The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond...
August 2013
Bishop's Calendar
August 4 The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu August 18 St. Clement's, Honolulu
Other: August 6 St. Peter's, Honolulu (Non-Sunday Visitation) August 8 College of Priests August 9 - 14 Vacation August 17 Governance Meetings August 20 - 28 Semi-annual visit to Episcopal Church in Micronesia ***** SEPTEMBER *****
Sunday Visitations: September 8 St. Mark's, Honolulu
Other: September 4 Epiphany, Honolulu (Non-Sunday Visitation) September 7 Ho'ike Ulu Legacy Society Dinner, O'ahu September 8 - 10 Clergy Retreat, Camp Mokule'ia September 14 Altar Guild Training for Windward Churches, Emmanuel September 15 Installation of the Rev. Diane Martinson, St. Peter's, Honolulu September 18 - 25 Fall House of Bishops Meeting, Nashville, TN September 28 Speak at Stewardship Conference, Camp Mokule'ia September 29 Installation of the Rev. Helen Harper, St. Philip's, Waianae
Bishop's Messages
To read Bishop Fitzpatrick's latest messages to the Diocese, click on the Bishop's Messages link above.
Beasley's Blog |
Canon Liz Beasley shares her thoughts and wisdom. Click on the Beasley's Blog link above to read her latest entry. |
Stay Informed! |
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A Message from Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick: |
Discipleship In A Broken World  Aloha ke Akua: In the weeks since the Zimmerman Trial verdict and two Supreme Court rulings impacting same-sex marriages (striking down the federal Defense of Marriage Act and deciding not to review the overturning of California's Proposition 80), I have been again studying the two-part story of the early Church: the Gospel according to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. Especially as a preacher, I have had to spend many hours with the Gospel of Luke. My understanding of discipleship and of the Church has long been shaped by Luke's writings. The trial and the rulings coming so close together have left me looking for the Holy in these events. Many - even most - clergy and lay leaders in our Diocese welcomed the Supreme Court rulings. I have heard from several that were equally dismayed or confused by the jury's action in the Florida trial. Where is God?
On Sundays in our congregations, the Gospel lessons these past few weeks have been from Luke's Gospel and have focused our attention on active discipleship. Jesus has warned his followers - then and now - that the cost of discipleship may mean no home (9:58) and even setting aside family duties (9:60). In one of my favorite verses in Scripture, "Jesus said to him [the person who wanted to say good-bye to his family before following Jesus], 'No one who puts a hand on the plow and looks back is fit for God's kingdom.'" (9:62)
Chapter 10 (vs. 1-24) begins with the sending of "seventy-two" others (in pairs) into the world to "heal the sick" while proclaiming: "God's kingdom has come upon you." These seventy-two others proclaim the peace of God in every house they enter. Again, however, these too are sent with nothing, but the clothes on their backs being dependent upon the hospitality of others - of strangers.
The story of the Good Samaritan is told as an explanation about what it means to be a neighbor. The Great Commandment is understood to be the basis of life: "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself." (Deut. 6:5; Lev 19:18) Who is my neighbor? In the story told by Jesus, the nature of neighborliness is redefined. The Samaritan, part of a proscribed group, is the true neighbor. Authentic love of neighbor is marked by generosity to the stranger. Further, it is the outcast that shows love. It is the outcast from whom we are to learn. Paul, like other Jewish teachers, would state: "All the Law has been fulfilled in a single statement: Love your neighbor as yourself." (Gal. 5:14) With Jesus, everyone is my neighbor and I am everyone's neighbor. There are no strangers. There are no outcasts. There is, for Jesus, no "other." That is what it means to be a disciple.
As Chapter 10 ends, Jesus calls the disciple back from the active life back to his side. Having taught about the active aspect of discipleship in care of the stranger and being sent into the world, Jesus meets Mary to teach. "While Jesus and his disciples were traveling, Jesus entered a village where a woman named Martha welcomed him as a guest. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his message. By contrast, Martha was preoccupied with getting everything ready for their meal. So Martha came to him and said, 'Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to prepare the table all by myself? Tell her to help me' The Lord answered, 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things. One thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the better part. It won't be taken away from her.'" (Luke 10:38-42) The Church has often read this story as an affirmation of the contemplative over the active life. It is about radical discipleship in another way. Mary sits as a disciple at the feet of a teacher. In the society of the time, that is not a place for a woman. Martha was fulfilling her expected role. She was not as attentive to what her guest really wanted - disciples. Again, the disciple is not the one expected. READ MORE |
Introducing "Ask the Bishop!"
