presented by:



This is Craig Sutton with the June fishing report, featuring big fish and happy clients.

The new Captain Fico on the Adventurer showed that he knows what' happening when it comes to catching the big ones.

Check out his Queen Snappers and BIG Cubera leading off this month's report.

Master Captain William and Super Mate Alex on the big blue beauty Wanderer have been fishing almost every day since November and their skills are razor sharp.

They make no mistakes on the water and are always eager for more action. 

The new battle wagon the Discoverer has performed brilliantly with the young guns Captain David and Mate Kevin showing what they can do with all the weapons.

They scored big on the Marlin this month, headlined by a record-breaking Four Marlin release day with Chris Escabedo and Wil Havens. 

Captain Carlos on the Super Panga Explorer continues his quest to stand up to the big boys.

The barroom brawler smacked several Sailfish this month and also loaded up with nice Cuberas.

Our crews have elevated the standards for Costa Rican sportfishing and their results speak volumes. 

June is loaded with heavy hitters and serious anglers coming to town, so this next report will be one for the record books.

We have a couple of dates open at the end of June and still a few in July...also August is almost booked. Remember you can always check the FishingNosara Blog for daily catch updates.

We set the world standard for summer fishing. Want proof? Check out the August 2013 reports and Late August 2013 reports and tell me that this isn't one of the world's best fisheries. 

If you are ready for the best action of the year, call me anytime so we can get you booked.

Tight Lines y Pura Vida!

-Craig Sutton

(904) 591-2161


FishingNosara Family Update


Hey....can you keep a secret?

We're building the biggest Panga ever to take Extreme Panga Fishing to a whole new level!

Craig and the FishingNosara Build Team have been working closely with Fibromaster and NBC Boatworks to create a unique hull intended specifically for our special brand of fishing.

The hull is out of the mold and should be delivered to our shops in Florida this month. For those of you who enjoyed The Discoverer Project, get ready for a crazy boat build!

However we aren't just sitting around waiting...check out these fully restored 6-passenger carts set for delivery to Guiones this month.

Brian and Jamaal have performed frame-off rebuilds of four vehicles and have a few more to finish up before the new hull arrives.

Last but certainly not least, we are stoked to introduce our revamped Online Store for all of your FishingNosara Apparel and accessory needs.

The store features secure encrypted credit processing and of course all the little bells and whistles you've come to expect from modern online shopping.

Best of all is that every piece of inventory in the online store is the EXACT same gear worn by our crews...just like our tackle, these threads have been battled-tested against extreme conditions.

Click the image above or visit the store here: FishingNosara Online Store
Catch of the Month - May 9, 2014


May 9 was a legendary day for the FishingNosara team with EIGHT Marlin releases by the fleet. Leading the way was the battleship Discoverer who posted a magnificent FOUR Marlin releases.



Chris Escabedo and Will Havens were the anglers for this performance which is clearly a no-brainer Hall of Fame induction.



Captain David deserves all the credit in the world for this successful day on the water. He didn't quite match his prior one-day record (and team record) of six Marlin releases, but I don't think anyone is frowning over this quartet of releases.



After three Black Marlins were released, the last Marlin of the day with this feisty Striped Marlin:



Excellent work as well by Mate Kevin to safely release all of these beasts so that we can go catch them again really soon!



The Adventurer represents a wild idea for fishing in these waters; this 23-foot panga hull is armed with enough horsepower, sunshade, and rod holders to turn skeptics into believers!


Captain Francisco (called 'Fico') had paid his dues with the team on as a Mate on the Explorer and Discoverer, plus he brings a lifetime of Garza fishing experience every time he hits the water. He has made a huge splash on the Adventurer with excellent performances throughout the month. 


The Adventurer scored four small Dorados on a brief 2.5 hour trip on May 8.  



Clearly we've caught bigger Mahi before, but the bag of filets look the same from a 40lbs. fish as from these four 10lbs. fish.

Michael Williams enlisted the plucky Adventurer on May 12 for an inshore harvest and was rewarded with a wide variety of table fare.  



This well-rounded haul included Dorado, Cubera Snapper, Yellowtail Snapper, and the ultra-elusive Queen Snapper (bottom of photo, below).  



