Our Journey Continues...
St. Katharine Drexel Phase II Building Project Update
As you might have noticed, we are moving right along with the construction of our parish hall/gym and other rooms of our Education Center addition. The roofing will be done within the next couple of weeks. Soon, volunteers will be needed to help finish the inside of the building. We are looking at October 1st as the possible start date for framing the interior walls. We will need people who can help with framing, sheetrock, painting, etc. There will be sign-up sheets for volunteering when we know the specifics dates and times.
Our project in a nutshell: Project, Purpose, Numbers, Contractors, Dates.
Click here to see it all!
Kitchen Wish List
The gym and kitchen committees have been meeting to discuss what our needs are for these areas and how we are going to fund these items. There will be opportunities to donate money towards these projects. Currently, the kitchen has a 3-compartment sink donated and we will need funding for a dishwasher that we have chosen.
Click here to see an estimate on some of the equipment we will need for the kitchen:
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news is something to be shared with friends and family. We're all very proud of what we've been able
to do in developing our parish family at St. Katharine Drexel.
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all doing in developing the very best environment for worship, community and
faith at St. Katharine Drexel