Structural Moments...
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In This Issue:
Featured Article: New International Green Construction Code Poised For Release In 2010.
Focus On: IBC 2009
Featured Project: Eyecandy Sound Lounge & Bar at Mandalay Bay
THOMAD Engineering is currently looking for a Structural Drafter with experience in AutoCAD and Autodesk Revit Structure. Email us at info@thomadengr.com for more information.
We are pleased to announce that our offer to donate structural engineering services to a local charity or non-profit organization has been awarded to the Academy of Engineering at Clark County School District's Northwest Career and Technical Academy. Our Principal, Mohammed Thomad, will serve on the academy's now 77 member advisory board. We look forward to this partnership and the contributions our firm will bring to the Academy.
Featured Article:
"New International Green Construction Code Poised For Release In 2010."
The International Code Council is nearly finished drafting their first sustainable construction code.  The new code, called the International Green Construction Code (IGCC), will be revealed to the public in March, then reviewed, edited, and eventually published in the ICC's 2012 family of codes. The IGCC aims to move construction practices and methods to a sustainable future.
For the full press release, click here.
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Happy New Year!
Let us launch 2010 with renewed optimism and hope to improve all aspects of our life. I would like to share with you some of our goals for the business in the new year.
  1. Strengthen existing relationships and build new ones.
  2. Provide added value to our clients while remaining competitive.
  3. Remain committed to our clients and continue to provide them with excellent service. 
  4. Pursue new opportunities and new markets.
  5. Maintain and continue to develop our core staff.
Mohammed Thomad's BioI strongly believe that optimistic leaders who strategize to survive the current recession will be positioned to not only do so but to grow in the future.
Wishing you all the best in this new year,
Mohammed Thomad, PE, SE
Focus On: The International Building Code 2009
Every three years, the International Code Commission (ICC) produces a new edition of the International Building Code (IBC). The 2009 IBC will soon be adopted by building departments everywhere. It includes several important changes from the 2006 edition which will affect all disciplines. Some of the structural engineering changes are: 
  • New simplified alternate wind design method for all-heights.
  • Live loads for decks and balconies can be the same as the occupancy they serve.
  • New structural integrity requirements for high rise buildings classified in occupancy category III or IV.
  • Special inspection is now required for installation of permanent bracing for wood and cold formed steel trusses spanning 60 feet and more. Continuous special inspection is required for cast-in-place bolts in concrete where strength design method is used while only periodic special inspection is required for post installed bolts.
  • Safety factor against sliding and overturning of retaining walls may be reduced to 1.1 instead of 1.5 where earthquake forces are included in the design.
To receive a complete summary of changes to the 2009 IBC, feel free to contact us. 
Featured Project: Eyecandy Sound Lounge & Bar at Mandalay Bay
The Eyecandy Sound Lounge & Bar is one of THOMAD's most challenging and successful remodel projects. This vibrant lounge replaced the old center bar located at the heart of Mandalay Bay Casino. Construction of the 10,000 sq. ft. lounge was completed without disruption to casino operations. Since its opening, Eyecandy has revitalized the casino space and has quickly become among the most successful venues of its kind on the Las Vegas Strip.
Eyecandy1 Eyecandy2
       Eyecandy Sound Lounge & Bar                 Main Bar Front
 Eyecandy3 Eyecandy4 
                    Dance Floor                                 "Party Pod" 
 Project Details:
  • Design of new elevator shaft cut through existing casino and underground parking garage floor slabs and new foundations.
  • Design of special shoring and complicated built-up floor framing systems to avoid overloading the existing floor structure.
  • Design of new support systems for architectural elements and equipment such as an LED dance floor, visual projections and effects, several different types of private seating areas including large party pods and rotating private pods. 
For more details, click here.