Our Journey Continues...
Calling All Painters
The time to pull out your mighty paint brush and roller is soon upon us!!
Mark Saturday, January 22 and 29 on your calendar and get ready to have some fun putting color on the walls of our new addition!
During this next week, the taping and texturing of sheet rock will be completed in the office, computer room, youth room, hallway, art room, storage room and vestibule.
Volunteers needed.
Youth: A Place of Their Own
"A homey, coffee shop feel." That's how our Youth Minister Mary Jo Gallagher describes the new space that St. Katharine Drexel Parish young people and parents are working hard to create. The Youth Room is still under construction, but plans and projects and people are moving full steam ahead on all the things that will happen inside.
Feeling generous? Check out the Youth Room Wish List.
"Community Building" Photo Gallery
It takes the continuing efforts of many to build a community. Parish photographer Jessie DeGiorgio captures more of the great "building" community efforts by many members of St. Katharine Drexel Parish. Also, see great pictures from the highly successful Turkey Bingo event.
Click here to view photo gallery.
Share the Good News! Forward this E-Letter
Good news is something to be shared with friends and family. We're all very proud of what we've been able to do in developing our parish family at St. Katharine Drexel.
Feel free to share this E-Letter with your friends and family.
Just click on the "Forward this email to a friend" button and fill out the form. Your loved ones will see what a great job we're all doing in developing the very best environment for worship, community and faith at St. Katharine Drexel Parish.