Frankie Waldo Perez's MindGym

Tip of the Week - The Art of Loving



While I am an unabashedly and unapologetic hopeful romantic, as a relationship counselor I am also very clear that what we often call love is simply not enough to sustain and heal most troubled relationships.  While the feeling of love is always the beginning and the constant emotion we search for in any relationship, to say that "All you need is love", unfortunately, is simply not true.  At least not the way most people understand it.  If, however, by "love" we mean not just the feeling but the intention, action, skill set, and choice of forgiveness, respect, kindness, compassion, emotional safety, and willingness to listen and communicate, then yes - all you need is Love.  Capital L, o, v, e.    


With love,




P.S. In case you missed them, here are the links to the last three newsletters: 

The Missing PeaceThe Juggling ActThe Healthy Boundary

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August 14, 2011                                                                                                                  Issue #39



There is nothing more powerful than love.  Love is the spiritual energy behind everything and everyone in our Universe.  It inspires us, unites us, and heals us.  It is the only force that allows us to get lost in a single caress, grounding us to the burning intensity of our physical senses, while simultaneously transporting our hearts to the gates of Heaven, raising our spirits to the Divine.


No other force in our Universe has inspired more poets and artists, or started more wars.  It is capable of polarizing extremes, from John Lennon's call for personal and planetary union in "All You Need is Love", to Pat Benatar's anthem "Love is a Battlefield".   I believe in love.   I believe that love is our authentic state of being, that love is our birthright, and that the main purpose of our lives is to increase and perfect our ability to love ourselves and one another.  Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, writes that love is our authentic self.  It is who we really are.  Another author, Leo Buscaglia, writes that the expression of love is a learned skill.  Both are correct.  While love is our authentic self, how we connect with love and express love, to ourselves and others, is a learned behavior that reflects acceptable or unacceptable expressions of love learned from our parents and caregivers.   
Whether it is the love of a mother for her child, Eros (romantic), Agape (brotherly), or divine love, the feeling of love is the energizing fuel of our lives.  It feels good to love.  It feels good to be loved.  It is at once intense, soft, passionate, and gentle.  In romantic relationships, the feeling of falling in love is the most powerful drug known to humankind.  We live for that feeling and we die for that feeling.  Yet, the feeling of love is not enough to sustain a relationship.  While the feeling of love is the beginning and basis for any relationship, there is a skill set of loving that must be present for love to thrive and flourish.  Ultimately what we feel only matters to us.  It is how we act towards the people we say we love that matters to them.



"Did that come from love?"  During one of her lectures, Marianne Williamson stated "The problem is not whether or not you were intending to hurt me.  The problem is whether or not you were intending to love me".  Chances are that if we have ever hurt or been hurt by someone, in that singular moment the focus and intention was not squarely placed in Love.  Love begins with the willingness and the intention to be loving; with the active thought and consciousness of making the expression of love our priority. 



Following the intention to love, is the choice of acting from love versus acting from fear, of choosing joining versus choosing separation.  In Gerald Jampolsky's book Change Your Mind, Change Your Life, he writes:

One of the most important questions

We can ask ourselves

Each second of every day is,

Will this thought,

Will these words,

Will this action,

Bring about joining

Or separation?


Imagine the difference that it would make if before each action, or reaction, we did stop and took the time to ask ourselves whether our intention is to be right or to be loving - what would we choose?



There is no neutrality in love.  Our actions are either contributing to or contaminating our relationships.  While the feeling of love fuels our hearts and passions, it is our actions, the expression of that love, which truly defines the quality of our lives and our relationships.  Loving is never passive.  It is conscious and active. It is in every look, movement, tone, caress, and interaction with the people in our lives whom we say we love.



There is a skill set to loving.  It is not enough to have the feelings of love, nor the intention, nor choice; we must learn how to be more loving.  Without the skill set of loving we are apt to hurt the people we love.  Learning how to love means having the willingness to treat the people we love with compassion, kindness, and respect, regardless of how upset we may be.  It is having the willingness to forgive, and to take responsibility for our part in any disagreement.  It means refusing to belittle, criticize, and hurt another, even when that is what our self-righteous indignation urges us to do.  The skill of loving means having the willingness to truly listen, to seek to understand, and the openness to communicate our most vulnerable thoughts and feelings.  It means adopting a zero-tolerance policy to any form of name calling.  Most of all, it means endeavoring to create a safe emotional environment where it is okay to be truly ourselves and make mistakes.  The skill of Love is in the little things we do and say each day to let the people in our lives know exactly how we feel and what they mean to us.



There is no greater art form than Love.  And like every form and expression of art, Love will never be completely mastered or perfected.  Therein lays the art of it, in our desire and willingness to grow every day in our ability to be more loving, to open our hearts to love, and to perfect our expression of love towards ourselves and others - this is our ultimate purpose.


May you grow every day in your ability to feel and express Love. 


After all, all you need is Love.  Capital L, o, v, e.



� Frankie Waldo Perez, MindGym, LLC

All you need is love


"What you feel only matters to you. It's what you do to the people you say you love, that's what matters. It's the only thing that counts."

 -The Last Kiss/2006



















"Most people think of love as a feeling, but love is not so much a feeling as a way of being present."


-David Richo




















"My friend, love is a verb. Love - the feeling - is a fruit of love the verb. So love her. Sacrifice. Listen to her. Empathize. Appreciate. Affirm her. Are you willing to do that?"

- Stephen Covey

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Frankie Waldo P�rez, LMFT, is the founder of MindGym, LLC, a psycho-educational service offering counseling and/or coaching to individuals, couples, and groups.

He is a writer, psychotherapist and Franklin Covey Certified Personal Life Coach. His approach is ecclectic, blending cinematherapy, psycho-spiritual, cognitive, Imago, and Emotionally Focused approaches.

He also presents workshops on Couples Communication, Dating, Mindfulness Meditation & Soul-Centered Psychotherapy, Sports Related Communication Excellence, and Peak Performance using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Time Line Therapy

He may be reached by phone at:  (214) 289-7995
Frankie Waldo Perez, LMFT

�  MindGym, LLC; 2011