By Bishop Bob
As I visit congregations, I sometimes get asked some interesting questions. I welcome such questions. Should priests or deacons wear crosses?
I was recently asked if priests or deacons should wear crosses. The person came from a tradition in the Episcopal Church wherein it was taught that only Bishops wear crosses over vestments or with clergy shirts. The person found it off-putting when her parish Priest wore a big cross over his alb at the Sunday Eucharist.
In the more High Church and Anglo-Catholic schools of the Anglican/Episcopal tradition, for example, it is often said that only the Bishop wears a cross at any time unless it is the cross given as an associate of a monastic order or devotional society. So, until becoming a Bishop, I only occasionally wore a cross as an Associate of the Order of the Holy Cross, and then only under my alb (and never when wearing a clergy collar). I find that more Broad Church and rather liturgically relaxed clergy wear crosses over the alb or with clergy shirts. I don't say anything.
Though it was not part of my formation or practice to wear a cross as a Priest, it's not important to me and there are no "rules" on the subject. Among seminary-trained priests, I just chalk it up to attending or being influenced by the styles of certain seminaries (like CDSP or Virginia), rather than ones that are a bit more High Church (like General or Nashotah). READ MORE
Editor's note: This is a new feature of the e-Chronicle. If you would like to ask the Bishop a question, please e-mail it to the Editor, and the question will be forwarded to the Bishop. He cannot promise to answer all questions in the e-Chronicle, but he will do his best.
Hui Pu: Reflections on the Diocesan Summer Youth Camp
By Sarah Klitzke, Diocesan Youth Director
As the last of the tents were being put into storage at the end of Hui Pu, someone asked me what part of camp had been my favorite. I could think of a thousand answers...possibly more -- The friendships that were formed? The smiles? The 1,600 pictures of activities, games, worship, and fun? The amazing sunsets on Mokule'ia? It was too difficult to pick a single favorite part of camp. Hui Pu 2013 was an amazing event that has laid a strong foundation for future summer church camps in the Diocese.
On the first day of each camp session, there was a little apprehension from a few campers as they left the comforts of home for life in the great outdoors. That dissipated quickly as participants were enveloped into groups of new friends, fun activities, and a bond that became stronger throughout Hui Pu. Campers were surrounded by a staff that was excited to be there and who had worked hard to make sure camp was ready. God was most definitely present.

The high school session, 'Opio, was an incredible week. Fourteen Episcopal and Lutheran teenagers from very different backgrounds, cultures, and places (three different islands and the state of Colorado), almost immediately bonded, giving each other nicknames, comparing stories about school, families, and past youth events. The week was spent like they had known each other their whole lives while participating in various team and leadership building activities, games, silliness, and service. They helped lead worship at different times each day and encouraged one another throughout their time together. They bonded further over chicken catching, crab hunting, painting projects, swimming, a night hike to Kaena Point, ropes courses, and daily hammock time.
The younger session called Lokahi for fourth through eighth grade, presented a different kind of energy, but just as much fun. Thirty-four youth from around the state and Arizona, spent a long weekend playing games, doing crafts, and participating in group activities like the photo scavenger hunt and crab catching contest. They also got to listen to Hawaiian folklore, swim, worship, and do a dizzying obstacle course. They also enjoyed some hammock time, hot sunny weather, and time on the basketball courts. Strong new Christian friendships were formed, essential for subsequent years of Hui Pu success.
There were four outstanding youth who were accepted as "Kokua" or junior counselors for the first year of Hui Pu. Mahalo to Trey Bruce and Tullie St. John from St. Nicholas Episcopal (Kapolei), Melanie Sahagun from St. Augustine Episcopal (Waimea), and Sophie Cheng from the Lutheran Church of Honolulu. They were a wonderful addition to the staff for the second session of Hui Pu and showed great leadership to the younger youth.

Hui Pu would not have been possible without the support of Bishop Fitzpatrick, the Camp Mokule'ia staff, and all the churches who encouraged and supported their youth to attend. Thanks to the Walker family from The Cathedral of St. Andrew, the Bruce family from St. Nicholas, and the food ministry of St. Nicholas church for sponsoring meals during camp. Thanks also to the Hui Pu 2013 staff: Shana Ikeda Valenzuela, Jessica Croyle, Fr. Paul Klitzke, David Turner, Stephanie Wight, Kevin Viernes, Jenny Wallace, and Viliami Lino-- you are irreplaceable and invaluable for all you do. Mahalo to all for a successful year of Hui Pu!
