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"Doodle" by drawing figure eights on a piece of paper. It sends the figure eight movement up your arm and helps to imprint the crossover energy patterns into the brain.

Energy Medicine for Women
By Donna Eden
 | $17.95 |

 | Donna and David in Scotland |
As we take in the beauty and aroma of blossoming flowers all around, we are reminded by how blessed we feel seeing energy medicine blossom. We are writing this as we embark on our tour in Europe where more than 600 people have already pre-registered for our classes in Edinburgh, London, Oxford, and Wales (300 people will be attending an intensive 5-day EEM training in Cardiff). The call for a European version of our Certification Program has also been getting louder. Meanwhile, the Year 1 Foundations Program (in Phoenix and regionally) are thriving. There are also lots of ways to learn about Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology starting right here in this e-letter. Plus, there is yet another great development for the unfolding of our October 2012 International Convention. Read on . . .
Donna and David
Teaching Electromagnetism in the Shadow of James Clerk Maxwell
 | A reproduction of the first ever color photograph, made by James Clerk Maxwell |
We delivered the first of our presentations on this UK tour last evening to a rousing standing ovation, filling the main hall in Edinburgh Academy, which was founded in 1824 by Sir Walter Scott, the first "international" author (e.g., Ivanhoe). Surrounding us throughout the circular hall were large photos of the Academy's most accomplished graduates, including Robert Louis Stevenson, Michael Blair, and James Clerk Maxwell, who flanked us, stage right. After Donna demonstrated how the hands carry electromagnetic energy, one of the participants could not help but point out that we were teaching under Maxwell's watchful gaze. Maxwell (1831 - 1879) is the Scottish physicist who is known as the "Father of Electromagnetism" for his having demonstrated that electricity, magnetism, and light are all manifestations of the same phenomenon, the electromagnetic field. James, meet your great, great granddaughter in spirit, Donna Eden.
 | Titanya leading energy dance at the Edinburgh Academy |
Case History: Energy Medicine Relieves A Sleep Disorder
An Eden Energy Medicine practitioner in France used energy medicine techniques with a female client who had a severe case of periodic limb movement while sleeping (PLMS). After three sessions and two weeks of daily work on herself, the patient reported that she was sleeping without PLMS symptoms.
PMLS is a sleep disorder characterized by episodes of repetitive muscle movements. They cannot be controlled and can severely disrupt the sleep cycle, resulting in weariness during the day.
Maria Delattre is an EEM practitioner in France who had a 64-year-old client who was suffering from a severe case of PLMS which had been ongoing for fifteen years. Her client suffered leg-kicking symptoms every night before and while she slept. The kicking would make it difficult to fall asleep and would often wake her during sleep. The symptoms were severe enough that she had torn her abdominal muscles and had a hernia below her ribcage on her right side. She had also recently begun to suffer an expansion of the symptoms into her arms. In addition to the physical symptoms, she also experienced a great deal of anger at the condition, directed at her body for being "so mean" to her. Read on ... Submit A Case History Here | Read More Case Histories
Jean Houston to Deliver Closing Keynote at IGEEM
By David Feinstein
 Before Donna and I joined our careers as well as our lives, there was little overlap amongst our intellectual heros, with one exception, Jean Houston. Jean is high up among the most articulate, visionary, heartful, and effective people on the planet. We have sought ways of collaborating with her over the years and, in the process, have become dear friends with her. We were overjoyed this week to learn that she has agreed to deliver a keynote at the October 2012 International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine Convention. In speaking with her, we learned that she will be offering far fewer live workshops such as the fabled Mystery School she has been presenting over the past three decades. She is finding that she is reaching and powerfully impacting thousands of people through her teleseminars. Her inspiring and enlightening message lends itself well to that medium, but in our opinion, there is nothing like being in her presence when she is teaching. While we don't promote outside events in our e-letter, Donna and I have decided to give a personal heads-up to our community to consider attending, while it is still possible, her final Mystery Schools (offered on the the East and West coasts), her Social Artistry Program (including an Alaska cruise and journey), and a special weekend at the Sophia Institute in Charleston June 24 - 26 on Inspiring and Training Women to Take Power.
