. I was at Washington Place to offer the pule for Queen Lili'uokalani's birthday (historically, the Episcopal Bishop was the Queen's pastor in the last years of her life). As I left Washington Place and looked up at the Capitol, I was reminded again of the important responsibility on your shoulders. Thank you for your service to the people of Hawaiʻi. I write as the Episcopal Bishop of Hawaiʻi regarding the important discussion before you regarding full civil marriage benefits to same-sex couples. I also write as a citizen and as a Christian pastor. I appreciate that the Governor has provided State legislators a marriage bill drafted by the state Attorney General that can be the basis of legislation to allow for marriage of same-sex couples in Hawaiʻi. I hope that marriage equality will soon be a reality in our Islands. I am a signatory of the "Religious Leaders Support the Freedom to Marry in Hawai'i" statement recently issued by interfaith leaders of our State. In the statement, we affirmed that "the freedom of every citizen to practice his/her religion is based on the principle of respect for the inherent worth and dignity of each individual." As a citizen of Hawaiʻi, I think the extension of the right to marry to all consenting adult couples is an important evolution in our common life as a civil society and an acknowledgement of our broadened understanding of the human condition. It is because marriage is a public institution sanctioned by the state and afforded unique legal protection that the extension of this right to same-sex couples is an issue of justice. Thank you for your leadership in working to extend this right in Hawaiʻi. READ MORE ___________________________________ |
Convention XLV
The 45th Annual Meeting of the Convention
October 25 & 26, 2013
The Cathedral of St. Andrew
Youth Presence at Convention Announced
Diocesan Youth Director, Sarah Klitzke, has announced opportunities for the youth in our diocese to take part in activities related to the Annual Meeting of Convention next month. Sarah will need to know how many youth will be taking part in order to plan and confirm the activities that could involve a dinner Friday evening and service project Saturday morning. Youth would also take part during the meeting by helping to collect ballots and other services. If your church has youth that may be interested, please have your youth leader or clergy contact Sarah by e-mail. Some financial assistance may be available for neighbor island youth.
For complete information on the 45th Annual Meeting of Convention, click on the picture logo above to visit the event webpage.
REMINDER: Register now for Education Day!
In conjunction with the 45th Annual Meeting of the Convention, the Diocese of Hawai'i will be holding an Education Day on Friday, October 25, 2013. Education Day is open to everyone in the Diocese and is not limited to Convention Delegates. The day begins at 8:30 am with social time of coffee, pastries, and registration. At 10:00 am, Education Day kicks off with a Keynote Address by the Rev. Bill Miller from St. Michael and All Angels on Kaua'i, followed by "Ask the Bishop" open mic time, and a full slate of workshops in the afternoon.
For more information and to view the schedule and complete listing of workshops, visit the event webpage HERE. Cost for the day is $25.00 and includes lunch when registering and paying by the deadline date of October 16.
Episcopal Peace Fellowship: Make a Noise Event
During the month of September, the Episcopal Peace Fellowship (EPF) is calling for all Episcopal churches, dioceses and EPF chapters to create a 'Make a Noise" event aimed at stemming gun violence and highlighting the need for legislative change throughout the United States.
The EPF gun violence webpage details aspects of the Pray, Study & Act initiative and includes a stunning sermon on the Newtown Slaughter at the top of the Study section. Visit the EPF website HERE and e-mail the Rev. Allison Liles to get started with your event.
Monthly Diocesan Youth Event - O'ahu
In a continuing partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Diocese of Hawai'i has begun monthly youth gatherings on O'ahu, that take place on the first Sundays of each month. The first event, "Games, Grindz & God", took place on September 1, at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu. The next event will be "Picnic & Praise" at the Kapolei Community Park on October 6, 2013, from 4:00 - 8:00 pm. All youth in Episcopal and ELCA churches are invited and encouraged to attend. For more information, e-mail Sarah Klitzke, Diocesan Youth Director.
A Cup of Cold Water Community Care Van
Ready to Launch!
After months of planning, meetings, collecting, organizing, and grassroots hard work, Maui's A Cup of Cold Water (ACCW) Community Care Van is scheduled to make its first run on Sunday, October 13!
The four Episcopal Churches on Maui (Good Shepherd, Trinity By-the-Sea, St. John's, and Holy Innocents) have banded together with community friends, to establish this new outreach ministry to the homeless. The van will run there days a week delivering basic needs of water, nutrition, clothing, hygiene items and comfort to the homeless and needy in different part of the islands.
A feature article will be coming out in the October issue of the E-Chronicle coming out shortly. To learn more about ACCW and learn how you can support their efforts, visit their webpage on the diocesan website HERE.
Godly Play Core Training - Honolulu
 Church of the Epiphany will be hosting a Godly Play Core Training weekend, November 15 - 17, 2013, led by Godly Play Foundation Trainers Caryl Menkhus Creswell and Canon Jenny Wallace.
