Edge International Email Archives Homepage
  • Edge International Communiqué October, 2014

  • Collaboration and Compensation (Part 2) by David Cruickshank

    Communicating with your Partners to Build Trust, by Nick Jarrett-Kerr

    Putting Sales in its Proper Place, by Jordan Furlong
  • Edge International Communiqué February, 2014

  • Don't Worry, Be Crazy, by Douglas Richardson

    Difficult Conversations and the Execution of Strategy, by David Cruickshank

    Collective Brilliance: Teamwork Defines Success, by Bithika Anand
  • Edge International Communiqué November, 2013

  • Seven Reasons Why Industry Groups Fail, by Ed Wesemann

    Projecting Value to Your Client: Gerry Riskin reminds lawyers to consider the hidden value they offer to clients.

    How to Help Someone Who Suffers from a Fear of Public Speaking, by John Plank
  • Edge International Communiqué October, 2013
  • Lawyer Assessment and Client Development - An Emerging Trend, by Doug Richardson

    Managing Partner: More Than Just a Highly Desired Designation, by Bithika Anand

    Innovation at Firm Retreats, by David Cruickshank
  • Edge International Communiqué September, 2013

  • Sputtering on the Coffee: A recent article criticizing law-firm marketing materials sparked intense debate, by Nick Jarrett-Kerr

    Sometimes It Is Necessary to Apply the Blowtorch: Regularly re-evaluating firms' key systems is essential to success, by Sean Larkan

    The New Strategy: Be A Law Firm of Artists, by Jeff Morris
  • Edge International Communiqué August, 2013

  • The Problem of Pain: Will partners accept sacrifices as the price of change? Law firms' futures depend on the answer, by Jordan Furlong

    Executive Committee Size: The size of the governing board is a frequent area of concern for law firms, by Ed Wesemann

    Business Development: Ditch the "Arm's Length" and Start Operating from the Inside, by Michael J. White

  • Edge International Communiqué July, 2013

  • Communicating Across Generations: The Real Mandate for the Legal Profession's Future, by Douglas Richardson

    Look Me in the Eye and Say That! Eye Contact Can Make The Difference, by John Plank

    Guide to Breakout Facilitation, by Gerry Riskin

  • Edge International Communiqué June, 2013

  • Lend Me Your Ears, by Gerry Riskin

    Lateral Partner Integration: Beyond the Book of Business, by David Cruickshank

    Securing Your Law Firm's Finances: The Cash-Flow Conundrum, by Bithika Anand
  • Edge International Communiqué May, 2013

  • Core Competence and the Competitive Edge, by Nick Jarrett-Kerr

    Financial Budgeting Is Strategic: Leaders, Get Involved, by Sean Larkan

    Lateral Partner (Business Development) Integration, by Michael J. White, Esq.
  • Edge International Communiqué Apr., 2013
  • Law Firms and Women Partners: You're Doing It Wrong, by Jordan Furlong

    Five Keys to a Successful Lateral Hiring Strategy, by Ed Wesemann

    Strategic Social Media, by Jeff Morris
  • Edge International Communiqué Feb., 2013
  • The Importance of Time in Forging a Bond With Your Client, by Bithika Anand

    Business Development and the Comfortable Chair, by Gerry Riskin

    Put "The Principle of Forced Efficiency" to Work for You, by Jeff Morris

    Lateral Partner Recruitment Frustration, by Mike White
  • Edge International Communiqué Jan 2013

  • Happy Differentiated New Year, by Jordan Furlong

    Metrics that Matter: Revenue Per Lawyer Billable Hour, by Ed Wesemann

    Leaders: Are You Truly in Touch with Those Who Report to You? by Sean Larkan

    The Antifragile Law Firm, by Ahna Severts
  • Edge International Communiqué Dec 2012

  • Legal Project Management: Developing Associate Talent in the New Normal, by Pamela Woldow

