October 2011
Solutions for Growth provides professional marketing advice and services.

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Email marketing is easy to do, but hard to do well.  By avoiding these 6 mistakes, you'll be on track to successful campaigns.


pilot-checklistThe same way a pilot runs through a checklist prior to take-off, a savvy email marketer will ensure that his or her campaigns are checked prior to clicking the "send" button.  Here are some key items for your "email marketing checklist."


1 - From Field - Together with the subject line, this is the main driver that ensures a high open rate.  If people know your business name, then make sure it appears in the from field and if they only know yourFrom Field Example name, then that must appear there.  Avoid email addresses such as "info@mycompany.com" - people like to receive emails from people, not "infos." 


2 - Subject Line - If the subject line can't answer the WIIFM question (What's In It For Me?), then the email will not be opened.  What's more inviting to read?


- October Newsletter 


- Secrets to Running Effective Meetings

Guess which newsletter has the higher open rate?
3 - CAN-SPAM Compliance - CAN SPAM is the acronym for the set of federal lawsCan Spam Compliant that govern commercial email messages.  There are several items that if not followed, put you in breach of the law.
4 - Irrelevant or Infrequent Emails - If the email is not relevant to recipients, it irritates and has the opposite effect of the intended communication.  Make the content interesting to your readers. Further, sending emails infrequently or too often also increases opt-outs (people asking to be removed from your distribution list).
Click Here Button
5 - No Call to Action - Tell your readers what to do.  You can ask them to click on a link, download a document, call you, visit you or make a donation.  If you don't have a call to action, you will not know the impact of the email.
6 - Appearance and Copy - In today's online world, where people have the attention span ofGnat1 a gnat, grabbing their attention is crucial.  Only by presenting a professional looking and well written message will you keep their attention.  A sloppy presentation and weak copy can only diminish your readers' perception of your business.
Click on the images for a full view.
          Sarasota Email Image  SWS Email Image  Aspire Email Image

If you find yourself looking for an effective tool to stay top of mind of your customers and prospects, consider email marketing.  It allows you to share your professional knowledge and impress your network, drive business to your retail establishment and stand apart from the competition.


 "We had a really great sale due to the email blast...so I know it's working. This was a woman who would not have come in without the incentive from the email."
             Jamie Friend, Owner, SheShe Boutique  


If you would like to learn more about email marketing and how Solutions for Growth helps its clients achieve their goals with online and offline tools, please email or call today. 



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David Fischer
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Solutions for Growth is a marketing consulting firm that helps small businesses grow by increasing their sales through practical and achievable marketing tools.


Services include marketing advice and strategy, online and offline customer acquisition and retention tools (new and revised websites, email marketing, social media and printed material), sales development, retail layout and signage.


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