Editor's Note: You can view a great slide show of this year's Hui Pu Camp on YouTube HERE.
On Stewardship
Forgiveness and Generosity
By Lindsay Kamm, Diocesan Stewardship Committee, St. Michael & All Angels
". . . be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another." Ephesians 4:32
". . . the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, and self control." Galatians 5:22-23
 Stewardship has something to do with prudent management, right? In the Bible, isn't a steward like a caretaker or an investor who exercises good judgment and produces pleasing results?
In the contemporary Christian world, this vague understanding of biblical stewardship leads to thinking it has something to do with church finances and fundraising. If that is the case, then stewardship is what happens once a year when the church makes its appeal to fund the next year's budget and we are all expected to pony up our fair share, whatever that is. How could this mundane business have anything to do with the kingdom of God?
Well, it's not about the budget, for one thing. Stewardship is about awakening generosity, and generosity is right up there with forgiveness, in terms of godly virtues.
Let's look at forgiveness. We know Jesus had a lot to say about forgiveness . . . examples such as the Lord's Prayer and his words on the cross spring to mind. He makes the point that God is loving and forgiving, and therefore, we should be, too. We wrestle with that, nurturing hurts and resentments for far too long. Hopefully, at some point, we learn that forgiveness is liberating. We see that forgiving is not the same as condoning whatever acts or words caused us so much pain, but that it frees us from obsession. We destroy the power of evil through forgiveness, we are healed, and we thank God.
Jesus also had a lot to say about generosity, even lavish, reckless generosity, and the point is the same. God is loving and generous, and therefore, we should be, too. Acts of generosity, like acts of forgiveness, are blessings that bring us into communion with God. It's OK to wrestle with being generous . . . In fact, it's preferable to succumbing to consumerism and greed! In this life, there is no escaping the power of money and possessions, and the desire for affluence has a hold on each of us to some extent. Just like hurt and resentment, the love of money is an obsession that enslaves us.
National studies and surveys reveal that today's Episcopalian gives an average of two percent of adjusted gross income to charity, half of which goes to his or her church. One percent is not a liberated expression of generosity. Instead, it indicates that we have stifled our God-given, generous natures. We have a host of reasons for reducing generosity: we promised the kids we'd go to Disneyland; we are critical of the priest or programs; we want those new shoes; we don't perceive a real need.
As God's people, however, don't we also desire to emulate Him and to fulfill God's design for this world? That requires generous gifts of money, but what happens with the money is not even the point. We are healed and liberated when we are generous. Whether the panhandler buys booze with your buck or the church spends your donation on something insignificant, does not matter as much as you honoring God's will. Be generous. Be healed. Thank God.
Following the Reckless Rector
Editor's Note: Many of you are already aware of Rev. David Gierlach's writing gift, and I always look forward to his humorous weekly updates from St. Elizabeth's. I've missed those since he's been on sabbatical, but am able to follow his adventures around the world through his blog (address shown above). Below is a touching story that he shared while he was in Kenya, along with a picture of some of his Kenyan friends. Enjoy!
Posted: June 15, 2013 Bishop Ruben told us the story of his then 11 year old son who had a bone marrow disease that left him unable to produce red blood cells. After over 40 blood transfusions, the doctors told the family the boy needed a bone marrow transplant or he would die soon. Except, the transplant cost $100,000 and the family made maybe $100 per month. The boy, on the return trip from Nairobi to Kabula, reminded his dad, then an Anglican priest, of Jesus throwing out the demon from the epileptic boy. "Dad, when Jesus cured the boy, he told the spirit to never come back. When you pray for me, you pray for a cure but you don't order the disease to never return." When they arrived home, Ruben told his elderly parents the grim news that their grandson would likely die within the month. That night, thinking more of the boy's comment about prayer, Ruben and his brother Robert stood at either end of the boy's bed, and prayed their hearts out that the illness killing the boy leave him and never return. The boy went to sleep as did the rest of the family. The next morning the grandfather opened the chicken coop to let the chickens out. The young boys, like Ruben's son, were charged with keeping hawks at bay since the hawks often waited for the chicks to emerge -- breakfast. Ruben's boy had been too weak for months to take up this task, but something changed that morning. The boy came running out into the yard, picked up stones, and kept the hawks away. He then went back to lay down. A few days later, taking the boy to the local doctor to test his red cell count, the doctor asked if the boy just received a transfusion. No, he had not, came the reply. Why do you ask? Because his red cell count is nearly normal. A few more days pass, another test, and his count is normal. The boy is now 34 years old, in his third year of university in Turin, Italy. Stories like these remind me that while God always heals, restoring those who surrender to peace -- sometimes there are also cures. Amen.
