Attend an Upcoming Event NEW & FREE !! Donna on the Ask and Receive TeleseminarSeptember 9, 2011 Internet & Telephone _______Energy Medicine Weekend Workshop September 9-11, 2011 The Omega InstituteRhinebeck, NY _______ Energy Psychology 5-Day Training Sept. 11-16, 2011 The Omega Institute Rhinebeck, NY _______ Donna's Advanced Class - Energy, Intuition, and Eden's Way October 6-9, 2011Hard Rock Hotel San Diego, CA _______FREE Teleclass with Donna EdenOctober 13, 2011 On The Internet _______
NEW! Energy Medicine Weekend Workshop
October 21-23, 2011
Dulles, VA
NEW! An Evening Energy Medicine Class
October 25, 2011
Mt. Laurel, NJ
Donna on Flowdream Radio
November 3, 2011
On The Internet
Money Matters: Energy Solutions for Correcting and Creating a Consistent Flow of Money November 21-22, 2011 Phoenix, AZ
_______ 2011 Psychology of Health, Immunity, and Disease Conference December 5-11, 2011 Hilton Head, SC
NEW! Tapping Down the Barriers to Intimacy with Energy Medicine and EFTFebruary 5-10, 2012 Kauai, HI ______
Energy Medicine Kit
The Energy Medicine Kit is packed with easy to use tools for learning simple techniques to boost your vitality and overcome common conditions.
- 43 Easy to Use EM Exercise Flashcards
- 28 Page Booklet
- Audio CD with 21 techniques for specific conditions
- 1-Hour DVD
- Cut Glass Crystal
 Regular $29.95 SALE 25% OFF !! Only $22.50 Sale price valid August 23 - September 5, 2011. Please allow 3-5 business days for processing. _______ |
You can learn how to change the oil in your car or how to bake a cake on the internet. Online education programs will take you through world history or algebra or physics in ways that are more visually compelling and probably more exciting than the ways those subjects were presented to you in school. But can you learn subtle procedures such as those taught in Energy Medicine online? We are about to find out. Encouraged by the fact that nurses can now get an entire degree online and even CPR is taught online, we have decided to create a series of internet based courses designed to bring Energy Medicine to the masses. Read more about our plans below, along with another case where Energy Medicine was successful in making surgery unnecessary, a glimpse into what we personally do for inspiration, and another great development for our 2012 International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM) Convention.
As we gear up to write the

| Donna & David Teaching the Energies of Love in Portland, Oregon 2011
| book our publisher has requested, The Energies of Love, we have agreed to present at a number of events on love and relationship. One will be a conference on Kauai scheduled to get people at their loving best just in time for Valentine's Day 2012. We are honored to be so visibly featured in this event, which will have so many gifted presenters. We are also going to present a 4-day Introduction to Energy Medicine Class on O'ahu just before the Love Conference, so people making the trip to the Hawaiian Island Paradise can attend both. Hope that's a compelling enough opportunity to get you thinking about it.
Love, D & D
Case History:
Knee Surgery Canceled (Twice) After Energy Medicine Treatments
 | Gail Jett
EEM Certified Practitioner |
Gail Jett, a certified EEM practitioner in Oregon, assisted her husband with a swollen and painful knee condition using EEM. This is a condition that, in previous years, had led to infection, treatment with antibiotics, and eventually surgery. This time, thanks to Gail's Energy Medicine knowledge, her husband recovered completely and without surgery. Surgery was actually scheduled at two different points and both times, when he showed up for the operation, the surgeon sent him home because the improvements were so dramatic and unexpected. Read on ...
James Oschman to Speak at The IGEEM Convention
The first International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM) will be held in San Diego in September 2012. While still more than a year away, the keynote speakers are being lined up now. We have been so excited in recent issues to announce that Drs. Bruce Lipton and Jean Houston have both agreed to honor us with their luminary presences. We are now delighted to let you know that the foremost researcher in Energy Medicine, cell biologist James Oschman, PhD, will also be joining us.
Dr. Oschman is the author of the "other" classic book that has the title Energy Medicine (subtitled "The Scientific Basis"). His treatise, which came out in 2000, shortly after Donna's book was published, is a powerful compliment to Donna's entry into the field. Donna's Energy Medicine shows you how to do it. Jim's Energy Medicine shows you why it works. Donna and Jim have long wanted to collaborate, and they are both excited that Jim will be providing a keynote address titled "Energy Medicine: State of the Art; State of the Science." He will also be offering a pre-conference workshop at IGEEM.
