Mark Your Calendars! November Governance Meetings
Saturday, November 17:
Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
8:00 am - Standing Committee
11:00 am - Diocesan Council
1:00 pm - Commission on Ministry
Sexual Misconduct Prevention Trainings
Click on the island links below to register for that training:
Maui: November 17
Big Island: December 1
GIVE THANKS: A Jr. & Sr. High Retreat
November 23 - 25
Camp Mokule'ia
O'AHU | |
St. Elizabeth's Bizarre Bazaar
Saturday, November 17, 9:00 am
St. Elizabeth's, Honolulu
For more info...
St. Andrew's Priory School Holiday Fair
Saturday, November 17, 9:00 am
St. Andrew's Priory School, Honolulu
For more info...
St. Andrew's Priory School Open House
Sunday, November 18, 1:00 pm
St. Andrew's Priory, Honolulu
For more info...
Thanksgiving Dinner at Calvary Kaneohe
Thursday, November 22, 12:00 pm
Calvary Kaneohe, Kaneohe
For more info...
Diana Butler Bass
Saturday, November 24, 9:00 am
St. Clement's, Honolulu
For more info...
Regional Confirmation
Wednesday, December 12
St. Timothy's, Aiea
Musical Celebration of Christmas
Saturday, December 15, 7:00 pm
Calvary Kaneohe, Kaneohe
For more info...
Prepare/Enrich Workshop
Friday, February 8, 9:00 am
St. Christopher's, Kailua
For more info...
| KAUA'I | |
Queen Emma & King Kamehameha IV Weekend
Saturday, November 16-18,
St. Michael's, Lihue
KIA Free Community Thanksgiving Luncheon
Thursday, November 22, 10:00 am, All Saints' Church & Gym, Kapa'a
All Saints' Holiday Craft Fair
Saturday, December 1, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, All Saints' Gym, Kapa'a
| MAUI | |
Mondays, 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm,
Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei
Annual Christmas Boutique
Saturday, December 1, 9:00 am
St. John's, Kula
(See Diocesan event listing above for Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training on Maui.)
Regional Confirmation
Friday, December 7
St. Columbo's, Paauilo
(See Diocesan event listing above for Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training on the Big Island.)
| Lay Position Postings | |
The following lay positions are currently posted on the Diocesan Website HERE.
YOUTH MINISTER, Part-time (St. Michael's, Kaua'i) |
Proper 28 Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. - Book of Common Prayer p. 236 + |
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"Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."
1 Corinthians 15:58
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Beasley's Blog
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Where you'll find announcements and links to upcoming
events & activities from around the Diocese and beyond!
November 16, 2012
What A Weekend!
Sesquicentennial & Convention Recap
O'ahu's Sesquicentennial celebration and the 44th Annual Meeting of Convention this past weekend can be summed up in three letters---WOW! The highly anticipated arrival of our Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, fulfilled all expectations, as she left in her wake a message of hope and peace and many admirers, that included young girls who were unaware that the leader of the Episcopal Church was a woman! What an inspiration!
The weekend celebration also brought to light some wonderful surprises including musical performances by several groups from our churches, including a rock band, a powerful Tongan choir, and operatic duo-- just to name a few.
The video documentary, Grace & Beauty: 150 Years of the Episcopal Church in Hawai'i, by St. Michael and All Angels member Stephanie Castillo, was well received at both of its showings in Tenney Theater.
A Ministry Fair was set up in Queen Emma Park that featured a number of booths from churches and service organizations.
Rev. Moki Hino from Holy Apostles, Hilo, introduced a one-act play that was part of the Big Island celebration entitled, Vespers at Hānaiakamālama. The actress, Denyse Ockerman, who portrayed Queen Emma, paid her own airfare to be able to share this special play, and received a standing ovation for her moving performance!
The Presiding Bishop at
St. Elizabeth's |
Saturday was devoted to the Annual Meeting of Convention which went smoothly and maintained an air of camaraderie and celebration. Meanwhile, the Presiding Bishop paid a visit to one of our churches, St. Elizabeth's, where the congregation immersed her in a culturally rich program of music, dance, food and fun!
There were lunches and dinners and lots of fellowship going on throughout the weekend, and during a Saturday evening event, four people received the Bishop's Cross for their dedicated service to the church.
The closing Festival Eucharist was a poignant time, as clergy from around the Diocese and Church dignitaries from around the globe processed in. The service was live-streamed through the internet so that the entire diocesan church community could follow along and worship together as the Presiding Bishop preached and celebrated the Eucharist.
