Zentangle (R)
In this issue...
Our Zentangle Holiday Tradition
Zentangle Renaissance Tiles
Zentangle Store


Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories


102 Tangles

Vertical Tri Frame

Zentangle Frames

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

November 30, 2013

It's that time of year! We are pleased to offer a hand-lettered gift card with any purchase.
We also are pleased to introduce our new Zentangle Renaissance Tiles.
Info on all this and more below.



Our Zentangle Holiday Tradition 
Kit with bow
To celebrate this season and to help make your Zentangle gift extra special, Maria will hand-letter a gift card to accompany your Zentangle purchase. This is available through the end of the year. 
All you have to do is ask.
Just tell us the names you want for the "to" and the "from" in the Comment section as you check out online or tell us when you call in your order, but please, no long notes, just names.  

New Zentangle Renaissance Tiles


With our white Zentangle tiles, we introduced tangling in black with shades of gray. 


With our black Zentangle tiles, we introduced tangling with white and shades of white and we added layering black on top of white (on top of black, etc).


With our Zentangle Renaissance tiles, we bring all these techniques together!


This opportunity is masterfully demonstrated in this chalk portrait by Peter Paul Rubens:




In this drawing, Rubens demonstrates a drawing technique called Chiaroscuro that emerged in the fine art world during the Renaissance. These types of drawings were done on subtly colored or toned paper, usually gray or tan. Using the paper as a neutral starting point, the artist would then use white pencil or paint to work towards light or to create highlights and then use black ink and graphite to work towards dark or create shading. This technique opened up opportunity to exemplify the juxtoposition of light and dark. You will also find drawings from this period subtly incorporating the use of earthy colors such as brown, sepia, terra cotta, warm gray and cool gray. 


That's why we call these tiles, "Renaissance Tiles." These centuries old techniques lend themselves wonderfully to the Zentangle Method.


Here is an early (2008) example of Maria's explorations of this technique. This example is on lokta paper:




Notice that all these examples use brown tones. So, we have added to our store a brown Sakura� Pigma� Micron 01.  

Its earthy toned ink absolutely "sings" on this lush tan 100% cotton print making paper that we use to create these tiles. "Tan" however is such an inadequate word to describe the rich complex coloring of this paper. You really have to hold it, see it and tangle on it to fully appreciate it. 


To give you an idea of what you can do on this surface, here are some images of Renaissance Tiles that we've recently tangled:





We are thrilled to share our new Zentangle Renaissance Tiles with you!

Zentangle Renaissance Tiles

Pack of 21 Die-cut 3.5 inch (89 mm) square tiles,
100% cotton:




Sakura Pigma� Micron01 Brown Pen: $2.89



In addition to a graphite pencil, we also use these tools for tangling and shading Zentangle Renaissance Tiles:


Pigma� Micron01 Black Pen: $2.89

White Charcoal Pencil: $1.59 

Gelly Roll� White Pen: $1.49




We encourage you to take a class with a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT List) to fully enjoy the many possibilities of Zentangle Renaissance tiles.


We look forward to seeing what you create.





2014 CZT Seminars

If you are interested in becoming a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) please see this newsletter for details of our 2014 schedule and this link for more information about a CZT seminar.

Our first two seminars in June are nearly full. Our fall seminars are about half full. If you are planning to attend, please register in time to reserve your place.

We look forward to meeting you and working with you.




". . . nourishes my inner artist."
-- Overheard at a Zentangle Workshop




I work in a large hospital and it is very supportive of the Art Diversion that is offered to the patients in addition to my main job of Pulmonary Rehabilitation. I would like to share some of the Zentangle art and Zendalas the patients have done.  The arts have them not dreading repeat hospitalization so much.  Again thank you!   --YS 




"Had some fun with this one (quib) . . .

 Thanks for the inspiration!"  --KS




"I'm an excited newcomer. I discovered Zentangle last month, searching for things to do while recovering from shoulder surgery. I drew my first tangle from online instructions. Today I ordered a kit from your site. I am excited with what I've done so far. This is great for the mind and spirit. And I don't think that at 60 I'm too old to learn it! I look forward to my kit. I'll check out your blog also."





"I just wanted to send my gratitude to you both! I just started Zentangling and it is an amazing form of meditation for me! I look forward to learning more! Have a beautiful day:) Namaste:)"  --AJ  




"I am enjoying teaching my family and studio clients the Zentangle method. What a blessing to hear my man say, " no, I don't want to watch tv, will you teach me a new tangle?" He's so so good! Thank you!"   --HJM, CZT



"It may be overly dramatic, but I believe the practice of doing a tangle a day, has truly changed my life. The calm that comes when tangling is a joy. The clarity that stays through out the day, is invigorating. When I need some peace, I tangle for 15 minutes and I am renewed. Thank you."   --JR







"I just finished tangling a pair of Keds�!"  --TB




Are these years going by more quickly? It seems like only a few months ago that we were getting ready for the holidays!

Perhaps it's like that saying, "Time flies when you're having fun." We are so very grateful for this opportunity to share with you the fun and creativity that is inspired by this Zentangle Method.


With our best wishes during this season of grateful celebration,


Rick and Maria, our family, and all our Zentangle staff

About Zentangle

The Zentangle Method is an easy
to learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

[email protected]

� 2013 Zentangle, Inc.