Besides his original Energy Medicine and a highly acclaimed sequel, Jim has published more than 60 scientific papers that synthesize scientific and clinical evidence in demystifying and bolstering the theories behind Energy Medicine. We are thrilled that he will be with us! |
Beyond Fear and Trembling
Donna and David
We have found ourselves in a position
 | Jean Houston
of leadership in a world that seems to be turning itself upside down. In seeking answers, vision, guidance for ourselves and those who pay attention to what we have to say, we are always alert for inspiration that is practical as well as illuminated. Unfortunately, even when such inspiration is being offered, say in a workshop that calls to us, we usually can't attend anyway because our schedules are in conflict or due to other demands. But we want to let you know about a workshop that we are going to attend as participants. We have attended Jean Houston's programs at various times over the past three decades. Jean is brilliant beyond brilliant and is as inspiring a speaker as there is on the planet today. Her upcoming Mystery School topic is "The Power of Transformation: Beyond Fear and Trembling" (East Coast: August 26 - 28; West Coast: Sept. 16 - 18). Getting "Beyond Fear and Trembling" in facing today's challenges is an appealing concept, and we want to learn from Jean, who has empowered not only innumerable workshop participants, but heads of state in many countries. We'll be coming to the Petaluma class in September. Hope to see some of you there or to hear about your experience in Garrison, New York. Learn more . . .
The Energies of Love
Tapping Down the Barriers to Intimacy with Energy Medicine and EFT
February 5-10, 2012 Kauai, Hawaii
Keynote Speakers:
David Feinstein, PhD Dawson Church, PhD
Special Presentations on Energy Medicine
by Donna Eden
Registration for the Valentine's Day 2012 Kauai relationship skills workshop is open now! It's going to be a sold-out, blow-away fantastic experience with Donna Eden, David Feinstein, Dawson Church, and 15 top EFT experts applying the very best techniques from neuroscience, biofeedback, and psychotherapy to root out old negative relationship patterns and install high-functioning skills that can fill your life with magic. If you want the skills that make your relationships tingle with respect, kindness, and joy, join us in Kauai. Cost: $1495 per person (tuition only) $995 -- Limited Time Special !! $500 discount for Donna Eden's Energy e-Letter mailing list members till October 1, 2011. Links: Registration | PDF Flier | Conference Website Combine the Couples Workshop with a 4-Day "Introduction to Energy Medicine" Intensive with Donna just prior to it, February 2-5, 2011, in Honolulu. Details to follow.
Dynamic Shift for Innersource
As we explore ways to bring Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) to every corner of the globe, the strong success of our online teleseminars has been compelling. More and more, we realize how many ways the Internet expands our reach and increases the accessibility of EEM. To position ourselves to optimize these opportunities, we have two exciting developments to announce. First, we have created a Director of Online Education position and our current Director of Education, Veronica Sanpere, has enthusiastically accepted this job. Veronica has a rich background in technology, including Online Education while she was at Oracle, one of the world's largest and most innovative technology companies. W e are delighted to have the person who launched our Regional Education Programs and expanded our Certification Program (CP) into a four-year program working on this vital initiative.
To make this step possible, we are pleased to announce that Vicki Matthews, the person who envisioned, articulated, planned, manifested, and originally directed the CP, has agreed to return to Innersource on a fulltime basis and assume the Director of Education position. We are thrilled to have her back as the presence of EEM in local communities continues to accelerate at a wonderful pace, a launch of the Foundations Program in Europe is underway, and a high quality teacher training program is on the drawing boards. Because of these developments and the significant resources required, we have decided to delay the hiring of a Managing Director. So, another dynamic shift has occurred within Innersource. This is a bit different than what we'd been planning, but we are confident these changes will lead us in vital new directions.
Energy Tip:
Get Your Energies Humming for Back to School Time!!
For many of us, August and September are the start of a new year! Heading back to school means new patterns for students, teachers, and parents. After the more relaxed summer schedule, getting your kids (and yourself) out of bed in the morning can be one of nature's greatest contests.
Then, after getting up and bustling through the day, we often tend to have a droopy time in the afternoon. In many cultures this is the time of day to take a siesta! If that isn't possible, try these quick and simple energy techniques for a natural "pick-me-up" in the afternoon. (These can be used anytime during the day to give yourself a boost.) How to Get Your Kids (and Yourself)  Out of Bed in the Morning While laying in bed: - Tug around your ears, gently pulling along the lobes. This stimulates acupuncture points that will open you to the energies of a new day.
- Stretch your legs and arms with three deep breaths.
- Do the Three Thumps (p. 74).
Page references are to Donna's Book Energy Medicine (2nd Edition), 2008 Tarcher/Penguin.