A complete wrap-up of the Sesquicentennial and Annual Meeting will be coming out in a special e-Chronicle issue towards the end of the month. The wrap-up and slide shows of the events and activities will also be posted on the Diocesan website HERE which is a page "in progress" at the moment. You will have access to the different addresses and sermons of our Presiding Bishop, Bishop Fitzpatrick, and event Chaplain, Dr. Jenny Te Paa. In the meantime, those on Facebook can view some of the photos of each day's activities at the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i's page HERE.
If you have thoughts and photos about the weekend that you'd like to share, please submit them to for consideration. Please be sure to include photo credits and identify subjects where possible. Due to the hundreds of photos that were taken, we cannot guarantee publication. Deadline for submission is November 23.
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Bishop's Reading List for 2013
Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick released his Reading list for 2013, which he has broken down into four categories and contains three suggestions for each group.
He also highly recommends Father Malcolm Nāea Chun's No Nā Mamo: Traditional and Contemporary Hawaiian Beliefs and Practices (Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaiʻi Press, 2011) that "offers important insights into traditional and historic Native Hawaiian behaviors, intentions, values and understandings, that could provide a path to dialogue."
You can find the link to view the Bishop's Reading List for 2013 on the diocesan website's home page under the Bishop's Corner, or click HERE.
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ABCD Workshop for Church Renewal
 The Diocese will be hosting an exciting and important workshop on Asset Based Community Development, known as ABCD. The workshop is being led by Mike Green, Consultant from the ABCD Institute, and Fred Vergara, Missioner, of AsiaAmerica for the Episcopal Church. The island of Maui recently held an ABCD workshop with a great response to it.
A few of the things that the workshop will help participants with is how to engage their community and put building and organizational ideas into action; how to build successful agency partnerships and how to mobilize organization and community assets to develop strong projects and programs. Participants will work on real life situations and develop action plans that can be applied after the training.
For more information and to register, visit the diocesan event listing page HERE. Deadline to register is November 30, 2012.
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Clergy Well-Being: Balancing your Ministry, Renewing Your Life
Alban is offering a learning event designed for clergy, lay professionals and seminary faculty on well-being, at the Simpson Conference and Retreat Center in Norcross, GA, from January 22 - 24, 2013. The event is presented by Larry Peers, leading consultant and clergy coach, expert in whole systems planning, congregational growth and conflict management. This event will help participants develop a plan for recomposing the next chapter of their ministry, as well as the insight and skills to keep both ministry and life fresh and vital.
For more information and to register for this seminar, click HERE. A "Super Saver" offer is available if registering by November 25, 2012.
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Charitable Gift Annuities
 Charitable gift annuities (CGA) are a wonderful way to support your congregation's planned giving program. When donors create a CGA, they not only make a significant contribution to your community, but they also receive numerous benefits, including regular payments of income, a portion of which may be tax-free, as well as a significant charitable deduction in the year they make the gift. The Episcopal Church Foundation encourages members to take advantage of ECF's life income gift program by creating a CGA. To learn more and to download the CGA booklet, click HERE.
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Reminder: Diana Butler Bass at St. Clement's
Noted author, Diana Butler Bass, will speak at the Vi and Paul Loo Parish House at the Parish of St. Clement in Honolulu, on Saturday, November 24, from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. Butler Bass recently released her newest book, Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening. Registration is $60 and includes a light lunch. For more information and online registration, please go the St. Clement parish website HERE, or call the office at 955-7745.
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Reminder: Book of Common Prayer in Hawaiian
Makes Great Christmas Gifts!
 In celebration of the Diocese of Hawai'i's Sesquicentennial celebration, a limited edition reprint of the Book of Common Prayer as translated by King Kamehameha IV is now available for purchase. Cloth-bound in red with gold foil stamping, this attractive volume contains over 400 pages of translated biblical scripture, liturgical prayers, and orders of service. ORDER YOURS TODAY!!! For more information and to download an order form, click HERE. |
What's Happening in The Episcopal Church?
Announcements from around The Episcopal Church...
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Presiding Bishop on the appointment of the new Archbishop of Canterbury
[November 9, 2012] Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori on the appointment of Bishop Justin Welby of Durham as the new Archbishop of Canterbury:
I am delighted to hear of Bishop Welby's appointment as Archbishop of Canterbury. He brings knowledge of the immense challenges of the world in which the Anglican Communion seeks to partner in the service of God's mission to heal and reconcile. He has experience of churches in several parts of the Communion, which should serve him well. The bishops of The Episcopal Church have met him and shared fruitful conversation, worship, and learning with him during a House of Bishops meeting earlier this year. We also welcomed him to our General Convention in 2009.
I give thanks for his appointment and his willingness to accept this work, in which I know his gifts of reconciliation and discernment will be abundantly tested. May God bless his ministry, shelter his family, and bring comfort in the midst of difficult and lonely discernment and decisions.