    The Three Secrets of Highly Effective Speakers, by John Plank

    Preserving Your Leadership Capital, by David Cruickshank

  • Edge International Communiqué Nov 2012

  • Introducing Our Newest Partner, Ahna Thoreson Severts

    Avoiding the Law School Salmon Run: Are you still busily recruiting new graduates? Why is that? by Jordan Furlong

    Minding the Gap: Law Firm Dominance Today, by Ed Wesemann

    Measuring Knowledge is Difficult, by Nick Jarrett-Kerr

  • Edge International Communiqué Oct 2012

  • A Really Great Retreat, by Ed Wesemann

    Cultural Assessment: The Proper Use of A Power Tool, by Douglas B. Richardson

    Making LPM Training Work: "One size fits all" ends up fitting no one, by Pamela Woldow
  • Edge International Communiqué Sept 2012
  • Top Five Law Firm Trends in India: What India's top law firms are doing to stay ahead of the curve, by Bithika Anand

    Out of Time: What if your firm never billed or tracked another hour again? by Jordan Furlong

    Metrics That Matter: Law firm financial reporting should focus greater concern on internal trends than statistical comparison with competitors, by Ed Wesemann
  • Edge International Communiqué Aug 2012

  • Beyond Legal Process Management: How LPM plus Legal Process Improvement (LPI) can unleash transformation, by Chris Bull

    Tying Cultural Assessment to Strategic Planning: 10 practical applications of your firm's cultural profile, by Douglas B. Richardson

    Structuring Business Development Metrics for Optimum Results: The most powerful metric is the contrast between the current and historic performance of an individual, by Gerry Riskin

  • Edge International Communiqué July 2012

  • Kicking The Can: The pain of dealing with difficult personnel situations can be reduced by planning ahead, by Ed Wesemann

    Options for Coping with Underperformers: Getting rid of underperformers may be the obvious choice but it is not the only choice, by Nick Jarrett-Kerr

    Bonuses – Think Before You Leap: Law firms should consider carefully before instituting or increasing bonuses as part of partner compensation, by Sean Larkan

    "Any Questions?" Why emails and large meetings do not encourage good questions, by David Cruickshank

  • Edge International Communique' June 2012

  • Edge International Global Partner Compensation Survey: For the third time, Edge International has surveyed the largest law firms in the world to understand how partner compensation systems are changing to meet economic challenges, non-equity partnerships and changing young partner expectations.

    The Defence of Secretaries: Why short-term secretarial cutbacks can lead to long-term regrets, by Jordan Furlong

    Well, Isn't That Predictable? Whether planning to climb Mt. McKinley or to provide legal services to a client, assaying the possible and probable changes to a plan is key to success, by Pam Woldow

    Translating Leadership Into Projects: Law firm managing partners are often frustrated by the slow pace of progress by fellow leaders toward business and strategic goals, by David Cruickshank

    Salaried Partnerships: The GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY, by Sean Larkan

  • Edge International Communique' May 2012

  • Edge International Review (Spring 2012) now available

    Edge Welcomes a New U.S. Partner, Mike White

    A Cynical View of Law Firm Values
    Do law firms really have the values they proudly describe on their websites By Nick Jarrett-Kerr

    On Track to Major Change
    Remember when your high school science teacher asked what would happen if an irresistible force met an immovable object?  By Doug Richardson

    What's Going Right
    Positive thinking can be more than just an attitude - it can be a strategic approach. By Jordan Furlong

    The Rise of the Virtual Financial Director 
    A significant trend, By Tony Bash

  • Edge International Communique' April 2012
  • Edge Welcome a New U.S. Partner, Jeff Morriss
    The Lockstep Misnomer
    Meritocracies are not necessary if all partners are making an equal contribution to a firm. By Nick Jarrett-Kerr

    Pop Up Law Offices
    Short-term offices help take the risk out of geographic expansion. By Ed Wesemann

    Pathetic Time Tracking in the Legal Profession
    Law firms are their own worst enemies in the effective use of billable hours. By Gerry Riskin
  • Edge International Communiqué, March 2012
  • "Why Are You Recruiting?"
    To change the way law schools prepare their students, law firms must change how they recruit. By Jordan Furlong