Woman, Harness The Power of Your Energy!
"Wouldn't it be awesome if you could directly influence the flow of energy within your body and mind?" writes Karen M. Rider, M.A., in the opening of the article Woman, Harness The Power of Your Energy in the OM Times Magazine. In this interview Donna talks about her personal journey through healing, the foundation of Energy Medicine, the shift in Western medicine, and concludes with energy practices for women as part of a wellness plan. Read the interview.
Bellydance to the Five Elements
 | Titanya Dahlin |
Donna's daughters Dondi and Titanya Dahlin have been immersed in the world of Belly Dance for over 30 years and have performed and taught all over the world. Combined with The Five Elements which they grew up with, they have created a unique and empowering workshop which they will teach at The Omega Institute September 11-16, 2011. For their 9th year teaching at Omega they are offering a Belly Dance Goddess Week which will include dance technique and improvisation, history of women in the dance, and discovering how The Five Elements guide us through relationships, work and love.
 | Dondi Dahlin |
You will learn two different styles of dance from two different styles of women. The week is filled with laughter, fun, meaning, intention, relaxation, significance, and incredible moments of bliss and joy. No matter what your size, shape, color or background is, you can feel beautiful and powerful through Belly Dance and The Five Elements with Dondi and Titanya. |
A Big Step for EEM
 EEM has been expanding to the point that we are looking for a very special person to run our day-to-day operation and help guide EEM into a bright and beautiful future, raising the vibration of the planet one person at a time. Some very strong candidates have already applied, but we feel we should announce the opening to our entire EEM community. If you know of a truly exceptional individual who might want to be a key player in a grassroots movement toward empowering people to heal themselves while bringing a new paradigm into medicine, we would be grateful if you would share the following announcement. Managing Director Opening. Innersource has quickly become a major force in bringing an Energy Medicine perspective to the health care community and the wider public. "Energy Medicine," according to Mehmet Oz, MD, is "the last great frontier in medicine!" With some 800 certified practitioners or students trained to offer clinical services and beginning to teach classes in their local communities, the organization is rapidly expanding into a complex virtual company that some have characterized as the start of a movement. We are now seeking a Managing Director (equivalent of a C.O.O) to run the day-to-day business while guiding the organization's expansion, working in close consultation with the organization's founders/owners (a husband/wife team who are both recognized leaders in the energy healing field). Applicants must have demonstrated success as a high-level manager in at least a mid-sized business or service organization. For further information: http://search.innersource.net
Energy Tips: Reclaim Your Energy and Your Body's Natural Healing Abilities
Are you chronically exhausted, can't think straight, having trouble getting well, suffering from depression, or simply "lost your energy?" If you answered yes to any of these your energies probably are not crossing over.
Energies need to cross over freely throughout the body. When your energies are not crossing over, going in a parallel state, it is refereed to as running in a homolateral pattern. Getting your energies back into a cross-over pattern is a fundamental energy procedure for restoring your vitality and capacity to heal.
The homolateral crossover (pp. 67-69) takes a few minutes and most people experience immediate benefits in sense of vigor and capacity to think clearly.
To do the Homolateral Crossover:
 | Donna demonstrating the Cross Crawl |
- Begin by tapping or massaging K-27 (p. 53)
- Do a homolateral crawl, lifting the right arm with the right leg, and then the left arm with the left leg. Do about 12 lifts. This can be done standing, sitting, or lying down.
- Then march in place, as when doing a Cross Crawl, lifting the right arm with the left leg and the left arm with the right leg.
- After about 12 lifts of the arms and left in this cross-crawl pattern, stop and return to the homolateral pattern (lifting the same-side arms and legs) for about 12 lifts.
- Then stop and return to a normal Cross Crawl (lifting opposite arms and legs) for about 12 lifts.
- Do this sequence a total of three times.
- Anchor it with an additional dozen normal Cross Crawls.
- End by again tapping the K-27 points.
Try these other exercises to additionally aid your body's cross over pattern:
- Rhythmic Eights (pp. 69-70)
- Suspension Bridge (pp. 70-71)
- Fortifying Your Aura and Crossover Energries with the Celtic Weave (pp. 71-73)