When you invest a full-day into Extreme Panga fishing, this is the kind of production you can expect. Great work by Captain Fico in keeping the pedal to the metal all day long!

The Adventurer continues to amaze as Fico strives to maintain the high standards set on the 23-foot pocket knife.  Check out this big Wahoo caught on May 13 and estimated at 30+lbs.:



That was the highlight of a trip that also included small Tunas and Dorados...a nice way to round out the shopping cart.



Another outstanding inshore performance by the Adventurer came on May 14. This couple scored a big Dorado and a nice Yellowtail Snapper.  




Looks like we will need a bigger icebox on the Adventurer if this kind of action keeps up!


More tasty catches on the Adventurer on May 15...a swarm of ultra-tasty Queen Snappers came area mid-month and the 23-footer was all over them.  




Usually this time of year we see lots of Red Grouper and Congrio, however this season the Queen Snapper (right) has been a lovely change of pace. Great bottom fishing action from the Adventurer!

Most recently our new pal Tracy Anderson finished up three back-to-back days of inshore action with a wide variety of tasty filets on ice.  


The Adventurer hasn't skipped a beat with Captain Fico at the helm, as proved by this nice Cubera Snapper.  



Tracy followed up with a smaller Snapper:



Plus a Yellowfin Tuna and a Yellowtail Snapper...that's a grand a haul!


Captain Carlos has accepted the promotion to be the man at the helm of his old stomping grounds on the 26-foot Explorer.

His performance on the smaller Adventurer over the last year opened our eyes Captain Carlos' skill on the water, and he is the natural choice to continue the tradition of Extreme Panga Fishing.

Captain Fico (right) still plies his craft as one of the best Mates in Garza Bay, and combined with Captain Carlos' legendary skills, the Explorer can not be stopped!


We are proud to report that there was no drop off on the scorecard, and this month the Super panga did what she does: release billfish and deliver big smiles for her clients.



The new combination of Captain Carlos and Mate Fico on the Explorer has already been impressive. Though new to this boat, both these men have fished in Garza for their whole lives with a combined 20+ years of pro fishing experience.  



These Lone Star anglers enjoyed the fruits of that experience with three awesome Sailfish releases on just a five hour trip on May 7.



Jim Dodich is a returning Hall of Famer and on May 10 snared an enshrinement-level Cubera Snapper with Captain Carlos on the legendary Explorer.



This is a serious takes serious muscle and a mean mug to haul in a fish like this.



Joe Connell and Nan Dalton fished hard for five straight days in May (see Wanderer report, below) and on their final fishing excursion Captain Carlos and the Explorer roped this excellent Sailfish.  



Great work for just a half-day trip by the Super panga. Joe and Nan are truly hardcore anglers and their collective performance this week was stellar.


Our old pal Jay Thompson has been fishing on the Explorer since the inception of Super panga fishing, but on May 13 he let his visiting brother-in-law handle the fish catching duties. Captain Carlos took the Explorer offshore and found an amazing Sailfish.



Fico had no problem handling this beast.  



Later they added this small Broomtail Grouper to the fishbox which yielded excellent filets to go with the trophy release.

This excellent Cubera Snapper was scored aboard the Explorer on May 14.


Whew! It's a workout to catch this monster but at least you get 40+ of meat to replenish you strength.  

The Explorer struck back on May 15 with a fantastic Sailfish release by client Michael Williams. Check out this monster:


Excellent fish handling led to the safe release of this billfish as Captain Carlos notches his scorecard once again!

The next day Gary Fiveash and his party had a blast on the Explorer as Captain Carlos helped them tangle with the most broad-shouldered Dorado you'll ever see:



For heaven's sake this fish is wider than both the angler and Mate Fico!



They also scored this whopper of a Yellowtail Snapper on a top water plug...a very tasty catch to augment the Mahi.  



Captain Carlos and Mate Fico are fitting in nicely on the barroom brawler Explorer. Check out this floor-sweeper Dorado they snagged on May 27:



They also are no strangers to Sailfish releases. Take a gander at this monster:



Excellent work from the new crew of the baddest panga you've ever seen: the fearless Explorer!

Captain David is the fastest rising superstar in Garza Bay and has accepted the promotion to FishingNosara's newest piece of artillery, the 31-foot Discoverer.