    "The Ugly Golf Swing" Law firms with problems could be attractive merger targets.By Ed Wesemann

    "Pathetic Time Tracking in the Legal Profession" Law firms are their own worst enemies in the effective use of billable hours. By Gerry Riskin
  • Edge International Communiqué February 2012
  • "Edge Welcomes New UK Partner"

    "The Business Intelligence Agenda" The five (or so) "killer" reports law firms need in the new world. By Tony Bash

    "Budgeting for Growth: the Increasing Importance of STRATEX" Implementing strategy growth by matching growth with risk.By Nick Jarrett-Kerr

    "Approaches to Process Improvement in the Law" Three optional ways that law firms can address legal process improvement. By Chris Bull
  • Edge International Communique' January 2012
  • "The global legal market is in the early stages of its own version of "big bang," creating a constellation of different structures and models for providing legal services."
    By Chris Bull

    "The Excess Capacity Problem: When is Hiring Required?"
    The capacity for performing legal work in most law firms vastly exceeds its normal demand. So how do you know when to hire?
    By Ed Wesemann

    "Using the Pareto Principle in Decision-making"
    A technique for avoiding analysis paralysis.
    By Nick Jarrett-Kerr

    "Making Oxygen"
    The value of urgency in creating strategy.
    By Gerry Riskin

    "The Need for Training of Lawyers in India"
    As the Indian legal market matures, so do the requirements for the professional development of lawyers.
    By Bithika Anand
  • Edge International Communique' December 2011
  • "Fighting the Last Talent War"
    Instead of fighting the last talent war, aim to win the next one instead.
    By Jordan Furlong

    "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"
    Avoiding making hard choices by creation of non-equity partners to avoid difficult personnel decisions often results in long term difficulties.
    By Ed Wesemann

    "Driving Execution"
    Seven ways to get your team's brilliant ideas executed.
    By Gerry Riskin

    "Goodwill Hunting"
    Are law firms starting to acquire a value?
    By Nick Jarrett-Kerr
  • Edge International Communique' November 2011
  • "The Legal Innovator's Dilemma"
    Law firms are beginning to spin off parallel businesses to pursue innovative tactics within growing client markets.
    By Jordan Furlong

    "Tackling Partner Underperformance in Law Firms"
    A new report addresses a difficult and sensitive subject.
    By Nick Jarrett-Kerr

    "Retreats that Pay for Themselves"
    In the era of cost cutting, not holding partner retreats may be a false economy.
    By Ed Wesemann
  • Edge International Communique' September 2011
  • "Managing Outliers"
    The handling of Outliers, both the stars and the under performers, is a defining feature of a law firm.
    By Nick Jarrett-Kerr

    "Lessons for Legal Leaders from Steve Jobs and Apple"
    There are some valuable lessons for all legal leaders in the way he and Apple went about their business.
    By Sean Larkan
  • Edge International Communique' August 2011

  • "The Purpose Driven Law Firm"
    What and who a law firm is for dictates its activities.
    By Jordan Furlong

    The reputational differences among firms in the U.S. legal marketplace are becoming greater and that could be a big problem for some large firms.
    By Ed Wesemann

    "Leveraging Strategic Metrics"
    When complacency about real issues provides a false sense of security
    By Nick Jarrett-Kerr

    "Is This the Future for Law Firm Marketing?"
    Engaging clients today requires commitment from an entire firm.
    By Sean Larkan

    "Considering Outsourcing, But Do You Really Know Why?"
    In the rush to jump on the outsourcing trend, law firms forget about basic business objectives.
    By Chris Bull

    "Client Panels, A Retreat Checklist"
    To get optimum results, panels must be carefully prepared.
    By Gerry Riskin

    "Top 10 RFP Tips"
    Ideas on how to increase your law firm's "hit rate" on RFP responses.
    By Pam Woldow
  • Edge International Communique' July 2011

