
Attend an Upcoming Event NEW!
NEW! David on Blog Talk RadioAugust 17, 2011Internet Radio
_______ Energy Medicine Weekend Workshop September 9-11, 2011 The Omega InstituteRhinebeck, NY _______ Energy Psychology 5-Day Training Sept. 11-16, 2011 The Omega Institute Rhinebeck, NY _______ Donna's Advanced Class - Energy, Intuition, and Eden's Way October 6-9, 2011Hard Rock Hotel San Diego, CA _______ An Evening Energy Medicine Class October 25, 2011 Mt. Laurel, NJ _______
Money Matters: Energy Solutions for Correcting and Creating a Consistent Flow of Money November 21-22, 2011 Phoenix, AZ
_______ 2011 Psychology of Health, Immunity, and Disease Conference December 5-11, 2011 Hilton Head, SC

_______ Neurovascular Holding Points Use these points to counter-act the effects of stress and trauma. Neurovascular (NV) Reflex points can be worked with at three levels:
- The main, frontal NV points which Donna class the "Oh My God" Points
- NV points associated with a specific meridian
- NV points associated with a specific element
 | Two-Sided Laminated Neurovascular Holding Points Chart $7 |
 | Donna and David Teaching
We are writing from Portland, Oregon, having just completed our first full weekend class in Energies of Love in more than three decades. It presented the material we credit for having made our partnership -- of two who are so energetically alien -- last beyond the initial spark 34 years ago. While we've taught on this topic in various formats over the years, we gave it new energy as we prepare ourselves to write a book presenting our model at the behest of our wonderful publisher, Tarcher/Penguin. The response from the group as well as from a small unannounced post class for couples willing to let us experiment on them was riveting (e.g., "We feel like we won the lottery to have been here." "Our relationship will never be the same." "I feel alive again!").
This e-letter issue presents more great news about the International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM) in September 2012, another touching case history, announcement of the EEM Foundations Programme being brought to Europe, announcement of Donna's next Advanced Class this October (opportunities to study with Donna directly are becoming more precious), and tips for making your nervous system more resilient. We hope your summer is unfolding wonderfully.
With love and blessings,
Donna & David
Bruce Lipton to Speak at IGEEM
Bruce Lipton, the ground- breaking biologist who illuminated our understanding of the way energy impacts cellular behavior, has agreed to speak at the First International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM) in San Diego, September 2012. With Dr. Lipton agreeing to open the Convention and Jean Houston slated to give the closing keynote, we have the best "bookends" we could imagine!
While on the faculty of the Stanford University School of Medicine, Dr. Lipton pioneered new scientific understanding of how the energies in the environment control cell behavior, physiology and the activation of genes. Dr. Lipton is the best selling author of the books Biology of Belief and Spontaneous Evolution. He is the recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, and has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows. He is frequently a keynote presenter at major conferences.
| Bruce Lipton talking about the subconscious mind |
Dr. Lipton is one of the most captivating speakers we know. His brilliance and his total passion and excitement about the body's mysteries, and what science is revealing about them, are contagious. Recognizing that Donna & David are bringing practical and empowering applications of his discoveries to the public, he has been enormously gracious to them. We are thrilled that he is able to clear his busy schedule for the IGEEM Convention! |
Case History:
Energy Medicine Provides Physical and Emotional Healing for a Cancer Patient
An Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner (EEM-CP) applied principles of Energy Medicine in the care of her aunt who was diagnosed with lung cancer. A wide variety of approaches and techniques were used to help with the fear associated with the diagnosis and with the actual physical symptoms. A welcome and unexpected benefit of the treatment was a deep emotional healing, and deeper bonding between the two women.
Ellen Farrell, EEM-CP, practices in Savannah, Georgia. Here is her story:
" It was my great pleasure to know I had some skills that could perhaps ease some pain and help to bring harmony to the energies of my mother's younger sibling, my dear aunt. Two summers ago in July of 2009, I learned of her diagnosis for Lung Cancer and her impending surgery. Read on ...
EEM Foundations Programme Coming to Europe
 | 5-Day Training in Wales June 2011
Donna and David's recent Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) UK tour was a huge success; touring through Edinburgh, Oxford, London and culminating with a 5-Day class in Wales. Nearly 300 students from around Europe -- from Iceland to Italy -- came together in Cardiff. Their sheer enthusiasm for EEM supports the movement of starting an European EEM Foundations Programme training in Europe. Long-time European teacher and Advanced Practitioner, Madison King, is heading the efforts to bring EEM to a venue in the UK. We want to honor the loyalty of our European students, who have supported us so much over the years. The European Foundations Programme allows us to give these students something practical back, as well as to create a true energy community in that part of the world - a tribe within a tribe. Email Madison to join her mailing list so that you are first to get the full details of this exciting new development. Stay tuned to our website for details. http://europetraining.innersource.net
Donna's Advanced Class
Energy, Intuition, and Eden's Way
October 6-9, 2011 San Diego, CA We are thrilled to announce Donna's 2011 Advanced Class! Donna is very excited to delve into more advanced topics with her students. Join her as she takes you on a creative and magical journey through the frontiers of Energy Medicine.
The Super Early Bird registration rate includes
a $200 discount through July 29th!
The class meets continuing training requirements for EEM Certified Practitioners. One of the following prerequisites are required: you are a current Foundations/EEMCP Student; you are an EEMCP Graduate; or you have taken a 5-Day Basic Training taught by Donna Eden. Stay for the Post Class, " Harmonize the Fire™," by Melanie Smith. Harmonize the Fire™ offers new insight into balancing hormones and de-stressing the body. This technique is a powerful hormone balancing protocol and is an excellent complement to other Eden Energy Medicine hormone techniques. Read more ... |
Energy Tip:
Reprogram Your Nervous System to Respond Better to Daily Stresses
Stress has an immediate impact on every system in your body. The daily stresses of life trigger primitive brain centers into an emergency response condition. Up to 80% of the blood leaves your forebrain to support the fight-or-flight response and stress chemicals pour into the bloodstream. The primitive brain structures don't distinguish whether
 | "Oh My God" Points |
the alarm was set off by something small like a broken shoe lace or a huge physical threat. With simple Energy Medicine techniques you can reprogram your nervous system to no longer set off the crisis response in the face of daily stresses. Holding your Neurovascular points returns blood to your forebrain and reconditions your response to stress. Try this simple technique the next time you are hit by stress, feel overwhelmed, or highly emotional: - Lightly place your fingertips on your forehead, covering the frontal eminences, the "Oh my God" points (p. 234).
- Put your thumbs on your temples next to your eyes, breathing deeply.
- Sink deeply into the emotion and stress as you hold the points for three to five minutes.
- As blood returns to your forebrain over the next few minutes you will begin to think more clearly.
It is that simple!