Captain David tapped Mate Kevin (right) to stick by his side in the cockpit of the new vessel; even though he is our youngest boatman, Kevin has already shown flashes of greatness as he continues to hone his craft.

There hasn't been this much excitement around here since the launch of the venerable flagship Wanderer, and we know that Captain David has his sights set on the title of Best in the Bay.

The Discoverer didn't waste any time in building her rep as a billfish bandit...Seth Moore and his posse visited the blue water battleship on May 4 and got on a big bite of bad Sailfish.  



These four releases reveal the power of the new 31-foot fish fighting weapon and also reveals the skills of the new crew.  




Now there is no way to top a quadruple Marlin day (see Catch of the Month, above) so the dynamic duo of Chris Escabedo and Will Havens decided to focus on the refrigerator on their May 10 trip.  



The highlight of their haul with this fat 20lbs. Cubera Snapper, plus they backed it up with a handful of small Jacks and small Tuna.



On May 11 the Discoverer welcomed Mr. Blair Wickstrom and his family for a fantastic day on the blue water.  


As the head honcho as Florida Sportsman Magazine, Blair was instrumental in spreading the word about The Discoverer Project on the Florida Sportsman Forum and by organizing the Dream Boat Build Contest.


It was a thrill to have him on the battleship, however his amazing fishing performance will have to stay under wraps until the August issue of Florida Sportsman Magazine hits the newsstand.



Our spies managed to get away with this heavily-classified image, but expect a full report with video evidence in a few months.  


The Discoverer is more than a billfish battler; she also has the tools to bring home the bacon:



By 'bacon' we mean 'big Dorado'!



Great catch by the McLaughlin posse who looks to be well-fed this week.

These anglers proved that they won't be defeated during their next trip on May 19!



Chris McLaughlin and his group threw down the gauntlet with a gang from Sailfish City, but Captain David and Mate Kevin had their back...Check out these billfish conquests:



Captain David has been a legend in Garza for the last half-decade, and now that he is armed with a battleship there is no escape for these Sailfish hooligans.  


Check out this great email from Chris:




Getting back to reality really sucks. After arriving back home and climbing into my bed at 2am, only to get up at 5am to get back to the grind made me appreciate my short trip to Nosara even more.  


We all had a great time and I have to say you truly run a First Class operation!  


From arrival to departure, all was seamless; shuttle service, office staff, house crew, and of course the top notch crew of the Discoverer.  


I have to tip my hat to Captain David and Mate Kevin.     


I have fished on many boats all over and would certainly put them up against anyone.  


Great personable guys who work hard to make your customers happy; catching fish was just a bonus.   


I want to thank you again for everything and I hope to be back soon for some more of Jenny's Mahi Ceviche (left).  


Pura Vida!  


Chris McLaughlin 


Captain David has brought his decades of fish-finding skills to the new battleship, and the results have been immediate and astounding.  


On May 28 he locked up two big bad billfish for his clients.



Mate Kevin released this Sailfish at 10:30am (above) and scored a nice Blue Marlin just after 1pm.



Our new 31-footer has come out of the gate like a thoroughbred and we can't wait to see more multiple Marlin mayem from the battleship.

The Discoverer took over two years to rebuild and refit, but on May 30 it only took Matty twenty minutes to nab his first billfish on the new vessel.  



Bridget also got in on the action with the smallest Sailfish release on record...think about the skills exhibited by Captain David on the pitch bait to force-feed a rigged ballyhoo down this tiny gullet.  



The big battleship closed out the month with a MASSIVE Marlin release on May 31.  



Captain David's view from the top gives him the competitive edge when big billfish come calling.  



Nice work by Mate Kevin to hold on tight to this monster long enough for some pictures. A clean safe release with the cherry on top of this near-perfect month of fishing. 

The mighty Wanderer is the FishingNosara flagship and has earned the title of the top boat in the bay.

The Master Captain William brings decades of experience on these waters and the Super Mate Alex has pioneered new tactics that have turned the world of fishing in Garza on its head.

Together they have built a spotless rep for quality, safety, and results that can not be topped.

Seth Moore and his boys are on board for several trips in early May, and he got off to a fast start on May 2 with a bunch of nice Yellowfin Tunas on ice.



The combo of Penn 7500 reels and custom Poseidon Rods was unbeaten against these Yellas. 