Godly Play is Christian formation that respects the innate spirituality of children. It teaches the art of using Christian language - parable, sacred story, silence and liturgy - helping children become more fully aware of the mystery of God's presence in their lives.
You will experience and learn Godly Play stories in a collegial, prayerful setting. Godly Play Foundation's talented Trainers will deepen your understanding of children's spirituality while guiding you on a personal journey of wonder. By exploring the fundamental foundation of a Godly Play classroom with us at an accredited training event, you will improve your teaching skills, learn how to build a classroom of your own, and leave spiritually refreshed.
For more information and to register, visit the diocesan website listing HERE. There are a limited number of scholarships available.
What's Happening in The Episcopal Church?
Announcements from around The Episcopal Church...
Joint Nominating Committee Issues Important Survey - Survey deadline is Friday, September 20
The Episcopal Church Joint Nominating Committee for the Presiding Bishop (JNCPB) has issued a survey and is inviting responses from all Episcopalians.
"In the summer of 2015, the Church will again assume the responsibility for electing the next Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church," explained Sally Johnson, co-chair of the Committee. "To assist us in that work, the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop has issued a survey seeking data that will be helpful in our process of developing the profile of the type of leader the Church is seeking."
The electronic survey on Survey Monkey consists of six substantive questions in areas such as most important personal characteristics of the next Presiding Bishop (life deeply formed by scripture and prayer; skillful manager of people and resources; understand and speak multiple languages), activities (engage in fund raising; head the restructuring of the Church; strengthen our relationships in the Anglican Communion) and areas of focus (articulating a compelling vision for the Church; work to heal divisions in the Church; demonstrate a commitment to interfaith and ecumenical cooperation). Six demographic questions request information on age, race, gender, role in the Church, and years as an Episcopalian.
"The survey is designed to help us all discern some of the characteristics we hope to see in the person we will elect," noted Johnson. "We want to hear from Episcopalians throughout the church as this will help guide us in our endeavors."
The survey is located HERE. Deadline for completing the survey is Friday, September 20, 2013.
Presiding Bishop on Syria
[September 13, 2013] Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has issued the following statement on the situation in Syria:
 The situation in Syria continues to evolve. The death and violence that have been wrought on the Syrian people are a humanitarian tragedy of the first order. I do not believe further violence is likely to end the tragedy, but rather seems likely to increase or prolong the disaster. I applaud President Obama's restraint and willingness to look for diplomatic solutions -- changing position requires courage of the first order. It is a sign of profoundly care-filled leadership both to test the possibility of other, more creative and life-giving solutions and to put the needs of vulnerable populations ahead of one's own image or reputation.
The Episcopal Church and its people continue to pray for the people of Syria, of all religious traditions and none, and we call on the world to help find responses that will result in more abundant life for every citizen of that nation.
The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church
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Fifty Years Later: The State of Racism in America
Live Webcast on November 15
[September 11, 2013] Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has announced the distinguished expert panelists for the November 15, live forum Fifty Years Later: The State of Racism in America.
The Episcopal Church will host and produce the 90 minute live forum in collaboration with the Diocese of Mississippi. The forum will be held at St. Andrew's Episcopal Cathedral in Jackson, MS, beginning at 1:00 pm Central (9:00 am Hawaii).
The forum will be moderated by well-known journalist and PBS commentator Ray Suarez.Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori will present the keynote address. (To read in this article in its entirety, click HERE.)
In case you missed it, click on the link to read
the latest issue of the E-Chronicle:
Did you miss an edition of the E-News? Listed below are the titles of some recently published announcements. To see the complete article, click on the linked issues below or visit
on the diocesan website, and click on the desired issue.
Convention XLV - Important Deadline Date
Diocesan Education Day 2013
The Rev. Paul S. Kennedy
The Rev. Nicole Simopoulos Joins 'Iolani School as Co-Chaplain
Emmanuel's Speaker Series October 10
Important Dates Coming Up at the Priory
Non-profit Organizations One-Day Seminar September 27
Convention XLV - The 45th Annual Meeting of the Convention
Safe Church Trainings
A Taste of Upcountry! September 27, 2013
The Rev. Darrow Aiona Scholarship
Diocesan Mutual Ministry Review Has Begun
St. John's Kula Festival Coming Up! September 28
Stewardship Retreat: I Love to Tell the Story
Keeping Up in the Diocese: Website & Social Media
1% Support for Theological Education
The Rev. Susan Sowers Called to The Cathedral of St. Andrew
Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society 2013 Gatherings
New Book Released by the Rev. Dr. Malcolm Chun
Contact Information News Office of the Bishop 229 Queen Emma Square Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 536-7776, ext. 326; Neighbor Islands: 1-800-522-8418