Featured Article:
Clark County Development Services (CCDS) Adds New Fees for Plan Revisions.
CCDS will charge additional fees for plan review of ALL plan revision types effective November 2, 2009. Revision types include:
- Plan revisions reviewed at the public counters (over-the-counter)
- Changes to an existing special inspection agreement (QAA)
- Structural 'field fixes'
Talk to us for advice on how avoid these extra charges.
Our Philosophy....
Your Impressions
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"
-Leonardo da Vinci
"THOMAD Engineering became our preferred structural engineer due to their extrordinary professionalism, thorough attention to detail, cost conscious design, and a friendly teamwork philosophy."
-Architect, Client | |
Earthquakes don't kill people... buildings do.
The recent earthquakes in Indonesia are no exception. Thousands of people were killed or injured by collapsed buildings in the 7.6 magnitude quake which struck the City of Padang on Sumatra Island on September 30, 2009.
This month also marks the 20th anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake which shook the San Francisco Bay area on October 17,1989. It caused 63 deaths, 3757 injuries and $6-10 billion in property loss. The 1994 Northridge earthquake near Los Angeles California resulted in 57 deaths and more than 5,000 injuries. Property damage, including partial and complete structural collapse, was estimated at $20 billion, making it the costliest seismic disaster in U.S. history. The Northridge tremor ignited considerable scientific and engineering investigations which lead to significant building code changes.
Structural engineers carry the primary responsibility to custom
design earthquake resistant structural systems for each and every structure subject to seismic loading. With every new tremor, we gain valuable insight into how structures perform, improving our design abilities. Simulated seismic load testing such as the massive "shake tables", featured below, are also paving the way for new breakthroughs in structural design, bringing us closer to the day that tragedies like those in Indonesia and California are a thing of the past.
 Our hearts go out to those affected by seismic disasters, and our commitment to safe, responsible, and innovative structural design remains stronger than ever.
Mohammed Thomad, P.E., S.E.
Focus On: Surviving A 7.5 Magnitude Earthquake |
A seven-story wood framed condo tower was subjected to a series of earthquake simulation tests on the world's largest shake table in Japan.
The building survived the equivalent of a 7.5 magnitude earthquake with only minor dry wall damage during the final test performed on July 14, 2009.
The "Capstone" project was headed by NEESWood, in an effort to prove new design philosophy regarding wood framed structures. The results of the experiment are believed to open the door for the possibility of increasing the height of wood framed building structures which are now limited by code to four stories. The building was designed and built by Colorado State University together with several other universities, governments and building suppliers.
Click here for more details on the project. |
Featured Projects: Social Security Administration Offices |
THOMAD Engineering is pleased to announce the completion and opening of two government facilities, the Social Security Administration offices in North Las Vegas, Nevada and Needles, California. THOMAD provided the Denver, CO based design-build team with full structural engineering services from inception to completion on both projects.
"Your firm provided excellent service. You were responsive. Your drawings were thorough and accurate. I would be happy to work with you again in future projects", said Len Lingo, AIA, LEED AP, the principal of Avenue L. Architects upon completion of the two projects.
Social Security Administration Office
North Las Vegas, Nevada
- ~19,000 sq. ft., completed January 2009

Social Security Administration Office
Needles, California
- ~6,600 sq. ft., completed September 2009

Design Team:
- Architect of Record: BCA Design
- Design Architect: Avenue L. Architects
- Contractor: VRG Construction
- Developer SDA, Inc.
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