They also walloped this huge Dorado...that's a lot of filets!



Great work by the crew of the famous Wanderer on this excellent fishin' mission.

After knocking out some Sailfish on the Discoverer, Seth Moore and the boys stayed on the action on May 4 with multiple Sailfish releases and some great simultaneous hook-ups.


First Mate Alex had his work cut out for him handling these super Sails, but all were safe released like usual.  


FishingNosara Hall of Famer and worldwide bow-hunting phenom TJ Conrads was on the Wanderer for a fantastic Double Sailfish release on May 5.



The day was otherwise a little slow, but this furious fifteen-minute fight is certainly a day's worth of work.  


Jake Winchester has made himself a regular with the FishingNosara team with a half-dozen trips run in the last year. After a whole bunch of Extreme Panga Fishing he stepped up to the 31-foot Wanderer for his May 7 trip.



They tackled some tough Sailfish and notched the scorecard with two nice releases. This was the first time deep sea fishing for Tiffiney Walls from Enid, Oklahoma, but she fought this Sailfish like an old pro.   



A special welcome awaited their return to Garza: this majestic Balena ('whale' in gringo) breeched the surface and slapped his tail, much to the delight of the clients.  



Great fishing and great scenery on the big blue flagship Wanderer.

The Wanderer lit the world on fire on May 8 with clients Joe Connell and Nan Dalton. This hard fishing duo had thier hands full on the flagship with not one, but TWO big Marlin releases.



Nan was all over the first fish of the day and, with First Mate Alex's help on the fighting chair managed to reel this first big monster all the way to the boat.  



Joe matched her with a MASSIVE Marlin of his own. Both of these black beauties are definitely in the 400lbs. club:



Either of these Marlin can be considered the 'fish-of-a-lifetime', and to get two in one day is truly astounding. Great performance on the first of four straight fishing days on the Wanderer for Joe and Nan.


Joe Connell and Nan Dalton returned to the Wanderer and managed to match their landmark performance from yesterday with ANOTHER pair of Marlin releases on a record-setting May 9 trip.



Mr. Connell was the man of the hour with the first fish released at Noon after a 40-minute battle.  



Another bad Black Marlin came calling around 1:45 and Joe released this one after a very efficient 30-minute fight.  


More Marlin action was in store for Nan Dalton the next day on May 10.  



The Wanderer battles tall seas and a big blue Marlin all at once.  



About one tenth of a second after this photo (below) the Marlin broke the snap swivel in half and escaped...not an ideal result but in the world of fighting monster fish, the fish sometimes win.  



Komis Psaros and his friends signed up the flagship for three days this month, and on their first day out they scored several nice Yellowfin Tuna to fill the refrigerator.  



Top water plugs and spinning rods were the weapons of choice as they put four big Yellas on ice.  



Willard Richards won a trip to Nosara, Costa Rica at the 2014 Florida Sportsman Expo in Ft. Myers, and we are stoked to report that his group scored a MASSIVE Marlin release on the FishingNosara flagship Wanderer on May 16.  




What an amazing shot! First Mate Alex is doing his best Roy Rogers impersonation in ropin' in the bucking billfish, but how about the trigger finger on Captain William to get this photo?




Will held tough for the 35-minute billfish battle and scored a safe release at 11:38am.



Team Richards scored again later in the week with this tasty Dorado catch.



Hi Craig,   


"Sorry it has taken so long to get in touch with you, but since our return from Costa Rica, things around here have been a bit hectic. I really want to say that all of us had a GREAT TIME staying in the house you provided, along with all of the amenities.  The two days of fishing with Capt. William and Alex were excellent and will not soon be forgotten."

"Landing the 400# Marlin was a dream come true and one of the more exciting things that I have done in my 72 years on this earth." 

"My sister was also "as pleased as punch" as were the rest of us when she landed the 30# Mahi-Mahi, which by the way provided all of us an excellent meal.  We took the fish to Marlin Bill's and they prepared it to all of our satisfaction."
"I will / have recommend(ed) you and your facilities, to anybody who wants to experience a truly great time fishing for the big ones. 

Not only was the fishing great, but the horseback riding safari trip was a very memorable and enjoyable experience.  
Eduardo was a great guide, and his family was a delight to meet.  