The following photos are from the St. Nicholas July 2013 newsletter:
St. Nicholas Day at Camp Mokule'ia One of the most anticipated events on the St. Nicholas calendar took place on Saturday, June 15. Hordes of the St. Nicholas faithful descended upon beautiful Camp Mokule'ia for a day of fun in the sun! _____________________________________________________ The following article and photos are from St. Elizabeth's August 2013 newsletter:
Music and Culture Shared at St. Elizabeth's The month of July was a joyous month of music and culture at St. Elizabeth's in Honolulu. On Sunday, July 21, the Tayal Tribe from Taiwan shared their music, dance and costumes in a mini-concert for church members. Comprised of 18 students and 9 adults from the Wufeng Elementary School in Taiwan, they also sold handmade craft items, music CDs and baked goods to help raise funds. After the concert, everyone shared in a potluck brunch. Then on Sunday, July 28, the Tongan Youth showed off their colorful costumes and dances!
Ke Akua Youth Group of All Saints': Mission O'ahu
In the summer of 2012, the Ke Akua Youth Group of All Saints' embarked on a bold mission to Los Angeles Skid Row, that involved months of training and three years of fundraising and preparation. They served and socialized with the homeless, prepared food for the HIV and terminally ill, worked at a transitional shelter and elderly care home, and every afternoon, tended to children in an East LA gang-ridden housing project. It was a transformative experience for all including the adults who accompanied them.
Armed with experience and knowledge, the youth group decided to serve closer to home this summer, and spent a week on O'ahu working with various organizations during the last week of June. Two former missioners and youth members who were home from college, also joined the group. For two days, they organized the thrift store at IHS (Institute for Human Services) and served lunch. They also volunteered at the River of Life Mission for two days serving breakfast and lunch, and cleaned and organized at Family Promise, a transitional shelter in Kailua. Joining them for their final two days, was All Saints' new priest, Fr. Ryan Newman. On Kaua'i just 3 days before joining them, Fr. Ryan got to meet Fr. Gregory at St. Stephen's in Wahiawa, where there was a list of things to do. Fr. Ryan was also introduced to "fish-netting", when the youth raised funds for Project Hawaii on the busy streets of Kapolei (yes, we saw Fr. Paul Klitzke drive by), and then fed and played with the homeless children in the camps of Waianae. They closed out their week of mission with a beach-side Eucharist at Ewa Beach.
The youth are committed to serving the community with a focus on the homeless and underprivileged children. A video of last year's mission is posted on the All Saints' website SPOTLIGHT tab, and a second video about this year's mission will be posted soon after their mahalo presentation to the congregation on August 4. _____________________________________________________
The following is from the St. Michael and All Angel July 2013 newsletter:
St. Michael's Senior Gathering at Fr. Bill's Each year, Fr. Bill Miller of St. Michael and all Angel's in Lihue, hosts a lavish brunch at his home for parishioners who are 65 and better. According to one of the chefs, Pat Hillegonds, "It is the best crowd! Everyone is comfortable and delighted to be there, and they really appreciate the cooking. It's quite a loud and lively event!" This year, about 40 people gathered on June 6, 2013, to enjoy Connie Law's French toast casserole, an assortment of savories and sweets prepared by Pat and Dexton Lisa Lang, mimosas, and each other's company. (Photo by Lindy Beer) |
Good Shepherd & CTC: Cruise for the Cause
By Louise Aloy, President of the ECW of Hawai'i, Good Shepherd Episcopal Church
The Slammed Society Car Truck Club (CTC) of Maui partnered with the Good Shepherd Episcopal Women in Ministry by hosting a "Cruise for the Cause: Back-to-School Supplies Drive" on Sunday, July 14, 2013. The cruise drew over 70 vehicles of all makes, models, colors and shapes that traveled from Kahului to Wailea and back to Ke'opulani Park in Kahului for a mini car show and family picnic. Over $800.00 was raised to assist the GSC women with the purchase of school supplies. This is the third school supply drive at Good Shepherd and the first for the car club, but most certainly not their last. They were so excited to be able to help Maui's less fortunate children that they created their own publicity through flyers and social media, inviting other car truck clubs to join them.