The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church
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Applications now accepted for
Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corps
The Episcopal Church offers untold opportunities for young adults to provide service and share their expertise worldwide through the Young Adult Service Corps. Commonly known as YASC, applications for 2013-14 are now being accepted for the Young Adult Service Corps from young adults between the ages of 21-30.
"YASC provides an opportunity for young adults to explore their faith in a new capacity and to live out the Baptismal Covenant by seeking and serving Christ in all persons," noted the Rev. David Copley, Mission Personnel Officer. "Applicants must have a high degree of maturity and possess a faith commitment and the willingness to be a humble guest, and the ability to be an authentic companion."
The application for the 2013-14 YASC year is available online here. The application deadline is January 4, 2013.
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New Episcopal Church resources
focus on older adults
"Aging is Changing" is a five -part program designed to be incorporated into the life of congregations. Prepared by the Episcopal Church Office for Lifelong Christian Formation and the Executive Council Taskforce on Older Adult Ministries, "Aging is Changing" was developed to help clergy and lay leaders identify issues of older adults, their families, and caregivers, and to identify existing local, state and national resources that might be helpful. It also includes best practices from 60 congregations around the Episcopal Church.
"This resource is aimed at changing the perception that older adults become less useful as they age," explained Ruth-Ann Collins, Episcopal Church Officer for Lifelong Formation. "It highlights the potential of this generation and signals us to remember that as Christians, we are called by God. And as a church we have adopted The Five Marks of Mission as a way to answer that call."
Aging is Changing is available HERE.
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Episcopal Church offers Advent sermons for children
To engage children in a more active role during worship this Advent, the Episcopal Church is offering a four-week series of lectionary-based children's sermons. Offered at no fee, the children's sermons provide clergy and lay leaders with step-by-step instructions on how to help the children lead the adults in worship.
"The sermons were designed for use in small congregations, but are appropriate for churches of any size and with any number of children, ranging in age from young children to youth," explained Sarah Johnson, Editor of Sermons that Work in the Episcopal Church Office of Communication.
The sermons for the four weeks of Advent are available the Sermons That Work website HERE.
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Episcopal Church partners with FaithStreet,
a new congregational evangelism tool
A partnership between the Episcopal Church and FaithStreet paves the way for congregations to connect their church with church seekers through an innovative church locator that offers much more than a search engine.
"Our partnership with FaithStreet will give our congregations a new tool to promote their churches," commented Anne Rudig, Episcopal Church Director of Communication. "FaithStreet not only locates a church, but works with a congregation to present the mission and ministry done there in ways easily understood by a seeker. It goes beyond address and contact info to providing an ethos or 'vibe' of particular churches."
FaithStreet, based in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, currently showcases 3,580 churches in all 50 United States, in over 1,500 cities. This includes over 100 church networks and denominations representing churches of all sizes, ranging from five to 10,000 members.
"FaithStreet is a tech-startup that is making it easy for anyone to find and connect with a great Christian church in their area," explained Ryan Melogy, Co-Founder. "We're creating a personalized church discovery experience, where anyone will be able to find a great church for them."
For more information and to join FaithStreet go to their website. |

In case you missed it, click on the link to read
the latest issue of the E-Chronicle.
Did you miss an edition of the E-News? Listed below are the titles of some recently published announcements. To see the complete article, click on the linked issues below, or visit Archived E-News Editions on the diocesan website, and click on the desired issue. |
Sesquicentennial - O'ahu Celebrates!
Hurricane Sandy Relief
Recent Calls in Congregations
FACE Interfaith Service November 8, 2012
Diana Butler Bass at St. Clements November 24, 2012
Constable Fund Grant Applications being accepted
Jubilee Ministry Grant Applications being accepted
Prepare/Enrich Workshop February 8, 2013
Free Vestments Available
United Thank Offering Applications to be Available in January
ECF Webinars |
Priest-in-Charge Appointed to St. John's, Kula
Hale Haumana Campus Ministry
Sesquicentennial Events Continue
Give Thanks: A Junior & Senior High Retreat at Camp Mokuleia Deadline to register is November 2
Episcopal Student Center is Up and Running!
On Stewardship
Ministry Info Available on Diocesan Website
Reminder: Book of Common Prayer in Hawaiian available
The Parish Paper
Bible Study: In a Bowling Alley?
Ernesto "Jar" Pasalo to attend Virginia Theological Seminary
General Convention 2012 Summary of Actions available
Congregational Assessment in the proposed 2013 diocesan budget Message from the Bishop
1% Support for Theological Education Message from the Bishop
Contact Information News Office of the Bishop 229 Queen Emma Square Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 536-7776, ext. 326; Neighbor Islands: 1-800-522-8418