The house was beyond our expectations and the breakfast service was wonderful.  You truly have some very good personnel working for you."
"I am truly great full to you for having offered and then provided the best prize that I have ever won." 

"In fact, prior to winning the raffle at the Expo, I would always tell people 'that if it wasn't for my bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all.' 

I can no longer say that. 

I know my children, sister and niece all had one of the best times of their life, and are already talking of going back."
"Again, a GREAT BIG THANK YOU, for a wonderful time had by all."  
Willard (Will) Richards

Big news on May 21: a Double Sailfish Release for Komis and the boys!  



Great boat-handling by Captain William and fish-handling by First Mate Alex to see to the safe release of both of these majestic fish.

Komis Psaros' group added to their legend by following up their Double Sailfish release with a beautiful Rooster Fish release on May 22.


Just like with billfish, we release Rooster Fish after a quick photo. Excellent fish-handling by First Mate Alex to ensure the safe survival of this beautiful creature.


Dr. Bart Carey and his crew had a knock-out day on the Wanderer with not one, not two, but THREE Marlin releases on May 24.



The second Marlin came hot of the heels of the first, with only 45 minutes between releases.  




They scored this tasty Dorado for the fishbox:



The final send-off was this amazing above-the-water Marlin fight. Check the action on this beast:


Great safe releases by First Mate Alex underscore another magnificent performance by Captain William and the famous Wanderer.


William Christian Flanagan and his boys hit the water hard on May 26 with a legendary performance on the mighty Wanderer.  


Captain William took the flagship offshore when a huge Black Marlin hit the baits early in the day, and put up a fight that left these anglers drenched in sweat.  



The hard work paid off as everyone a picture with this fish-of-a-liftime before First Mate Alex saw to the clean release.  



The momentuem stayed positive with a second Black Marlin release in the early afternoon.  



Three is the magic number! 



These Texas anglers triumphed on this, the third Marlin of the trip!



First Mate Alex was left to shine alone in the final photos of the day:




We've had great fortune with anglers from the Lone Star State, and the Flanagan Boys kept the Texas karma strong!

Bart Carey and the boys followed up with ANOTHER awesome Marlin release on their third and final trip of the week on May 27. Check out this monster:



Otherworldy boat handling by Captain Willam and equally great fishing handling by First Mate Alex made for another amazing billfishing experience for Bart Carey.

On May 29 we welcomed a big fun group of folks from our hometown of Jacksonville, FL and they scored some great inshore lunkers aboard the Wanderer.


Henry Starling, Rick Tullis, Richard Hosey, and Mike Glenn brought their families along for this inshore conquest and it is safe to say that all mouths were fed by these excellent Cubera Snappers.  



They also added a pair of trophy releases in the form of these excellent Rooster Fish:



Great work by this posse of North Florida anglers!



The next day Cheryl got the billfish action fired-up for the group with this nice Sailfish release:



These 'Odd Couples' really got cooking on May 31. After a slow morning of trolling offshore, these savvy Florida anglers chose to stay inshore where the fresh rain water helped stir up a nice array of bottom dwellers.  



A pair of big Cuberra Snappers were the highlight of the trip until this beefy Rooster fish stole the spotlight:



After a safe release, the team got back to meat harvesting with a septuplet of sweet Yellowtail Snappers.  



Take a look at the day's haul:



Looks like the best fish market you've ever seen, courtesy of Captain William and the multi-faceted Wanderer.

Richard Tullis helped finish out a great week of fishing for the 'Odd Couples', with this fun Rooster Fish release.  



The resilient Wanderer scored this big Dorado with Steve Belew and his group on May 28th.  




See the yellow and red electrical tape on the rod? Fortunately this catch represents the last fish that these old Star Rods will ever catch...Matty showed up today with a fresh shipment of our custom FishingNosara rods from Poseidon Fishing.


Lot of memories in these old sticks, but its time to put them in the museum where they belong.

Three days later the Wanderer finally unleashed her new custom Poseidon Rods:  



Well they showed up just in time for client Brad Bentley to fight a nice Blue Marlin.  




The Wanderer is dialed-in this season and with these new canes in the quiver their is no stopping the mighty flagship!


Every time we think that the Wanderer has peaked, Captain William and First Mate Alex put up another month of amazing fishing. Great work by the King of Garza Bay, the mighty Wanderer! 


