Our Journey Continues...
What Do You Know, Fr. Joe?
People have been asking when we will install the remaining stained glass windows in the in the east transept of our nave. Some time ago it was decided that the scene of the Nativity (the birth of Christ) will be depicted in the three panels.
The art will be similar to the Ascension window in the west transept of our nave. Stained glass windows have been a staple in Catholic churches for hundreds of years. They help us visualize the Gospel and can teach us the basics of our faith. When we install the Nativity window at St. Katharine Drexel Parish, we will have the beginning of Jesus' earthly life on the right and the end of his earthly existence on the left, with the crucifix and the altar in the middle.
What a beautiful reminder it will be of God's sacrificial love for each and every one of us. It should also remind us of our duty to participate in the mission Jesus left with His disciples - to bring His love to each and every person we meet. It has been decided that we will not order and install these windows until we have all of the money raised for them. The total cost of designing, producing and installing the windows will be about $60,000. So far, we have raised $31,000 for this project. If you (or someone you know) would like to help with this effort, please contact the Parish Office. Oftentimes, donations to stained glass window projects are made in the name of a deceased family member or friend.
Please stop in the Gathering Space after Mass and take a look at the drawings of the window that are on display there. I'm sure you will agree with me that these will be a great blessing and add great beauty to our already magnificent structure. |
Many attended our Groundbreaking and Blessing of the new addition to St. Katharine Drexel Parish on June 27, 2010.
We are blessed with God's
help and guidance, and we have laid the foundation
for our future. We have a place for our ministry. We have the
opportunity to
share God's gifts with others, to be His disciples, and to bring others
To see a slide show of the Groundbreaking, click here.
We are blessed. But God's work never ends or slows down; it always
and grows. As our ministries expand and flourish, our parish needs
We are blessed. And with God's guidance, we are preparing to do the work
needed to continue His work in our growing community.