  • "Report from the Legal Services Laboratory"
    New business models are becoming a reality for UK law firms.
    By Chris Bull

    "Law Firm Positioning"
    Competitive positioning involves selecting markets according to a law firm's capability, performance and client segmentation.
    By Nick Jarrett-Kerr

    "Gunfight at the OK Corral"
    When complacency about real issues provides a false sense of security
    By Sean Larkan

    "Filtering Your Contacts"
    To Create a contact that will be of value to you in the future, you need to be diligent in your follow-up now.
    By Ed Wesemann

  • Edge International Communique' June 2011

  • "Margins: What's Real, What's Hype?"
    In stating the obvious, the American Lawyer may be reminding us of an important point.
    By Ed Wesemann

    "Overcoming Fee Resistance"
    The first step in convincing a client of your value is to have confidence in yourself and the fees you charge.
    By Gerry Riskin

    "Leadership is Baaaack"
    Welcome back leadership development. The profession has missed you.
    By Douglas Richardson

    "The Two-Tiered Associate Myth"
    The creation of permanent associates is about law firms figuring out that not everything they do is mission-critical, and changing their approach accordingly
    By Jordan Furlong

    "Building Capital Fabric™"
    Now you too can build your firm's capital fabric - get your partners to tell you how.
    By Sean Larkan

  • Edge International Communique' May 2011

  • "Waiting for the Rain"
    For what is really the first time in U.S. legal history, law firms must compete for clients. That's why a the concept of "competitive intellegence
    By Ed Wesemann

    "Deer in Headlights"
    Law firms faced with client demands for alternative fee arrangements and project management are having difficulty finding an appropriate reaction.
    By Douglas Richardson

    The Post-merger 'Golden Hour'
    The first couple of months after a merger are critical to its success. Getting it right requires careful pre-planning.
    By Sean Larkan

    "24 Social Media Resources for Legal Leaders"
    Read these dispatches and you'll be fully informed about what's happening, and what will happen, to the legal services landscape.
    By Jordan Furlong

  • Edge International Communique' April 2011

  • "Making Your Key Partners Dispensable"
    Losing your best people is always a risk. But, by planning for the eventuality, your firm can mitigate the risk.
    By Jordan Furlong

    "After the Storm, The Reemerging Issue of Associate Morale"
    Morale issues never went away, they just went underground. It's time for firms to focus once again on morale.
    By Douglas Richardson

    "Leaders, Are You Taking Care?"
    Law firm leaders who devote all of their time to the health of their firms often sacrifice their own physical and psychological health. Here are four steps to taking care.
    By Sean Larkan

  • Edge International Communique' March 2011

  • "Rethinking Legal Talent After Watson"
    In the very near future, even the most complex legal work will be deconstructed, parts broken out from the whole and assigned to the most effective yet least expensive provider.
    By Jordan Furlong

    "Designing a Lawyer Transition Framework"
    To ensure your firm's growth and long-term survival, invest in your human capital: they are the firm's ambassadors and its future.
    By Juhi Garg and Sean Larkan

    "Brand (con)Fusion"
    A brand can be a meaningless mish-mash that is not consistent with what a law firm or its employees offer or do - or it can be a firm's most valuable asset.
    By Sean Larkan

  • Edge International Communique' February 2011

  • Deconstructing "The Client"
    Thinking and talking about clients in broad, generalized terms undermines the relationships firms spend so much energy to cultivate.
    By Douglas B. Richardson

    You Just Don't Understand
    Law firms turning a deaf ear to their clients' fiscal realities will not keep the clients for long.
    by Pamela H. Woldow

    The Power of "Design"
    Why we could advance the cause of more efficient and cost-effective legal services by switching one word for another.
    By Jordan Furlong

    Supporting the Leap from Cognitive Acceptance to Actual Change
    Being prepared to respond to a few inherent partner concerns is essential to successful behavioral change.
    by Sean Larkan

Edge International