Nosara River Update
The Nosara River Mouth yielded an excellent bounty of big Snook this month.

Nice fish, Manuel...but I know we taught you how to take pictures a little better than this! Jajajaj



Javier and the boys from Fuppernos (Friends of the River) are on point keeping the area clean.   


The seasonal rains rolling through the mountains makes all the refuse roll down to the river... thankfully the Fuppernos are on the job to protect this fragile community resource.


Also some big news for all friends of the Nosara River: after much lobbying and patience the government has recognized the Boca del Rio Nosara as a certified 'Blue-Flag Zone'.



Symbolized by this new flag at the entrance, this means steep fines and possible imprisonment for nare-do-wells who dump toxins or other chemicals into the river.



This is a big step in the right direction and all the credit is due to Javier and the Fuppernos...these guys and girls understand that a clean river is vital to the future of the community and will now be protected for the next generation of river anglers:



Horseback Safari Tour   


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This trip features lunch at his family's authentic Costa Rican farmstead and continues to a secluded waterfall. 

Kayak Safari Tour 
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Turtle Safari Tour

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Snorkel Safari Tour




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Click any house for full details 

Casa Capitan
Casa Privada
Casa Neptune
Casa Caribe
Casa Bonita
Casa Jardin
Casa Tranquilo
Casa Surfeando
Las Quartos
Casa Serena
Nature Preserve




Located next to the nature preserve Nosara Paradise Rentals is an ecologist's dream. From the monkeys sunning above the pool to the Pizotes wandering through the gardens, Nosara Paradise Rentals brings the rainforest to your doorstep.

Our units come complete with all the necessary amenities to fully enjoy your stay: modern kitchen appliances, utensils, microwave, blender, towels, linens, et cetera.

Nosara Paradise Rentals features a complete support staff (gardener, concierge, cleaning and laundry services) to ensure that your stay is as trouble free as possible.


  • Entry level package for up to 3 anglers.
  • 5 nights in Casa Tranquilo, Casa Surfeando or Apartemento (sleeps up to 3 persons)
  • Three Half-days (5 hours) of fishing on 27' Explorer. Each trip includes water, fruit, snacks, and tackle. Choice of morning or afternoon start time.
  • $1950 Total
  • $650 per person
  • Entry level package for 4 anglers.
  • 1 week (7 nights) in Casa Bonita, Casa Caribe or Casa Jardin (sleeps up to 6 persons)
  • Three Half-days (5 hours) of fishing on 31' Wanderer. Each trip includes water, fruit, snacks, and tackle. Choice of morning or afternoon start time.
  • $3150 Total
  • $790 per person
  • Fully-loaded package for 6 anglers.
  • 1 week (7 nights) in Casa Capitan (sleeps up to 9 persons)
  • Three Full days (8 hours) of fishing on 31' Wanderer. Each trip includes water, fruit, snacks, lunch, and tackle.
  • Include Four Passenger Safari Cart for 7 days.
  • $4650 Total
  • $775 per person
  • Fully-loaded package for families up to 9 people.
  • 1 week (7 nights) in Casa Capitan (sleeps up to 9 persons)
  • In-house Breakfast for 5 days includes assorted local breads, fruit, yogurt, coffee, and juice.
  • Full service cleaning including wash/dry/fold laundry.
  • One Half-day (5 hours) of fishing on 31' Wanderer. Each trip includes water, fruit, snacks, and tackle. Choice of morning or afternoon start time.
  • Safari Tour for up to 8 people (Snorkeling, Kayaking, Horseback, Fishing, Surfing, Eco). Trip includes water, fruit, snacks, guide, equipment, and lunch.
  • Include Six Passenger Safari Cart for 7 days.
  • $5000 Total

Ask about special rates on in-house Breakfast and Cleaning


Airport Transportation

Nosara Transport features top-of-the-line vehicles that are rigorously inspected to ensure a safe and swift trip. Our friendly drivers provide door-to-door service to the major airports. Avoid the hassles of the Taxi Stand by having your transportation arranged ahead of time.

Transportation one way to/from Liberia Airport: $150 (up to 7 people)
Transportation one way to/from San Jose Airport: $250 (up to 7 people)
Water and Snacks included. Beer and wine available for an additional fee