With monies raised from the cruise and Good Shepherd women's annual Fun'd Fair in June, we were able to put together at least 75 bags of core back-to-school supplies for children of all ages. What a blessing to have this partnership with the Slammed Society CTC!
Both of my sons, Byron and Bryan, were part of the original club when it was formed in the early 90s. Now in their 30s and married with children, they still have a passion for cars, so last year they decided to bring the club back to life with a different goal-- to do good for the community with many of the original members on board as well. Since then they have helped the Salvation Army with the Angel project during the holidays last year, fed the hungry at Good Shepherd, and hosted a golf tournament for a young boy battling cancer.
It's quite a sight to picture my boys that are men now, cruisin' the Maui roads with their children (my five grandchildren) in car and booster seats! I am a very proud mom and gramma to have my family doing volunteer work to serve the communities of Maui. God is truly awesome!
The following article and photos are from the Good Shepherd Facebook Page:
Aloha 'Oe Foltz Family On Sunday, July 21, 2013, the parish family of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church-Maui celebrated Fr. Marvin Foltz's 15 years as its Rector. There was ono food, fun, fabulous entertainment from the parish, and a few remembrances interspersed throughout. Maui Mayor Alan Arakawa proclaimed it Marvin Lee Foltz day. Not to be outdone, Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie and Lt. Governor Shan S. Tsutsui declared it Marvin Lee Foltz day in all of Hawaii nei. State Senator Gilbert Keith-Agaran presented a Resolution from the Hawaii legislature and also a certificate from Maui County Council Chairperson Gladys C Baisa. Gifts of ALOHA from the parish included stoles (a green one with fern and kapa trip; a white one with yellow trim featuring the islands; and one created by the youth portraying all the youth activities in the last 15 years), a Kukui nut lei with 15 white ones for the years of service, and a framed photograph of the Good Shepherd family, complete with signatures from those present at the Celebration. On his final Sunday service at Good Shepherd on July 28, Fr. Marvin performed four baptisms at Good Shepherd. Aloha and Godspeed to Father, Cindy, and Carl!
Vacation Bible Camp: Tell It On The Mountain
On May 28 - 31, 2013, St. Augustine's in Kapaau, held a Vacation Bible Camp entitled "Tell It On The Mountain" led by Kathy Matsuda, the Director of Children's Religious Education. Pictured above, the children act out a Bible story with Jesus and followers climbing up the Mount of Transfiguration; they climbed the rock wall and worked on Bible crafts with Junior Leaders Kassie Kometani and Naomi Ney. They also played games, sang, danced and were visited by Joe and Kelly Vitorino, who brought their paso finos (horses) from Kohala Youth Ranch. The children gave daily offerings and voted to give a gift of chicks through Heifer International, which will help provide a family in need with a starter flock of 10 to 50 chicks. The eggs will provide protein for malnourished children, and can also be sold to buy clothing and medicine. Droppings from the birds will provide fertilizer to increase farm production. The children learned that they can make a difference in our world! (Photos contributed by St. Augustine.)
