Structural Moments...
In This Issue
Focus on Remodeling and Adaptive Reuse
El Cortez Cabana Suites Hotel
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As summer comes to a close, I would like to share with you some of what our office has been up to.
Over the past couple of months, our staff has been busy studying for licensing exams, honing their Revit Structure skills, and vacationing hard. Engineers Samir and Tyler, who recently received his LEED AP Certification, are both preparing to take the Nevada licensing exam in October this year. Drafters James and Eric have been attending classes and training in Autodesk Revit Structure software as our office transitions to BIM technology.
At the same time, everyone in our office was also able to take some relaxing time off during the months of July and August.
As for me, I traveled with my family to parts of the Middle East. We visited Dubai, UAE, Damascus, Syria, and Beirut, Lebanon. We enjoyed spending time re-uniting with family, sight seeing, and exploring business opportunities. It was truly a great trip!

We are back feeling refreshed to resume working hard every day to continue providing excellent service to our clients. Thank you for your business and hope you had a great summer too!Mohammed Thomad
Mohammed Thomad, PE, SE 
Focus on Remodel and Adaptive Reuse Projects
El Cortez Cabana SuitesRemodel and adaptive reuse projects differ from new construction projects and require special considerations. To name a few, lack of proper as-built documentation, more in depth field work, and unexpected actual field conditions all contribute to making remodel projects especially challenging. 
When beginning a remodel project, certain questions must be asked. How can we best ensure the remodel work does not disrupt business operations, when the space must remain open during construction? Can we reuse any material from the existing building in constructing the remodel? Can we design the remodel to be easily deconstructed in the event of future changes? Are sustainable techniques being implemented in our designs? These and many more questions must be taken into consideration early on during a project's development.
Featured below is a sample remodel project which was recently and successfully completed by our firm, the El Cortez Cabana Suites Hotel in the downtown Las Vegas area. Click on this link to learn about our other interesting Remodel Projects
El Cortez Cabana Suites Hotel
El Cortez Cabana SuitesTHOMAD Engineering recently completed a remodel of the 40 years old Ogden House Hotel which was renovated into the El Cortez Cabana Suites.
This outdated hotel was renovated to modernize the entire facility by adding new guest amenities such as a fitness center, upgrading the mechanical systems and complying with current ADA and code requirements. The structural system consists of load bearing masonry shear walls and pre-stressed hollow core plank floor diaphragms.
Some of the main challenges included the design for several new openings to be cut into existing interior shear walls and closing other existing openings to reconfigure the hotel guest rooms into suites. The remodel also included an extensive exterior face lift. A built-up exterior light gage facade structure and custom made metal awnings were added for decorative and shading purposes.
Our Engineers performed a complete analysis of the entire existing structure under the current building code for lateral, wind and seismic loads. They utilized a three-dimensional computer model to ensure maintaining the structural integrity of the building.
THOMAD Engineering worked very closely with YWS architects to provide unique design solutions and with City of Las Vegas Building Department officials to satisfy code requirements. Our team also provided Burke & Associates, the general contractor, with on-going support services throughout construction to resolve new issues during demolition and construction work.
Project Highlights:
  • Fully renovated 5-story hotel with 64 modern style suites of some 30,500 SF Area.
  • Project Cost: $5.5 million
  • Architect: YWS Architects
  • Contractor: Burke & Associates

Click on this link to learn about other interesting projects