The following article and photos are from an announcement by St. James dated June 13, 2013. An Organ for St. Columba's! St. Columba's is the recipient of a beautiful organ, thanks to the generosity of Gillian Flack, (pictured playing at left) who is the organist at the Hokuloa United Church of Christ in Puako. In a letter from Gillian, she states... "It is my great pleasure to donate my beloved organ to St. Columba's as part of the replanting of this congregation. My wish is that, as it has come from my home, it becomes an integral part of worship in your home at St. Columba's...May God richly bless St. Columba's in this renewed effort to do His work and I pray for His guidance as we embark together in the ministry of music in the church and the surrounding community." AMEN! _____________________________________________________ Holy Apostles Recognizes Acolytes The acolytes serving The Church of the Holy Apostles Episcopal Church in Hilo were recently recognized for their service to the church at the annual Acolyte Service and Leadership Scholarship awards. Youth leaders Gina and Andrew Chun praised the acolytes for their service and commitment to the church, the development of their leadership skills, as well as their participation in community service projects. Honored this year with 10 years of service were graduates Paul Gagorik (pictured above left) and Christina Chow (above right) and with 1 year of service, Alexander Kaetsu. Paul Gagorik was selected as this year's recipient of the Russ Johnson Leadership and Service Scholarship. Paul is the son of Phil and Susan Gagorik. Paul recently graduated from Hilo High School and has received an academic scholarship to attend Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Christina is the daughter of Jay and Cheryl Chow and is a graduate of Keaau High School. She was her class valedictorian and the recipient of numerous scholarship awards. Christina plans to study at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah, on a Weber Edge Scholarship and High Honor Scholarship. Alexander is the son of Dixie and Melvin Kaetsu and also a graduate of Keaau High School. Alexander will be continuing his education at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Gina Chun praised these three seniors for their years of service as well as serving as great role models to the other youth in the church and in the community. Chun encouraged those Acolytes who would be eligible to apply for the scholarship, to consider applying and reiterated that "the mission of the service scholarship is to encourage young people to make good decisions in their lives which will not only positively affect them personally but to benefit the greater community". Chun also went on to thank the congregation for its continued support of the youth program. (Photos contributed by Holy Apostles)
St. Augustine's 2013 Scholars Receive Financial Scholarships
By Malia Dela Cruz, St. Augustine Episcopal Church
St. Augustine Episcopal Church in Kapaau awarded scholarships to ten students attending college and vocational schools for the 2013-2014 academic year. The scholarships are one of many outreach programs of St. Augustine designed to assist students with their tuition and cost of living expenses while attending college. The 2013-2014 scholarships represent a spiritual and financial support of the educational pursuits of the students by the church.
The total amount of the scholarship fund was about $12,000.00, and represents one of the larger educational funds available to students in North Kohala. To qualify, each Episcopal student submitted an application detailing their reasons for applying, along with copies of transcripts or acceptance letters. The St. Augustine Scholarship Committee reviewed all of the applicants and allocated funds based on need, participation of the student at St. Augustine, and whether the student was attending a university in Hawaii or on the mainland. The scholarship fund is renewed each year with the goal to distribute all of the monies each year; as a result the amount available for individual scholarship varies each year. The money for the fund is given anonymously by church members.
Photo by Robert Morrison
The awards ceremony took place on July 7, 2013, during the Sunday morning 9:00 a.m. service. Students shared their educational goals and progress with the congregation. As in previous years, the congregation follows the progress of the students through their college experience and learns about the financial challenges in today's educational environment. Most of the ten students work to pay for school, with several students working several jobs while also attending classes. After the awards ceremony, a buffet was provided by church members to the students and their families.
Students that received awards this year are: Melanie Matsuda (University of Hawaii at Manoa), Ikaika Andrews (Colorado State University at Pueblo, CO), Selena Osorio (Humboldt State University, CA), Cecily Fujii (Kapiolani Community College), Miho Fuij (University of Hawaii at Manoa), Mary Josephine Osorio (Hawaii Community College in Hilo), Jerome Arellano (University of Hawaii at Hilo), Jayvimar Arellano (University of Hawaii at Manoa), Michelle Sahagun (University of Hawaii at Hilo), and Marygold Salvador (Hawaii Community College in Hilo). Seven of the ten of the 2013 recipients were awarded scholarships in 2012.
Episcopal Church, ELCA Presiding Bishops' Statement on Comprehensive Immigration Reform In response to the United States Senate's vote to pass S. 744, the Senate's immigration reform legislation, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson have issued the following joint statement.
United States Senate Passes Compassionate and Humane Immigration Reform
Today, Lutherans and Episcopalians celebrate the Senate's passage of comprehensive immigration reform. As people called by our faith to welcome the newcomer, we are thankful for the relief the bill seeks to provide to migrants who are our friends, family, neighbors, and members of our congregations.
Serious and long-standing problems in our current immigration system will be remedied if the Senate's bill becomes law. As many as 11 million men, women, and children are currently living in the United States with no lawful immigration status. These individuals live on the margins of our society and face constant risk of exploitation, discrimination, and deportation. Families are separated through bureaucratic delay and inadequate legal immigration channels as well as immigration enforcement actions. Our clergy are often among the first people families turn to for help when separated from a loved one and this ministry makes clear the pressing need for reform.
Include "How-to" articles or hints and tips on related subjects. Try a reader's poll. People love to give their opinion, and you can publish the results in your next newsletter. Drive traffic to your website by entering teaser text for the article with a link to your website for readers to view the full text. (To read the statement in its entirety, click HERE.) |
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor
The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i. All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office. The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers. Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776; Neighbor Islands: (800) 522-8418
The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.
The deadline for the October issue is September 21, 2013.